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The 14 management principals by henry Fayol.
division of labour or work.

1) Balancing authority and responsibility.

2) Discipline (observing rules and regulations in work
3) Unity of command (receive order from only one
4) Esprit de corps-unity is strength ( TEAM WORK)
4)Unity of direction (departments to have one
objective which answers to the organizational goal)
5)Subordination of individual interests to that of
the organization (prioritize organizational interests)
6)Remuneration (establish fair and equitable wages)
7)Centralization-establish the degree to which the
workers are involved in decision making (vertical or
horizontal chains of command)
8)Scalar chain- (hierarchy of management from top
to the bottom)
9)Order-specific place for every employee, material,
machines and having the right qualified person at the
right place)
10)Equity-practice kindness and fairness
11)Stability of tenure- employees should feel that
their job is secure
12)Initiative-the workers should be encouraged to be
initiative to improve on team work

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