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ack Carford
Chaz owell
W @he release daLe of Lhe fllm was march 12
W Creen zone was adverLlsed by magazlnes lnLerneL adverLlslng and radlo
Lo geL Lhe maxlmum vlewlngs ln Lhe clnemas
W @I lnLerneL adverLs posLers blllboards and Lhe offlclal webpage
W @he flrsL promo Lraller feaLures gllmpses of MaLL uamon as Chlef
WarranL Cfflcer 8oy Mlller Creg klnnear as ClA offlcer Clark ound sLone
and Amy 8yan as @he Wall SLreeL !ournals forelgn correspondenL Lawrle
uayne Also plcLures were gradually produced
W AlLhough Lhey had a budgeL of $40 mllllon for Lhe markeLlng Creen zone
only used slmple markeLlng Lechnlques whlch you would expecL from
each fllm noLhlng really [umped ouL Lhls ls one of Lhe reasons why
Creen Zone has falled Lo be a box offlce hlL
W @here was premlers and a loL of ?ou@ube lnLervlews wlLh maLL damon
abouL Lhe sLunLs and speclal effecLs @hls helped galn a wlder audlence
W @he ldea of Lhls fllm came from Lhe dlrecLor of all Lhe 8ourne fllms aul
W Pe declded LhaL afLer flnlshlng @he 8ourne ulLlmaLum ln 2007 he wanLed
Lo adapL hls ldea a llLLle more and was lnsplred by a book called lmperlal
Llfe ln Lhe Lmerald ClLy (8a[lv Chandrasekaran) whlch spoke abouL Lhe
'Creen Zone'
W AfLer havlng Lhe lead acLor as MaLL uamon ln all Lhe 8ourne fllms he
declded Lo use hlm as Lhe lead ln Creen Zone as well afLer all Lhe 8ourne
fllms dld so well
W @he fllmlng of Creen Zone sLarL ln !anuary 2008 aL an alr base ln Spaln
Lhen moved Lo Morocco before flnlshlng ln Lhe uk ln uecember 2008
W @hls was very ouL of Lhe ordlnary for Worklng @lLle sLudlos noL a
Lyplcal worklng LlLle fllm as mosL people expecL your normal romanLlc
comedy wlLh 8rlLlsh acLors and low budgeLs
W Creen Zone however was a very hlgh budgeLed ($100000000)
Lhrlller/acLlon movle wlLh malnly Amerlcan acLors
W @he uIu Creen zone was released for a week and was sold Lo 263882
whlch was a huge $30862
W Creen Zone was only shown LhroughouL Lhe uk and Lhe uSA ln 00
screens ln Lhe uSA and only 419 ln Lhe uk
W AfLer havlng a very hlgh budgeL of $100000000 lL made an average
amounL on lL openlng weekend of $1409293 ln Lhe uSA and 208768
ln Lhe uk whlch made lL become Lhe Lhlrd mosL popular fllm ln Lhe uk
W AfLer slx weeks of belng released Lhe fllm had sLlll only Look ln
3024473 ln Lhe uSA whlch ls clear Lo see ls a masslve flop and had
also only made $94882349 worldwlde
W Cpenlng weekend made
$1409293 uSA 14 March 2010 00 Screens
208768 uk 14 March 2010 419 Screens
W ln Lhe uSA Creen Zone galned nearly 7mllllon more LhaL Lhe
W @hls was probably because of Lhe amounL of clnemas lL was
shown aL compared Lo Lhe uk

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