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kumar Manga|am 8|r|a (Plndl ) was born ln aL 14

!une 1967 aL !eddah ln Saudl Arabla
Son of LaLe Mr AdlLya vlkram 8lrla Lhe founder of AdlLya 8lrla Croup
Crandson of LaLe Mr Chanshyamdas 8lrla a close assoclaLe of MahaLma Candhl
8roughL up ln CalcuLLa(kolkaLLa) and Mumbal
CompleLed hls 8Com from Sydenham College ln Mumbal
CompleLed hls M8A aL Lhe age of 22 from London 8uslness School
Marrled Lo neer[a and laLher of 3 Chlldren
Ananyashree Aryaman vlkram and AdvalLesha
9rsona| facts 9rsona| facts
Pe ls Lhe presenL Chalrman of AdlLya 8lrla Croup
1ook over as Lhe Chalrman of Lhe group ln 1993 afLer hls faLher's deaLh
Pas been lnvolved ln Lhe buslness slnce Lhe young age of 13 years
1he group Lurnover was 13000 Cr when kumar Mangalam 8lrla Look over
Pas Lransformed Lhe group lnLo a 34000 Cr buslness slnce 1993
SelecLed as 8uslness Leader of Lhe year by Lconomlc Llmes ln 2003
SelecLed as LrnsL young LnLrepreneur of Lhe year ln 2003
1he AdlLya 8lrla Croup ls Lhe 3
largesL 8uslness Croup ln lndla
lL conslsLs of 16 companles and [olnL venLures ln lndla and 22 separaLe lnLernaLlonal
companles mosLly SouLheasL Asla
Some of Lhe Ma[or Companles under 1he Croup are
ulLraLech CemenL
AdlLya 8lrla nuvo
ldea Cellular
MarkeL caplLallzaLlon of ln8 30000 Crores (300 8llllon)

Wlen Kumai Mangalam Biila assumed ile manile ai ile

Adiiya Biila Gioup. Doubis weie iaised aboui lis abiliiy
Bui Kumai Mangalam pioved ilis scepiics wiong.
He biougli in iadical clanges, clanged business siiaiegies,
piofessionalised ile eniiie gioup and ieplaced inieinal sysiems.
Undei Kumai Mangalam Biila's leadeislip, ile Adiiya Biila
Gioup, apaii fiom consolidaiing iis posiiion in exisiing
businesses, also veniuied inio suniise seciois lile cellulai
ieleplony, assei managemeni, sofiwaie and BPO.
Inc .ov. vc. vvninivn oin .onvn,
+ov cvvc in .i..o.c .vc {ic
Onc o{ nc ic. ovv.c. o{ inv, vvninivn in /.iv .oc .onvn, in /.iv
Inc /vi,v iv ov i. nc 11n vc. .cncn ovv.c in
nc .ov vnv nc .c.cnn vc. in /.iv
Iovn vc. ovv.c o{ .von v.[ in nc .ov
Iovn vc. ovv.c o{ in.vvo. in nc .ov
Diiecioi of ile Ceniial Boaid of Diieciois of ile Reseive Banl of India
(fiom : }une :oo)
Claiiman of ile Siaff Sub-Commiiiee of ile Ceniial Boaid of ile
Reseive Banl of India
Claiiman of ile Advisoiy Commiiiee foimed by ile Minisiiy of
Company Affaiis (foi :oo and :oo)
Membei of ile Piime Minisiei of India's Advisoiy Council on Tiade and
Claiiman of ile Boaid of Tiade
Membei of ile Oiganising Commiiiee foi Commonwealil Games, Delli
AtY lP0RTAtT P0SlTl0tS 0t vARl0&S
0AR0S 0F lt0lA, tAFlY
/{c c.onin nc o{ 1I Tivni +ni.c.i, ,nc {onvvcv
^i..ion 2012 vnv (i.ion 2020 {o nv[in 1I onc o{ nc .ov. o
vni.c.iic.. 1i. {i. c.c .i.i o{ v 1I .vnv. .v. o{ ov .vnv. {o
nc vvn.nin o{ 1nviv. 1. 1nno.vion {c.Q+/)) 2010.Q+/)) i.
onc o{ 1nviv. o c.nni.v {c.i.v ncv c.c, ,cv {o .ni.n .occ. v
o.c 1nviv .onc {o. v..ovvc. nv.c ccn .no.ccv on ^. iv .v.n v.
1) 200:
nc /.iv Tv.i{i. ov 1) 1_.ccn.c - 1_cnv, cvvc /.vv
)II(. 'ov 1nvivn cvvc o{ nc ,cv
'^o. o.iv, )c.on.ic cvvc" , Ovoo[ ^vv:inc
1) 200:
1vic, nc v[.nniv innvniv - 11^, v.[no. )vionv
/.vv cvvc, .v. .on{ccv on ^. iv , nc Tinc ^ini.c.
I.i (1onoi. (vv.v) vccc , vnvv. 1invv +ni.c.i, .
AwAR0S 6lvFt T0 Hl
1ltles coofetteJ to blm
^. iv v.o nv. ccn nvncv , nc +ov 1.ononi. Iovn.
'ovn ov cvvc',
'1n. ovn 1nccncv o{ nc ,cv' ,nc 1.ononi.
' cvvc o{ nc ,cv", 1nviv. '
' ^vn o{ nc ,cv", Iovv,.
'ovn vc Tc{onc in nc (1O (vco,",
)1I11. ' (i.ionv,", v
nc onv, ^vnvcncn /..o.ivion. '^vnvcncn ^vn o{
nc ,cv".
Strategic Decisions by KM Birla ...
AlAtCF lt P0RTF0ll0
&RFllA RAt0lt6
FR6FR & AC0&lSlTl0t
en Birla joined te company, e
worked wit
managers wo were nearly trice is
age. Seniority
determined ierarcy, rater tan
merit. Birla spent quite
a lot of time to cange tis. He put up
management systems, reviewed
Emphasis on meritocracy
Balance in poiifolio
TIc lirla was mainly conccrncd wiiI iIc manufaciuring
lusincss lui iIcy did noi wani io lc callcd as only assci
inicnsivc indusiry raiIcr ii wanicd io divcrsify raiIcr iIan
io lc rcsiricicd io only onc lind of roduci.
TIcy wanicd io cnicr iIc lcss assci inicnsivc lusincss.
TIcy wanicd io dcal wiiI scrvivc and IT sccior
mbreiia braudiu strate
An umbrella brand ls a parenL brand LhaL appears on a
number of producLs LhaL may each have separaLe brand
lmages and covers dlverse klnds of producLs whlch are more
or less relaLed lL applles also Lo any company LhaL ls
ldenLlfled only by lLs brand and hlsLory
1he ldea ls Lo move lnLo Lwo or Lhree naLlonal brands
say for normal ordlnary porLland cemenL anoLher for slag
cemenL anoLher for speclallLy cemenL
Merger and acquisitions
t is wrong to say tat Birla group ave stopped
organically and tey are only looking at M&As. Given
fact tat tey are in so many different industries, te
landscape in eac industry is very different. n some
cases, tere are opportunities to grow troug
acquisitions. And tat we've done in te past two years.
But in some oter industries it may not be possible. So
tey are not wedded to any one option. e're looking
creating te best balance for us and for our

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