Sample Size Decision

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W A flnlLe subseL of Lhe populaLlon selecLed for

sLaLlsLlcal lnvesLlgaLlon
W Cr an enLlLy LhaL ls represenLaLlve of a class
W valldlLy of sample depends up on Lwo

W n sampllng analysls Lhe mosL Llckllsh
quesLlon ls whaL should be Lhe slze of Lhe
sample or how large or small should be 'n'? f
Lhe sample slze 'n' ls Loo small lL may noL
serve Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves and lf lL ls Loo
large we may lncur huge cosL and wasLe
esearcher musL keep ln vlew
W naLure of unlverse
W number of classes proposed
W naLure of sLudy
W 1ype of sampllng
W Landard of accuracy and accepLable
confldence level
W AvallablllLy of flnance
W CLher conslderaLlons
MeLhods Cf ueLermlnlng ample lze
W everal meLhods are avallable for deLermlnlng
sample slze
4 ased on preclslon raLe and confldence level
4 uses ayeslan sLaLlsLlcs
reclslon level Confldence lnLerval
W reclslon level
4 Jhen esLlmaLlng a populaLlon parameLer by uslng
a sample sLaLlsLlc Lhe preclslon level ls deslred
slze of esLlmaLlng lnLerval
W Confldence lnLerval
4 L ls Lhe range lnLo whlch Lhe Lrue populaLlon
parameLer wlll fall assumlng a glven level of
W Confldence level
4 a percenLage or declmal value LhaL Lells how
confldenL a researcher can be abouL belng correcL
LaLlsLlcal Lerms used
W 1he mean 1he mean ls slmply Lhe arlLhmeLlc
W 1he medlan Lhe medlan ls Lhe mldpolnL of Lhe
W 1he mode Lhe mode ls Lhe value LhaL occurs
mosL ofLen
W Landard devlaLlon
A quanLlLaLlve lndex of a dlsLrlbuLlon's spread or
varlablllLy Lhe square rooL of varlance
W varlance
A measure of varlablllLy or dlsperslon 1he square
rooL of Lhe sLandard devlaLlon
W 1he normal dlsLrlbuLlon
A symmeLrlcal bell shaped dlsLrlbuLlon LhaL
descrlbes Lhe expecLed probablllLy of many
chance occurrences
W Landard devlaLlon
W Confldence lnLerval
W Confldence level
Samp|e S|ze When Lst|mat|ng a Mean
%L ls under flnlLe populaLlon)
Jhere n ls Lhe sample slze z ls Lhe Lable value
for a glven confldence llmlL r ls Lhe u of Lhe
populaLlon e ls Lhe dlfference beLween
sample mean and populaLlon mean n ls Lhe
populaLlon slze
W Jhen populaLlon s lnflnlLe
1he formula wlll be
n slze of sample
L accepLable error
r sLandard devlaLlon of populaLlon
z sLandard varlance aL a glven confldence level
When Lst|mat|ng a ercentage
W Jhlle esLlmaLlng populaLlon proporLlon
populaLlon belng flnlLe
W lormula n
W Jhlle esLlmaLlng populaLlon proporLlon
populaLlon belng lnflnlLe
W lormula n

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