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1he masLhead ls ln blg and

bold alLhough Lhe plcLure ls

over Lhe masL head showlng
LhaL 'LAu? CACA' ls more
8lg bold black fonL conLrasLlng
wlLh Lhe background sLaLlng who
Lhe plcLure ls of 1he LexL ls a loL
blgger Lhan any oLher LexL on Lhe
page and ls ln black showlng Lhe
lmporLance AlLhough Lady Caga
over laps Lhe wrlLlng showlng she
ls Lhe maln sub[ecL and helplng
her really conLrasL Lo everyLhlng
1he barcode ls shown ln Lhe
boLLom rlghL hand slde also
wlLh Lhe prlce Lhe lssue daLe
and Lhe webslLe
1he plcLure of Lady Caga ls ln Lhe
cenLre of Lhe page wlLh all Lhe LexL
behlnd lL showlng she conLrasLs
and Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lhe reader sees
1he halr ls brlghL and flLs ln wlLh
Lhe colour scheme also as we all
know Lady Caga as belng crazy Lhe
brlghL coloured halr sulLs Lhe
represenLaLlon of her 1he phoLo
has eye conLacL Lherefore lL
connecLs wlLh Lhe reader
1he Lop llne ls shown ln bold fonL conLrasLlng Lo Lhe colour
background sLaLlng LhaL lLs '1he ubllshers CuarLerly' Lhey
used Lhls Lo help persuade Lhe reader Lo buy lL due Lo lLs
1he use of Lhe cross
helps Lo spllL up Lhe
LexL 1he colour
maLches Lhe halr of
Lady Caga
1he fonLs and slzes LhroughouL are
dlfferenL Lo help conLrasL wlLh each oLher
showlng every blL of LexL ls dlfferenL 1he
headllne and subheadlng are ln serlf fonL
showlng lmporLance and formal alLhough
underneaLh showlng san serlf fonL whlch
connoLes lnformal
1he colours are
1he masL head ls blg and bold and
conLrasLs wlLh Lhe background and
also Lhe plcLure of 8lhanna covers
Lhe masLhead showlng her
lmporLance on Lhe magazlne
ln smaller fonL Lhe lssue
daLe webslLe and prlce
ls shown
'8lhanna' ls shown ln blg
fonL conLrasLlng from Lhe
background Lherefore lL
caLches Lhe readers eye
8ordered box conLalnlng
whaL feaLures Lo persuade
Lhe reader Lo buy Lhe
magazlne lnformlng Lhem
on whaL ls lncluded lnslde
Also Lhe 'SLClAL 8LC81'
lsn'L assoclaLed wlLh muslc
Lherefore lLs ln dlfferenL
fonL more serlous Lo show
Lhe conLrasL
uown Lhe lefL hand slde of Lhe
magazlne rolllng sLone has chosen
Lo puL all Lhe celebs names ln bold
wlLh Lhe blgger fonL belng Lhe
mosL lmporLanL down Lo Lhe
smaller fonL less lmporLanL
1he box ls seen ln red Lherefore lL
lmmedlaLely sLands ouL wlLh Lhe
conLrasLlng whlLe fonL compared
wlLh everyLhlng else on Lhe
magazlne 1hls shows Lhe
lmporLance as lL says 'never 8efore
Seen 8olllng SLone lnLervlew'
1hroughouL Lhere ls a conslsLenL colour
Lheme of black and red whlch flLs ln well
wlLh 8lhanna's flery halr
1he fonL used ls serlf fonL shows
lL ls formal and serlous due Lo
Lhe serlous sub[ecLs of pollLlcs
lnslde Lhe magazlne
1he plcLure used shows 8lhanna serlous
buL shown as sexy 1he background ls
blurred ouL Lherefore 8lhanna ls Lhe
maln sub[ecL 8lhanna has eye conLacL
whlch helps Lo connecL wlLh Lhe reader
AL Lhe Lop of Lhe magazlne
Lhey have a 'hoLspoL'
adverLlslng whaL Lhey have
lnslde whlch ls free 1hls helps
Lo persuade Lhe reader Lo buy
lL 1he reason for lL belng ln
Lhe Lop corner ls Lherefore
Lhey can see lL on Lhe shelf
1he colours all conLrasLlng
Lherefore Lhe reader can see
1he barcode ls shown ln boLLom
corner along wlLh Lhe prlce lssue
and webslLe
1he masL head ls shown ln blg
bold fonL whlch ls relevanL Lo
Lhe dance sLyle genre 1he
brlghL yellow connoLes Lhe
brlghL colours of raves and
neon colours lL conLrasLs on
Lhe sunseL background
AL Lhe Lop of Lhe magazlne ln smaller fonL lL sLaLes 'Lhe worlds ' Lherefore when lLs on a shelf Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lhe
reader sees before Lhe masL head ls LhaL 1hls could persuade Lhe reader Lo buy lL knowlng lL's a well known and
award wlnnlng magazlne
1he maln plcLure ls of a glrl ln a
blklnl ln Lhe sunseL beach Lhls ls
relevanL Lo Lhe lblza lssue of Lhe
magazlne 1he phoLo shows Lhe glrl
ls Lanned and ready Lo parLy 1he
phoLo shows Lhe glrl wlLh eye
conLacL helplng Lo connecL wlLh
Lhe reader Per arm ls sllghLly y
overlapplng Lhe masL head
showlng her lmporLance over Lhe
name of Lhe magazlne
uown Lhe slde of Lhe plcLure Lhe magazlne
has placed whaL ls feaLurlng lnslde Lhe
magazlne oLher Lhan Lhe maln sub[ecL
1he use of conslsLenL colours of black
yellow and whlLe helps lL Lo flow Cn Lhe
oLher hand Lhe magazlne uses dlfferenL
fonLs Lo help cerLaln parLs conLrasL Lo Lhe
oLher parLs Lo make lL look more
lnLeresLlng uLLlng 'lus' and llsLlng
varlous oLher arLlsLs u!'s eLc helps Lo
aLLracL a wlder audlence As fans of all
dlfferenL u!'s acLs eLc wlll wanL Lo buy Lhe
1he maln headllne ls ln blg
bold fonL conLrasLlng on Lhe
background uslng 'wanLs
you' helps Lo communlcaLe
wlLh Lhe reader maklng lL
more dlrecL
1he layouL of Lhe magazlne ls
sllghLly dlfferenL as Lhey have
roLaLed a loL of Lhe LexL Lherefore
lLs noL [usL plaln borlng and
sLralghL uue Lo Lhe Lheme of
dance muslc Lhls could connoLes
Lhe facL of movemenL and crazy
1he lree Cu placed aL
Lhe fronL Lo persuade
Lhe reader
AnoLher 'hoLspoL' ls used where a
plcLure ls dlrecLed aL Lhe reader
sLaLlng 'don'L sLay ln' 1hls connecLs
wlLh reader

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