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Monitoring, Control and

Monitoring and Control System
A system for controlling the operation of another
Control systems are essential in:
Ensuring that procedures are followed
Performance measures are achieved
Event Manager: delegate and monitor
ntervene only if things are not going according to plan
Preventative controls & Feedback controls
Preventative Controls
Established early in the planning process
Control quality of food before event
Checklist for cleaning team
Signed contracts
Actions taken to keep away undesirable events
from occurring
Feedback Controls
Are put in place to assist with desicions during
an event
Event specific merchandise should be discounted in
the end of event to avoid having stock left over
f similar accidents have happened, preventive
measures should be implemented
f something has happened in the past,
preventive measures need to be implemented
Priority or High-Risk Procedures
f procedure involves high risk fixed,
detailed plan
Training should be held
nformation easy to access
Example: emergency evacuation
Event Manager should focus on main
purpose of event and delegate some
Staff should be able to make desicions on
the spot when minor incidents happen
Staff should know about purpose of the
event and desired outcome of situations
Problem solving quick decisions
Customer Satisfaction
Customers can try to test your control
Enter areas wihout permission
Buy alcohol for underage drinkers or bring
alcohol to non-alcohol event
Change seating to better area
Cross crowd control barriers
Customer safety always comes before
customer satisfaction
Controlling Finances
Limit nr of people who can make
Limit the amount of money they can spend
All expenditures are accounted and
ntroduce budget to your workers
Check stock levels
Process of measuring the success of an
event against its objectives.
Allows to learn from experience and to
improve operations.
nformation for future planning of events
Event objectives are the guidelines of
Ask evaluation also from your team
Evaluation Methods
Personal interviews
Group interview
Survey Questions
How did you find out about this event?
Why did you decide to come to the event?
id you come to the event alone or with
other people?
How did this event meet your
Was the public transport/parking
Survey Questions
Were the food and beverages adequate?
Were the seating, sound and vision
Would you attend this event again?
Would you recommend this event to
How could the event be improved?

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