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SLarbucks 4 ln 1

MarkeLlng plan
W WhaL ls SLarbucks 4 ln 1?
W Why should we produce a new
producL enLlLled ''SLarbucks 4 ln
W WhaL ls Lhe feaslblllLy LhaL
SLarbucks 4 ln 1 would sell?
W WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL markeLlng
sLraLegles LhaL are lmpelenLed Lo
promoLe Lhe producL?
ecuLlve summary
(abouL sLarbucks)
W SLarbucks ls one of Lhe leadlng coffee shops ln
Lhe hlllpplnes
W WlLh over (number) branches ln Lhe
W Serves coffee Lea and sweeLs LhaL caLers Lhe
needs of
WhaL ls Lhe currenL slLuaLlon
W Company? (SWC1 1CWS l--CS)
W nvlronmenL (macro)
WhaL ls SLarbucks 4 ln 1?
W u1u Cu1 1P 8CuuC1
WhaL ls SLarbucks 4 ln 1?
Why should we produce
SLarbucks 4 ln 1?
W (CurrenL markeL share of Lhe brand Lo lLs
W ( currenL markeL share of Lhe lndusLry LhaL Lhe
company wanLed Lo enLer)
Why should we produce
SLarbucks 4 ln 1?
WhaL ls/are Lhe Cb[ecLlves of
Lhe new roducL?
W Cb[ecLlves
WhaL ls/are Lhe Cb[ecLlves of
Lhe new roducL?
WhaL ls Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe
producL Lo sell?
W llnanclals
W Survey resulLs eLc
WhaL ls Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe
producL Lo sell?
WhaL are Lhe sLraLegles
W SLraLegles
WhaL are Lhe LacLlcs
W cLlon plans
W summary

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