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OI Mdn
Lecture in Bioethics
d dre dbs2
WRou|incs ol bchavior |ha| arc
rcpca|cd rcularlv and |cnd
|o occur subconsciouslv.
WHabi|s arc somc|imcs
W Habi|ual bchavior ol|cn ocs
unno|iccd sincc an individual docs
no| o on scll analvsis in
undcr|akin rou|inc |asks.
W n cx|rcmclv simplc lorm
ol lcarnin.
W Oranisms, al|cr a pcriod
ol cxposurc |o a s|imulus,
s|ops rcspondin |o |ha|
s|imulus in varicd
W sccond s|imulus is prcscn|cd in
unison wi|h a primarv s|imulus.
W mav bricllv incrcasc habi|ua|cd
rcsponsc |oward |hc primarv
s|imulus un|il an
oranism dis|inuishcs, or
discrimina|cs |hc dillcrcnccs
bc|wccn |wo dillcrcn| s|imuli.
hich is which and where does
habit set in?
ermden eI Hdbs
W Habi| lorma|ion is |hc
proccss bv which a
bchavior bccomcs
W s bchaviors arc rcpca|cd
in a consis|cn| con|cx|,
|hcrc is an incrcmcn|al
incrcasc in |hc link
bc|wccn |hc con|cx| and
|hc ac|ion. This incrcascs
|hc au|oma|ici|v ol |hc
bchavior in |ha| con|cx|.
ca|urcs ol an au|oma|ic
bchavior arc all or
somc ol: cllicicncv,
lack ol awarcncss,
Hdbs dnd GedIs
Thc habi|-oal in|crlacc
is cons|raincd bv |hc
par|icular manncr in
which habi|s arc
lcarncd and
rcprcscn|cd in
%5es of Habits
A. ad Habit
B. Good Habit
hat is a bad habit?
A bad habit is a
negative behavior
5attern. Common
incude: 5rocrastinatio
n, fidgeting, overs5en
ding, naibiting.
n 5schoog, p7oc7astination
refers to the act of re5acing
high5riorit actions with tasks of
ow5riorit, and thus 5utting off
im5ortant tasks to a ater time.
Some 5schoogists cite
such behavior as a mechanism
for co5ing with
the anxiet associated with
starting or com5eting an task or
Student sndrome
Student sndrome
refers to the
5henomenon where a
student wi on begin
to fu a55
themseves to a task
immediate before a
ost notab the conce5t
that a 5erson's shortterm
memor fades over time,
and thus studing at the
ast 5ossibe moment
(cramming) wi aow
more to be remembered
during the exam, even
though cramming
damages ongterm
retention and is
significant inferior to
a s5aced 5resentation
idgeting is the act of
moving about restess.
idgeting ma be a resut
of nervousness, agitation,
boredom or a
combination of these. t
ma be a resut of genes.
t is often an unconscious
act. t ma invove 5aing
with one's fingers, hair, or
items of cothing.
;e7spending is s5ending
more mone than one
can afford. t is a common
5robem when
eas credit is avaiabe.
%his can aso be caed
'investing' in the 5ubic
sector when infrastructure
5aments exceed actua
cacuated cost.
aiI biting
nychophagia or naiI
biting is a common
ora com5usive habit
in chidren and aduts.
iII and intention
Can the habit be cont7oIIed?
A ke factor in
distinguishing a bad
habit from
an addiction or menta
disease is the
eement of wi5ower.
f a 5erson sti seems
to have contro over
the behavior then it is
just a habit
Iiminating bad habits
According to author Bi
Borcherdt, the best
time to correct a bad
habit is immediate,
before it becomes
estabished. So, bad
habits are best
5revented from
deveo5ing in
Withdrawal of
and removing the factors
which trigger the habit
and encourage its
5ersistence. %he basa
gangia a55ears to
remember the context
that triggers a habit,
meaning the can be
revived if triggers
hat is a Good Habit?
W$omc|hin which is in con|ras| wi|h a Bad
W posi|ivc bchavior ac|cd upon bv man.
#estoring the character of ethic
Habits of
High Effective
B: Ste5hen #. Cove
Hdb 1: Be Predcve
WTakc rcsponsibili|v lor vour
WIsc rcsourcclulncss and
ini|ia|ivc |o work lor pcrsonal
WVorkin wi|h vour circlc ol
inllucncc is produc|ivc and
|hc morc cllcc|ivc i|
Hdb 1: Be Predcve
WBcin proac|ivc mcans
havin |hc lrccdom |o
choosc and incrcasin
onc`s inllucncc
WVhcn a pcrson is
proac|ivc, hc chooscs how
|o rcspond |o a si|ua|ion
ins|cad ol au|oma|icallv
racc|in |o |hcm.
Hdb 2: Begn w e
End n Mnd
To Livc wi|h a Purposc and a
Wuidc vourscll wi|h sc|s ol
s|andards or principlcs
which could brin succcss
and dcvclopmcn|.
Hdb 3: P rs Tngs
WHclps vou idcn|ilv
impor|an| and climina|c
unimpor|an| ac|ivi|v
which robs vou ol |imc.
Wocus morc on pcrsonal
and prolcssional lilc
ra|hcr |han pc||v |alks.
Hdb 3: P rs Tngs
!Ian weekIy:
WRcvisc mission and rolcs.
WChoosc bi rocks (rcsponsibili|icsi
Hdb 4: Tnk n-n
%o Buid inin #eationshi5s
WHabi| ol manual bcncli|.
Wsscsss mindsc|
WIdcn|ilv mu|ual bcncli|s
Hdb 4: Tnk n-n
WPublic vic|orv bcins whcn vou coopcra|c so
cvcrvonc wins.
WThis habi| is bascd on |hc principlc |ha| cllcc|ivc,
lon |crm rcla|ionships rcquirc coopcra|ion bv
scckin mu|ual bcncli| - solu|ions allowin
cvcrvonc |o succccd.
Hdb B: Seek Irs e
Ondersdnd, Ten, e be
WIsc ol Lmpa|hc|ic
WIdcn|ilicd |o bc |hc Habi|
Mu|ual Indcrs|andin.
Hdb B: Seek Irs e
Ondersdnd, Ten, e be
W Bascd on |hc principlc |ha| a dianosis mus| bc
ivcn bclorc a prcscrip|ion.
WIndcrs|andin comcs |hrouh lis|cnin.
WBv scckin |o undcrs|ands a pcrsons bchavior lirs|
ra|hcr |han cxprcssin vour vicws, vou bccomc a
pcrson whom o|hcrs |rus|.
Hdb G: Sgnergze
%o wo7k with othe7s and to
c7eate bette7 soIutions
WThc habi| ol Crca|ivc
WValuc dillcrcnccs
Hdb G: Sgnergze
WIs whcn |wo or morc pcoplc producc morc
|oc|hcr |han |hc sum |hcv could individuallv comc
up wi|h.
WOccurs bv valuin dillrcnccs, coopcra|in
crca|ivclv, brains|ormin op|ions and al|crna|ivcs.
Hdb G: Sgnergze
Choose the high way
Peo5e who have the attitude of snerg
" t's not our wa nor m wa, but a better
wa a higher wa.
Hdb V: Sdrpen e Sdw
%o achie;e wo7k/Iife and baIance
WThc habi| ol rcncwal.
WRcncw all lour dimcnsions
WOvcrcomc obs|aclcs
Hdb V: Sdrpen e Sdw
WBascd on |hc principlc |ha| |akin |imc ou| |o
nur|urc vour bodv, mind, hcar| and soul, vou
bccomc morc cllcc|ivc in cvcrv arca ol vour lilc.
In |his wav, vou can |akc carc ol |hc mos| impor|an|
aspcc|. YOI.
Hdb V: Sdrpen e Sdw
$cheduIe time fo7 7enewaI
W Rcncwal is a il| vou ivc |o vourscll, no| an
imposi|ion. Il vou wan| |o livc a quali|v lilc and
achicvc work/lilc balancc, vou havc |o locus on
vour hihcs| priori|ics and cxccu|c accordin |o
vour |op plans.

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