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Presenter : @ Amizan Ab Manaf

Microorganisms and their Effects on Living Things

Classifications Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Viruses Algae

Growth factors Nutrient Benefits pH value Light intensity Temperature Humidity


Harmful effects

Food digestion in animals Decaying process Medical development Agriculture

Sandera 2011





Tuberculosis Dengue fever Malaria Hepatitis A Ringworms

Controlling the vectors Sterilisation Immunisation

Antibiotic Antiserum Synthetic medicine Radiotherapy

Learning objective: 1.1 Understanding the classification of microorganisms Learning outcomes: (a) List the characteristics of various types of microorganisms (b) Classify microorganisms into bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae. (c) Describe the characteristics of each group of microorganisms

1.1 classification of microorganisms 1 Microorganisms are tiny living things that are invisible to be seen by the naked eye. 2 The study of microorganisms is known as microbiology. Microorganisms are also known as microbes. Microorganisms can only be seen microscope

1.1 classification of microorganisms Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632 1723)'s discovery of microorganisms in 1675, in Holland, using a microscope of his own design.

1.1 classification of microorganisms

3 Microorganisms are divided into five main groups based on their characteristics, namely (a)Bacteria The classification are based (b)Fungi on their (c) Protozoa (a) Size (b) Shape (bentuk) (d)Viruses (c) Methods of reproduction (e)Algae (d) Nutrition
(e) Habitat

Make up the largest number among the five groups of microorganisms Unicellular (singled-cell) organisms Very small in size (0.2 - 10 mm) Shape :- can be classified into 4 groups based on their shapes: (a) Cocci spherical (coccus) (b) Bacilli - rod-shaped (bacillus) (c) Spirilla - spiral-shaped (spirillum) (d) Vibrios - comma-shaped (vibrio) Some bacteria have fine, long structures called flagella to help them move


Vibrio (comma)



Spirillum Vibrio

Nutrition:- parasitic (feed on living organisms) or saprophytic (feed on dead organisms) Methods of reproduction:- asexually by binary fission (belahan dedua) or sexually by conjugation

Habitat:- Can be found anywhere (damp habitat, air, water, soil, plants, animals & human beings) Special characteristic:- will form a spore in unsuitable environment (extreme temperature, drought or scarcity of food)

y Viruses are non-living things coz they do not carry out life processes activity such as respiration, digestion or excretion (criteria for living things). They do not have nucleus, cell membrane or cytoplasm y Smallest microorganisms y Can only be seen through electron microscope y Size:- 0.02 - 0.4 Qm 1 Qm = 1/1000 mm

Viruses y Shape :- have various shapes, such as spherical, rectangular, rod-shaped or tadpole- shaped or indefinite shapes

Polio virus

Bacteriophage T4 virus

HIV virus

Influenza/Flu virus

Viruses y Nutrition:- Live as parasite (parasitic) y Methods of reproduction:- can only reproduce within a living cell. Reproduces themselves in the host cells & multiply very quickly

Viruses y Habitat:- can only live in living cells (host) such as bacteria, animals, plants or human beings y Special characteristic:- will form crystals (hablur) when they are out of living cells

Fungi y Similar to plant but do not have chlorophyll, roots, stems or leaves y Unicellular or multicellular organisms y Various sizes (10 - 100 mm) y Shape :- have a variety of shapes. Some are like a ball, have long filament (hyphae) and some are oval-shaped



Fungi yNutrition:- parasitic (tinea) and saprophytic (mucor) y Methods of reproduction:- asexually by spore formation (pembentukkan spora) or budding (pertunasan) & Bud (Tunas) sexually by conjugation Budding


Fungi Spore formation


Mucor (Kulapuk)

y Habitat:- damp & dark habitats

Protozoa y Largest unicellular microorganisms y Size:- 5 - 250 mm y Shape :- have various shapes, such as oval & round. Some with indefinite shapes E.g. :- Amoeba (not fixed shape) Paramecium ( shoe sole @ slipper)



Protozoa y Some of them move by pseudopodia, flagella or cillia y Nutrition:- parasitic (plasmodium) and saprophytic (amoeba & paramecium ) Methods of reproduction:- asexually by binary fission spore formation or budding & sexually by conjugation




Protozoa y Habitat:Can be found in damp places such as soil & bark of tree, fresh water (amoeba @ paramecium), body fluid of living things (plasmodium)

Algae y Algae are simple plants with chlorophyll but do not have roots, stems or leaves y Unicellular or multicellular aquatic plants y Various sizes, range from very small to very big in size (1 - 100 000 mm)



Algae y Shape :- have a variety of shapes. Some are rounds (pleurococcus @ chlmydomonas) for unicellular, filamentous (spirogyra), ribbon-like or plate-like shapes for multicellular



Algae y Shape Nutrition:- autotrophic (carry out photosynthesis) / autotrophs y Methods of reproduction:- asexually by binary fission, fragmentation or spore formation & sexually by conjugation

Algae y Habitat:- can be found in damp areas that receive sunlight such as soil & fresh water, salt water, damp soil or on the damp bark trees y Special characteristic:- have chloroplast (can produce their own food)

1.1 classification of microorganisms

Bacteria (a)Fungi (b)Protozoa (d)Viruses (e)Algae

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