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What is Engineering?

Engineering is the practical application of science and math to solve problems, and it is everywhere in the world around you. From the start to the end of each day, engineering technologies improve the ways that we communicate, work, travel, stay healthy, and entertain ourselves. Engineers are problem-solvers who want to make things work more efficiently and quickly and less expensively. From computer chips and satellites to medical devices and renewable energy technologies, engineering makes our modern life possible.

What is Mechanical Engineering ?

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.

Engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering overlaps with aerospace engineering, building services engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, petroleum engineering, and chemical engineering to varying amounts.

Relation of nature and engineering became more important after industrial revolution.Because thereafter engineering value increased an unpredictable manner. in the direction of Human expectations and needs, engineers was expected to meet them. Engineers have to use nature, but this use makes irreversible harm to nature day by day . n, engineering and nature loop, if we continue like that nature will be sufficient to meet the needs.

What s Nature ?

Nature is constantly self-renewing and changing,covers all of the assets of living and inanimate matter.  Human factors are not enabled.  Elements of matter and energy is considered to occur.

Scientists discover the nature such as pressure directly prop to temperature, they think hard to find the laws of nature. On another hand Engineers uses these laws of nature to invent to equipments such refrigerator, engine. And also engineers uses scientists laws to triumph in their inventions. Engineers are concerned with costs and scientists are not.

As seen,in engineering,we use ;  knowledge of nature  resource of nature


Natural resources exist in natural form in which are usually found within environments where there are no disturbance by Humans.These resources are important in our life. It may exist as an individual such as air, fresh water, or as a living organism such as a fish. Natural resources are categorized as either renewable or non-renewable resources. It may be divided into two categories from which it was originated, either in a biotic or abiotic form.


Renewable resources are ones that can be replenished naturally. Non-renewable resources are resources that form extremely slowly and those that do not naturally form in the environment. Engineers to realize the desired or intellectual projects require energy sources.Engineers attend using the proper use of energy or renewable energy way.


Why Engineers Have To Use Green Energy?

The first positive environmental impact of renewable energy sources, fossil from the damage caused by energy production and use will be stopped. The damage will not be enough to stop a moment, in the use of fossil fuels during that time the damage so far from the fossil fuels needed to be fixed will need to use renewable energy sources instead. For this reason, today, in addition to conventional energy sources, new and renewable known as an energy source, solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, sea-wave energies and biomass energy sources, such as studies and research conducted on and applications are performed.


Non-renewable sources will expire some day and we have to us our endangered resources to create more non-renewable sources of energy.  The speed at which such resources are being utilized can have serious environmental changes.  Non-renewable sources release toxic gases in the air when burnt which are the major cause for global warming.  Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.

Solar energy makes use of the suns energy. It is advantageous because the systems can fit into existing buildings and it does not affect land use. But since the area of the collectors is large, more materials are required. Solar radiation is also controlled by geography. And it is limited to daytime hours and non-cloudy days. Wind energy uses the power of the wind to produce electricity. Although it is the largest job producer, it is reliant on strong winds. Wind turbines are large and, although you can use the area under them for farming, many consider them unattractive looking. They are also very noisy to operate. In addition, they threaten the wild bird population.

Hydroelectric energy uses water to produce power. This is the most reliable of all the renewable energy sources. On the down side, it affects ecology and causes downstream problems. The decay of vegetation along the riverbed can cause the buildup of methane. Methane is a contributing gas to greenhouse effect. Dams can also alter the natural river flow and affect wildlife. Colder, oxygen poor water can be released into the river, killing fish. And the release of water from the dam can cause flooding. Geothermal energy uses steam from the Earths ground to generate power. It uses smaller land areas than other power plants. They can run 24 hours per day, every day of the year. Disadvantages are that it is very site specific and, along with the heat from the Earth, it can also bring up toxic chemicals when obtaining the steam. Drilling geothermal reservoirs and finding them can be an expensive task.

Biomass electricity is produced through the energies from wood, agricultural and municipal waste. It helps save on landfill waste but transportation can be expensive and ecological diversity of land may be affected. In addition, its process needs to be made simpler. Ocean energy is a clean and abundant energy form. It does, however, have high costs. Ocean thermal energy also requires close to a forty degree Fahrenheit difference in water temperature year round. In addition, construction and laying pipes can cause damage to the ecosystem.

Solar Power

specific engineering disciplines has been developed for the efficient use of energy and the environment ;

Environmental engineering  Energy engineering  Planetary engineering


f we know what have to do with nature,energy resources,we can create more green and unharmfull product.This green types makes people more healty.

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