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Welcome Tasks

Please put on your name tag Read your childs Hopes and Dreams Respond to their writing by making notes on their card Share the hopes and dreams you have for your child

Back To School Night Back To School Night

Mrs. Macky Grade 4 2011-2012

Who Am I?
Global Nomad from USA, Africa, Asia Passions: Faith, Family, Teaching, Music, Nature Interests: Health & Fitness, Sustainable Living My Big Job: To nurture these children entrusted to me

Support Teachers

I.A. Khun Klang

EAL: Mr. Paul Dufficy

Parents & Teacher= Partners

Class blog: Class magazine E-mail: Phone calls Notes in Agendas Face 2 Face - After school and by appointment

These are Your Kids This is Your Class

OPEN DOOR - You are Welcome AT ANY TIME! Room Parent to help with special events Parent volunteers to help with learning activities


ISB inspires students to: * achieve their academic potential * be passionate, reflective learners * become caring global citizens

Our Beliefs about how we ACT and INTERACT

WHO YOU ARE is more important than you know. what What you DO says more about who you are and what you believe, than what you SAY. Highlight exemplary behavior Reconciliation = Making things RIGHT

Welcome to Team Mackys Practice Field

Developing and Practicing New Skills Building Relationships Taking Risks and Gaining Confidence Accepting Mistakes and Trying Again

Compassionate Global Citizens...

How do we show that we care about others and the world that sustains us? 2 Social Studies Units: Influence Is It Fair?

Curious Scientists work cooperatively as they...

Wonder, question, theorize and test Observe, record, reflect on, and share discoveries Magnetism & Electricity Water (Inquiry/Constructivist)

Can you use these materials to light the bulb?

Persistent Mathematicians...
Use a variety of strategies to solve a problem Demonstrate their understanding in ways others can follow Building on understanding Are you ready for a task? Take out a whiteboard and record how many dots you see.

How Many Dots Are There?

How Many Dots?

How Many Dots?

Can you write an equation?

How Many Dots?

What did you do to remember?

Effective Writers...
Mechanics: Comfortable, Efficient, Legible Inspired by experiences Determine the purpose for their writing Consider their audience Plan for their writing Reflect on their writing and make changes to improve it

Thoughtful Readers...
Read Just Right books = understanding Think about what they read Discuss what they read with others (Workshop Model)

Home Learning
Reading 30 minutes daily fosters a LOVE of reading Practice skills To foster self-discipline and responsibility (choices and recess) Minimal frustration and maximum independence

Reporting Student Progress

Parent/Teacher/Student Conference: October 6 & 7 Report Cards - Nov. Feb. June Celebrations of Learning Student-Led Conference: March 22 & 23

Special Events
Birthdays - If your child would like to share treats with the class, we will celebrate at 10:00. Special Events Calendar Reading and Writing Celebrations Field Trip

What you can do to ensure your child is ready to learn Healthy

Min. 9 - 10 hours of sleep Substantial breakfast and possibly a nutritious snack Time EVERY DAY for unstructured, child-directed FREE PLAY and exercise Read with your child each day

Questions and Reflections Thank you for Coming!

Contact Me

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