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Shoulders / Arms

Teres major - adducts arm Teres minor - rotates arm laterally Deltoid - flexes and abducts arm Subscapularis - rotates arm medially Supraspinatus - abducts arm Infraspinatus - rotates arm laterally Biceps brachii - flexes forearm, flexes arm Brachialis - flexes forearm Brachioradialis - flexes forearm Triceps brachii - extends forearm Pronator teres - pronates arm Supinator - supinates arm and hand

Shoulders / Arms

Barry Method Yoga Backbends

Backbends keep the spine supple and aligned properly Backbends bring heat and energy to the spine. By activating the abdomen, they stimulate the kidneys, reproductive, and digestive system. Backbends also open the front of your body, especially the chest.

Key Points for Backbends

Rotate the thighs internally. Never squeeze the buttocks Posteriorly tilt the pelvis Create length through the spine to allow greater spinal extension. Focus the backbend in the thoracic spine. Create length through the spine to allow greater spinal extension. Focus the backbend in the thoracic spine. Add extension of the cervical spine last. Draw the lower tips of the shoulder blades in and up toward the heart. This adds more expansiveness to the heart center. Keep the breath steady and soft.

Technical Attributes for Backbends

Contraction backbends The back muscles (primarily spinal erectors and multifidi) concentrically contract to overcome gravity.

Traction backbends Muscles in the front of the body eccentrically contract to overcome gravity as in Cobra.

Leverage Backbends The arms and /or legs press against an unmovable object (floor, wall or another part of the body), to stretch the front of the body as in a cobra.

Shoulder extension backbends Extension of the arms reaquires the scalpula to be stabilized by the rhomboids, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior muscles while the pectoralis major and minor must release.

Shoulder flexion backbends Flexion requires the rhomboids, latissimi dorsi, pectoralis major, and triceps to release.

Backbend Poses

Standing with the Board

Stand facing the base of the board and position body in Anchor 5. Board on top level. Raise arms and place right hand on the board extend left hand over head. Allow chest to open and draw blades down the back. Let eyes gaze and place the left hand on the board. Exhale and use your bandhas to return to standing.

Inverted with Feet Under Board

Lay inverted on the board with head at the base of the board. Allow hips to open and stretch feet under the board. Keep chest open and rest .

Backbend Poses

Camel Against Wall

Kneel with back facing wall. Have feet against wall. Raise arms high and extend right hand onto the wall while placing left hand on heel of left foot. Keep chest open and allow hips to open. Extend head back.

Upward Dog
Rest body on the board with knees off board and feet on the wall. Press hands into the board and lean back into a backbend. Allow chest to open and raised. Draw head back and drop blades down.

Barry Method Yoga Inversions

Inversions defy gravity:
building character defeating mental shortcomings developing confidence against our fear

Inverted poses also balance the hormones of the body Anti-gravity clears toxins from the tissues, cleansing and nourishing, and improves circulation. Because the heart must pump stronger, inversions also have an aerobic affect.

Inversion Poses

On Board with Straps

Lay on the board at level 4 with feet in straps. Allow the spine to stretch. Raise hands overhead and allow body to extend. Take deep breaths and feel the spine lengthen. Rest for 5 breaths.

Shoulder Stand On Board with Wall

Invert with feet on the wall and shoulders on the board. Be sure to allow the weight of the body to press into the shoulders to stretch the neck and shoulder muscles. Extend one foot at a time to the ceiling while supporting other foot on the wall.

Inversion Poses

Plow on Board
Invert body on the board with the wall 2' from the base of the machine. With the board raised to level 3, flip feet over your head and place on the wall. Let body rest in inverted position putting your weight on the shoulder. Bend knees for deeper effect.

Bridge on Wall
Inverted, place feet on the wall. Let the weight of the body rest on the shoulder and push hips away from the wall. Keep body light and extended.

Points to Remember
Approach your Barry Method workouts from a place of quiet and calm. Review the Seven Sacred Principles often and allow them to guide you. Do not force yourself accept where you are on your journey.

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