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Utilizing Effective Time Management

Time Management
Solutions to excessive stress usually boil down to eating right, getting enough sleep, and managing your time effectively. Organization is time management, and time management is one part of stress management.

Examine time management skills Organize your desk, day, and life Resources

Key Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you plan tomorrow s work today? Do you get unpleasant duties out of the way as soon as possible? Are you able to deal bluntly with people who waste your time?

Effectively Managing Time

Do you set aside a portion of each day to think, create, plan? Is your desk or other workplaces tidy? Can you find what you need without wasting time?

Everyone has the same amount of time

60 minutes per hour 1,440 minutes per day 525,600 minutes per year

How We Waste Time

Lack of discipline Indecisiveness Personal Disorganization Procrastination Inability to say NO Poor Delegation Skills Day Dreaming Worry

Time Waste - Caused by Others

Telephone Interruptions Drop-In Visitors

Unscheduled Meetings Poor Communications Confused chain of Authority

Inefficiency - Can Your Company Afford It?

Statistics show the average worker loses at least one hour of productivity each day due to disorganization. How much is disorganization and inefficiency costing your school or company?

Do the Math
1 hour X one workers hourly salary =$____________ 5 days a week X____ $ lost today=$ lost this week. 48 weeks X $lost this week+___$ lost this year. Number of employees x __$ lost this year =$ total.

Signs of Disorganization -Causes Inefficiency

Desk or office cluttered with papers, files and equipment. Poor or no filing system No follow-up system Don t know where to put the papers Procrastination - It s either the fear of failure or simple indecision.

Signs of Disorganization -2
Being reactive instead of proactive to the job or task at hand -(Waiting for something to happen instead of making something happen) Unable to identify between the urgent, the important and the unnecessary -(A problem with prioritizing)

Time Log
Write down everything you do for a period of time Learn how you really spend your time Identify areas where you can improve your use of time

Time Management
Time Management is only a set of skills and tools to help us more efficiently control the events of our lives. Doing a better job of managing our time is meaningless unless we are managing it to accomplish those things that are of greatest importance in our lives.
Hyrum Smith- Creator of the Franklin Day Planner

Keep Clutter Out of Your Life

Managing Time More Productively Keeps Clutter Out of Your Life Mental Clutter-Things that occupy your mind that should be released from it. -Example - Things you should delegate to others.

Keep Clutter Out of Your Life-2

Emotional Clutter - Things that trouble us emotionally that need to be released Examples - fear, worry, pride, jealousy, etc.

Tool : Your Calendar

Maintain your own calendar Keep one calendar for everything Take calendar wherever you go Know your energy cycle Plan every day

Tool : Your Calendar

Don t plan every minute Prioritize Save peak energy periods for yourself Schedule time for routine tasks Schedule your rewards

Tool : Daily Task List

List everything you d like to accomplish Assign value using ABC system Assign numerical value to each item

Prioritizing means determining the relative importance and precedence of events. And it is absolutely necessary for effective planning. Prioritizing keeps us from spending time on things we don t really value. Hyrum Smith

Value the time your have Nothing is worth more than this day. Take care of today .let the calendar take care of the years.

A Final Thought On Time

Many People . - Think too much of destinations and too little of preparations - They don t realize that today s actions will determine tomorrows achievements

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