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Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

Submitted By 2010281 Vivek Parekh 2010288 Anuj Bindlish 2010292 Ashish Kanaya 2010296 Sarita Chowdhary 2010298 Debashish Bagg

Different names of present problem

( "economic activity location" (Koopmans and


1957) ( "plant layout"(Foulds and Robinson 1976),(Apple 1963) ( "facilities allocation" (Armour and VoUmann 1964) ( "layout planning"(Muther 1973) ( facilities layout problem (FLP) by Foulds.

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Physical model ( Graph theory (Transportation Model) ( Quadratic assignment problem (QAP) ( Linear integer programming (all variables


integers) ( Mixed integer programming (some variables are integers) ( Simulation ( Queuing theory ( Semi - Heuristic algorithms (genetic Algorithm)
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Simulated annealing algorithm ( Tabu search ( Ant-colony algorithm ( Genetic algorithm (GA)


Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

SAA is based on crystallization phenomenon in physics. ( SAA traverses the solution space through generating and evaluating new solutions derived from the current solution.

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Attributed to Fred W. Glover ( Mathematical optimization method,

for local

search techniques. ( Enhances using memory structures ( A potential solution has been determined, it is marked as taboo

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Ant-colony

optimization is a population based approach and is derived from foraging behavior of ant colonies. ( A group of artificial ants work cooperatively to find a better solution.
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( GA search process is

motivated by the mechanism of natural evolution where the most adapted to the environment survive and thrive.

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

 Characterized as a parallel approach  Optimizes the population of solutions

simultaneously  To provide a set of near optimal solutions  Verified in different combinatorial optimization problems

Slicing: ( the process of cutting a rectangular region ( slicing tree is a binary tree, ( Crossover: ( an offspring chromosome is generated by adopting workstation numbers from one parent and position symbols from the other. ( Mutation: ( Random altering, inverting and swapping are used as a mutation operation ( Selection: ( The task of selection in the genetic algorithms is to allocate the reproductive opportunities to each chromosome such that the chromosomes with higher fitness value are more likely to survive to the next generation.

Fitness Table: ( stores the information of fitness of different genes ( Fitness Search Criteria: ( set of constraints that the set of chromosomes (layout design) needs to satisfy ( Evaluation of convergence: ( Convergence criteria are the criteria that make the output acceptable. ( Convergence cost criteria: ( minimization of the total connectivity cost

Flowchart of the algorithm

( Finding cost matrix ( Reduction of material handling

cost ( Total combinations 8!ways i.e.

& 40320 combinations if layout shape is

fixed & ( 8 + 7 ) ! = 1307674368000 combinations

( If some of them have constraints & Move ability & Safety regulations & Input output roads etc.
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

Reverse Polish Expression

Number of arrangements possible 4! = 24

Mutation Cross Over

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Size of problem: (20 facilities (Unequal sizes ( Criteria: (Facility orientation, (Facility irregular shapes, (input/output locations, (connectivity distances, (Facility non-overlapping, (safety and operability restrictions, (area allocation constraints etc.
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Variation

in the type of coordinate system used to denote spatial location ( Variation of slicing methodology ( Adding Artificial Intelligence to reduce number of iterations. ( Empirical tests indicate it is able to make considerable improvements in the value of the objective function.
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

( Key

features of genetic algorithm

(Parallel in approach (Simultaneously optimizes multiple genes (Mutation brings in random factor so more optimal (considers positions of objects around the site (maintains in each generation chromosomes

representing partial optimal layout (Even if you have not reached a global optimal solution you still have a local optimal solution.
Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


8. 9.


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Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

Application of Genetic algorithm to Plant layout problem

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