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The organs of movement system in human


= Balung  Skeleton = Rangka  Joint = Sendy  Muscle = Otot

Based on the former material : - Cartilage = Belung Enom - Hard bone = Hard Belung The kinds of cartilage : - Hyaline cartilage has characteristic : property is smooth It is found in the tip of bone - Elastic cartilage has characteristic : property is elastic It is found in the ear leaf and nose - Fibrous cartilage has characteristic : property is strong It is found in the back bone inter segment

Hard bone
The kinds ( based on property the material ) - Compact bone - Spongy bone Based on their shape : - long bone Examples : hummers , femurs , tibia , fibula , phalanges segment bone - flat bone Examples : bones that form skull , shoulder bones , chest , ribs , hip - short bone Examples : backbone segments , talus , carpi


The functions of skeleton : - giving body shape - to move if required by muscle - keeping body organs in their own place - protecting important body organs - the place of muscle to stick - straightening the body - the place to make marrow - producing blood cells in bone marrow


1. 2. 3.

Skull bone : to protect the brain Body bone : to support body at all and form the body Limb bone : to support the limb and sticks the muscle to the body


Joint is connection of bones or inter bones connection

The kinds of Joint based on properties of movement


joint ( synarthrosis ) sendi mati  Amphiarthrosis sendi kaku  Movement joint ( diarthrosis ) sendi gerak

Rigid joint ( synarthrosis )

inter bones connection of one to another that can not be moved Example : bones that form skull

inter bones connection that still permits the presence of movement in small amount Examples : - connection between ribs and sternum - connection of hand carpi bones and leg wrist talus

Movement joint ( Diarthrosis )

inter bones connection that can be moved freely The tip of two bones form joint cavity that contains synovial liquit has function as lubricator liquit

The kinds of Movement joint


and socket joint  Hinge joint  Pivot joint  Saddle joint

Ball and socket joint

inter bones connection that is movement can be done to every direction Examples : - shoulder wrist - pelvis wrist

Hinge joint
inter bones connection that is movement is limited only to one direction Examples : - elbow - knee

Pivot joint
inter bones connection that is movement is rotation Example : atlas bone in skull bone

Saddle joint
inter bones connection that its movement is two direction Example : - the tip of bone between hand thumb and hand palm bone

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