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Dublin, Ireland
By: Meagan Teacher: Teacher: Ms.Babb

Table of Contents
           Location Place Flag Fascinating Facts History And Famous People Movement Weather Custom, Traditions and Celebrations Food and Drink Dress Religion

Dublin is located in Ireland. Dublin is at the centre of the Dublin Region, is situated near the midpoint of Irelands east coast, and is at the mouth of the River Liffey. I chose this location because Ireland seems like a very interesting location to be.

What makes Ireland different from other countries is its unique traditions, customs, cultural events, and holidays. Such as St.Patricks Day their way and Irish step dancing. Another way Ireland is different from other countries is by many popular landmarks they have like St.Patricks Cathedral Church of trinity, Blarney Stone, and Belfast Castle.

The picture above is the flag of Dublin. The 3 castles with the flame represent the Dublins coat of arms. The words Baile Atha Cliath is Irish for town of the hurdled ford.

The flag above is the flag of Ireland. The orange of the flag represents the Scots Irish of Northern Ireland. Green represents all those who were catholic and of the Protestant Faith who noticed Saint Patrick as the countrys Saint. White represents the hope of peace between the two groups of people.

What is the population of Dublin?

A. 500, 010 B. 525,383 C. 497,001 D. 545,252

Dublins population is 525,383 as of 2011.

Dublin covers what amount of land?

A.225km sq. B.200km sq. C.170km sq. D.115km sq.

The city of Dublin covers 115km sq of land.

Dublin is home to the largest outdoor park in the world.

A. False B. True

Dublin is home to the 2nd largest outdoor park in the world. Also known as Phoenix Park.

Is Dublin just a city?

A.True B.False

Dublin is a city yes but is also a country. Dublin is one of the smallest 32 Irish countries in Ireland.

Dublin all started in 988 A.D when it was officially named but research show that it was actually named Elbana in the 2nd century. Later on in the 1600s Dublin was taken over by Oliver Cromwell. After Oliver Cromwell took over Dublin then grew bigger in size and wealth. Dublin then became the 2nd city of the British Empire. But after awhile England and Ireland didnt get along that well and had a huge fight. So England took away their status as 2nd city of the British Empire in 1800. But later on Ireland became independent in 1922. This independence started around the 1916 War of Independence.

Oliver Cromwell 25 April 1599Sept. 3 1658

Some of the movement the Irish make is by exporting goods to different countries. For example like: Biscuits:


Condensed Milk:


Jan: Min:37F Max:46F Feb: Min:37F Max:46F

Jul: Min:53F Max:66F Aug: Min:52F Max:65F

Mar: Min:38F Max:46F Sep: Min:49F Max: 62F Apr: Min:40F Max:53F Oct: Min:46F Max:57F May: Min:44F Max:58F Nov: Min:40F Max:50F Jun: Min:49F Max:63F Dec: Min:38F Max:47

Custom, Traditions and Celebrations

St. Patricks Day
On St.Patricks Day the irish don`t wear green like we do in Canada and U.S. The Irish wear shamrocks. The Shamrocks represent St. Patricks teaching of the holy trinity. On St.Patricks Day the Irish Christians also go to church. When they are done church they go home have a big feast and watch the St. Patricks parade.

Food and Drink

Some Irish foods are: Coddle: Made with pork sausages, bacon back, and potato. Some Irish drinks: Cavan Cola:

Colcannon: Made with potato, kale or cabbage, and butter.

Red Lemonade:

Dres The way they dress in s

Dublin, Ireland is casual, comfy, and not to flashy. They dress stylish but warm enough for the Irish weather. Some people think that the Irish wear green all the time but actually they dont. They just wear what any normal western culture would wear.



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