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By: Heri Suwarno 108341410888


Based on Depdiknas (2004) the poor quality of education in Indonesia can be observed by some indicator, there are:


The students capability in understanding of subject isn t optimal


The less capability of character forming in attitude and skillful


The less capability in reading, writing and arithmetic especially in elementary grade

The efforts to improve the quality of learning: selection of strategies, approaches, and relevant learning model. By learning the right pattern and the right approach will also encourage the achievement of learning goals in science.

Achievement can be seen from the student's ability in developing the full potential and to solve problems through deep thinking by combining the elements of capability are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Thinking Emprowerment by Question (TEQ) as one's cognitive efforts to empower students through questions.

In this study there was no learning that took place in an informed way, all done through a series of written questions.

The series of questions were designed in a logical sequence, from a narrow to broad in scope or otherwise.

Problem Based Learning can be an alternative model of learning that can enhance students' thinking skills through problem resolution.

Problem Based Learning combined with Thinking Through Empowerment Questions are expected to increase metacognitive skills and student understanding of concepts, namely through the problems that have been prepared on the pattern PBMP.


on the above description, the researchers

proposed a study entitled "The Effect of Patterns of Learning Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through Problem Based Learning Approach to Metacognitive Ability and Understanding of Concepts of Biology Students Class X SMA Negeri 1 Malang".


1. Are there differences in metacognitive

ability of students of class X SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through Problem-Based Learning Approach and with conventional learning strategies?

2. Is there a difference in understanding the

concept of class X student of SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through Problem-Based Learning Approach and conventional learning strategies?


1. Knowing the differences in metacognitive ability of students of class X SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through ProblemBased Learning Approach and conventional learning strategies.


Knowing the difference in understanding the

concept of class X student of SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through Problem-Based Learning Approach and conventional learning strategies.


1. There are differences in metacognitive ability of students of class X SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through ProblemBased Learning Approach and the conventional learning strategies.


There are differences in understanding the

concept of class X student of SMAN 1 Malang on ecosystems material with learning strategy Thinking Emprowerment by Question Through Problem-Based Learning Approach and conventional learning strategies.


Teacher One alternative to improve the quality of education Enhancing creativity in delivering lessons to students with improvisation owned.

As the inputs of knowledge and reasoning in conducting the learning of biology.

2. Students

Can enhance critical thinking skills. Can increase understanding of the concept.

3. Researcher

Provide information on how to influence the effect of learning patterns Thinking Emprowerment by Question with Problem Based Learning approach to metacognitive skills and understanding of biological concepts.

Providing experience conducting research-based quasi experiment with direct foray into the school.


a. T EQ (Thinking Emprowerment by Question) as part of efforts to empower students to think through a series of questions arranged systematically into student worksheets called PBMP student sheet or sheets PBMP.

The series of questions or braid is designed in a logical sequence, from a narrow to broad in scope or otherwise consistently.

PBMP sheet structure includes the Introduction, Make, Do, Summary (Think), Evaluation and Referral.

b. Problem Based Learning (Problem Based Learning) in the This research emphasizes on the learning that begins from the problem. PBM carried out by five steps (phases) of learning, namely:

(1) Orient students to the problem (2) organize students for study (3) assists independent and group investigation (4) develop and present artifacts and Exhibits (5) analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process

Learning patterned PBMP with PBM approach is a strategy of learning by using a series of questions designed to solve problems systematically. PBM stages in the form of case studies based on systematic structured in such a way as to realize a sheet on PBMP PBMP students.

d. Metacognitive ability is a skill students accessing their own cognition (self-assessment) and management skills to more advanced cognitive development (self-management) and self-evaluation .

Measurement of metacognitive ability to use metacognitive skills inventory questionnaire developed by Schraw & Dennison (1994) which is the contribution of these three steps, performed at the beginning and end of the lesson

e. Understanding the concepts in this research is the ability of students in understanding the ecology of the material.

Understanding the concepts measured in the study of cognitive and affective abilities of students.

Cognitive abilities as measured on the basis of the revised Bloom's taxonomy

Affective abilities are developed on the basis of the affective realm by Krahwohl et al (1980)



(Thinking Emprowerment by Question)

introduced by Corebima in 1999 as an effort to empower students' thinking through the questions. Learning is supported by student sheet called sheet or sheets of students PBMP PBMP.

Zubaidah (2007) suggests some characteristics of other PBMP sheets that always paid attention to the development of PBMP sheet for students in learning, namely: a. Indonesian grammar should always be worn and used correctly. b. questions can be aligned to be started from the concept of large to small. c. network among the questions laid out logically. d. questions about the same thing can be repeated and formulated from different viewpoints.

e. one concept and subkonsep studied as much as possible according to level of development. f. Another question related to development and related preferred denagn experience and everyday life. g. questions at the beginning does not necessarily have to be directly answered.

Student sheet structure are: Introduction, Make, Do (activities Discussion / Working Groups / Demonstrations and Reflect), Think, Asessmen, and Referral


learning is an innovative learning

model that was developed based on constructivist paradigm.


learning model provides potential

opportunities for the empowerment of learners' thinking in problem-solving activities and decision making in the context of complex real-world life.

PBL carried out by five steps (phases) of learning, namely: (1) Orient students to the problem (2) organize students for study ( 3) independent and group investigation assists (4) develop and present artifacts and Exhibits (5) analyze and evaluate the problem -solving process

Metacognitive as one's consciousness about how the sudents learned, the ability to assess the difficulty of a problems, the ability to observe the level of understanding itself, the ability to use various information for the purpose, and the ability to assess their own learning progress.

Indicators metacognitive skills to be developed are: (1) identify the tasks that I'm working, (2) monitor progress of work, (3) evaluate this progress, and (4) predict the outcome of which will be obtained.

Understanding is a device standard educational programs that reflect competence, so as to deliver students to become competent in various areas of life.

Understanding the concepts gained through the learning process. The development of formal reasoning is very important for the mastery of concepts, because conceptual knowledge is the result of a constructive process, and the reasoning is a necessary tool in the process.


This research is an experiment that is included in the design of quasi experiment using Nonrandomized Control Group pretestposttest,

The independent variables is learning by using learning strategies PBMP with PBM and conventional learning strategies.

The dependent variables is the metacognitive ability and understanding of the concept.

While the control variables are teachers, lessons, instrument rating, and the same curriculum.

a. b. c. d. e.

Observation Sheet Learning Field Note Metacognitive Ability Instruments Cognitive Ability Instruments Affective Instrument Capabilities


Test Validity Instrument validity test aims to determine the level of compatibility problems.

r XY =

Test Reliability Reliability test used to determine the assessment tool in assessing what is judged. r11 =

Test Levels Problem Tribulation Test the level of difficulty about the aims to obtain a good question, where is a good question about who is not too easy or too difficult. P=

Unlike the Power Test Test about the difference power is the ability of a matter to distinguish between high ability students with low ability students. D= = PA-PB


1. Preparation Phase 2. Pretest phase 3. Implementation Phase 4. Phase posttest 5. Data Tabulation


Parametric statistical analysis to test the hypothesis is done by using analysis of covariance (anakova).

Before transactions are carried out anakova test, first test is a prerequisite test for normality and homogeneity of variance test.

Normality test is used to meet the data distribution is analyzed whether normal or not.

X2h =

Test of homogeneity of variance used to test whether the sample group have identical capabilities. F hitung =

the formula used to test t test anakova is a party with dk = (n1 + n2-2) at significant level = 0.05. t=


If t t table ( = 0.05), then H0 refused and H1 accepted. If t <t table ( = 0.05), then H0 rejected and H1 accepted.

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