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The Government

Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago elects on national level a House of Representatives (the Lower House of its legislature).

The head of government (the Prime Minister) is chosen from among the elected representatives on the basis of his or her command of the support of the majority of legislators.

The Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has two chambers. The House of Representatives has 41 members, elected for a maximum five year term in single-seat constituencies.

The Senate has 31 members: 16 Government Senators appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister 6 Opposition Senators appointed on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition and 9 so-called Independent Senators appointed by the President to represent other sectors of civil society.

The president is elected for a five year term by an electoral college consisting of the members of both houses of Parliament.

Other elected bodies include: the Local Government bodies in Trinidad (2 cities, 3 boroughs, 9 Regional Corporations) the Tobago House of Assembly which handles local government in the island of Tobago

The Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago is the legislative branch of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Parliament is bicameral. It consists of the elected House of Representatives, which has 41 members elected for a five year term in single-seat constituencies, and the Senate which has 31 members appointed by the President

Cabinet ministers of Trinidad and Tobago

* Prime Minister: Kamla Persad-Bissessar * Attorney-General: Anand Ramlogan * Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan * Minister of Finance: Winston Dookeran * Minister of National Security: John Sandy * Minister of Trade and Industry: Stephen Cadiz * Minister of Local Government: Chandresh Sharma * Minister of Education: Dr. Tim Gopeesingh

* Minister of Works and Transport: Austin "Jack" Warner * Minister of Health: Therese Baptiste-Cornelis * Minister of Food Production, Land and Marine Affairs: Vasant Bharath * Minister of Public Administration: Rudrawatee Ramgoolam * Minister of Justice: Herbert Volney * Minister of Tourism: Dr. Rupert Griffith

* Minister of Community Development: Nizam Baksh * Minister of the Arts and Culture: Winston "Gypsy" Peters * Minister of Housing and the Environment: Dr. Roodal Moonilal * Minister of Planning and Gender Affairs: Mary King * Minister of Energy: Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan * Minister of Labour: Errol MacLeod * Minister of the People and Social Development: Dr. Glen Ramadhardsingh

* Minister of Public Utilities: Emmanuel George * Minister of Legal Affairs: Prakash Ramadhar * Minister ot Science, Technology and Tertiary Ed: Fazal Karim * Minister of Youth and Sports: Anil Roberts * Minister of Tobago Development: Vernella Alleyne-Toppin

* Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister: Collin Partap * Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister: Rodger Samuel * Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport: Stacy Roopnarine * Minister in the Ministry of Tourism: Dr. Delmond Baker * Minister in the Ministry of Education: Clifton De Coteau * Minister in the Ministry of the People and Social Development Dr. Lincoln Douglas

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