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Lesson 1

Web Development and HTML Revisited

Original purpose of World Wide Web (WWW) locate and display information Grew beyond academic & scientific community Realization that Web would be more useful with greater interactivity Commercial application of the Web grew, demand for more interactivity and visually appealing Web sites also grew

Response to demand
Development of Javascript
client-side scripting language Create interactive feature in a web page Weakness:
x Works only within a Web page that runs in a Web browser something that is a client in a client/server environment x Cannot take advantage of the server side of the Web

What needs to be done?

x Use a server-side scripting language such as PHP

Server-side scripting language

A scripting language that allows the development of fully interactive Web sites including access to database on a server Perform advanced e-commerce operations such as online transactions

World Wide Web

Started from a series of memos by J.C.R. Licklider of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (August 1962)
Concept of Galactic Network Global computer network to access data and programs from any site on the network

Internet developed 1960s by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) U.S. Dept. of Defense, just to connect main computer systems of various universities and research institutions - ARPANET

1980s saw widespread development of LANs and personal computers Networks became common in business and everyday life The U.S. Govt. in the end allowed commercial access to Internet

Present-day Internet
1990-1991, Tim Berners-Lee created World Wide Web or just Web at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland
Easily access cross-referenced documents exist on the CERN computer network Other academics and scientists saw the usefulness The method of accessing cross-referenced document is called hypertext linking Hypertext link (hyperlink) contains a reference to specific Web page that you can click to open

Web page
a document on the Web

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

also known as Web address unique address that identifies a Web page

Web site
Refers to location on the Internet of the Web Pages and related files belonging to company, organizations or individuals

Web browser
A program to display a Web page to a computer screen

Web browsers asking to a Web server for Web page upon entering URL or clicking on a hyperlink

Web server
Computer that delivers Web pages

Web server returns to the user

Web Server software

You may turn a computer into a Web server by installing Web server software Most popular Web server software used on the Internet is Apache HTTP Server 2nd most popular is Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

HTML Documents
Originally people created Web pages using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
A markup language to create the Web pages that appear on the WWW

Web pages commonly referred to as HTML pages or documents Markup language

A set of characters or symbols that define a documents logical structure specifies how a document should be printed or displayed

Basic HTML Syntax

HTML documents are text documents that contain formatting instructions tags Tags ranges from formatting commands that make text appear in boldface or italic, to controls that allow user input, such as option buttons and check boxes, allow display of graphic images and other objects
Tags are enclosed in brackets (< >)
x Some brackets consists of opening and closing tags

Common HTML elements

Tag pair and data it contains

<b></b> <body></body> <br /> <html></html> <p></p> <u></u>

Other HTML information

All HTML documents must use the <html> element as the root element, followed by the <head> and <body> elements (the document head and document body respectively> When opening a HTML document, it is assembled and formatted according to instructions and the process of assembling and formatting is called parsing or rendering HTML is not case sensitive May configure HTML by various parameter = attributes

Simple HTML document in a Web browser

The code
<html> <head> <title>Toner Cartridge Sales</title> </head> <body> <h1>Toner Cartridge Sales</h1> <hr> <h2>Lexmark Toner Cartridges</h2> <img src="lexmark_logo.jpg"> <p><b>Model #</b>: LEX 1382100<br /> <b>Compatibility</b>: Optra 4049/3112/3116<br /> <b>Price</b>: $189.99</p> <p><b>Model #</b>: LEX 1380520<br /> <b>Compatibility</b>: Lexmark 4019/4028/4029<br /> <b>Price</b>: $209.00</p> </body> </html>

More example

The code
<html> <head> <title>Don's Dessert Shop</title> </head> <body> <basefont face="Arial"> <font color="olive"><h1>Don's Dessert Shop</h1><hr /> <h2>Hours of Operation</h2></font> <font color="blue"<p>Monday through Thursday, 7:45 a.m. - 9:45 p.m.<br /> Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.<br /> Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m <br /> Sunday, Noon - 9:00 p.m </p></font><hr> <font color="olive"><h2>What's for Dessert?</h2></font> <font color="blue"> <ul> <li>Cookies and pastries</li> <li>Cakes and pies</li> <li>Gourmet chocolates</li> </ul></font><hr /> <font color="olive"><h2>Forms of Payment</h2></font> <font color="blue"><p>Cash, ATM, Visa, American Express, Discover Card, and MasterCard.</p></font> </body> </html>

Web Communication Protocols

Each URL consists of two basic parts:
Protocol (usually HTTP) Domain name for a Web server or Web servers Internet Protocol address

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Manages the hypertext links that are used to navigate the Web

Whats in a URL?


Filename Domain Name Directory

Publishing Your Web Site

Web hosting
Refers to publication of a Web site for public access

Domain Name Registration

Should pick a domain name that is similar to your business name or describing your Web site Cannot use a domain already in use by someone else

File Transfer Protocol

Use to send Web files that make up the Web pages and other files TCP/IP protocol to transfer files across the Internet

Your Assignment (Individual)

Find on the Internet FIVE (5) web hosting services locally or internationally
Cost per annum for types of services How to make the payment for the services Deduce which service is the best to be used by our class

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