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Perambalur General Hospital

Presented by: Dr.Abhishek Sharma Chris Philip Sheeba Solomon Varun Teckchandani Puneet Mall

On September 18th in Perambalur General Hospital 3 Newborn babies died an the relatives alleged that it due to lack of post natal medical care Thangamani- admitted during last month of pregnancydelivered baby girl- baby died at 10:30am Athiyur gave birth to a girl and baby died at 3:30pm Mallika was reffered to the hopital same day. She asked for discharge learning about the deaths of 2 children Hospital officials declined the request- baby died at 11:30pm

Angry relatives stormed at the hospital Alleged that the babies died due to lack of postnatal care Relatives dragged the doctors to court of law for medical negligence and consumer court for deficiency in service.

How to handle situation as an administrator

First step- call a press meet and discuss the entire matter and calm the public- preventing negative image Internal investigation into allegation of lack of postnatal care
Lack of timely care Breach of duty Emergency team to maintain, observe and provide best emergency treatment

What can be done as remedy

Shift all the babies to a sterilized area and provide care and carefully observe Study the technical system The filtered air Humidifier Warmer Maintainence of thermostat Maintain pressure

Is a tort, a civil or personal wrong. An unintentional commission or omission a reasonably prudent person would or would not do under a given circumstances. A form of conduct caused by carelessness departure from standard of care expected by society engage in certain behavior expected to cause unreasonable danger to others. Commission of an act would include, 1. Administering wrong medication, 2. Wrong dosage 3. Wrong patient 4. Surgical procedure without consent, wrong patient, removing wrong body part 5. Failing to assess & reassess patient s nutritional needs.

Law of Tort - continued

Omission of an act includes, 1. Failing to administer medication, 2. Failing to order diagnostic tests, 3. Failing to follow up an abnormal test results. Negligence involves one of the following acts,
1. 2. Malfeasance doing an unlawful or improper act

MTP in third trimester. surgery in

Misfeasance improper performance of an act resulting in injury

the wrong site.

3. Nonfeasance - failure to act when there is duty to act - a reasonable person

would do in similar circumstances failing to order diagnostic test or prescribe medicines that should have been prescribed under that circumstance.

Elements of Negligence
- Duty of Care - Breach of duty - Injury / Actual Damages - Causation/Proximate Cause


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