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Session 1 Presented by Hayiath Qureshi

In this session, you will learn some of the key concepts associated with equality and diversity.

ways that people are different and varied Personal qualities The benefits of diversity The importance of respecting differences.

This unit is broken down into 2 study sessions. These are: 1: Living in a diverse world Session 2: Describing yourself in a diverse society

Take a look at these photographs. All of the photographs have been taken in the UK. As you look at the photographs, try and identify the ways the people are similar to others and different to others.

The word diverse means different and varied. In any town or village in the UK, you will find that people are different and varied in lots of ways. Some of the categories include: Gender Ethnic group Age Culture / subculture Religion Class

Can you see the way they fit into the categories described above? Some differences and variations are easy to spot however, others may be less obvious and will only become apparent if you speak to the people or spend some time with them.

Take a walk through a town centre / Museum/ College Campus. Try and make a note of the many different ways that people can vary. Stop when you have listed around 25 variations. Record your findings in your notes into your Journal.

There are so many variations between people that we end up with diverse individuals, groups and communities. Each person has a unique set of qualities that makes them different from all other people AND they have certain qualities that are similar to other people.


Catherine (Hannahs mother)

Ali (Hannahs father)

Jon (Hannahs brother)





Daytime activity

6th former

Primary school teacher

Motor mechanic

Pupil at a primary school






Favourite hobby

Clubbing / Indie music

Amateur dramatics

Amateur dramatics

Playing with friends

Favourite TV programme


The One Show

Bollywood movies


For a group of people you know, list some of the ways the people are similar and some of the ways they are different. Record your findings in your notes into your Journal.

If there is noticeable diversity in a small family, it should not come as a surprise that in any community, town or society the potential for many diverse characteristics is massive.

In the UK, there are many different groups that contribute to diversity, for example People who have originated from many different countries. People from different ethnic backgrounds. People of different genders and with different sexual preferences. People with different values and beliefs. People with different interests. People from different economic backgrounds.

All of this diversity brings many benefits, such as: It can give people a wide range of experiences and opportunities. The diversity brings new and different products and services. There is also scope for a wider variety of friendships and relationships. On many occasions, diverse qualities come together and create something new. For example, the combination of different cooking styles, different language patterns and different musical forms can lead to something exciting and fresh.

As people appreciate the diversity of their society and community, it is possible to have respect for a greater variety of people. This means that with greater diversity comes the opportunity for tolerance to develop.

Some people may choose to dislike or distrust those who are different. However, it is possible for tolerance to emerge and for there to be greater understanding of differences rather than irrational fears and objections.

1. When you look at the many different qualities that can be found in a diverse society, you can see that for any one person, some of these qualities will apply to him/her, while other qualities will not. 2. This makes it possible for a person to look at the qualities of another person and see whether there is a match or a mismatch. It makes it possible for a person to see whether others are like them or not like them.

Click to take a look at this example. In this example, a couple of school students have listed and compared a few of their qualities. Qualities Brian Sarah Similar Different Gender Male Female + Age 18 17 + Class Middle Working + Religion None Methodist + Interests Rugby Animal welfare + Ambition Go to USA Go to USA +

When there are similarities, it is usually easy to accept those qualities in other people. If they like the same things as you, it is easier to be accepting. However, in a diverse society or community, there may be times when there is a difference. The way people respond to differences can be very important.

1. Always respect peoples differences by recognising that another person is different and has a right to be different. 2. This does not mean that you must agree with their choices and preferences but, by taking a tolerant approach, people are better able to live their lives peacefully. 3. By tolerating others, you create an environment where others are also encouraged to accept you for what you are.

For at least two of your fellow students or people that you know, identify some shared similarities and some differences. For the differences, see if you can select those that are unimportant to you and those that you find it harder to tolerate. Record your findings in your notes into your Journal.

By working through this Session, you have learned about: The ways that people are different and varied Personal qualities The benefits of diversity The importance of respecting differences.

Are the following statements true or false? 1. "Gender refers to where a person was born." True False 2. "Class refers to the socio economic group that a person belongs to." True False 3. "In a diverse society, respecting differences means you always have to agree with other peoples choices and preferences." True False

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