Biz Etiquette

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Etiquette means conventional rules of social behavior or professional conduct It means behaving a little better than is absolutely essential- Will Cuppy

Related to
Introductions Telephone calls Business dining Interaction with foreign clients Inter-personal business etiquette

Can be with colleagues or clients It is not an occasion for free drinking and smoking or even free meals but a business activity

As a host
Invite the guest personally Confirm the date, time, place in writing apprise the invitee of your guest list Confirm the meeting once again, a day prior to the event Reach the hotel/restaurant a little ahead of time Receive the guest personally outside the dining hall Ask the guest for his choice of food Never let the guest pay for the meal Pay for the taxi to take the guest back After initial pleasantries, discuss the agenda in a relaxed manner

Food preferences
If you do not or cannot, because of religion or personal choice, take something, decline politely Avoid drinking at business dinners else avoid drinking too much. You can excuse yourself by saying, I have an early morning flight, etc.

Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are to be enforced.


Eating is done without cutlery, with the right hand, from a communal dish (or dishes). Muslims often say grace before dining. It is rude to show up early at dinner; try to be 1530 minutes later than expected. If eating on a mat or carpet, do not expose the sole of your foot, it is considered very rude. Children may eat with the adults if instructed to do so. It is considered rude to talk or laugh with food in your mouth. Let the host know how good the meal is, but don't exaggerate; it might be taken the wrong way. Avoid touching your face, nose, ears and hair while eating. Dinner tables are sometimes gender-segregated.

China- (Chopstick usage) When not in use, chopsticks must always be placed neatly on the table with two sticks lying tidily next to each other. Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even for the left-handed. Never point the chopsticks at another person. Never wave your chopsticks around while gesturing Never use chopsticks to move bowls or plates. Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks, instead of hovering them over or rummaging through dishes. To keep chopsticks off the table, rest them horizontally on one's bowl Never stab chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice, as this resembles incense sticks used at temples to pay respects to the deceased. This is considered the ultimate dinner table faux

India Food is generally eaten with the right hand. It is o.k. to use left hand to pass the dishes. It is acceptable not to use cutlery for eating, as many foods - such as Indian breads and curry - are commonly eaten in this manner. When eating curry, the sauce should not stain the fingers- only fingertips are used. It is not necessary to taste each and every dish prepared, but you must finish everything on your plate as it is considered respectful. For that reason, put only as much food on your plate as you can eat. As most of the Indian delicacies are eaten with the hands, it is necessary to make sure that one's drinking glass should not become messy. Do not leave the table until others have finished or the host requests you. If you must, ask permission from the host before leaving. South Indian meals are served on a banana leaf that has been cleaned with warm water. Vegetables are placed on the top half of the leaf, and rice, sweets, and snacks on the other half.

France Remember to always say please and thank you French bread is always torn off rather than cut. Do not dip it into soup or sauce. Do not place your elbows on the table Finish everything on your plate before taking more. Do not put ice in your wine. At restaurants, wine should be served at the optimal temperature. After you have finished eating, place the cutlery parallel, vertically at the centre of your plate so the waiter will know to take away your plate. While you are still eating your meal, place the cutlery to the sides of your plate at 4:00 and 8:00, opposite sides of the plate, signifying to the waiter that you wish to keep your plate.

United Kingdom The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right when used at the same time. You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the tines (prongs) pointing downwards. Food should be cut "one piece at a time" directly prior to eating, and then consumed. When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away from you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself. The soup spoon should never be put into the mouth, and soup should be sipped from the side of the spoon, not the end. Drinks should always be to the right of the plate with the bread plate to the left.

Do not start eating before the host does or instructs guests to do so. At meals with a very large number of people, it is acceptable to start eating once others have been served. When finished, place the knife and fork together at six oclock with your fork on the left (tines facing down) and knife on the right, with the knife blade facing in. This signals that one has finished. The napkin should never be crumpled. Nor should it be folded neatly as that would suggest that your host might plan to use it again without washing itjust leave it neatly but loosely on the table. Never blow your nose on your napkin. Place it on your lap and use it to dab your mouth if you make a mess. It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If you need to take an urgent call, excuse yourself and go outside.

Always ask for permission from the host and excuse yourself if you need to leave the table. You should place your napkin on your seat until you return. It is considered common courtesy for all gentlemen at the table to stand when a lady arrives or leaves the table. If you must leave the table or are resting, your fork should be at eight oclock tines (prongs) pointing downwards and your knife at four oclock (with the blade inwards). Once an item of cutlery has been used, it should not touch the table again. Food should be brought to your mouth on the back of the fork. Dishes should be served from the left, and taken away from the right. Drinks should be served from the right. Never lean across somebody elses plate. If you need something to be passed, ask the person closest to it. If you have to pass something, only pass it if you are closest to it and

Salt and pepper shakers should be passed together. You must not put your elbows on the table. If pouring a drink for yourself, offer to pour a drink for your neighbors before serving yourself. If extra food is on the table, ask others if they would like it before taking it yourself. When chewing food, close your mouth and only talk after you have swallowed it. Swallow all food before eating more or drinking. Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails. Wine glasses should be held by the stem in the case of white wines, and by cupping the bowl in the case of red wines Never transfer food to your mouth with your knife, and never put your knife in your mouth or lick the blade.

Chinese Culture In order not to appear greedy, a gift will not be immediately taken, but refused three times before finally being accepted. Each time its refused, the giver must graciously continue to offer the gift. And once its taken, tell the person youre happy its been accepted. The gift is offered using both hands and must be gift-wrapped In China, official business policy considers gifts as bribes, which are illegal. Waiting until negotiations have concluded will eliminate the appearance of bribery when a gift is presented. Money may be given in a red envelope; it must be even amount, using an even number of new bills. Sharp objects like knives or scissors represent a severing of a friendship or relationship- including a business relationship.

Chinese Culture Red is a lucky color; pink and yellow represent happiness; and the number 8 is the luckiest number. The colors black, white and blue and the number 4, or four of anything, are negatively associated with death or funerals. Also included in this category are clocks, handkerchiefs, and straw sandals. Japanese Culture The ceremony is important; the gift is always in a gift box, or beautifully wrapped in quality paper, and given with great respect Theres an expectation a gift will be offered at the first meeting, and gifts will continue to be part of your business dealings. When you offer your gift, hold it in both hands and bow, saying words that let the person know, this gift is insignificant in comparison to the importance of the relationship.

The Japanese will politely refuse a gift once or twice before accepting it. And it will not be opened in your presence. When a gift is offered to you, follow this same ceremony. Politely refuse once or twice, and then accept it with both hands, saving it to open later. Gifts of food or liquor (cookies, expensive candy, and fruit) are always good choices especially for modest gifts. If youre bringing a gift from your home country, make sure its not made in Japan. And dont select company items with your logo that may be a promotional item and look cheap. A gift with a pair of items is considered lucky, but sets of four or nine are unlucky. Plus, the number 4 also means death; and the color red is associated with funerals, so dont give a pen with red ink, and dont write out a card using red. Books arent appropriate; and sharp objects like knives, scissors, and letter openers

Islamic countries No liquor or any product containing alcohol, such as perfume. No products or foods from scavengers, which includes pork, birds, and shellfish. E.g.- a leather item made from pig skin No clothing items, which are far too personal to give as gifts. Dogs are considered unclean, so any dog item, even something with a picture of a dog would not be given. No knives because they have a sharp edge (=> severing relationships) A good gift for a devout Muslim is a compass. Each day he must face Mecca for prayers. With a compass, no matter where in the world he happens to be, he can easily find the correct direction. Gifts are presented using the right hand, or both hands. The left hand is never used alone to hand someone a gift, as its

General Gift Categories There are some countries in which a small gift is expected at the first meeting. These include Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. And in other countries you dont want to give an item with your company logo. These are Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Electronic items such as laser pointers, PDAs, calculators, and address books are good gifts. Desk and office accessories that make good gifts include fine quality pens, or pen and pencil sets, business card holders, good leather briefcases or leather organizers for use in the office or in a briefcase. Chocolate- Universally, this is a good choice. There are many fine quality chocolates that make exquisite gifts for a business

Flowers can be frequently used as a gift, especially if youve been invited to someones home. In Europe, the old European tradition of always giving an odd number of flowers is still followed today (all except 13 which is considered unlucky). In some cultures a particular color or type of flower is associated with romance or funerals, and would not be chosen to give a hostess. Red roses are frequently considered romantic. Funeral associations frequently occur with lilies or calla lilies, chrysanthemums, Frangipani, white roses, marigolds, carnations, heather, and white or purple flowers. In some Latin countries, yellow flowers symbolize contempt.

Do not differentiate between customers on the basis of their wallet share Be prompt in your service to the customer You need commitment of your suppliers to help you in emergencies Treat everyone with respect


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