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Causes of World War One

Congress of Vienna (1815) General restructuring/resettlement of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars Austria/Prussia/Russia/Great Britain Main goal is to create a balance of power to preserve peace (Metternich) Real outcome is that rulers are returned to 1792 thronesboundaries are set arbitrarily

Causes of World War One

Treaty of Belgium (1839) Signed by England/France/Prussia/Austria/Russia Purpose of the Treaty was to prevent an attack on France using Belgium ( Flat plains of Flanders) Antwerp is one of the most important inland deep water ports

Causes of World War One

Franco/Prussian War (1870) Last major battle prior to 1914 Small maneuverable armies are used Old world strategy/Tactics/Weaponry Minimal casualties Alsace-Lorraine taken from France

Causes of World War One

Economic Imperialism (1870-1914) Germany goes from Agrarian to Industrial nation Germany must seek Colonies to survive (Mercantilism) As Germany attempts to colonize Asia/Africa/Near East there is conflict with Japan/Russia/Great Britain/Spain

Causes of World War One

Nationalism/self determination People of the same nationality should be united in one state (Black Hand) ItaliansAustro-Hungarian Empire FrenchAlsace-Loraine ( Think of it often,speak of it never) Balkans (Serbs)Austro-Hungarian Empire (Russians are pressuring A/H)

Causes of World War One

Militarism Conflict/competition creates fear and apprehension This leads to an arms race and military build up (War could be Won) Germany and Great Britain conflict over Germany's Naval build up (Kiel canal) (Germany is landlocked)

Causes of World War One

System of Entangling Alliances (Heap of Swords) Triple Alliance/Central Powers Germany-Kaiser Wilhelm II (Hohenzollern) Austria-Hungary-Emperor Franz Josef (Hapsburg) Italy-King Victor Immanuel

Causes of World War One

Triple Entente/Allied Powers England-King George V France-Republic Russia-Tsar Nicholas II (Romanov)

Causes of World War One

Ethnic/Religious conflicts Moroccan crisis (1905) (1911) Germanys attempt to take Morocco from France (Angers France and England) Balkans (1908) (1911-1913) Austria-Hungary and the Turks carve up the Slavic peoples (Czechs/Slovaks/Poles/Ukrainians/Rumanians/Slo venes/Croats/Serbs)

Causes of World War One

No effective International Law Wilsons 14 points/League of Nations United Nations The Hague, Netherlands

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