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John Dalton John Dalton was born in September 5,1766 in Eaglesfield in Cumberland, England.

Dalton and his family lived in a small country house. His family had been Quakers since 1690. His parents were honest people and good workers. Dalton was lucky he was a Quaker , other boys received little or no education, but asQuakers Dalton received a fair education at the closest Quaker school . john Dalton had an intense fascination for meteorology he even in fact kept careful daily weather records for forty six straight years. When Dalton was twelve he opened his school in Eaglesfield. John Dalton was very smart, but he was poor, unorganized and he was colorblind, In France this condition was known as Daltonism .Dalton studied the condition from which himself suffer colorblindness. His paper was the earliest description of the phenomenon of vision.

In his first book he said that each gas exists and its independently and purely physically, rather than chemically. However his first published attracted little attention. Dalton's most important contribution to science, was his atomic theory that "matter is composed of atoms differing weights and combine in simple ratios by weight". In 1808 Dalton published a third book entitled A New System of Chemical Philosophy. In this book he listed the atomic weights of a number of known elements related to the weight of hydrogen, although his weight were not precisely accurate they did in fact form the basis for the modern periodic table of the elements. Dalton came to this atomic theory by studying the physical properties of atmospheric air and other gases. While in the quest he discovered the law of partial pressures of mixed gases which became known as Dalton's Law. Dalton's Law stated that the total pressure put out by a mixture of gases. Dalton's law applies only to ideal gases. But it might hold closely enough for real gases.In 1804 and 1809 Dalton was invited to teach courses n The Royal Institution in London. In 1822 he was made a fellow of the Royal Society and was awarded the society's gold medal in 1826 Dalton once separated water into two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. He notice that the oxygen gas created was eight times heavier than the hydrogen gas . Hydrogen was known to be the lightest gas. assumed to be a fundamental value, Dalton assumed by research that hydrogen should have an atomic mass of one. In 1830 Dalton because one of the eight foreign associates of the French Academy of Sciences. And one July 27,1894 John Dalton died of normal reason. He was really old when he died. In conclusion John Dalton was one of the greatest thinkers. He was an English, and foreign language teacher, chemist physicist. Was born in September 6,1766 and died in July 27,1894. Dalton is best known for developing the ancient concept of atoms into a scientific theory that has become a foundation of modern chemistry Dalton would always be remember for his contributions to science. He was the only one that form a basis for the periodic table of the elements.

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