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Tranche Road 3 Atiak - Karawal- Section 2 (5.1 Kms)

Approx. Location 11+050 11+100 1+820 6+870 4+200 5+970 4+700 7+800 2+300

Palukere- Miyalayab (6.87 Kms)

Olamunyu-Atiak Section 2

3 3 3

State farm - Guruguru 1 State farm - Guruguru 2 State farm - Olinga



10+500 2 Ali-Layima 2+100

Measured Qty Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2x7No. 600mm dia. 2x7No. 900mm dia. Nil

Major Structure Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y


Unlikely to be done Existing single cell box culvert (2.5m x 4.0m ) Proposed bridge-Unlikely to be done Major structure across Ayugi River

May require increase in culver dia.

7No. 600mm dia.

to be confirmed


to be confirmed

Existing 2 cell box culvert, appears adequate but requires repares to headwalls and wingwalls Existing 2 lines dia. 1200mm armco pipes Overtops under heavy storm but accessible by motorised and non-motorised traffic (local knowledge of flooding) Existing 2 lines dia. 1200mm armco pipes Overtops under heavy storm with about 3-4 hrs delay (local knowledge of flooding)

7No. 900mm dia. Nil Y Encountered due road diversion

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