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Unit 1 topic 2 Objective:- describe the north south flow of information Domination of transnational news agencies A news agency

y generally deals with news coverage. It combines spot coverage with interpretation of the important political and the economic events. Although it emphasis is limited, the news agency plays a very important role in shaping public opinion on crucial national and international affairs. The news agency does not deal directly with the public it works through the intermediary of the other means of communication namely the Press, Radio, and TV. For a majority of the news media, the news agencies are major sources of news supply. The two leading news agencies in India are United News of India (UNI) and Press Trust of India (PTI), which have contractual agreements with these global news agencies. Certain studies reveal that there are about 1200 news agencies operating in the world. However, the five transnational agencies, Reuter, Agence France Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), and United Press International (UPI) and Telegrafnoi Agentsvo Sovetskavo Soyusa (TASS) put out around 35 million words per day and claim to provide nine-tenth of the total foreign news out put of the world media. Other major agencies are Deutsche Press Agenteur (DPA) of Germany, Koyodo of Japan and Xinhua of China. Agence France Presse (AFP) AFP found in 1835, has the maximum representation on its board of directors. Although AFP is described as an unsubsidised autonomous organisation, in effect, the French govt. and various agencies under its control subscribed to AFP, and provided good support. AFP is regarded as one of the major global news agencies. It has more than 10,000 newspapers and 70 agencies as its subscribers. Its operation are in more than 150 countries with a network of 110 foreign bureaus. Reuters The news agency takes its name after its founder Paul Julius Reuter. Around 1850, He set up a carrier pigeon service. Initially his services were confined to commercial information. His first major breakthrough came in 1859, when he sent a dispatch shadowing a war in Italy. Since then the agency has expanded, Reuters supplies news to its media clients such as other news agencies, newspapers, the radio and television stations. Under its present form of ownership Reuters claim that it can ensure that no particular group or faction can have control. Consequently, it hopes to preserve its integrity and freedom from bias. Associated Press (AP) The impetus to provide speedy transmission of news was given by the telegraph invented by Samuel F.B Morse in 1844. The telegraph enables many small town newspapers in the US to get their news. The meeting of the leading New York publishers was held in this context in 1848. Although a decision was made to start a news agency, the name, Associated Press, was not used till about 1860. Associated Press took a concrete form in 1900 as a modern news gather association. The struggle by AP to establish its base and the rivals placed on its often

cited as a case that is reflective of many 3rd world countries wanting to break the monopoly of the big five, which ironically includes AP. AP with its wide communication network using advanced technology has bureaus in more than 100 countries. Its 5000 plus correspondents and a host of stringers cater to about 1300 newspapers, 3400 broadcasters in US and 1000 private subscribers. United Press International (UPI) The growth of AP spurred the rise of competitors. Edward willis Scripps formed the United press Association in 1907. Scripps started two regional news services to cater to his own newspapers. At the same time, there was another association the Publishers Press Association formed in 1898 by the Non-AP newspapers. In 1907, Scripps merged his United Press Association with the PPA to form United Press Association. A major set back occurred in 1918. It sent a report that the war had ended, and later it tuned out to be false. Its credibility suffered. But slowly it recovered. The backgrounds and personal accounts enabled UPA to score over AP. Parallel to these developments emerged a third press association, the international news service (INS) it faced severe competition from AP, although it was emerging as a major service, by 1956, it decided to merge with AP in 1958 to form United Press International, UPI claims to have overseas electronic strength of about 200 journalists overseas distributed in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia. Its broadcast related service is considered to be specialization. Telegrafnoi Agentsvo Sovetskaov Soyusa (TASS) Often it was customary to exclude TASS from the Globals as the transnational new agencies are called. However, in teams of influence impact and overage, TASS was in no way different from the other agencies, TASS begin on the foundation of what was known as the Petrograd Telegraph Agency in 1917. It supplied news through a network of correspondents in all regional and territory centres. TASS has approximately 20,000 subscribers both domestic and foreign. The work of TASS was complemented by another information agency, Novosti Press Agency(APN), established in 1961 by the Union of Soviet journalists, the Union of Soviet writers. TASS and APN merged to form a new Russian Information Agency called ITARInformation Telegraph Agency of Russia. Critique of international news agencies International news agencies are criticised on following grounds:They produce religious conflicts Finally, international news agencies belong to such society as are action oriented, individualisation, I- based and efficient. The effected developing societies are providence oriented, gregarious V-based, and inefficient (well, most of them). There is a clash of ideology which mean the east and the west. The wars against Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin

Laden, Muammar Qaddafi, The Taliban, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Ultra organisations are to be viewed as wars of cultures. The cultures of East and West are totally at daggers drawn with each others. Ironically, no international statesman is comprehending this fact, although elite social thinkers and mass communications researchers have insinuated to this trend. It this trend was to continue, the world could soon fall into an abyss of lethal chaos. Today, wars are begin fought in every part of the world because there is no possibility of starting world war 3. These sporadic wars would continue through out this century. News and information would be disseminated in all parts of the world by international agencies. Instead of integrating the world through their content, they are helping the masses because adamant on their respective stands. The leaders of these masses would be forced or persuaded to save their perspective cultures. Full-fledged wars can not be fought by many nations. Hence, guerrilla wars would be fought by them. In the modern world, information is everything. It can change the course of history. A news agency is a potent weapon for winning a war. In the initial stage it is a media war and later. It gets converted into a full scale combat.

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