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Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.2011 - live- ja nettiosallistuminen mahdollista: ks. linkit kommentissa
ConnectIrmeli posted to #seminaarikannu 08.03.2011 (fi)


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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...



Maailma muuttuu ja koulu sen mukana mutta kuinka muuttuvat oppimateriaalit? Maaliskuun pajassa selvitetn muun muassa millaisia vaatimuksia tutkiva oppiminen asettaa oppimateriaaleille ja mit on aihiopohjainen materiaalintuotanto. Lisksi pajassa pohditaan oppikirjan tulevaisuutta, mobiilisisltj ja opettajaa dramaturgina. Esill ovat mys konnektiivinen oppiminen, sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet opetuskytss sek laajennettu todellisuus oppimateriaalin rikastajana. Ohjelma ja linkit ilmoittautumiseen paikan plle sek verkkotytilan + striimin osoitteet:
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 08.03.2011 (fi)

Kaksi oppimisaiheista uutista tnn @ Tutkijat: Koulun tuettava erilaisia temperamentteja: Vilkkaus ei kuitenkaan yksinn lis syrjytymist. Esimerkiksi suuri luokkakoko, epvakaa kotiymprist ja periytyv herkkyys ympristn vaikutuksille pahentavat tilannetta. Aivolannoitetta kouluihin: Koska juostessa liikkuvat jalat, Cotman odotti, ett juoksun jlkeen kasvutekijn tasot olisivat korkeimmillaan aivojen niill alueilla, jotka stelevt raajoja. Ylltys oli suuri, kun kasvutekij olikin eniten oppimista ja muistia stelevill alueilla. Juokseminen ei siis liikuttanut vain jalkoja, vaan mys aivoja, ja hermosolujen uudiskasvu oli kiihkeint siell, miss uudet asiat opitaan ja tallennetaan muistiin. Tulos on vahvistettu lukuisissa tutkimuksissa ja niiden viesti on: Jos haluat oppia, kannattaa liikkua. Juokse, l nostele painoja.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 09.03.2011 (fi)

Striimaus klo 8.30 alkaen Ningiin tallentuu esitykset ja etukteis- ja jlkirapoilu TNN: 08.30-10:00 Tutkiva oppiminen ja sisllt. Miten uuteen teknologiaan perustuvia oppimisympristj voidaan kytt tutkivan oppimisen apuna. Yhdess tuotettu tieto ja sen soveltaminen. Kai Hakkarainen, Turun yliopisto 10:00-10:30 Mit kuuluu aihioille? Pasi Silander 10:30-11:30 Konnektiivinen oppiminen. Irmeli Aro 12.15-13.00 Shkiset oppimateriaalit. Minna Sallanen, oppimateriaalien kustannustoimittaja, Kustannusosakeyhti Otava 13.00-13.45 Nelj nyttm kuinka opit jonglraamaan? Nelj erilaista sisllntuotannon tapaa. Jari Sarja, verkkopedagogi, Otavan Opisto 14.15-15.00 Mobiilituottaminen Hyvt hetket talteen? Muistiinpanot elmn? Etn lasn? Outi Vahtila ja Marko Rantanen, HAMK 15.00-16.30 Dramaturginen sisllntuotanto: ksikirjoitettu sislt ja opettaja dramaturgina. Jori Pitknen, luokanopettaja, draamaohjaaja
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Nytt tosi hienolta tuo striimaustekniikka. Kaikki striimaajat, kurkkikaapa @ConnectIrmeli:n linkkaama MakingOf-video...
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

@Ile @ConnectIrmeli taidan ensin jumpata homman toimimaan yhdell kameralla ja mikrofonilla ennenkuin alan - etenkin yksin toimiessa - hankkimaan lis kameroita ja niiden kuvaa yhdistv tekniikkaa:-). Mutta olisihan se kiva jonkun mikseritypydn ress ohjata useampien (vaikkapa nenja kasvojentunnistuksen osaavien robotti)kameroiden kuvaa&nt eett... eikun johonkin terabitethernettiin.
jal commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 10.03.2011 (fi)

Hitto! Hieno tekniikka. Kyp katteeks. Maan epvirallisena kansalais/kansallisstriimaajana puurran silti valitsemallani minimalistisella Simple-and-stupid -tiell, jolla knnykn tytyy haastaa vaikka yleisradiokalusto - omilla joustavuus/nopeusvahvuuksillaan. Oon kyll haaveillut tostavaannaps-rinnakkaiskuvasta/kuvanjaosta, jossa lisukkeena ois androtabletti, mm. palautteenhallintaa/keskustelua varten. Tuommoisen varustuksen kuljettaa viel akkuineen shortsi/liiviasussa ja viritt kyttkuntoon minuutissa.
personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 10.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Minna Sallanen, oppimateriaalien kustannustoimittaja, Kustannusosakeyhti Otava listaa shkisen tulevaisuuden haasteita: Haasteita, kustantaja ksikirjoittaminen - kirjoittaja tarvitsee vlineen kytn ymmrryst, jota perinteisen materiaalin kirjoittajalla ei ole kysynt - sit ei vaan kouluissa viel ole jakelu - erittin avoin haaste; oppikirja knnykss kuulostaa todella eksoottiselta koulujen kyttvalmiudet - liittyy kysyntn; vaikka pkaupunkiseudulla on jo lytauluja ja tietokoneita luokissa, monessa koulussa eri puolilla Suomea opetetaan viel piirtoheitinkalvoilta Haasteita, kustantaja opettamisen haasteet - valmius ottaa uudet menetelmt vastaan ja kyttn jakelu - millaisiin vlineisiin on varaa kyttmahdollisuudet - tasa-arvo (peruskouluissa erityisesti); kaikilla pitisi olla yhtliset mahdollisuuden asuinpaikasta riippumatta Yleiskysymys: Onko eri oppiaineiden vlill eroja? Vastaus: Erot ovat enemmn opettajan valinnoista kuin oppiaineesta riippuvia.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Nelj nyttm kuinka opit jonglraamaan? Nelj erilaista sisllntuotannon tapaa. Jari Sarja, verkkopedagogi, Otavan Opisto Jonglrauksen opettaminen - ihana esimerkki jatkoksi aamupivn puheenvuoroille! Oppiiko oppija, jos opettaja kertoo, mit jonglrauksesta on kirjoitettu kirjoissa :). ...vai jos hn opettaa jonglraamalla ja opettelee samalla taitoa ja sen vivahteita lis. Onko oppiminen nyttmst johtuen: Museo - l koske! Ymprist on tehty staattiseksi. Kaikki on valmista. mitn et voi en kehitt. Kaikki saatava tieto on jo saatu irti. Uusia esineit voi tulla, mutta vanhaa ei pivitet. Draama Seikkalu Verstas Tst linkist listietoa kustakin toteutetusta nyttmst: /sarj... Museosta erityisesti:
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Draama -nyttmll kysymyksiin saa vastauksia. Kirjautua / osallistua voi helposti mys monen sosiaalisen verkoston profiilin kautta, joita osallistujilla jo on entuudestaan. Tietoa ei anneta valmiina. -Kaikki on mahdollista sen mukaan, mit osallistujat toivovat, ehdottavat, tuottavat... Keskeist on saada ihmiset kiinnostumaan ja mukaan - innostumaan.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Museo -tyyppinen opetus j siihen, mihin se yhden kerran laadittiin. Mistn et kirjaudu sisn ja kartuta tietoa... Jossain voi olla hankalasti tavoitettava yllpitj - joka ei ehk ole kuitenkaan halukas muuttamaan alkuperist tietoa. Draama -nyttm: Draama nyttmn tarkoittaa sit, ett ihmiset ovat tiedonlhde. Minulle sattui ihan vasta urheiluvamma polveen. Lkrikirjasta lysin tietysti faktaa, mutta ei siit tiedosta ollut hyty. Onneksi netist lytyi kohtalotovereita. Heill oli tarinaa kerrottava sen osalta kuinka kauan paraneminen kesti. Joku oli mys kokeillut erilaisia polvitukia ja siihenkin lytyi vinkkej, ett mist saa parasta palvelua. Tavallaan osallistun parhaillaan itse sosiaalisen median kautta samaan draamaan. Laitan kuvia ortoosista ja vertailen muiden polvitukia omani. Kvin mys lkrill, mutta hoito oli juuri se mink moni oli kuvannut eli ei leikata. Draamassa tieto el ja muokkautuu ihmisten kokemusten mukana. Osallistuminen on ydinjuttu samoin kuin samaistuminen jos kerta noin tukeva laihdutti noin paljon niin kyll minkin. Tai jos tuokin oppi jongleeraamaan niin miksen minkin oppisi samoin menetelmin. Toisten kokemukset motivoivat yrittmn. Verrattuna museoon - ktt pit kuntouttaa heittelemll palloja; ei pelkstn lukea pallojen heittmisest... Mys: jos kertojakin oppi, niin kyll minkin...
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Tehdas -nyttm: keskeist on valmistusprosessi! -Vaikka laatija jo osaa, hn ky prosessin vaihe vaiheelta uudestaan ja uudestaan lpi - jotta uudet osallistujat psevt juoneen mukaan. vlineet kuntoon - ei jonglrata tennispalloilla... vaihe vaiheelta - esim. tss tapauksessa: l katsele palloja, ne eivt vaihda suuntaa, katse eteen pin... Ensimminen vaihe selitetn ja harjoitellaan rimmisen perusteellisesti ...katse, heittosuunta, kden liike, polvet... Kun osaa ensin heitt, voi seuraavaksi alkaa optetella kiinni ottamista. Tehtaassa kaikki tekevt samalla tavalla. Malli opetetaan rimmisen perusteellisesti. Sen jlkeen poikkeamat eivt ole mahdollisisia.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Jkiekko metaforana... Museo - pisteprssi; kun maali on sinne kirjattu, se on siell ja pysyy Draama - vitelln pubissa, oliko kysess paitsiomaali; jokaisella on mahdollisuus sanoa mielipiteens Tehdas - tuotetaan uusia Selnteit; ongelmat ovat suuret siin vaihessa, kun menetelm on vanhentunut Verstas, seikkailu valmista itsellesi vlineet - 12 kohdan ohje kaikille ei koskaan tule samaa lopputulosta joskus menee ihan pieleen kuinka teet ilmapalloista jonglrauspalloja valmista pallo viinipullon korkin ymprille opiskelijoita voi innostaa tutkimaan esim. miss ja miten pallot valmistetaan - eettisyys, kestvyys... < -- > tutkimusprojekteja; materiaalin ekologisuus... learning by using, creativity - laaditaan videoprojekti pallojen suunnittelusta ja valmistamisesta (huolestuvatko vanhemmat, jos koulussa tehdn viikko pelkk videota...)
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Yleiskommentissa kysytn, eik perusteelliseen osaamiseen psemiseksi tarvita vakiointia - kaikkia vaiheita. Halveksiiko pelkn seikkailun korostaminen perinteist oppimista... Vastaus: Jos j liian pitkksi aikaa museoon, oppilaat ovat kadonneet, kun alkaisit kohentaa tilannetta... -Nyt ollaan niin syvll museossa, ett seikkailua tulee korostaa niin paljon, ett liikett alkaa nky kytnnss. Liikkkeeseen jminen ei ole pmr - kuten ei pelkn oppimisen tilan saavuttaminenkaan...
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Vuorossa esitys verkon vlityksell: Mobiilituottaminen Hyvt hetket talteen? Muistiinpanot elmn? Etn lasn? Outi Vahtila ja Marko Rantanen, HAMK Mit mobiilivideointi edellytt? Miten mobiilivideoita voi ottaa? Miten mobiilivideoita voi kytt? Miten mobiilivideo eroaa tavallisella kameralla / videokameralla otetusta videosta? Miksi mobiilivideo on niin suosittu?
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Viittaan qaiku -ketjuun: 65. Bisnestreffit: Kuva arvoitus? 11.2.2011 Mobiilikeskoulu Mustialassa 25.-26.5.2011 AVO -hankkeen Mobiiliopas Wiki: AVO - Mobiilit oppimisessa ja vuorovaikutuksessa
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Dramaturginen sisllntuotanto: ksikirjoitettu sislt ja opettaja dramaturgina. Jori Pitknen, luokanopettaja, draamaohjaaja dramaturgiaa ei opita kirjoista lukemalla... kirjoitustehtv: vajaat 10 minuuttia - kirjoita, mit mieleen tulee; automaattikirjoitus, mielen virtaa...
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Kyseess oli mielentyhjennyharjoitus, jota kytetn paljon - ennen luovan kirjoittamisen aloittamista. -Mielenkiintoista... tulee mieleen mikroblogien kytt ennen varsinaista bloggausta tai vaikkapa artikkelin kirjoittamista! Tm on toteutunut vahingossa monta kertaa, kun pitkn kommentin kirjoittamisen jlkeen painaa enteri - ja hups kaikki hvisi. Toisen kirjoitusrupeaman kommentti on sitten ihan tysin eri nkkulmasta - ja poikkeuksetta tuntuu huomattavasti paremmalta kuin eka.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Totean, ett olen oppinut tmn mielentyhjennysharjoituksen omassa esityksessni mainitsemani pivn kuvan kautta oppimieni kuvakertomusten kautta. Mit trkempi ja keskittymist vaativampi tilanne edess, sit enemmn olen huomannut kuvatyhjennyksen auttavan! Aristoteleen dramaturgia Freytagin pyramidi: eeppinen dramatirgia (Brecht) aihelhtinen dramaturgia - trke oppimateriaalissa / opettamisessa paikkalhtinen dramaturgia - inspiroidutaan paikasta fragmentaarinen dramaturgia - esitys koostuu irrallisista osista, jotka eivt kommunikoi => oma mieli alkaa tuottaa merkitysyhteyksi

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

aleatorinen dramatirgia - yleis saa heitt noppaa aiheen tyylist rihmastodramaturgia - useita polkuja; yleisn valinnat ratkaisevan lopun Devising esityksen rakentaminen oppilaiden kanssa omistajuus siirtyy oppilaille => enemmn sitoutumista, suurempi tunneside => enemmn j mys mieleen (vrt. Kolb, kokemuksellinen oppiminen) mm. aihelhtinen esitys - oppija saa vaikuttaa, miten esitys rakentuu ja mik on lopputulos
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Osallistava teatteri (Pieta Koskenniemi, 2007) Aristoteleen runousoppi: Ilmainen ksikirjoitustykalu Kuva: Harjoituksena tehtiin taululle yhteisen tajunnan avulla hahmo: luennoitsija
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Malleja / esimerkkej ksikirjoitusprosessista: "Dramaturgia on erittin lhell opettamista" - oppiaineisto tuodaan nkyville mahdollisimman hyvin "esityst" palvelevasti Oppituntia ei voi suunnitella ehdottoman kaavan mukaan - oppilaat tulevat aina jollakin tavalla vaikuttamaan etenemiseen ARISTOTEELINEN OPPITUNTI jnnityksen kasvu, huippukohta ja hidas lasku lopetukseen (esim. reflektio eettisist kysymyksist - mit tapahtui) alkaa alusta TAI

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

alkaa lopusta (dekkarityyli) - "mit tapahtui" kelataan sitten alusta; oppilaat voivat vaikuttaa
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 10.03.2011 (fi)

Hei otavalaiset ja kaikki muut, tss oma tmn pivn kontributio tlt Sotkumon puskasta. Uskoni ettyn muuntumisesta mikroduunaavaksi lhityksi on vuoden 2011 aikana vahvistunut. @ConnectIrmeli teet upeeta rapoa. Olen liven lsn asynkronisesti - whatever that means in Finnish language
visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Sotkamo 10.03.2011 (fi)

Torstain 11.3. kirjosta valikoin 09.15-10.00 Oppiminen, kieltenopetus ja verkot: suomen etn. Marja Ahola, Koulutuskeskus Salpaus 10.00-10.45 Some ja oppimateriaali. Anne Rongas 10.45-11.30 Laajennettu todellisuus oppimateriaalin rikastajana. Sanni Siltanen, Erikoistutkija, VTT 12.00-12.15 Matka ja kohtalon etsiminen antiikin mytologia, Myyttikestien kolmas osa. Pia Houni, teatteritieteen dosentti 12.15-13.45 Kalamalja: Oppisisltjen tulevaisuus 14.15-15.00 Sarjatulta: 10 vinkki joilla saat etneuvottelun eponnistumaan. Edu-teknoparikon Jouni Karnasaari 15.00-17.00 Pajatyskentely: toiminnan ja koulutuksen suunnittelu, kokemuksenvaihtoa, tekemist ja raportointia. Pedagogiset ohjaajat; Myyttikestien tyskentelyosuus Koko ohjelma virtuaaliosallistumislinkkeineen:
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Marja Ahola, Koulutuskeskus Salpauksesta kertoo suomen kielen opettamisesta maahanmuuttajille etn / verkossa / monimuotona

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Ksitykset oppimisesta... opettajan (omaan kokemukseen perustuva? humanistinen? sosio-kulttuurinen?) opiskelijan (omaan kokemukseen perustuva? mekanistinen? kulttuurisidonnainen?) ...ohjaavat sit, miten kielt opiskellaan ja opitaan. Oma huomio: erittin arvokasta ja trke tyst oppimisksitysten dialogi vauhtiin mys silloin, kun poisopitaan suomalaisten kesken uustyskentely - reflektiota: aamun #bisnestreffit #tieke #mikroduuni
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

(Kielen) oppimiseen tarvitaan (Wygotski): altistuminen sisistminen kielitaju tystaminen taitaminen tarjouma
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Miten luoda houkutksia? ...tai voiko niit vltt? kytnnn tilanteita aitoja tekstej omaan tyhn sidottuja mit oppija pit itselleen trken ympristssn omaan elmn liittyv
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

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Oppimisen ksite monimuotoistuu, mittarit muuttuvat Ksitykset kielenoppimisesta muuttuvat - millaista kielt tarvitaan tyelmss? Ammattialakohtaista tilannesidonnaista kielt? Tsmtarpeita, esim. hoivakieli Miss kielt opitaan ...mobiilisti pilviss?
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Some ja oppimateriaali. Anne Rongas Opettajan tekijnoikeusopas Ilmipohjainen oppiminen ja opetus oppilailta kysyttess - he kokevat tuottamansa materiaalin virtuaalijakamisen mynteisen asiana opettaja jakaa ja edist omalla esimerkilln yhteisen hyvn ja avunannon etiikkaa ottamalla oppilaita (ja verkostoja) mukaan tuottamaan oppimisaineistoja opiskelija psee - kirjan julkaisuun verrattuna - lismn laatimaansa ajantasaista materiaalia oppimisaineistoihin eletn viel nettiajan kivikautta - tieto aineistoista levi sosiaalisen verkostoitumisen kautta vinkkaamalla (kuva!) => tiedonlouhintavlineet muuttavat jatkossa toimintakentt Yleiskommentissa viitataan Kai Hakkaraisen eilen mainitsemiin oppimisen proteeseihin kuvan vlineet toimivat proteesina niin kauan kuin niit tarvitaan => tarvittaessa liitetn oppimiseen seuraava tukeva proteesi => oppija innostuu aineiston kehittmisen prosessista niin paljon => ekspansiivinen oppiminen, ett tuotos on valmistuessaan en sivuseikka
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Emancipatory learning ...A third type, emancipatory learning, can free us from libidinal, linguistic, epistemic, institutional, and environmental forces that limit our options and our control over our lives

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Emancipatory knowledge is knowledge gained through critical self-reflection, as distinct from the knowledge gained from our technical interest in the objective world or our practical interest in social relationships Emancipatory learning results in self-knowledge, particularly understanding of our meaning perspectives.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (en)

Laajennettu todellisuus oppimateriaalin rikastajana. Sanni Siltanen, Erikoistutkija, VTT Augmented reality. Education
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

In-Place Augmented Reality 3D Sketching of Mechanical Systems /watch?v=M4qZ0G... New 2010 Samsung Galaxy Tab Official Ad VTT palvelee jos ja kun kysymyksi her aiheesta myhemmin:
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Maaliskuun paja Otavan opistolla 10.-12.3.20...

Matka ja kohtalon etsiminen antiikin mytologia, Myyttikestien kolmas osa. Pia Houni, teatteritieteen dosentti "kohtalo ja tragedia ovat aina samaan aikaan lsn..." myyttien monikerroksisuus on pitnyt mytologioita esill halki antiikin jlkeisen (taide)historian => draamakirjallisuus tmn pivn Kreikan kirjallisuudessa vahva taikausko lsn myyteill on pyritty rakentamaan alkutarionoita: miten tuntemattomasta tuli tunnettua, miten kosmos on luotu... (Ovidius: Metamorfooseja), viittaa alitajunnan maastoon (->luomisen lhteen) vahvasti esill varhaisessa kristillisyydess "Otavan Opiston ja Kriittisen korkeakoulun yhteinen Myyttikestit-seminaarisarja kynnistyi tammikuussa ja jatkuu kerran kuukaudessa uusilla aiheilla koko kevn ajan. Myyttikestien tarkoitus on esitell ja pohtia maailman eri mytologioiden perusaiheita ja yhteisi piirteit. Sarja jatkuu maaliskuussa teemalla Ihmisen kasvun ja kivun paikat. -Maaliskuussa Myyttikestit jrjestetn 11. - 12.3.2011 teemalla Ihmisen kasvun ja kivun paikat. Aihetta on alustamassa teatteritieteen dosentti Pia Houni. Huhtikuussa (15. - 16.4.) kirjailija, kouluttaja Antti Kylliinen puolestaan johdattelee myyttien avulla aiheeseen ihminen vastakkaisten voimien jnnitteess. Toukokuussa (13. - 14.5.) Myyttikestit huipentuu nimens mukaisesti kesteihin, joissa ksitelln osallistujien mukanaan tuomia myyttej."
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

"Myytit saavat aikaan liikahduksia alitajunnan alueella."

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:24

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"Ihmisten tietoisuus historiastaan lisntyi - lissi kiinnostusta myytteihin."

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

(kts. esim. Henrik Enckell 2006, 142-146)

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Voiko kohtaloaan muuttaa...?!

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)


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14.10.2012 14:24

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"Kun ei usko mihinkn, uskoo mihin vaan" "Myytit ovat olleet elm helpottava tekij - verrattuna informaatiohkyyn" Kalevalan suhde informaatiohkyyn! Myytit malleineen ja selityksineen luovat yhteisllisyytt "Tn pivn - vaikka ollaan yhteisllisi - yhteinen tarina puuttuu" "Ennen: yksi kansakunta, yksi tarina" "Oman kulttuurin / antiikin ymmrrys vs. new age, zeitgeist..." "Sytykkeit innostuvaan oppimiseen" "Oman henkilkohtaisen myytin kieriminen auki - kaikki oma aikuisuus ja kasvutarina kietautuu; pedagogisesti jnnittv"
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Kalamaljasta "Sivistys on sit, miten ihminen reagoi kohtaloonsa." "Meidn ajan myyttiset perheet ova tositeeveess - en ki m noin paha ole" "Kirjoittaako media nykyajan myytti?" "ritilanteissa nousee prussuomalaisia ja muita hahmoja..." "Ksitys hyvst elmst: julkkis..." Perheen dynamiikka = tragedia. Aristoteles Yhteiskunta on pedagogisoitunut. Individualismia korostetaan, Samaan aikaan seurataan loputtomasti, miten asuntoa tulee sisustaa, laittaa ruokaa jne. Valistus = pois itseaiheutetusta alaikisyydest! Media on kasvoton taluttaja - kuka tahansa voi kertoa, miten pit el. Ei edist ajattelua yhtn. Onko ajattelijoiden syyt edelleen sitkesti jatkaa tarinoiden kerrontaa?
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

Kalamaljasta "Yksikn jrkiargumentti ei tehoa, jos tunnetasolla ei pst tapahtumaan mitn." Antiikin ihmiselle yhteis oli trkempi kuin minuus. Aristoteleen mukaan koko yhteis pit kasvattaa. Ajattelun taitoa kannattaa harjoittaa. "Nietzschen teoria ikuisesta paluusta on hyv esimerkki siit, kuinka teorialla voi olla jotakin merkityksellist annettavaa mys yksilllisell kokemuksen tasolla riippumatta siit, allekirjoittaako teorian faktisena totuutena, kosmologisena maailmanselityksen. Sill voi olla merkityksellist annettavaa yksillle itselleen, ja se voi list ymmrryst itsest sek toisista." (Seinl, Filosofia itseksi tulemisena teoksessa Mit on filosofia? Gaudeamus, 2010, s. 226) => heinsirkkamainen tapa ottaa vastaan media, tietoa, perinnett... voi ollakin hyv - Kalevalan merkitys lhivuosikymmenin verrattuna edellisiin - Yhtlisyydet eri perinteiden / myyttien vlill siin, miten ne pyrkivt selittvt universaalia ihmisyytt - Toukokullee otetaan vastaan toivomuksia omista myyteist
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

@ConnectIrmeli Kiitos mielenkiintoisista virikkeist. Nostan tss esille itselleni trkeit "juuri nyt" ja miten erotan osaamisen siirtmisess: Museo Draama

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14.10.2012 14:24

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Tehdas Seikkailu Laajennettu todellisuus Matkailun markkinoinnissa on seikkailua hydynnetty myyttisen vetovoimatekijn. Urbaanin ihmisen seikkailu hiihtokeskuksessa rajoituu usein kmpn ja baarin vliseen hoiperteluun juhlatamineissa ja rinteeess yls hissill ja alas suksilla tai lumilaudalla.
visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Sotkamo 11.03.2011 (fi)

Sarjatulta: 10 vinkki joilla saat etneuvottelun eponnistumaan. Edu-teknoparikon Jouni Karnasaari 1) l valmistaudu 2) l testaa 3) Kokeile uutta tuotantotilanteessa 4) Panikoi - ongelmatilanteiden alleviivailu on varmin tapa eponnistua (esiintyjn tehtv ei todellakaan ole tuoda toimimattomuutta tai sotkua esiin, vaan lipua tyylikksti niiden ohi) 5) Luota tekniikkaan - tekniikan ihmiset eivt koskaan luota! Tsekkaa, ett on flppi- tai valkotaulu ja kirjoitusvlineet - erityisen trke, kun siirrytn pilvipalveluihin. 6) l vlit aikatauluista 7) Oleta 8) Kuorruta - kuvittele, ett lentv teksti sanoo sanasi painavammin* 9) Toista virheesi - pid opitusta avuttomuudesta sitkesti kiinni. Olisiko OK, ett metsuri pyyt teknisen tuen kyttmn sahaa...?! 10) __________?
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 11.03.2011 (fi)

@ConnectIrmeli Kiitos nist rapoista ja mukanaolostasi pajassa! Linkitin ketjun mys verkkopedaningiin.
TAir commented on posted to #seminaarikannu kotona tai nurkilla 14.03.2011 (fi)

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pink gold hour and minute hands straps hand-stitched matt black or brown "large square-scale" alligator leather with 18-carat pink gold ap folding clasp

the set consists of three watches: after 80 years of celebrating classicism:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

Geraldine1203 Posted by Silke ,blue suede pumps: Here are some of the different types of heels popular today. In general,peep toe bootie: , the thicker?the heel is at the bottom,cheap cowboy boots: , where it touches the ground,foldable flats: , the easier youll find it to wear. Cone: Round heel which is broad where it meets the sole of the shoe and noticeably narrower at the point of contact with the ground. Kitten: Short,wide boots: , slim heel with maximum height under 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground. Puppy: Thick square block heel approx. 2 inches in diameter and height. Prism: Three flat sides which form a triangle at the point of contact with the ground. Spool: Broad where it meets the sole and at the point of contact with the ground; noticeably narrower at the midpoint between the two. Stiletto: Tall,pumps shoes: , slim heel with minimum height of 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground. Wedge: Occupies the entire space under the arch and heel portions of the foot. link but not everyone has enough money to buy one.: Enter more sweepstakes and giveaways at .:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

,alice in wonderland costumes: Hoi,Evening Dresses online: ! Let me introduce myself: I'm Marta and I work for the Dutch dress community. I love supporting my local artisans and highlighting the great work coming out of the Netherlands. Today I'm proud to announce that October's dress Twitter background was dreamed up by industrial designer Kenneth?Veenenbos?and architect Nelliana van den Baard, who can usually be found collaborating on paper lamps in their dress shop,bustiers: /New-Corset... ,?. They stepped outside their comfort zone and designed our Twitter background to celebra: te?,silk cocktail dresses: , an annual summit of visual leaders,chiffon cocktail dresses: , including dress own Creative Director. Kenneth and Nelliana were more than happy to answer some questions about their inspiration for this month's bold design. How was designing for the Twitter Artist Series different from your lamps? It was a lot of fun to work with geometric patterns in 2D. We call our graphic "Lost in Geometry" and it's based on one of our lampshade patterns.?We do have dreams of combining graphics with our lampshades so this might be a good starting point. Tell us a little bit about your design. "Lost in Geometry" tells the story of the road to your dreams,bridal veils headpieces: , just like?The Wizard of Oz.?In our graphic it is Snowpuppe (the snowman) who is looking for something. He is lost in the valleys and mountains of the folded paper and is walking on his own yellow brick road.?Snowpuppe hopes to find the right direction,adult vampire costumes: /Vampire-Co... , just like we do. Where do you normally get your inspiration from when designing your lamps? We derive a lot of inspiration from the the sentence, "It seems to be impossible." Other forms of?inspiration: Jumping off a swing,evening dresses cheap: , finishing a puzzle upside down, eating cheese with chocolate, the movie , an umbrella that doesn't break during: heavy storms and mega-large origami lampshades. The architect liked to say,butterfly wings costume: , "I like to be on the edge of the possible." Most of our process is related to a serires of trial and error.?If you're not afraid to do something wrong you will eventually learn what is right. Coincidence is an important factor in our creative process.

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Dresses for a Cruise Wedding: neither too high nor too low:
Adalgiso commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

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s beauty pageant. On Tuesday: a delicious cake:

Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)


If there is one thing that usually proves very difficult for shoe makers to do is to combine great features such as style, safety, comfort and affordability into a single pair of shoes. However, ever since the White Mountain Shoes came into the market around 20 years ago, this has been very possible for them to do. However,franck mueller watch: , once these choices have been given to you,piaget black tie watches: , it can be very difficult for you to choose the right shoes,swiss replica patek philippe: , whether you are looking for shoes for the office or if you are just looking for casual shoes. In this article,replica montblanc profile watches: , we are going to look at top three shoes for you to consider when you want to purchase the White Mountain Shoes.The White Mountain CanoeThe first type of shoes that you should look at

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here if you want to make yourself look great is the White Mountain Canoe. The first thing that you need to know is that these are actually sandals,breguet watches replica: , and that they are neither low heels nor high heels. Well, at 2 inches high, you can say that the heels are pretty good in ensuring that you are both comfortable and that you look stylish. It's also very important to point out the fact that the shoes have got some man-made soles,philippe patek watches: , something that definitely goes a long way in ensuring that the shoes are of high quality. For you to walk away with these shoes,online watch store: , you must be willing to part with $25.AdaraApart from the White Mountain Canoe that though does not have a very high heel still does not have a very low one,graham watch: , then the Adara are perhaps the best option that is available for you. This is because the Adar shoes have got heels that are one inch high. To ensure that you are comfortable, and safe,pocket watch: , the soles that make the Adara are non-slip.The Suede Blow WedgesThe last model that we shall look at for the sake of those who are looking for an opportunity to buy the White Mountain Shoes is that if the shoe blow wedges. The shoes have got an insole that ensures that you are comfortable when you are wearing the shoes. The heels of the shows are three inches, which means that they are actually high.All in all,tag heuer replicas: , the White Mountain Shoes are great shoes to have and there are many other models that you can pick from and which will definitely go along way in ensuring that you are very comfortable in the shoes that you wear.For practical reasons, it is quite difficult for anyone to write all the details about the White Mountain shoes here. If you would like to own great footwear and lovely clothes without spending your life savings on them, then check out for them at 6pm.About the author:Nadav Snir operates a website which includes discounts to one of the biggest shoe and accessories stores online - 6pm. To get those discounts,audemars piguet replika: , visit his site: is here again,audemars piguet replicas: ! If your poor feet have been suffering all winter long, check out some of the latest spring show trends. This fun and comfortable footwear will immediately wipe away the winter blues.Spring is all about vibrant color and energy, and the latest crop of trendy spring shows fits right in. No matter what your style is,zenith gold watch: , these shoes are sure to dazzle with off-the-wall abstract designs and playful colors.Technicolor DreamForget the demure muted tones of the winter season and bring on the color. The latest spring shoes are sure to stimulate the senses. Wild colors are definitely in. : There are many neon and flashy metallic shoes to brighten up any wardrobe.Many designs go crazy over color and create a mixture of tones and hues using complicated stitching. The result is psychedelic-style floral and geometric patterns that celebrate all things spring. The unexpected additions silver and gold accents to these patterns or on traditional warm weather sandals will brighten up any outfit.Attention to DetailNothing adds drama to a well-designed shoe like a well-placed detail. This spring all the hottest shoes have just a little something extra. Perforations on boots and pumps have made a comeback for good reason. The playful windows allow ventilation for the feet and make stiff styles less formal. For sandals with straps,trendy watches: , nothing draws attention like clunky jewels. Large stones reflect the sun and make these comfortable shoes sparkle.Another emerging trend is bead detailing. : Intricate beadwork draws the eye over the graceful lines of the footwear and provides a graphic area of interest for the eye. These masterpieces offer a down-to-earth and handmade feel to any outfit. If you have bohemian style,montblanc replica watches: , beaded sandals are the perfect addition to your wardrobe.Unexpected MaterialsTake a walk on the wild side with the latest shoe material trends. Alligator and snakeskin shoes are nothing new, but this spring they are getting revamped. Patchwork designs consisting of many different textures reveal a touch of danger with the unmistakable texture of alligator. These materials not only make durable shoes, but the texture and colors make the details pop.Patent leather may seem a bit stuffy, but it is getting a makeover for the spring season. Fun boots and flats made out of the stiff stuff can be worn to work or out on the town. Paring the leather with unexpected shapes and colors brings the formal material down to earth.The Trendiest Styles The Gladiator Sandal. This casual flat is a great option for those who value comfort, but still want attractive shoes. The gladiator sandal is surprising sturdy and perfect for those seeking a more natural look. They are often made in leather with fabulous beading or strap detailing.Platforms and Wedges. There is nothing better than a platform or wedge done right. These solid shoes add height without making the wearer feel unwieldy. Those who need the lift should know that they are back. Wedges and platforms this spring will go back to their roots with bright colors and interesting shapes. : The Pump with a Twist. Most women have a trusty pair of pumps that will work with anything, but these versatile shoes don't get the recognition they deserve. This spring, the pump is celebrated with some fashion forward patterns and color. Wouldn't a flowered or patent leather lime green pump make a great addition to your collection?The Peep-toe Sandal. Dying to show off a pedicure but not the rest of your foot? Try a peep-toe sandal. These versatile shoes are the perfect transition from winter to summer and they come in virtually every imaginable height and color. There is a peep-toe shoe for everyone. More IdeasThose who still love ballerina flats need not worry, because they are in this spring. The comfortable footwear is now available in funky colors or more demure metallic. These slip-on-and-go shoes are just what you need for running errands in style.Few have seen boots like this. Some of the hippest new spring shoes are flirty peep-toe and perforated knee-highs. There are also multi-colored and python-skinned varieties. You will not want to hide these under a pair of jeans.Just remember that spring styles are all about comfort and fun. All of the trendiest shoes allow you to show off your flirty side without sacrificing the ability to move freely in the warmer weather. Find the style that is right for you and look fabulous this season.Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about fashion topics including Ugg Cardy | Ugg Australia

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often overlooked muscle groups: With the proper care:

xiaoyude commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

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Design icon, Isaac Mizrahi homecoming dresses: homecoming dresses, unveiled a brand new bridal collection for this season.It's so fun for editors when there is a runway motif" like this black, pink, and white palette.(He also threw some wildcard gingham in there)! To bring our week of fashion highlights to a close, why not end with a contemporary classic from These lace-trimmed ruffles are totally genius" As I showed you in , Mark's debut collection was pretty fabulous.As a whole, I was totally impressed, but there's definitely a special place in my heart for these sophisticated sleeved styles.You'll just have to head over to to find them" Nine. Sheer Sleeves at Happy Weekend Everyone! Eight. Lela's Lovelies I adore how un-bridesmaid-ey these bridesmaid's dresses from Lazaro are.I'd be ecstatic if I was asked to stand up in one of these fanciful frocks. "Continued from earlier today" How incredible is this sleek silhouette by The rest of her collection is equally as lovely.Oftentimes, Lela's dresses fly under the radar, so you won't see your best friend walking down the aisle in the same dress a month later"making it even more unique and special prom dresses 2012: prom dresses 2012! Ten.The Princess Bride Next week, it's back to real weddings and projects with a dose of fashion each Friday here on the blog. Seven. Fanciful Frocks from Now that you've gotten a taste of the new season of gowns" what are you loving What trends could you do without I'd love to know! Six. Isaac Mizrahi does Bridal Related Article: informal wedding dresses- Here:
jiajia commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)


When you find a great pair of wedding shoes, you just know. They're comfortable to wear and they make you feel like a million bucks. But what happens if they're the wrong color? Or they're too plain? Or you just want to add some personality of your own? Luckily, it's fairly easy to take your wedding shoes from "almost there" to perfect. As you walk down the aisle, all eyes will be on you from your head to your feet. And speaking of your feet, what will they be wearing? If you want to make a grand entrance, there's nothing like a fabulous pair of shoes. You can paint your soles with glitter and glue (see "Hard Glitter" above). If you're feeling artistic, you can even paint your own designs onto the soles with acrylic artist's paint before covering them with Mod Podge or clear glue. This is a great place to add your initials (or a romantic quote, if you have a small enough paintbrush and a steady enough hand) in a place that won't compete with the rest of your look. While it's possible to find premade shoe sole covers in stores, if you buy them you will still need to apply the covers to your shoes carefully and cut around the edges with a sharp knife. As long as you'll need such precision and creativity anyway, you may as well take matters into your own hands (and feet!) and pick the exact pattern you like. Carefully tape off any sections of the shoe that you don't want covered in glitter. (This includes the inside of the shoe.) For hard-to-tape curves, you can also press in a layer of putty to shield the shoe from glitter spills. Make sure the putty is non-greasy and a neutral color so it doesn't leave residue on the inside of your shoe.

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14.10.2012 14:24

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Go On, Get Attached Whether you add enough rhinestones to dazzle your guests the moment you step into the sunshine, or you keep your decoration subtle, your footwear is a perfect opportunity to flaunt your style. Let your personality show with every step down the aisle. Mix the glitter with the glue, stir thoroughly, and paint it onto the shoe with a small, firm paintbrush. Use several coats, making sure the previous one is completely dry before starting on the next. Unlike the flower arrangements, the fondue fountain, or the DJ's tie (sorry, bridezillas), wedding shoes actually need to be perfect. Wearing uncomfortable footwear can ruin your enjoyment of your wedding and give you a pained smile in every photo. You don't want to mentally complete "I do!" with, "..wish I could kick these things off finally." Shoe soles are the perfect place to add a little jazz to your wedding ensemble. Perfectly straddling the line between subtle and sassy, flashy soles tell the world that this bride isn't afraid to show some spirit. Whether you're looking for or you just aren't satisfied with plain white pumps, fancy soles are a good place to start. How much glitter? That's your choice. You can glitter the entire shoe,transparent bra: , or tape off some preferred areas. Consider a glitter stripe down the heel, accents on the toes, or even a stencil along the side. You can expand your sole-cover selection to encompass the wide range of colors, textures, and patterns offered by.. contact paper! Yes, the same material you'd buy to line your shelves and drawers can also be turned into a striking addition to your bridal footwear. Simply apply the sticky side to the bottom of your shoe (pressing firmly into the middle of the sole first, with ever-widening strokes, to avoid trapping air bubbles) and cut away the excess with a sharp knife. If you want a shiny look,short prom dresses: , cover the end result with a layer of glossy epoxy. Forget diamonds; a hot glue gun is a girl's best friend. Of course, once you have the glue, you can have the diamonds too. Take your cue from Paul Simon and throw a few diamonds on the soles of your high-heeled shoesor rhinestones, as the case may be. Be sure the heels are high enough to keep the sparkles off the ground. Whether you want to spell out something cute like, "I do!" or try something more complicated, like reproducing your fianc&eacute;'s and your zodiac constellations, there's nothing like a shiny collection of gems to make the message sparkle. Your wedding shoes are a perfect opportunity to create a memento that will last a lifetime. If you want to imbue your keepsake with the mood of your wedding day, leave your shoes plain and ask your wedding party to sign them after the ceremony. You can epoxy both shoes afterward, ensuring that the signatures never rub off or fade. Hard Glitter Leave Something for Later First, find a clear, strong glue (Mod Podge works well) and the glitter of your choice at any art supply or craft store. A super-fine glitter will look like the sparkles are coming from deep inside the shoe, whereas a coarser glitter will add texture and cast disco ball reflections as you walk. Don't forget, hot glue works wonders for attaching any embellishments you like. From bows and ruffles to beading and silk flowers, your shoes are a blank canvas. The tips of the toes and the spike of the heel are great places to start. Just remember that less is generally more. Pick one style of embellishment and leave it at that. You can choose several glitter colors if you want to paint a gradient from the front of the shoe to the back, but keep in mind that the more complex the project you're attempting, the more important it is to try it on a spare pair of shoes first. Add a spectacular sparkle by imbuing your wedding shoes with glitter. This is no "arts and crafts day" project; rather than leaving a single speck of glitter on the aisle, the sparkles will be entirely fused to your shoe. No one will be able to tell that the shoes weren't made that way. Before you start painting, score the surface you'll be glittering with sandpaper or another abrasive material. As counter-intuitive as it sounds, it helps to crosshatch slight cuts in the surface of the shoe with a very sharp knifejust be careful you don't cut through the shoe. Add as many coats as you like until the shoes are shinier and more magical than Dorothy's ruby slippers. If any glitter comes off on your hands after the shoes are dry, add one additional coat of clear glue on top. Good for the Sole Related Article: cute clothes-Dance as if nobody's watching you:
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14.10.2012 14:24

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The actual Spice Involving Lifestyle In Fashion The actual spices involving life tend to be to many and fewer to other individuals. Contrary to a new skipper without any shell below his terrace, however a good regular breeze and a couple Denim flares much more suitable for the weatherworn sailor feeling his / her years, on the Distance seeking herbs. Serious amounts of tide will not enable a sailor rest. Now it is the seasoning of fashion for men,Brown Ankle Suede Isabel Marant Boots: , increasing tide: And, dandyism even now in contrast to Lover Brummell negativity of Eighteenth century extras, his requirement; any dark azure coating, buff-coloured pantaloons and also waistcoat, dark-colored shoes or boots as well as a clean bright neck cloth. The present day sailor's standard, is maintained and possesses stayed a favorite choice for makers to mimic idiosyncratic heroes, a straightforward consistent to attract motivation through; every single altering design to fit forms and functions. A bit more proof on how history in vogue repeats alone: Bell bottomed slacks had been another 'icon' from the square system uniform. These were practical outfits males which worked wind-surfing ships because they could possibly be rolled up firmly in order to feet as well as shins while functioning the particular rigging. That resembles other components of a new sailor's system, pants have been held folded prepared to be used in a kit handbag. Stored really well to stop filler about the outside floor also to prevent 'shine' simply by pressing, we were holding folded away horizontally with in regards to a hand's thickness along with taped right into a rectangular 'block'. When used, this made upside down up and down wrinkles along the facet with the lower leg along with 5 or 7, depending on the height from the person, side creases down the leg. In time we were holding acknowledged since the thing to have as well as have been pushed securely into place through the early on numerous years of a lifetime. Because the 1st Globe Conflict bell soles have been bought pertaining to traditions as opposed to virtually any useful use however have been substituted with flared slacks in 1977. The three white-colored taping solutions have been believed to commemorate Nelson's a trio of struggles : The actual Earth, Copenhagen as well as Trafalgar. Even so there is no reality with this * your Admiralty were at once considering the merits involving 2 lines compared to 3. Seamen ended up sent to a variety of work as outlined by their particular ability. . Just before 1857 there was clearly simply no standard pertaining to Noble Navy blue seamen, who generally wore loose pants . The modern sailor's uniform could be the finale involving generations regarding tradition along with development. Through man made fiber tights, dress applications along with night time lids. Within 1756 a children's uniform associated with 'sailor's dress' along with unique buckskin lids was adopted, rather than the standard based on what the pensioners wore. . Your sailor's receiver collar deserves a specific talk about. Tarred this halloween tails faded quickly after 1815 along with the very last can be noted while being noticed on the ocean within 1827. Conversely, the first wide collars for dogs were put on right after 1830. Contrary to everyday opinion, for that reason, the two have been in no way donned together. Adequate ocean faring stories; right now, the man, aceded using intelligence, in keeping with expression as well as honourable handshake. Bereft associated with concepts; simply no man. Consequently, clothing suitable for is not distinguishable ample to evaluate mans genuine personality, this individual decides to use governed by disposition, taste, budget, reputation or perhaps advice? A couple of faded denims and also bed-linen tank top and also shoes, or perhaps the greatest reduce fit via Savile Row and a couple Floorshiems for that foot However it's precisely what suits the consumer style of manner. What add piquancy for you to designer clothing apparel include the accessories, like developer cotton jewelry, cravats, or even jewelry. Adult men don label badges as recognition regarding reputation or even golf club account. There are countless selections of engraved cufflinks in silver precious metal and Swarovski deposits and quite a few customarily enamels. A lot more blessed for your modern person are developers who tag a new innovative route pertaining to designer clothing and also add-ons. 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the several movie theaters that provide these. The love regarding motion pictures is so apparent here which a good simple encounter should be worth your while. Encouraged Retailers in Amsterdam In which does one proceed when you want the top searching experience of Amsterdam, with everything coming from tools for you to clothing in a single quit?The reason why, the In search of Streets needless to say. The region has been known as therefore due to eight part roadways from your main tube which in turn houses one of the most unique stores inside Amsterdam. Pertaining to eye-catching styles to the women, have a look at D Fiera or perhaps Goods merely next to the idea. And then for people who desire something a tad bit more female, more vintage, go to Zip or Laura Dols. But when it really is premium that you're trying to find, go on directly to Razzamatazz exactly where that they hold the beautiful forms of Vivienne Westwood, Dexter Wong and also Beirendonck. For a lot of equipment and jewelry items, test the particular charming keep, Beadies. And for the homemakers in mind, there may be What is actually Cooking?These are the kitchen, there are numerous wonderful eating places and also delicacy retailers in your community too. There is certainly Lorrie Harte that will serve French-Mediterranean delicacies or perhaps Metropolitan eat outside the retailer as well as eating place simultaneously or you can additionally head to Signifiant Pels much more due to the mood as well as creative dynamics as compared to everything else.
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