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Sounds Awful

1. In what situations do you turn down the volume of your mobiles ringtone? Have you ever had an embarrassing experience when you forgot to do this? Which sounds do you hate? Which sounds do you like? Have you ever had problems with noisy neighbours? What should you do if you feel your neighbours make too much noise? Is noise pollution a problem where you live? Is noise pollution a serious problem? What effects can it have on people? What do you do when you are in the cinema and the people sitting next to you are talking or eating popcorn loudly? Whats the noisiest place youve ever been to? Do you like listening to music at a low or high volume? Do you usually speak loudly or quietly? Do you ever shout? When do people tend to be noisy? Is there a right time and place to be noisy? Are there any sounds which make you feel frightened? Why do you think people dont like the sound of their own voice? What is the best sound to wake up to? Do alarm clocks need to make unpleasant sounds in order to wake us up? Do you find it difficult to concentrate when there is a lot of noise or are you able to block it out?

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14. Electric cars make very little noise. Is this an advantage or a disadvantage? 15. Are some cultures/nationalities more or less tolerant to noise? Is your culture a noisy culture? 16. Have you ever used earplugs because there was a lot of noise? 17. How do you feel when you are sitting next to somebody (e.g. on public transport) who is listening to music at a very high volume? 18. Do you know anyone with hearing problems? How does this affect their lives? 19. Have you ever seen a silent movie? Should films always have sound effects and music?

tefltecher /tefltek/

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