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Setting: Trade between Native Americans and French settlers (fur traders) in Canada.

-Quebec During the early fifteen hundreds. Theme: A day in the life of a French trapper in Canada. His day includes encounters with his usual hunting group which consists of friendly They hunt, but then come in contact with hostile Indians, who feel they are imposing on their hunting grounds. 1) Trapper explains context -family/prayer 2) Trapper meets up with Tabid -Abenakis 3) Hunting -Mink, Fox, otter, beaver, marten 4) Hostiles -Potawatomis 5) Resolved -fur for meat trade 6) Return home


Guillaume (Intro):

Good morning, my name is Guillaume Fontaine. I am a French fur trapper. I live in Quebec in New France. I hunt animals such as foxes, beavers, mink, and wolves for meat, but more importantly the fur. Fur is very popular and expensive back in France, so I decided to raise my family here and trade furs for a living. Many of the French people here in New France came here originally as farmers and missionaries, trying to convert the Native people to Christianity, however, many of us have turned to fur trading instead. Today I am going on a hunting expedition with a Native named Tabid. I met Tabid during a fur trade here in Quebec. He is one of the Abenaki people, one of the tribes that us French formed an alliance with during the French and Indian war against the English.

Scene 1:

Guillaume: Good Morning Tabid. Tabid: Hello Guillaume, did you bring your axe this time? Guilliaume: Haha yes Tabid I dont need to borrow anything from you today. Tabid: Good, because I was going to make you carry everything if you did. Guillame: Haha not today, lets go.

Scene 2:
(shoonk) Guilluame: Damn, I missed. Tabid! Tabid, where are you? (shoonk, shoonk eeee) Tabid: Haha, got you. Uh yes Guilluame im right here. Guilliaume: Tabid, I only have a few pelts so far, what about you. Tabid: Yes far less than I anticipated, we may have to move on to a different hunting ground. Guillaume: But Tabid, the only area near here is on the Potawatomi settlement. Tabid: Guillaume, do you really think that those stories about them and all of their guns are true.

Guillaume: Tabid, during the war, they traded extremely large amount of fur with us for at least twenty rifles.

Tabid: Wow, I had no idea it was so many, but dont worry, we will be fine. Guillaume: I hope so.

Scene 3
Guillame: (shoonk, shoonk, eeee) This is much better, I have enough meat and fur to last at least a few months now. Tabid: Yes me too, soon I will be teaching my sons how to hunt like this, haha, and you will have to find a new hunting partner. Guilluame: Haha, you forget, I also have a son, although he is only ten years, he is bigger than most of the thirteen year old boys. Tabid: Well I hope he grows to be big and... (BANG BANG) Guilluame: Tabid? Tabid: What? Guilluame: Shhh. Did you hear that. Tabid: Hear wh... Potawatomi 1: Hey! You two, get up now! Guillaume: We apologize, we did not mean to be hunting on your territory.

Potawatomi 2: We did not tell you to speak. You what tribe are you from? Why are you here? Tabid: I am an Abenaki, i'm here with this Frenchman, he is not British, we were looking for some furs to take back and trade in Quebec. Guillaume: Yes, we are not looking for trouble, we just want furs. Potawatomi 1: Furs, we have furs, if you want, maybe we can do a trade for some of the meat you have collected. -Guillaume and Tabid go off to the side to talk Guillaume: Should we trade with them, I dont know if I trust them. Tabid: Me neither, but they have guns, what choice do we really have. Guillaume: Fine. -They return to the Potawatomis Guillaume: Ok we will trade with you. Tabid: Half a pound of meat for a pound of fur? Potawatomi 2: No, we have traded with the French before, he will make a lot more money when he sells the fur in Quebec, we want a pound for a pound. Guillaume: Ok that is fair.

Scene 4:
Guillaume: Wow that was close, but now I have even more fur, my family will eat well. Tabid:

Yes, I wonder how much all of this is worth. Guillaume: Next week we can go into Quebec and find out. Tabid: Next week then? Guillaume: Yes, Next week.

Scene 5: Guillaume (ending):

All in all it was a good day, we took the furs into Quebec and made enough money to last a good few months. The fur trade is very important to the French because it makes a lot of money. Hats and clothes in Europe that are made from some of the pelts of these animals are very expensive and so it makes a good living for those of us who participate in the trade. Maybe my familys next move will be to join the fur trade down by the Mississippi River.

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