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revised Dec. 27, 2013

Also, Mark Carney, CEO Bank of England; Carlos Moedas, ecre!ary of !a!e "or!#gal; e$ %old&an &en.

'! (o#ld )e !*e e+i!o&e of *#&an folly !o ignore !*e re+e!i!ion of !*e sa&e ,all !ree! financiers-(*o *ave ro#!inely inflic!ed financial c*aos and a).ec! +over!y )y de)! #+on !*e #nder-develo+ed (orld for decades;

(*o no( *ave leading roles in enforcing na!ional 'O/0s in E#ro+e (*ic* !*ey crea!ed and !*ey are no( devas!a!ing eac* na!ion; (*o crea!ed and &anage !*e 117 !rillion de)! of !*e /ni!ed !a!es; (*o are addi!ionally !*e +#!a!ive reci+ien!s of *idden +rofi! fro& !*eir 2ederal 3eserve "on4i sc*e&e !*a! e&)e44les !rillions of dollars fro& !*e /. . govern&en!; (*o +er&ea!e and #se !*e /. . 5reas#ry and o!*er govern&en! de+ar!&en!s !o +rofi! !*eir in!rana!ional )#siness conglo&era!es; (*o are addi!ionally &a.or lo))yis!s and !*e larges! ca&+aign con!ri)#!ors for +oli!ical candida!es. 5*e 2006 (orld(ide financial c*aos s!ar!ed on ,all !ree! (i!* a s#dden reali4a!ion &or!gage )acked sec#ri!ies 7MBS8 (ere .#nk )onds. o&e +#ndi!s clai& !*e )onds (ere fra#d#len!ly re+resen!ed !o E#ro+ean )ankers. E#ro+ean )anks *olding !*ese sec#ri!ies +anicked fro& deval#ed reserves. 7do you think some European bankers told some NYC bankers they would be swimming with concrete boots if they did not buy $7 billion of to!ic bonds real "uick 98 :oans ceased !o )e availa)le. Cons!r#c!ion ceased (*ile !a$es fro& &an#fac!#rers and re!ailers +l#&&e!ed. 5a$ reven#e co#ld no! cover govern&en! fi$ed e$+enses. 2inancial o+era!ions of E#ro+ean na!ions )eca&e &anaged )y credi!ors !o g#aran!ee +ay&en!s on sovereign de)! (*ile social +rogra&s and govern&en! salaries *ave )een slas*ed. Econo&is!s (i!*o#! a "*D (o#ld say a )#))le )#rs!. 's !*ere evidence !*e 'n!erna!ional Mone!ary 2#nd 7#M$8 and ,orld Bank 7%B8 *ave si&ilarly crea!ed de)! in lesser-develo+ed na!ions for decades and !*e sa&e financiers are no( &oving #+ !o E#ro+ean na!ions9 's !*is !*e advance of !*e New World Order !*a! *as )een !o#!ed )y !*e Co#ncil on 2oreign 3ela!ions 7C$&8 for 70 years9 's !*e 117 !rillion de)! of !*e /ni!ed !a!es *andled )y !*e sa&e financiers and is i! no( in !*e ini!ial s!ages of collec!ion9 ;as !*e &a.or f#nding for !*ese financiers for !*e +as! 60 years co&e fro& +rofi! concealed )y !*e 2ederal 3eserve Bank of <e( =ork 7$&BNY8 (*ic* legally )elongs !o !*e /. . govern&en!9 5*e ans(er is a collec!ive YES. 5*e fr#s!ra!ing +ar! is !*a! !*e financiers received and *id !*e en!ire val#e of !*e /. . de)! (*en i! (as crea!ed !*a! f#nded !*e con>#es! )#! !*ey (ill also garner lavis* 1100 &illion ann#al re&#nera!ion (*en !*eir fra#d#len! "on4i sc*e&e +l#nges !*e /. . socie!y in!o g#!(renc*ing +over!y. THE LOAN ARRANGERS %old&an ac*s 7'oldman8 assis!ed %reek +oli!icians 7who also ran the national bank8 in 2003 !o cook !*e )ooks and i&+ose &assive de)! #+on !*e ci!i4ens 7(ia deri(ati(es and

C)S8 (i!*o#! !*eir kno(ledge. %old&an &ade an ini!ial gross +rofi! of ?00 &illion E#ro on !*e arrange&en! and !*en &ade )e!s !*e @s*i!!yA )onds (o#ld fail. 5*e c*aos of %reece *as res#l!ed in &assive layoffs of govern&en! and civilian e&+loyees, loss of govern&en!al services, i&+overis*&en! of !*e na!ion, rio!s, and *as red#ced &#c* of socie!y !o d#&+s!er diving. A %old&an &an is no( !*e %reek +ri&e &inis!er. 5*e de)! arranged )y %old&an *as )een !#rned over !o a !roika of !*e 'M2, ECB, and EC !*a! is also s#+ervising !*e finances of Cy+r#s and "or!#gal. %old&an re+resen!a!ives are also alleged !o con!rol !*e finances of %er&any, '!aly, Belgi#&, 2rance, and /B !o g#aran!ee +ay&en! of de)!. Even !*e CEO of !*e E#ro+ean Co&&on Bank 7ECB8 is fro& %old&an. C1 +ain, "or!#gal, 'reland and 'celand eac* *ave severe econo&ic +ro)le&s of si&ilar origins. 5*e loan arrange&en!s of !*e ,B and !*e 'M2 *ave res#l!ed in i&+overis*&en! of n#&ero#s na!ions. Af!er +reli&inaries, !*e follo(ing @condi!ionali!iesA are de&anded. A selec! eli!e o+era!eCC )#sinesses &an#fac!#ring e$+or!s +aying +over!y (ages (*ile confisca!ed agric#l!#ral land +rod#ces i!e&s for e$+or!. 2oreign con!rac!ors con!rolled )y !*e eli!e *ave +riori!y on re>#ired (ork. 2ood and essen!ials &#s! )e i&+or!ed (i!* con!rol )y !*e eli!e. <a!ional asse!s s#c* as *os+i!als, #!ili!ies, and roads &#s! )e +riva!i4ed for !*e lendersD +rofi!. C#rrency is deval#ed !o )enefi! !*e credi!ors. C2 ocie!y )eco&es a fe( ric* eli!e (i!* &asses living in s>#alor; !*e &iddle class is eli&ina!ed. C3 <a!ions are +l#nged in!o des!i!#!ion (*ile ,all !ree! financiers receive 110 !o 1100 &illion in ann#al co&+ensa!ion. 5*e 'M2 and ,B (ere es!a)lis*ed a! !*e Bre!!on ,oods conference in 1EFF (i!* +ri&ary arc*i!ec!s )eing Alger ;iss and Go*n Maynard Beynes. 5*e firs! /. . delega!e !o !*e 'M2 (as ;arry De$!er ,*i!e. 5*e agencies *ave *ead>#ar!ers in ,as*ing!on D.C.. 5*e 'M2 de!er&ines >#o!a for s*are*older na!ions )ased #+on a)ili!y !o +ay. 5*e /. . >#o!a for 2013 is D3 F2.1 )illion 7about *S$+, billion8. 5*e /. . *as a 17.?E +ercen! s*are*older do&inan! con!rol alleged )y one so#rce !o )e e$ercised )y 5i&o!*y %ei!*ner and Ben Bernanke. Ano!*er doc#&en! lis!s Meg :#ndsager as Direc!or on !*e E$ec#!ive Board !o !*e 'M2. One so#rce iden!ifies !*e /. . govern&en! as +aying F1 +ercen! of !o!al >#o!as (*ile ano!*er 'M2 so#rce lis!s 17.?E +ercen!. 5*e 'M2 *olds 2,61F &e!ric !ons of gold a&ong o!*er asse!s. 5*e /. . is also !*e do&inan! 1H.6? +ercen! s*are*older of !*e ,B. 3o)er! Ioellick fro& %old&an (as +residen! of !*e ,B fro& 2007 !o 2012. ;e *as also served as de+#!y ecre!ary of !a!e. :e(is "res!on fro& G" Morgan served as +residen! fro& 1EE1 !o 1EEH. Alden Cla#sen fro& Bank of A&erica (as +residen! fro& 1E61 !o 1E66. Minis!ers of 2inance #s#ally re+resen! na!ions e$ce+! for !*e /. . 5*e !(o organi4a!ions *ave an ann#al &ee!ing !oge!*er. Cons!r#c!ion )onds are sold !o raise ca+i!al. 5*e gro#+s clai& !*a! +rogra&s are derived fro& !*e /ni!ed <a!ions !o &ini&i4e /. . govern&en! in!erference.


Mic*ael C*oss#dovsky, %:OBA:'IA5'O< O2 "OKE35= A<D 5;E <E, ,O3:D O3DE3; cfJ %oogle ,A3 B= O5;E3 MEA< video )y Go*n "ilger for !*e ra+e of !*e "*ili++ines; K'C'O/ C'3C:E O2 DEB5 A<D DE"3E 'O< )y 's&ael ;ossein-4ade*; "E3"E5/A: "OKE35=J )y Do#g Bando(.


Me&)ers of !*e ,B &#s! firs! .oin !*e 'M2 )y +aying an assigned >#o!a, and also +ay 66 +ercen! of !*e 'M2 assess&en! !o !*e ,B. 5*en, in s#&&ary, !*e na!ion &#s! +ay / 11F1,000 and 11.3 &illion in o!*er asse!s !o +#rc*ase s*ares of !*e ,B. 5*e na!ion is f#r!*er o)liga!ed !o *ave 122 &illion availa)le in calla)le asse!s. 3ef#sal !o .oin or engage in a! can res#l! in an ini!ial +enal!y of !rade sanc!ions. 5*e /ni!ed !a!es is !*e e$cl#sive na!ion !*a! *as ve!o +o(er over any +olicy c*ange of !*e 'M2 and !*e ,B. '! is incon!rover!i)le !*a! ,all !ree! con!rols !*e !(o en!i!ies (*ile !*ey *ave an in!erna!ional govern&en! facade. Ms. :ael Brainard, /ndersecre!ary of !*e /. . 5reas#ry, for&ally re>#es!ed !*e /. . con!ri)#!e 1?F )illion !o !*e 'M2 on A+ril 2F, 2013. CF 5*e clari!y of financial co&&i!&en!s and *andling of /. . o)liga!ions, as evidenced )y !*e video of !*e co&&i!!ee *earing, a++ears !o &ake !*e @s*i!!yA %old&an de)! !o %reece a si&+le 'O/. O)sc#ra!ion is very +rofi!a)le for financiers. One (onders if !*e 'M2 is ready !o !ransfer +*ysical +ossession of gold as colla!eral 7at $-. per ounce8 !o !*e /. . 7not to $&BNY8 for 1?F )illion. 3a&+an! corr#+!ion (i!*in !*e ,B *as )een re+or!ed )y (*is!le )lo(er enior Co#nsel Baren ;#des (*o e$+osed +rogra&s of !*e Bank of 'n!erna!ional e!!le&en!s 7B#S8 and !*e 2ederal 3eserve !o con!rol na!ions. *e (as +ro&+!ly sacked 7pardon the pun8. CH 5*e CEO of !*e 'M2 *as confir&ed !*e o).ec!ive of (orld govern&en!. C? INITIATING DEBT Gose+* !igli!4, for&er c*ief econo&is! for !*e ,B, *as co&&en!ed !*a! a !en +ercen! co&&ission for a corr#+! +oli!ician 7such as a finance minister8 in a *idden )ank acco#n! can readily res#l! in a *#ge de)! i&+osed #+on !*e ci!i4enry )eyond !*eir a)ili!y !o +ay. A +riva!e de)! !*en )eco&es a +#)lic o)liga!ion. A !y+ical! (ill raise f#nds !o )#ild a *#ge elec!rical +o(er +lan! or so&e o!*er large ca+i!al inves!&en!. 5*e financiers sell )onds )acked )y !*e govern&en!. 5*e loan re>#ires cons!r#c!ion )e +erfor&ed )y fir&s c*osen )y !*e lenders. 5*e elec!rical +o(er (ill )e #sed !o +rocess !*e near)y al#&in#& &ining o(ned )y !*e lenders. Af!er cons!r#c!ion is finis*ed, !*e e$+or! of ingo!s !o !*e /. . is de!er&ined !o )e #n+rofi!a)le and is discon!in#ed. 5*e na!ion loses !*e reven#e of !*e &ining )#! &#s! s!ill +ay for !*e cons!r#c!ion )onds, (*ic* res#l!s in na!ional financial c*aos and a#s!eri!y. 'celand, as a differen! &e!*odology, (as fleeced )y foreign )ankers !*a! corr#+!ed !*e CEOs of 'celand0s !*ree )anks. 7 5*e co&&on !*read is !*a! &on#&en!al !a$es are i&+osed

*!!+JCCfinancialservices.*o#se.govC#+loadedfilesC0F2F13L&+!L&e&o.+df *!!+JCC(((.!*ene(a&!e&C1HF73-(orld-)ank-insider-)lo(s-(*is!le-oncorr#+!ion-federal-reserve ? *!!+JCC(((.!*edaily)'M2-Ar!icle-"redic!s-<e(-,orld-Order.*!&l


ME:5DO,< 'CE:A<D )y 3oger Boes iden!ifies %old&an as a +ri&e ca#se.

!o +ay a +se#do-govern&en! de)! arranged )y a foreign financier (*ic* cr#s*es !*e na!ion . C*oss#dovsky doc#&en!ed n#&ero#s !*ird (orld na!ions i&+overis*ed )y !*e 'M2 !*ro#g* c#rrency deval#a!ion. 5*e E#ro+ean Cen!ral Bank 7ECB8 is res!ric!ed in i!s iss#ance of E#ros )y a re>#ire&en! !o o)!ain a#!*ori4a!ion fro& 17 EI (*o #se !*e E#ro of !*e 26 E/ &e&)er na!ions.6 5*is res!ric!s !*e iss#ance of fia! &oney. 7/n alternate fiat currency by the #M$ could be S)&s.8 'f !*e E#ro+ean na!ions give !*e ECB a#!*ori!y for #nres!ric!ed +rin!ing of !*e E#ro 7to sa(e Europe from financial disaster0 of course8 i! (ill affec! eac* and every na!ion of !*e Co&&on Marke!. '! (ill allo( s!ealing !*e (eal!* of eac* &e&)er na!ion )y !*e +rin!ing +ress .#s! as in!eres! )earing 2ederal 3eserve <o!es re+laced /. . <o!es in !*e /ni!ed !a!es d#ring 1E13 !o 1E33. '! (ill +#! all of E#ro+e #nder +er+e!#al inesca+a)le e$+onen!ially increasing de)!. CE MQUESTION: 's !*e E#ro iss#ed !o !*e 1H00 eligi)le )anks (i!* !*e sa&e fra#d#len! *idden +rofi! sc*e&e !*e 2ederal 3eserve #ses for 2ederal 3eserve <o!es9 ee foo!no!e H2. 5*e 3o!*sc*ilds *ave #sed !*is sca& for cen!#ries.N 5*e Co#ncil on 2oreign 3ela!ions 7C$&0 created by )a(id &ockefeller8 is a social facade of )#sinesses and organi4a!ions !o &#l!i+ly gains and eli&ina!e co&+e!i!ion. 5*e organi4a!ion0s secre! agenda is !o +ro&o!e a @<e( ,orld OrderA !*a! (ill )e led )y !*e financial eli!e; i! is !o#!ed as !*e #!o+ian socie!y. C10 5*eories doc#&en!ing several cen!#ries of e$is!ence a)o#nd. C11 5*e in!erlocking Board of Direc!ors of &a.or )#sinesses (*ic* allo(s con!rol )y ,all !ree! involving 3ockefeller !r#s!s and fo#nda!ions *as )een kno(n for decades. C12 3ecen! researc* concl#des si$!y +ercen! of glo)al reven#e is !*ro#g* 5ransna!ional Cor+ora!ions con!rolled )y financial in!eres!s on ,all !ree!. One +ercen! of cor+ora!ions con!rol &ore !*an F0 +ercen! of (orld !rade. C13 #c* concen!ra!ion is iden!ified !o ca#se econo&ic ins!a)ili!y. C1F 5*e co&&on o(ners*i+ of co&&ercial en!er+rises (i!* govern&en! coercive +o(er !o eli&ina!e co&+e!i!ion does no! a++ear !o )e in !*e )es! in!eres! of !*e +eo+le. 5*e rela!ions*i+ )e!(een in!erna!ional financial ins!i!#!es is no! co&+le!ely *ar&onio#s des+i!e !*e close affilia!ion. !ories circ#la!e !*a! Do&ini>#e !ra#ss-Ba*n (as +ro&o!ing a ne( (orld reserve c#rrency !o re+lace !*e /. . dollar. A visi! !o <e( =ork Ci!y is alleged !o *ave led !o incarcera!ion and !r#&+ed #+ cri&inal c*arges. C*arges (ere dro++ed af!er *e resigned as *ead of !*e 'M2. C1H everal years ago !*e B' anno#nced i! (as going !o a#di! !*e 2ederal 3eserve. '! is no! kno(n !o *ave occ#rred.
6 E


&#1 2$$ BY 34E $E)E&/5 &ESE&6E, *!!+JCC(((.scri)!*e-2ederal3eserve-revised


53A%ED= A<D ;O"E )y Carroll O#igley; MEMO'3 )y David 3ockefeller; <ABED CA"'5A:' 5 )y Cleon ko#sen 7a cri!ical analysis of O#igley8
B3O5;E3;OOD O23 DA3B<E )y !anley Mon!ei!*


3OCBE2E::E3 2':E )y %ary Allen.

*!!+JCC(((.4ero*!ions-con!rol-al&os!-every!*ing-yo#-)#y. *!!+JCC(((.ne(scien!is!.co&Car!icleC&g212263HF.H00-revealed--!*e-ca+i!alis!-ne!(ork-!*a!-r#ns-!*e(orld.*!&l 1H *!!+JCC(((.vol!airene!.orgCar!icle1?EEH3.*!&l

13 1F

'! s*o#ld no! )e concl#ded !*a! ,all !ree! is al+*a cock of !*e financial roos!. 5*e Bank of 'n!erna!ional e!!le&en!s 7B' 8 in Basel iss#es reg#la!ory decrees !*a! *ave (orld (ide i&+ac!. Basel ' 71E668 and Basel '' 7200F8 re>#ired in!erna!ional )anks !o &ain!ain s+ecified reserves. Mor!gage )acked sec#ri!ies (ere val#ed a! face val#e (*ile gold (as val#ed a! H0 +ercen! of &arke! val#e. Basel ''' 720108 a#!*ori4ed )anks !o #se gold as a !ier ' asse! 7100 +ercen! of &arke! val#e8 in addi!ion !o / dollars for calc#la!ing reserves. 5*e res#l! is !*a! )anks *ave )een +#rc*asing *#ge >#an!ies of gold 7(i!* less de&and for dollars8. C1? 5*e c#rren! 7manipulated 98 de+ressed +rice of gold &ay )e !o allo( &e&)ers !o +#rc*ase )argains. 5*e +recise na!#re of *o( B' o(ns 7the gold assets8 and con!rols !*e in!erna!ional )anks, and *o( !*e Bilder)erg gro#+ C17 is affilia!ed, is lef! for ano!*er day, )#! !*e o).ec!ive of E#ro+ean sovereign con!rol )eing #s#r+ed )y financial en!i!ies *as )een o)served. %odfrey Bloo&, /B &e&)er of !*e E/ "arli&en!, e$+ressed *is concern over na!ionalis!ic con!rol o).ec!ives of !*e E/ af!er *e (as re)#ked )y !*e gro#+J PAlready !*e E#ro na!ionalis!s *ave one c#rrency, one flag, one an!*e&, a foreign service and are crea!ing a *o&e office for .#s!ice...5*ey are crea!ing *ere one "arlia&en! (i!* one e$ec#!ive and one E/ ci!i4enry. ..5*e E/ Co&&ission *ave already !aken con!rol of !*e econo&ies of 'reland and %reece, no do#)! o!*ers !o follo(.P C16 A for&er 'M2 ad&inis!ra!or for 'reland, Mr. As*oka Mody, *as s!a!ed i&+osed a#s!eri!y *as never res#l!ed in s#ccessf#l resolving a *eavy in!erna!ional de)! +ro)le&. C1E 7'M2 *ead>#ar!ers dis+#!es !*e s!a!e&en!8. B#! Mr. Mody *as &issed !*e +oin!. A#s!eri!y is i&+osed for !*e financial )enefi! of ,all !ree! and !*a! *as )een enor&o#sly s#ccessf#l. 5*e +over!y inflic!ed on vario#s na!ions is inciden!al and inconse>#en!ial !o !*e 'M2. 5*e ,all !ree! Go#rnal infor&s #s !*e 'M2 is!ing !a$ increases in a considera)le n#&)er of @advancedA na!ions s#c* as !*e /. ., E#ro+e, and Ga+an. 5*e s!ory rela!es i! (ill )e a @significien!A !a$ on !*e (eal!*y. ,e all kno( *o( !*a! goes. Does David 3ockefeller +ay any +ersonal !a$es9 5i& %ei!*ner only +ays !a$es (*en *e (an!s congressional a++roval for a govern&en! a++oin!&en!. 5*e 'M2 is !elling #s !*e &iddle class is going !o ge! rea&ed 7the #M$ says the *7S7 has way too low of a ta! rate7 / sei8ure of 79 percent has been proposed on bank balances78 .#s! like (*a! *as )een done in !*e #nder-develo+ed na!ions. 5*e f#!#re /. . socie!y (ill consis! of !*e a).ec! +oor and !*e eli!e---no &iddle class. C20 5*e !a$ #sed !o confisca!e !*e (eal!* of !*e &iddle class /. . ci!i4en is called !*e inco&e !a$. :i!!le is !*e +#)lic a(are !*a! !*e s!a!#!ory i&+osi!ion of !*e !a$ 73itle .+0 Section 98 (as re&oved )y a slig*! (ording c*ange d#ring !*e re(ri!ing of !*e Code in 1EHF. 'f s#c* a !a$ e$is!ed, i! (o#ld )e an i&+ro+er infringe&en! on !*e 3ig*! of !*e ci!i4en !o +#rs#e a liveli*ood as sec#red )y !*e cla#se of :i)er!y in !*e 2if!* and 2o#r!een!* A&end&en!s. By
1? 17 16


B':DE3BE3% %3O/" )y Daniel Es!#linQincl#des C23 and 5C analysis. *!!+JCC(((.2Fdas*.co&Cne(sCcen!ralLgovern&en!C2010-11-2F-/B'"-ME"-kicked-o#!-of-E#ro+ean-"arlia&en!-c*a&)er-over-fascis!.i)e 1E *!!+JCC(((.4ero*!ri)#!edC2013-12-13Cireland-e$i!s-!roika-)ailo#!-+re+are-)ail-ins-no!*ings-c*anged-don!-)elieve-e 20 *!!+JCConline.(!iclesC B10001F2F0H270230F3HH10FH7E232F60HH2H1722F . Dec. 2, 2013

no! *aving a lia)ili!y s!a!#!e, !*e !a$ canno! )e alleged in legal +rocess 7indictment or information8 and s#)&i!!ed !o con!es!a!ion (i!* !*e )#rden of +roof #+on !*e govern&en! as !o i!s validi!y. 5*e co#r!s rely #+on !*e +enal!y +rovisions of sec!ions 7201 !*ro#g* 721H !o enforce a sca& !a$ !*a! does no! e$is!. C21 :a(yers (*o vigoro#sly asser! cons!i!#!ional rig*!s *ave )een incarcera!ed and *ave !*eir +rofessional careers r#ined. ENTER THE ENFORCERS '! (o#ld )e a &is!ake !o )la&e greedy +oli!icians for all of !*e ra+acio#s de)!s. Go*n "erkins infor&s #s !*a! if !*e financier0s offer of a loan is ref#sed, !*e C'A @.ackalsA are called in for a @(e! o+era!ionA 7murder8. C22 '! is ass#&ed si&ilar +ress#re &ay )e +#! on na!ions !o coerce &e&)ers*i+ in !*e ,B and 'M2. Colonel %addafi ref#sed !o .oin and +aid !*e +rice af!er several #ns#ccessf#l a!!e&+!s. 5*e C'A a!!e&+!ed !o kill Cas!ro 7who nationali8ed *7S7 company assets and casinos after the C#/ helped him o(erthrow Bastista8 n#&ero#s !i&es. C23 5*e C'A0s c*ool of !*e A&ericans 7now %4#NSEC8 )rings foreign &ili!ary leaders !o !*e /. . for !raining. 5*e sessions incl#de recr#i!ing C'A asse!s along (i!* !eac*ing !or!#re and s#++ression of +ro!es!s agains! !*eir local govern&en!. '! also +er&i!s screening and recr#i!&en! of f#!#re +#++e! leaders for na!ions !*a! re>#ire a co#+ if a r#ler )eco&es rel#c!an! !o +ay a de)!. Al O#eda (as crea!ed )y !*e C'A in !*e 1E600s 7with 2sama ben 5aden as the leader to dri(e the *SS& out of /fghanistan7 %hen 2sama wanted the *7S7 out of /fghanistan0 he had to go78 and is no( s+#n as !*e ca#se for endless violence, !erroris& and &ar!ial la(. C2F <#&ero#s so#rces incl#ding !*e congressional C*#rc* Co&&i!!ee *ave confir&ed nefario#s ac!s )y !*e C'A. 5*ey incl#de ini!ia!ing !erroris& disg#ised as revol#!ions and assassina!ion s>#ads no! al(ays in !*e )es! in!eres!s of !*e /. . C2H C2? Black(a!er 7now /cademi8 &ercenaries *ave ackno(ledged )eing o+era!ives of !*e C'A. 5*e C'A as !*e &#scle ar& of !*e C23 s*o#ld )e o)vio#s; !*e /. . govern&en! does no! *ave a financial gain fro& e$+loi!a!ion. 5*e C'A *as )een iden!ified )y an '!alian #+re&e Co#r! .#dge as !*e con!rolling ele&en! #sed )y !*e Bilder)erg organi4a!ion !o &ani+#la!e govern&en!s s#c* as in O+era!ion %ladio involving n#&ero#s &#rders. C27 3#lers (*o +#! na!ional in!eres!s )efore financiers0 e$+loi!a!ive in!eres! are de&oni4ed )y !*e /. . as )#ilding n#clear (ea+ons, or a)#sing !*e indigeno#s +eo+le, or *ar)oring !erroris!s, or #sing c*e&ical (ea+ons, or +ossessing (ea+ons of &ass des!r#c!ion, or so&e s#c*. 'f !*e &e!*odology develo+ed )y C'A agen! Ber&i! 3oosevel! in 1EHF 7of recruiting local malcontents and dregs of society with

*!!+JCC(((.#sa-!*e-re+#)!yCinde$.*!&l .


'O< O2 ECO<OM'C ;'5 MA< )y Go*n "erkins; B'::'<% ;O"E )y ,illia& Bl#&.


MA3%A3'5A )y M. :o+e4 .a#!o)iogra+*y of &a.or (i!ness for Mark :aneDs C'A !rial.R23. 2F *!!+JCC(((.ve!erans!!*e-cias-fo#nding-of-al->aeda-doc#&en!ed 2H *!!+JCC(((.scri)'A-3O%/E-A%E<C=-3/<-AM/CB

;'%; 53EA O< )y Go*n %roden; ":A/ 'B:E DE<'A: )y Mark :ane; AC5 O2 53EA O< )y Mark <or!*



promises of grandeur and supplies of weapons for a rebellion against tyranny8 !o over!*ro( !*e &iscrean! r#ler fails, !*e /. . &edia 7all members of the C$&8 (ill )e #sed !o infla&e !*e &asses !o s#++or! /. . &ili!ary aggression. 3eci+ien!s of C'AC,all !ree! largess incl#de adda& ;#ssein, Osa&a )in :aden, 2idel Cas!ro, M#a&&ar al-%addafi, C*ave4, a&osa, <oriega, *a* "a*lavi, !alin, and ;i!ler. 'f na!ionalis!ic +riori!ies +ree&+! e$+loi!a!ion, !*e r#ler &#s! go. ;i!ler (as 5'ME &aga4ine0s 1E36 Man of !*e =ear, )#! !*en *e a!!acked !alin. An!ony #!!on *as doc#&en!ed ,all !ree!0s s+onsoring of !alin (*ile +#)licly de&oni4ing *i&. ,*en Aleksandr ol4*eni!syn &ade !*e sa&e o)serva!ion, *is /. . s+eaking !o#r (as a)r#+!ly canceled. ,all !ree! co#ld no! le! G" Morgan0s 1?0 &illion inves!&en! in !*e Bols*evik 3evol#!ion 7that ga(e Morgan the C8ar:s largest gold hoard in the world and a huge oil field8 )e a!!acked. 'f +ro&+! +olicy decisions (ere no! availa)le fro& Mosco(, !*ey co#ld )e o)!ained fro& Man*a!!an. 5*e /. . &ili!ary is !*e #l!i&a!e force !o s>#elc* any recalci!ran! na!ion or de+ose any r#ler (*o es!a)lis*es a cen!ral )ank !*a! is no! s#)servien! !o !*e B' . A co&+lian! +ress !o )ally*oo na!ional defense and sec#ri!y is ass#red )y C23 &e&)ers for !*e +ro+er s+in !o gain +#)lic s#++or!. ,ar &ongering is a &os! +rofi!a)le )#siness for !*e C23. C26 ,*ile (ar yields +rofi!, i! addi!ionally diver!s +#)lic a!!en!ion fro& scandals and o++ression a! *o&e. ,ar *as a leng!*y *is!ory of )eing #sed )y financiers !o f#r!*er !*eir gain. 5*e Magna Car!a (as !*e res#l! of Bing Go*n )eing +ress#red !o invade <or&andy. 5*e Barons (*o (o#ld *ave *ad !o finance and &an !*e invasion revol!ed and, a! !*e +oin! of a s(ord, forced Bing Go*n !o ca+i!#la!e. 5*e :ondon financiers (ere dis+ossessed, s#ffered )odily *ar&, and (ere e$iled. C2E 5*e C'A #ses !*e /. . &ili!ary as a cover, as a s#++lier of &a!erial, and as a so#rce of &ercenaries. C30 /. . e&)assies are ro#!inely #sed as an o+era!ional )ase for !*e C'A and a! leas! one 75ibya8 *as )een alleged !o )e a !or!#re +rison and !*e so#rce of ar&s for foreign re)els. '! is ,all !ree! !*a! de!er&ines !*e ne$! na!ion !*e /. . &#s! des!roy. C31 "residen! O)a&a, *is +aren!s, and *is grand+aren!s *ave a leng!*y *is!ory (i!* !*e C'A. C32 "residen! %eorge ;.,. B#s* (as C'A Direc!or in 1E7?. As "residen!, *e invaded 'ra> in 1EE1 over (ea+ons of &ass des!r#c!ion !*a! (ere never fo#nd. <#&ero#s o!*er lies !o *y+e aggression *ave )een doc#&en!ed. ;e called for a <e( ,orld Order in a s+eec* )efore Congress on e+!e&)er 11, 1EE0 and in a s+eec* )efore !*e /ni!ed <a!ions on e+!e&)er 21, 1EE2. Colonel Oliver <or!* confessed !*a! Bill Clin!on, as governor of Arkansas,

G2B A<D 5;E /< "EABAB:E )y Ga&es Do#glas; ,All 53EE5 A<D 5;E 3' E O2 ;'5:E3; )y A!nony C. #!!on; B3O5;E3;OOD O2 DA3B<E )y Dr. !anley Mon!ei!* 7200 years of false flag o+era!ions8

2A5A: EMB3ACE, GE, A<D 5;E 5A5E )y Ben.a&in %ins)erg

EC3E5 ,A3 )y Benne!* Con)oy; ,A= O2 5;E B<'2E )y
'M"E3'A: ;/B3' )y Mic*ael c*ener )ased #+on *is years as a C'A analys!.

"3E 'DE<5 EC3E5 ,A3 )y Go*n "rados; C'A0 Mark Ma44e!!i; also any of 2le!c*er "ro#!y.Ds )ooks.
31 32

*!!+JCCe$o+oli!ics.)lo%old&$o+oli!icsC2012C01C*idden-s!ory-)e*ind-.esse-ven!#ra-+iers -&organscnn-clas*-over-o)a&a-cia-!ies.*!&l

facili!a!ed !*e C'A o+era!ion of g#n r#nning and dr#g s&#ggling af!er Ollie (as gran!ed i&&#ni!y )y CongressQand ridic#led congress for !*eir effor!s !o con!rol !*e C'A. 33 5*e fa!al &is!ake )y "residen! Car!er (as !o slas* f#nding for !*e C'A and *is !er&ina!ion of H00 agen!s. Bar)ara ;onegger clai&s !*a! B#s* 7as e!;head of the C#/< and !*e *ead of !*e De&ocra! <a!ional Co&&i!!ee s#ccessf#lly &ade a deal (i!* !*e 'ranians !o defea! Car!er (i!* !*e @Oc!o)er #r+rise.A C3F G2B &ade an oa!* !o s*a!!er !*e C'A af!er *e !ook !*e )la&e for !*e C'A0s sa)o!aging !*e Bay of "igs invasion. ;e also +lanned for !*e /. . !o discon!in#e !*e C'A0s (ar in Kie!na&. C3H Did 3ic*ard <i$on ni$ing of !*e C'A0s #se of 5i)e!ans for (ar&ongering (i!* C*ina lead !o !*e C'A0s )l#ndering &en )#rgling ,a!erga!e9 5a+es released in 2013 reveal !*a! <i$on (as concerned !*a! fac!ors (o#ld !or+edo !*e s#&&i! )e!(een !*e /. . and !*e ovie!. ;e (arned Bissinger !*a! if !*ey did, *e (o#ld +#)licly deno#nce !*e& on +ri&e !i&e !elevision. 5*e C'A is s#gges!ed !o *ave !or+edoed 'ke0s drea& of +eace !alks (i!* B*r#s*c*ev )y #sing a sa)o!aged C'A /2. C3? Messin0 (i!* !*e C'A can *ave re+erc#ssions. =#goslavia 7Bosnia8 (as a vic!i& of a &ore !radi!ional invasion )y !*e /. . &ili!ary af!er !*e na!ion ref#sed !o )e con!rolled )y !*e B' )anking sys!e& and (o#ld no! allo( (es!ern +o(ers !o e$+loi! !*eir vas! na!#ral reso#rces. C37 Mili!ary ac!ion and false flag !ac!ics )y !*e C'A *ave )een evidenced fro& 5onkin Bay and !*e Bay of "igs. C36 Even )efore !*e C'A, ;M :#si!ania (as a !*inly disg#ised Bri!is* naval vessel carrying civilians and H00 !ons of con!ra)and &ili!ary e$+losives deli)era!ely sen! in!o a %er&an s#)&arine +a!rolled area a! red#ced s+eed (i!*o#! escor! or evasive &ane#vering --- i! (as a se!-#+ #sed !o *y+e !*e /. . in!o ,, '. i&ilarly, !*e Ga+anese di+lo&a!ic code (as )roken 17 &on!*s )efore !*e @non-s#r+riseA a!!ack on "earl ;ar)or. C3E 5*e oil fro& 'ndonesia occ#+ied )y Ga+an (as cove!ed )y ,all !ree!. 5*e EC11 !erroris! a!!ack (*ic* colla+sed three !o(ers of !*e ,orld 5rade Cen!er *as endless evidence !*e official re+or! conflic!s (i!* any ra!ional analysis. 5*e &on#&en!al reso#rces necessary !o +rod#ce !*e +reli&inary condi!ions, !*e ac!s of violence, and !*e cover-#+ of forensic evidence far e$ceed !*e ca+a)ili!y of any cave-d(eller in Afg*anis!an. CF0 THE EXECUTI E BRANCH 5*e / De+ar!&en! of 5reas#ry *as )een involved (i!* !*e 2inancial !a)ili!y Board 7$S/0=the fourth pillar of international economic control>8 of !*e ,orld 5rade Organi4a!ion 7,5O8. 5*ey and %20 no( asser! in!erna!ional reg#la!ion of s*ado(
33 3F 3H 3? 37

COM"3OM' ED )y 5erry 3eed OC5OBE3 /3"3' E )y Bar)ara ;onegger G2B A<D K'E5 <AM )y 2le!c*er "ro#!y;

*!!+JCC(((.scri)'A-3O%/E-A%E<C=-3/<-AM/CB *!!+JCC(((.ve!erans!!*e-eviscera!ion-of-y#goslavia-+ar!-1-)nl-y#go-andeagle)#rgerC
36 3E

5;E EC3E5 5EAM )y :. 2le!c*er "ro#!y '<2AM= )y Go*n 5oland; 2'<A: EC3E5 O2 "EA3: ;A3BO3 )y 3o)er! 5*eo)ald; "E3"E5/A: ,A3 2O3 "E3"E5/A: "EACE )y ;arry El&er Barnes; O3'%'< O2 5;E ECO<D ,O3:D ,A3 )y A.G.". 5aylor. F0 *!!+JCC(((.E11!r#!*.orgC

)anking. A re+or! clai&s, a&ong o!*er !*ings, !o con!ain a#!*ori4a!ion !o sei4e )ank de+osi!s as in Cy+r#s. CF1 Co&+liance (i!* ,all !ree! o).ec!ives is *is!orically confir&ed. %reg "alas! *as +os!ed an e$+ose0 of an in!ernal &e&o da!ed 1EE7 fro& 5i& %ei!*ner !o !*e De+#!y ecre!ary of !*e /. . 5reas#ry :arry #&&ers. 5*e &e&o rela!es *o( !*e /. . 5reas#ry is nego!ia!ing ?in secret and on behalf of %all Street< for !*e 2 A !o redefine co&&odi!y !o incl#de !*e @end ga&eA of financial ins!r#&en!s. All foreign govern&en!s (o#ld !*en )e re>#ired !o g#aran!ee +ay&en! of deriva!ives *eld n !*eir )anks. CF2 '&+le&en!a!ion of !*e +lan (as led )y %ei!*ner and is asser!ed !o *ave ca#sed !*e E#ro+ean c*aos. 5*e &e&o incl#des !*e +riva!e !ele+*one n#&)er of five &a.or ,all !ree! CEO0s so !*e acce+!a)ili!y of !*e nego!ia!ions co#ld )e readily confir&ed. :arry #&&ers, !*e )oss of !*e a)ove sc*e&e s#gges!ed )y "alas! !o )e a cri&inal offense, *as )een !*e C*ief Econo&is! a! !*e ,B and *as (orked for a *edge f#nd. As ecre!ary of !*e 5reas#ry *e s!rongly o++osed reg#la!ion of Credi! Defa#l! (a+s and o!*er financial con!rols, and (as no&ina!ed for CEO of !*e 2ederal 3eserve. 5i& %ei!*ner (en! fro& a 5reas#ry neo+*y!e !o !*e 'M2 !*en !o CEO of 23B<=, !o !a$ evader, !o 5reas#ry ecre!ary (*o (an!ed a !rillion dollar )ailo#! for )anks and for !*e 2ed !o *ave e$+anded +o(ers, !o +o!en!ial CEO of 2ederal 3eserve. 5o!al e$+os#re of deriva!ives 7creations of 'oldman that now has a minimum $,9 3rillion e!posure@ $7 3rillion by Morgan Chase8 &ay e$ceed 1?00 or 11,000 !rillion and is largely *eld )y fo#r ,all !ree! )anks. A s#ccessf#l *edge f#nd o+era!or recen!ly ke+! a 12 )illion +rofi! &ade on deriva!ives (*ile de+osi!ors (ill *ave !*eir )ank acco#n!s sei4ed (*en deriva!ives !ank. &all (onder !*e govern&en! is )#ying ar& and a&&#ni!ion for &any govern&en! agencies !o s#++ress +#)lic reac!ions. !a!e +olice forces are also )eing &ili!ari4ed !o con!rol de&ons!ra!ions. TREATIES! "ACTS! AND "ARTNERSHI"S A 1E72 E$ec#!ive !rea!y gave con!rol of ?6 +ercen! of /. . <a!ional "arks !o !*e /ni!ed <a!ions. :egisla!ion *as since re>#ired ena!e a++roval of !rea!ies )#! ecre!ary of !a!e, Go*n Berry, clai&s !o )e a)le !o &ake valid /.<. ar&s con!rol agree&en!s. E$ec#!ive nego!ia!ion and in!erna!ional agree&en!s are !o#!ed !o s#+ersede any +rovision of na!ional sovereign!y or any ac! of Congress. 5*e %eneral Agree&en! of 5ariffs and 5rade 7%A558 (as an ins!r#&en! ini!ia!ed )y David 3ockefeller. "residen! <i$onDs ada&an! o++osi!ion !o !*e lose of sovereign!y of !*e ins!r#&en!, and *is #nkno(ingly )eing s#rro#nded )y 3ockefellerDs C32 &en, (eig*ed *eavily in !*e +lo! !o re&ove *i& fro& office. CF3

F1 F2 F3

*!!+JCC(((.re#!!icleC2013C06C2EC#s-g20-s*ado,.B.anking-r#les-id/ B3EE7 05S2013062E *!!+JCC(((.greg+alas!.co&Clarry-s#&&ers-and-!*e-secre!-end-ga&e-&e&o

B':DE3BE3% %3O/" )y Daniel Es!#lin, + HE


Ano!*er early !rea!y (as <or!* A&erican 2ree 5rade Agree&en! 7N/$3/8, (*ic*, according !o so&e re+or!s, )ankr#+! De!roi! for !*e )enefi! of C23 &e&)ers. 5*e land gra) )y /ni!ed <a!ions Agenda 21 involves /< con!rol over *#ge areas i&+osed #nder !*e g#ise of environ&en! +ro!ec!ion for !*e econo&ic )enefi! of eli!es. CFF 5*e 5ransa!lan!ic 5rade and 'nves!&en! "ar!ners*i+ 733#18 is )eing nego!ia!ed )y !*e 5rade 3e+resen!a!ive 7an E!ecuti(e office8 @!o accord non-discri&ina!ory !rea!&en! !o inves!&en!s and inves!ors fro& eac* o!*ers0 .#risdic!ion for )o!* ne( and e$+anded inves!&en!s, (i!* only li&i!ed e$ce+!ions 7taken on a negati(e list basis8.A "aren!*esis in original. CFH 5*is is #nders!ood !o readJ ,all !ree! financiers canno! )e e$cl#ded fro& local &arke!s. overeign!y over inves!&en! >#es!ions (o#ld lie in !*e ,5O !o decide disagree&en!s. Any ne( inves!&en! canno! )e c*allenged on a na!ional )asis and any a)sconding of &oney 7theft8 is legal #nless i! is s+ecifically lis!ed on a nega!ive lis!. 5*e 55'" #s#r+a!ion of sovereign!y over !*e /ni!ed !a!es and E#ro+ean na!ions is )eing secre!ly fas!-!racked )y "residen! O)a&a a! !*e nego!ia!ions of G#ly 2013. 5*e C23 is +#s*ing for )ankers !o *ave financial con!rol of !*e /. . si&ilar !o !*e !roika con!rol of E#ro+e. CF? 5*e C23 and C'A are clai&ed !o )e res+onsi)le for crea!ing !*e E/ (i!* !*e /. . !o )e &erged la!er. 5*e 5rans "acific "ar!ners*i+ 73118 *as involved nego!ia!ions (i!* nine na!ions for seven years +#rs#ing si&ilar con!rol overJ @...!rade&ark, geogra+*ical indica!ion 7cellphone and '1S A<, co+yrig*! and rela!ed rig*!s 7control of the #nternet98, +a!en!s, !rade secre!s 7protection for C$& members only98, gene!ic reso#rces 7such as 'M crops98, and !radi!ional kno(ledge 7any ad(erse comment on world go(ernment is a crime98...A CF7 An in!erna!ional )ody (o#ld ad.#dica!e >#es!ions over !*ese i!e&s. 5*e concen!ra!ion of a#!*ori!y is si&ilar !o ,BC'M2 de&ands i&+osed #+on credi!or na!ions. Gona!*an 5#rley iden!ifies !*e 5"" a&)i!ion !o con!rol a &ono+oly &arke! in +*ar&ace#!icals. CF6 5*e Cen!ral A&erican 2ree 5rade Agree&en! 7CA25A8 red#ces !ariffs for &e&)er )#sinesses and involves &assive !rans+or!a!ion corridors for !*e CA<AMES *ig*(ays. 5o red#ce !*e cos! of ac>#iring land, !*e &ili!ary of !*e /ni!ed !a!es is )eing #sed in coo+era!ion (i!* local +oli!icians 7#nder coercion8 !o drive real es!a!e val#es do(n or !o drive occ#+an!s off !*eir land (i!*o#! co&+ensa!ion. FE 5ariffs )y a na!ion is re+laced )y +er&ission +#rc*ased fro& CA25A for in!erna!ional !rade. 5o e$+ec! !*e na!ions !o +ros+er (o#ld )e o+!i&is!ic, a! )es!, (*en co&+ared (i!* !*e doc#&en!ed res#l!s fro& !*e sa&e organi4ers (*o con!rol !*e 'M2 and ,B.H0

*!!+JCC(((.ne(s(i!*vie( c*oenCkaren10H.*!& ; (((.narlo.orgCagenda21.*!&l; *!!+JCC&y.)rains**oices-5*e!ory-of-Agenda-21-7131H1F66

*!!+JCC(((.!ransa!lan!ic!rade.orgCiss#esCinves!&en! *!!+JCC(((.!*ene(a&!e&C1HE7H-e#-official-+ooling-sovereign!y-once#n!*inka)le-no(-!*e-&odel F7 *!!+JCC(((.#s!r.govCa)o#!-#sC+ress-officeCfac!-s*ee!sC2011Cnove&)erCo#!lines-!rans-+acific-+ar!ners*i+agree&en! F6 *!!+JCC(((..ona!*an!#rley.orgC2013C11C2HCo)a&a-ad&inis!ra!ion-+#s*es


*!!+JCC!*eco&&onsenses*o(.co&C2013C12C10C!*e-air-force-is-+re+aring-!o-s!eal-!*e-land-of-&illions-of-a&ericansC *!!+JCCcaf!ain!elligencecen!,*a!


5*e ,5O *as anno#nced !*eir firs! !rade agree&en!. De!ails of !*e agree&en! are no! availa)le )#! !*e sa&e al!r#is!ic o).ec!ives of *el+ing +oor na!ions, of eli&ina!ing +over!y, of feeding !*e *#ngry *ave )een co&&on in declared goals of !*e 'M2, ,B and !*e 2ederal 3eserve. 'n!er+re!a!ion and enforce&en! of !*e !rea!y (ill res! (i!* !*e sa&e o+era!ors (*o *ave e$+loi!ed na!ions, (*o *ave i&+overis*ed en!ire socie!ies, and (*o *ave )ro#g*! s!arva!ion. 5o e$+ec! differen! res#l!s fro& !*e ,5O !rea!y (o#ld confir& Barn#&Ds a$io&; @5*ere is a s#cker )orn every &in#!e.A. CH1 Clearly, !rea!ies are #sed !o f#r!*er <,O con!rol and assis!ance co&es fro& (i!*in !*e /ni!ed !a!es govern&en! in accordance (i!* !*e o).ec!ives of ,all !ree!. THE FEDERAL RESER E 's !*e /ni!ed !a!es i&&#ne !o !*is (orld(ide e$+loi!a!ion )y ,all !ree! no( )eing e$+erienced in E#ro+e9 Clearly no! so. 5*e lingo of a#s!eri!y !o condi!ion !*e +#)lic !o *ards*i+ is already in !*e &edia. %overn&en! s+ending and !a$a!ion is escala!ing (*ile !*e +eo+le are (arned of red#ced govern&en! )enefi!s and .o)s 7and airline traffic delays8. 5*e 117 !rillion in na!ional de)! *angs like a (ord of Da&ocles (*ile !*e +eo+le are no! a(are of !*e fra#d#len! na!#re of !*e inesca+a)le o)liga!ion nor !*e dire conse>#ences of de)! collec!ion. Every dollar of defici! s+ending 7$, Billion E6E&Y )/Y B7CD. EE8 is *idden +rofi! for !*e 2ederal 3eserve Board of %overnors 7TBO%U0 with ownership assumed but assured to include 'oldman and other %all Street banks8 #sing !*e a#c!ion acco#n!s of 5reas#ry sec#ri!ies. 5*e 16.H !rillion ann#al recei+!s and dis)#rse&en!s of !*e a#c!ion acco#n!s are e$cl#sively *andled )y !*e 23B<=. 5*ey *ave never )een s#).ec! !o e$!ernal a#di! nor are !*ey re+or!ed !o Congress as re>#ired )y la(. <o via)le al!erna!e &a!*e&a!ical concl#sion for reven#e fro& defici! s+ending sec#ri!ies *as )een fo#nd. CH2 5*e +rofi! of !*e 2ederal 3eserve 7$ed8 legally )elongs !o !*e govern&en! and ass#redly !*e +#rloined f#nds *ave *el+ed finance !*e ,all !ree! ca)al. Conceal&en! of f#nds !*a! )elong !o !*e govern&en! is e&)e44le&en!. 5*e 2ed o+era!es a "on4i sc*e&e !*a! is in*eren!ly designed !o self-des!r#c!. 5*e de)!, once s!ar!ed, can never )e +aid. 'ss#ing a 5reas#ry sec#ri!y !o !*e 2ed for defici! s+ending crea!es !*e 7book entry8 +rinci+al of !*e @loan.A 5*e in!eres! !o +ay !*e loan does no! e$is! nor is i! crea!ed. 73he fractional reser(e practice of the commercial banks does not change this7 Each dollar of reser(e has been created from a 3reasury security or its numerical multiple7 4ypothetically0 paying off the national debt to 8ero would collapse the entire Freser(eF to 8ero and still lea(e the interest to be paid78 A con!rac! !*a! canno! )e c#l&ina!ed is void fro& i!s ince+!ion -- i! is an ac! of fra#d. CH3 5*e ,all !ree! )ankers are alleged !o )e o(ners of !*e 7pri(ately owned8 BO%. 5*e +erfidy of !*e 2ederal 3eserve *as )een !aken !o !*e co#r!s in a (*is!le-)lo(er s#i!.
H1 H2

*!!+JCC(((.re#!!icleC2013C12C07C#s-!rade-(!o-id/ B3EEBH0H220131207 .

$ederal &eser(e 4eist (((.scri); *!!+JCC(((.scri)!*e-2ederal-3eserve-revised H3 &#1 2$$ BY 34E $E)E&/5 &ESE&6E, *!!+JCC(((.scri)!*e-2ederal3eserve-revised


5*e co#r! declined !o e$+ose !*e ins!i!#!ion !*a! +rod#ces so &#c* &oney for !*e govern&en! !o s+end on .#dgesD salaries. ,*e!*er !*e BO% is o+era!ing as a govern&en! con!rac!or ra!*er !*an a govern&en! agency, or *as los! sovereign i&&#ni!y for sys!e&ic viola!ion of i!s s!a!#!ory c*ar!er or as a cri&inal e&)e44ler, de+ends #+on !*e vie(+oin!. CHF MNOTE: 5*e 2ederal 3eserve )anks *ave recen! congressional a#!*ori!y !o (ri!e c*ecks on !*eir o(n acco#n!s 7i7e70 to create money as used in the "uantitati(e easing TOEU purchases8 in !*e sa&e &anner as co&&ercial )anks. 5*ey are no! res!ric!ed )y a reserve re>#ire&en! as are !*e co&&ercial )anks. 5*e 2ed can +o!en!ially (ri!e any a&o#n! !o cover all loss fro& deriva!ives *eld )y ,all !ree! )anks !*a! )eco&e (or!*less. 5*e g#aran!eeing of deriva!ives, (*ic* (ere crea!ed )y %old&an, (ill )e like !*e )anks (ri!ing !*e&selves a c*eck !*en *aving !*e +#)lic +ay !*e& for i!.N Every ac!ion of !*e 2ederal 3eserve for !*e +as! five years, (*ic* cloaks i!s o+era!ion in as &#c* secrecy as +ossi)le, *as )een !o +ro!ec! ,all !ree! and in!erna!ional )ankers. A 2ederal 3eserve (*is!le )lo(er rela!es !*e &ore !*an 11 !rillion crea!ed )y OE0s (as !o resc#e <e( =ork )anks; i! (as no! !o *el+ !*e econo&y or *o&eo(ners. CHH 5o concl#de !*e 117 !rillion na!ional de)! ?and growing e!ponentially< (ill )e forgiven is naive. ,all !ree! )anks !*a! *andle !*e rede&+!ion of 5reas#ry sec#ri!ies (ill foreclose in any n#&)er of (ays. 5*e devo#ring of %reece and Cy+r#s (ill )e )#! a &orsel co&+ared !o !*e fren4ied gorging on !*e ci!i4ens of !*e /. . )eing endlessly +l#ndered. M5*e 23B<= is re+or!ed !o *old 7,700 !ons of gold in i!s va#l!s asser!ed !o )elong !o o!*er na!ions. 5*e *oard *as never )een a#di!ed. %er&any0s de&and for !*e re!#rn of !*eir gold *as )een ref#sed. %old )ars fro& 2or! Bno$ sold !o C*ina (ere fo#nd !o )e )og#s (i!* !*e 2ed )eing i&+lica!ed. CH? N ,all !ree! )anks also con!rol !*e De+osi!ory 5r#s! and Clearing Cor+ora!ion 7)3CC8 (*ic* *andles 11.7 >#adrillion in sec#ri!ies ann#ally. 5*e o(ners*i+ of e>#i!y or sec#ri!ies *eld )y D5CC is val#ed a! 1F0 !rillion )ook en!ry !ransfers of s*ares are &ade for financial &arke! +#rc*ases. Go*n O. "#)lic )elieves *e o(ns s*ares in S=I 'nc; ac!#ally, D5CC o(ns !*e s*ares. Dividends fro& co&+anies go !o D5CC for dis!ri)#!ion. Delays in !*e !ransfers of o(ners*i+ s!ock *ave )een &ade a! !*e o+!ion of D5CC. 2acili!a!ion of naked s*or! selling is also a recorded +rac!ice. 5*e )o!!o& line is !o reflec! on confisca!ion of de+osi!orsD &oney (i!* clai&s !*ey are a s#)ordina!e e>#i!y +osi!ion. 5*e Cy+r#s +a!!ern of sei4#re 7as was done with M$ 'lobal8 (ill con!in#e !o e$+and !o g#aran!ee )anks *olding deriva!ives do no! face )ankr#+!cy )#!, na!#rally, !*e eli!e (ill )e e$e&+!. INCREASE DEFICIT S"ENDING De&ocra!s >#ickly con!ri)#!ed !o 2ed +rofi! )y defici! s+ending (i!* a social agenda

*!!+JCC(((.scri)!-2ederal-3eserve-(*is!le)lo(er *!!+JCC!*eecono&iccolla+se)*ivesC2ederal-reserve-(*is!le)lo(er-!ells-a&erica-!*e-real-reasonfor->#an!i!a!ive-easing H? *!!+JCC(((.e$o*#&!o-c*ina


incl#ding conserva!ion!s, ,"A, food s!a&+s, *o#sing assis!ance, &edical care, and s#c*. 5*e )enevolen! concern for socie!y disg#ised !*e confisca!ed f#nds )eing a)sor)ed )y an eli!e egocen!ric govern&en! over*ead. 5*e co#r!s rei&+osed socie!al &ores and (ork e!*ics +roven self-des!r#c!ive a! "ly&o#!* 3ock #sing e$+ansive cons!i!#!ional en*ance&en!s. 2iscal +olicies of !*e 3e+#)lican @Old 3ig*!A (ere &ore fr#gal. M#rray 3o!*)ard rela!es !*a! Goe McCar!*y #n(i!!ingly *el+ed o+en !*e govern&en! s+igo!. CH7 ,i!* Bill B#ckley0s (ar &ongering in <A5'O<A: 3EK'E, !r#&+e!ing !*e co&&#nis! &enace and red)ai!ing, !*e @<e( 3ig*!A increased govern&en! defici! s+ending on &ili!aris&. 5*a! no! only gave direc! +rofi! !o !*e o(ners of !*e 2ed )#! also +rofi!ed !*e &an#fac!#ring &e&)ers of !*e C23. @M5N*e &ore 7Murray &othbard8 circ#la!ed a&ong !*ese 7National &e(iew8 +eo+le, !*e grea!er 7his8 *orror )eca#se 7he8 reali4ed (i!* gro(ing cer!ain!y !*a! (*a! !*ey (an!ed a)ove all (as !o!al (ar agains! !*e ovie! /nion; !*eir fana!ical (ar&ongering (o#ld se!!le for no less.A 3o!*)ard concl#des B#ckley *ad )een a C'A agen! and <A5'O<A: 3EK'E, (as a C'A o+era!ion. 7id 9+90 9+G78 5*e iss#e is no! De&ocra!s verses 3e+#)licans, nor li)eral verses conserva!ive, nor +rogressive verses neocon; !*e iss#e is ,all !ree! verses !*e "eo+le. "oli!icians of )o!* +ar!ies +re!end s+ending )y !*e federal govern&en! is free &oney. 5*ey ignore !*e reali!y !*a! govern&en! *as no!*ing !o give e$ce+! (*a! i! *as confisca!ed fro& !*e ci!i4enry. 5*e over*ead cos! for govern&en! of social +rogra&s r#ns !o 60 +ercen!; for &ili!ary e$+endi!#res !*e cos! !o socie!y is &#c* *ig*er and deadlier. Mr. B#ckley did no! reveal !*e ovie! /nion (as !*e res#l! of 1?0 Million inves!ed )y G" Morgan !o finance !*e @c*ea+es! revol#!ion ' every )o#g*!.A 5*e Bols*evik 3evol#!ion relied #+on cr#cial /. . govern&en! assis!ance !o ge! !*e !(o king+ins !o Mosco(. 5*e +ri4e for Morgan 7a shill for the &othschild family8 (as !*e (orld0s larges! *oard of gold *eld )y !*e &#rdered C4ar. 5*e / 3 (as a s!ra( ene&y con!rolled o#! of Man*a!!an )#! )ally*ooed as a need !o )#ild an indis+ensa)le /. . &ili!ary +o(er. CH6 5*e 1EFH Co&&#nis! e$+ansion in !*e 2ar Eas! (as also a deli)era!e /. . foreign +olicy. CHE Af!er !*e colla+se of Co&&#nis&, !*e (ar &ongering (as +ackaged as +ro!ec!ing !*e /. . fro& !erroris&. 5*e C'A is invaria)ly fo#nd s#++lying ar&s !o a! leas! one fac!ion of !*e ac!s of !erroris&. 2re>#en!ly, !*e !yran! )eing de+osed *ad )een +ress#red !o +#rc*ase &ili!ary ar&a&en! fro& !*e /. . -- (i!* /. . 7ta!payer8 s#)sidi4ed &oney of co#rse. 'f !*e firs! c#s!o&er does no! )#y, !*e second one (ill and !*en !*e C'A (ill !*rea!en !*e firs!. %eneral &edley B#!ler (as recr#i!ed )y ,all !ree! !o r#n for "residen! in !*e 1E30Vs. ;e c*ose ins!ead !o reveal !*eir +erfidy. C?0 5*e elec!ion of ei!*er +oli!ical +ar!y in!o con!rol of Congress !*en carries !*e +o!en!ial !o )e #sed !o +rofi! ,all !ree!. "oli!icians love !o s+end so&e)ody else0s &oney !o )#y vo!es a! *o&e and le! !*e ne$! genera!ion +ay !*e *idden cos! of i!. ,*e!*er i! is &oney for a &edical +rogra&, or a ne( )ridge, or !o )#ild solar +anels, or a ne( air+or!, or s+or!s
H7 H6

BE53A=A: O2 5;E AME3'CA< 3'%;5 )y M#rray 3o!*)ard n#&ero#s (ri!ings )y An!ony #!!on and 2le!c*er "ro#!y. HE . ;O, 5;E 2A3 EA 5 ,A :O 5 )y An!*ony B#)ek; ,;':E =O/ :E"5 )y Go*n 5. 2lynn.

,A3 ' A 3ACBE5 )y &edley B#!ler


s!adi#& (i!* &a!c*ing f#nds fro& s!a!e or local govern&en!s, !*e de)! is financed !*ro#g* ,all !ree! and !*e +i+er does no! +lay for free. ,all !ree! does no! de&and econo&ic ven!#res )acked )y !*e govern&en! !o )e cos! effec!ive. Corr#+!ion )y +oli!icians in !*e /ni!ed !a!es is eli&ina!ed )y defini!ion. Ca&+aign con!ri)#!ions, lo))yis!Ds gif!s and +erks, and insider &arke! !i+s are defined )y la( !o )e legal -- or res#l! in (inks. o&e s#rveys s#gges! !*e gro#+ (i!* !*e fas!es! increase in ne! (or!* is +oli!icians. O++osi!ion !o legisla!ion favora)le !o ,all !ree! (ill find +oli!ical o++onen!s (i!* *#ge ca&+aign (ar c*es!s. And !*#s, for a fe( +ieces of silver, are +oli!icians in!i&ida!ed !o sell !*e )ir!*rig*! of !*e <a!ion, )#! &#c* infl#ence can )e &ade (i!*o#! even )eing elec!ed. RE OL ING DOOR E#"LOY#ENT <#&ero#s %old&an e&+loyees *ave (orked for !*e /. . govern&en! in key +osi!ions. 5*ey incl#de Barack O)a&a (i!* %old&an )eing *is larges! ca&+aign con!ri)#!or 7$HH,0G 78. An #nkno(n fres*&an congress&an (as a)le !o ge! elec!ed "residen!, and reelec!ed, (i!*o#! a )ir!* cer!ifica!e ?a record of li(e birth a(ailable to a parent upon re"uest without a doctorFs certification was offered< or c*allenge )y ei!*er +oli!ical +ar!y W and (i!* .#dicial i&&#ni!y. 5*e Man*a!!an office of )o!* +oli!ical +ar!ies agreed !o !*e +lan. 5*e Barack O)a&a record of cons!i!#!ional !ra&+ling, of #nres!rained s+ending, of clai&s of e$ec#!ive i&&#ni!y fro& acco#n!a)ili!y, of consolida!ing all +oli!ical +o(er (i!*in !*e e$ec#!ive +en#&)ra, is #n+receden!ed. C?1 A leng!*y lis! of %old&an e&+loyees (*o &oved !o govern&en! +osi!ions *as )een co&+iled. C?2 *o#ld +#ndi!s concl#de %old&an already con!rols !*e /. . govern&en!9 ;ank "a#lsen 7e! CE2 of 'oldman0 sometimes 1aulson8 as ecre!ary of !*e 5reas#ry )egged Congress for 1700 )illion !o save *is 1H00 &illion in %old&an s!ock fro& )ankr#+!cy (i!* !*e +re!ense of saving A&erican 'n!erna!ional %ro#+ 7/#'8 and !*e <a!ion. C?3 "a#lsen also eli&ina!ed &ore !*an 1200 &illion in !a$es (i!* *is )rief govern&en! e&+loy&en!. %old&an received &ore !*an 11F )illion fro& !*e )ailo#! of A'%. More !*an a 11.H )illion )enefi! (en! !o %old&an fro& !*e @fiscal cliffA se!!le&en! of Dece&)er 2012. C?F %old&an )orro(ed 176F )illion fro& !*e 2ed )e!(een 2006 !o 2010 (*ile EH3 e&+loyees received )on#ses over a &illion dollars. An e$!ensive lis!ing of +#!a!ive cri&inal ac!ions )y %old&an, incl#ding deli)era!e fra#d#len! ac!ions !*a! ca#sed !*e 1E2E colla+se, *as )een co&+iled. %old&an crea!ed deriva!ives and MB are iden!ified as ca#ses of !*e c#rren! c*aos. C?H
?1 ?2 ?3 ?F ?H

*!!+JCC(((.nac*#&lis!.co&Cgold&ansac*so)a&a.*!& *!!+JCC(((.(*i!eo#!!iclesC>F2012Clis!-of-gold&an-sac*s-e&+loyees-in-!*e-(*i!e-*o#se *!!+JCCar!icles.&arke!(a!c*.co&C200?-0?-30Cne(sC307?77F?L1L+a#lson-gold&an-sac*s-s!ock-#ni!

. *!!+JCC(((.&oneyne(,olinskyCcrony-ca+i!alis&-%old&anC2013C01C03CidCF?E6?F *!!+JCCdean*enderson.(*s-onc. X F7 cf. *!!+JCC(((.(as*ing!ons) glo)al-+o(!-+ar!-H-)anking-on-infl#ence-(i!*-gold&an-sac*s.*!&l.


5*e /. . govern&en! is facili!a!ing a na!ional self-des!r#c!ion for !*e )enefi! of ,all !ree!0s &egalo&aniac o)session. 5*e +a!!ern *as )een field !es!ed )y !*e 'M2 and ,B for decades and is no( )eing #sed in E#ro+e. 5*e 117 !rillion /. . de)! is !*e end goal collec!ion. Every dollar of !*e 117 !rillion na!ional de)! *as )een a +rofi! for !*e 2ed *idden )y !*e 23B<=. ,*en !*e econo&y slo(s as de)! ins!r#&en!s ?deri(ati(es0 MBS< are e$+osed as (or!*less 7market (alue is destroyed8, &ore defici! s+ending is re>#ired !o @s!i&#la!eA !*e econo&y 7read;; maintain the status "uo by inflating (alues and buying deri(ati(es and MBS to rescue 3B3$ %all Street banks8. !ocks 7owned by the rich8 increase in val#e fro& infla!ion )#! fi$ed asse!s 7C):s0 life insurance0 etc70 owned by the middle class8 lose val#e. 5*e s!#&)ling econo&y ca#ses red#c!ions in !a$ reven#e (*ic* def#nds social +rogra&s 7i7e70 austerity8 (*ile !*e +#)lic is !old !*e govern&en! de)! is inviola)le. ei4#re of asse!s in )ank acco#n!s and D5CC (ill occ#r. 5*e govern&en! (ill *ave a fire sale of govern&en! asse!s !o ,all !ree! --- on !*e financiers0 !er&s --- as in %reece. O(ners of !*e 2ed (ill ac>#ire !*e en!ire /ni!ed !a!es and !*e +eo+le (ill )e +a#+ers --- .#s! like in ;ai!i.


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