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0.1 first = primero 1 sixth = sexto 6

second = segundo 2 third = tercero fourth = cuarto fifth = quinto 3 4 5

seventh = sptimo 7 eighth = octavo 8 nineth = noveno 9 tenth = dcimo 10

twenty first = vigsimo primero 21 forty third = cuadragsimo tercero 43

0.2 Whats your name? = Cmo te llamas? How old are you? = Cuntos aos tienes? Where are you from? = De dnde eres? Whats the name of your school? = A qu colegio vas? Have you got any brothers o sisters? = Tienes hermanos o hermanas? Who are your friends? = Quines son tus amigos?

0.3 brother = hermano sister = hermana pet = mascota hobby = aficin sport = deporte food = comida

0.4 Spain = Espaa Germany = Alemania Thailand = Tailandia France = Francia Italy = Italia China = China UNIT 1: FAMILY AND FRIENDS

1.1 twin = gemelo to look like = tener aspecto, parecerse What does he look like? = Cmo es l? short = corto long = largo curly = rizado brown = marrn black = negro hair = pelo eyes = ojos glasses = gafas small = pequeo big = grande straight = liso blue = azul blond = rubio

1.2 1 Persona: Ive got = tengo Im wearing = llevo puesto Hes got Hes wearing I havent got Im not wearing He hasnt got He isnt wearing

3 Persona:

1.3 vain = vanidoso, presumido hairdressers = peluquera hairdresser = peluquero lots = montones nice = majo, encantador lovely = precioso handsome = guapo bottle = botella to cut off = cortar

1.4 jacket = chaqueta jumper = jersey skirt = falda shoes = zapatos trousers = pantalones jeans = vaqueros shirt= camisa T-shirt = camiseta tracksuit = chandal trainers = deportivas


polite = educado tity = ordenado, limpio on time = a tiempo classmate = compaero de clase cardigan = chaquetilla hat = sombrero light blue = azul claro light red = rojo claro

rude = maleducado, rudo untidy = desordenado late = tarde polo shirt = polo cap = gorra tunic = tnica

1.6 there is there are = hay (singular y plural) disculpa lets go = vamos sorry = perdona, sport clothes = ropa deportiva



pear = pera onion = cebolla fruit = fruta vegetables = verduras potatoes = patatas plums = ciruelas

carrots = zanahorias pineapple = pia broccoli = brocoli beans = alubias peas = guisantes bananas = pltanos

2.2 apple = manzana salad = ensalada tomatoes = tomates healthy = saludable orange = naranja cherries = cerezas fit = en forma everybody = todo el mundo

2.3 soup = sopa chicken = pollo adelante pot = cazuela fox = zorro Im off = me voy see you later = hasta luego to wash = lavar to eat = comer to peel = pelar I like = me gusta he likes = a l le gusta 2.4 2.5 cheese sandwich =sandwich de queso rice = arroz to hate = odiar interesting = interesante I dont like = a mi no me gusta she doesnt like = a ella no le gusta to come = venir come in = pasa, entra, to cook = cocinar to see = ver to start = empezar can = poder to put = poner to cut = cortar

eggs = huevos fish = pescado ice cream = helado sausages = salchichas milk = leche to pour = verter, derramar

recipe = receta funny = divertido to love = amar, querer strawberries = fresas blender = batidora

2.6 driver = conductor these = estos/as meat = carne ham = jamn lentils = lentejas lots = montones oils = aceites fats = grasas butter = mantequilla bones = huesos strong = fuerte what else? = qu ms? here you are = aqu tienes How many? = cuntos/as? (cosas que se pueden contar? How much? = cuntos/as? (cosas que no se pueden contar? How much? = cunto es? (preguntar el precio) to give = dar to keep = guardar, mantener to grow = crecer to need = necesitar every day = todos los das sugar = azcar too much = demasiado breakfast = desayuno lunch = comida dinner = cena chips = patatas fritas cake = pastel


3.1 3.2 Monday = lunes art gallery = galera de arte

Tuesday = martes Wednesday = mircoles Thursday = jueves Friday = viernes comercial Saturday = sbado Sunday = domingo ftbol On Monday = el lunes On Friday = el viernes supermercado

bowling alley = bolera ice rink = pista de hielo sports centre = polideportivo shopping centre = centro restaurant = restaurante football stadium = estadio de supermarket = swimming pool = piscina library = biblioteca

3.3 robbery = robo security guards = guardias de seguridad robbers = ladrones to help = ayudar to cross = cruzar cupboard = armario paintings = cuadros boss = jefe to find = encontrar gates = puertas

3.4 go past = ir y dejar pasado go through = ir a travs go straight on, ahead = ir todo recto next to = al lado de turn right = girar a la derecha turn left = girar a la izquierda cross = cruza opposite = opuesto

3.5 traffic lights = semforo peatones text message = mensaje de texto zebra crossing = paso de cycle helmet = casco de ciclista

reflective vest = chaleco reflectante be careful = ten cuidado road safety = seguridad vial

lights = luces busy = ocupado, liado

3.6 buildings = construcciones, edificios glass = vidrio brick = ladrillo prison = prisin, crcel helipad = helipuerto stone = piedra to be made = estar hecho

There is = hay (singular) There are = hay (plural)

There isnt = no hay ( singular) There arent = no hay (plural)


4.1 4.2 handball = balonmano snowboarding = esqu en tabla

gymnastics = gimnasia kitesurf = surf a vela I like playing = me gusta jugar a I like doing = me gusta hacer Do you like playing ? = te gusta jugar a ? film crew = equipo de rodaje bandage = vendaje

volleyball = voleibol bowling = bolos I dont like playing = no me gusta jugar a I dont like doing = no me gusta hacer Yes, I do = s, me gusta

advert = anuncio

4.3 I am playing = estoy jugando a What are you doing? = qu ests haciendo? Whats he doing? = qu est haciendo l? 4.4 4.5 to like + -ing to love + -ing terminado en ING to hate + -ing I am swimming you are swimming - he is swimming Am I swimming? are you swimming? Is he swimming? I am not swimming you are not swimming he is not swimming To live = vivir despus de esos verbos, el verbo principal

4.6 4.7 Go to bed = vete a la cama meal = comida to be bored = estar aburrido earlier = ms pronto, temprano to brush = cepillar on his own = por su cuenta

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