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Let’s talk about sex pg.

February 16, 2009 Volume 2, Issue 2

ACC breaks ground on its largest

project, will house 11,000 plus campus
Kaitlin Neve
Staff Writer

The Round Rock Public

Library is hosting a public
forum to discuss plans and
take questions about the new
ACC Round Rock Campus,
scheduled to open fall 2010.
The forum is Monday Feb. 16
at 6 p.m.
“This is giving the people
of Round Rock an opportu-
nity to look at the plans for
the design and talk about the
programs offered,” Executive
Director of Public Information
and College Marketing Brett
Lea said.
Thursday Feb. 6 there was
a groundbreaking ceremony at
the campus that was attended
by over 400 people. The event
had a skydiver, music from
the Coyote Senior Choir of
Forest Creek Elementary
School, and speakers includ-
ing project developers, Round
ȩȩ continued on pg. 6

Over 400 people gathered in

Round Rock for the groundbreak-
ing ceremony Thursday morning
Feb. 5. The Round Rock Campus
is scheduled to open near Univer-
sity Boulevard in 2010 and is the
future home of more than 11,000
college students.
Hanlly Sam•Staff Photographer

ACC harnesses the sun

great because it’s the wave of
the future.” said Brette Lea,
Executive Director of Public
Information and College
The solar panels on both
the Riverside and Rio Grande
campuses, funded by the
program, are now “nearly
complete” according to
Project Manager for ACC Paul
Their main purpose is to
provide a learning tool for
those involved in the solar
technology programs.
Students in the solar tech-
nology program have the abil-
ity to track online how much
power is being generated. This
can vary depending on ele- Kevin Forester•Staff Photographer
ments such as the weather. Right to Left: Texas Legislature Donna Howard, ACC chair member Nan McRaven and ACC student Ann Sosa
Paul Martinez, technical discuss issues affecting students attending community colleges throughout Texas. ACC SGA members at-
adviser for Austin Energy, tended Community College Day on February 4, 2009 at the state capitol.
said that the “ACC campus PV
[photovoltaic] arrays… only
produce about $315 worth
of electricity per year… per
school [the arrays] are supple-
Tax free textbooks loom
menting a very small amount Adam Oliphant the appeal of the six-drop have said they would not have
of power that is being con- Staff Writer rule, tax-free textbooks, and a problem supporting the bill
sumened by the buildings.” full funding for Community including Rep. Elliott Naishtat.
According to ACC’s web- ACC’s Student Colleges. Full funding will Representative Diana
site, the 20’ tall steel pole sup- Government Association sent come up when the Legislature Maldonado expressed interest
porting a “solar flower array” a delegation to speak with the looks at the 2010 state budget, in co-authoring the bill.
Teodora Erbes •Staff Photographer contain the power cells. A Representatives and Senators but the first two issues can be “The Six Drop Rule was
series of underground wires in ACC’s taxing area for Texas addressed now through bills. instated last session as a way
Riverside and Rio Grande campuses were awarded grants from Austin runs between the solar array Community College Day. ACC Twelve students went to tell for Texas’ Flagship Universities
Energy as part of the Solar For Schools project to raise awareness of joined over 1500 students central Texas Legislators what to fix some of the problems
and the equipment build-
ACC’s mission to become a more sustainable district. with financial aid and to
ing (connecting to the Grid and administrators from 46 their concerns were and what
New solar panels primarily for Point System) the electricity
then flows to a main electrical
community colleges’ districts
across Texas to lobby the state
legislators can do to solve their
encourage students to graduate
faster,” said Mike Reid.
instructional purposes panel in an existing building. Legislature on Feb. 4.
“Community College Day
“It’s important to let our
legislators know what we
The rule only allows stu-
dents that started on or after
This provides the means for
depositing electricity onto the is an excellent opportunity want,” said Mike Reid, SGA fall of 2007 to drop six classes
Jamie Carpenter Energy and representatives grid of the campus. to learn about the lobbying Parliamentarian, “we put a during their entire under-
Campus Editor of ACC, will be at Riverside Mason said “it is a small process on the state level. It is face on the 36,000 students graduate career. Students that
Campus to help commemo- step but it is a giant step a great privilege to be able to that attend Austin Community drop more than six classes
A dedication and ribbon rate the completion of the in that it is [among] the meet and speak with so many College, and there’s power in may receive a variety of severe
cutting ceremony is sched- Solar for Schools Program. first ACC is taking towards state Legislators at the capitol,” that”. penalties including reduction
uled for Mar. 4 on the “We’re being put on a fed- becoming a more sustain- commented John Sack, SGA House Bill 20, introduced of financial aid and loss of
Riverside Campus. eral platform…we are being able district and [it’s helping] Northridge Senator. by Rep. David Leibowitz, in-state tuition rates. Students
The U.S. Department of recognized for our work increase the visibility for the Issues that were brought would make textbooks tax-free that started college before fall
Energy, along with Austin with solar energy which is college.” up by the group included all year. Many representatives of 2007 are grandfathered in.
page 2 Accent • February 16, 2009

Our View
w w w.the
Presser disappoints
system and all of us will just
have to deal. Staff Editorial
President Obama also Sarah Neve Editor-in-Chief • David Rodriguez Assistant Editor
came up with this zinger at Jamie Carpenter Campus Editor • Alma Hernandez Photo/Web Editor
the National Prayer Breakfast Jana Lelek Layout Editor • Chris Scott Layout Intern
a few days back: “There is no
God who condones taking
the life of an innocent human
being, this much we know.”
Oh really?
Maybe he should be
Rob Palladino reminded of the fact that he
Columnist recently signed the reversal
of the Mexico City Policy
As I’m sitting here tapping that so generously “donates”
away at the keyboard, way past American tax payer dollars to
deadline – and hoping my fund abortion overseas. Also,
editor isn’t going to flay me just in case it slipped his mind,
alive - I happened to tune into he’s about to do the same with
President Obama’s maiden the utterly revolting Freedom
press conference and I sin- of Choice Act (FOCA) which
cerely wished I hadn’t. It was will basically turn the USA
perhaps the most dishonest into a 50-state abortion mill.
display I’ve, well, since Obama But then, I guess it will
last said something. make Hollywood zombie
This “presser” was noth- Ashley Judd happy that babies,
ing more than a stump speech instead of wolves, are being
punctuated by meaningless, murdered. I feel a warm and
softball questions asked by fuzzy coming on. Speaking of
his fawning press core – and zombies…
what a disgrace to journal- MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow
ism they are. He was allowed is a class act. No, really. Last
to meander his way through night on her show, she gave a
double-talk and BS and no one short “speech” about how she
batted an eyelid – if they could backed all the people that are
keep their eyes open during fighting the good fight against
the mogadon bore-fest. When “corrupt” CEOs and so called
the liveliest member of the “Fat Cats.” Ms. Maddow is a
press core is Medusa herself, hypocrite par excellence. Who
Helen Thomas – who, as Bill does she think she works for?
O’Reilly amusingly quipped, Greenpeace? This bright spark
that if someone poured salt on works for MSNBC who are
her she would dissolve – you owned by? General Electric!

Perry has commitment

Karen Kuhn • Staff artist
have a big problem. Yes, that pinnacle of
But, let’s talk taxes here. left-wing thought and debate
So far it’s difficult to know, works for one of the biggest
as Dennis Miller beautifully companies in the United States
pointed out last week on Fox, yet complains about the very
that former Illinois governor

issues with state tuition

system that is making her rich
Rod Blagojevich “appears to beyond her wildest dreams.
be the only guy Barack Obama It’s all very well to stand there
has met in the last five years of and hold a clenched fist up,
his life who has paid his taxes.” act like Amy “Bin” Goodman,
Now, while that is funny, go home to a swanky NYC
it also seems to be a sadly self- In what amounts to one of the most paid as freshmen would be locked in. This than four years to complete their degrees
apartment and still claim to
fulfilling prophecy. Sure, Tom hypocritical and backwards propos- continues on so that by the time they are because of the increasing amount of
be street credible by support-
Daschle fell on his own sword, als ever, Gov. Perry in his eighth State in their fourth year, the school is charg- responsibilities, not to mention the sky-
ing, not reporting mind you,
after a little tipping from the of the State Address (Note: now would ing incoming freshmen four years worth rocketing rate of now deregulated tuition
random acts of evermore
New York Times, but somehow be a good time to enforce term limits) of increases, more than the graduating that makes taking 12-16 hour semesters
pointless demonstration.
Tim Geithner is still going to proposed a four year tuition freeze. Fight seniors. Neat. financially impossible.
I think Maddow should
take charge of the Treasury the urge to applaud. If it weren’t for Perry, Except, not all college students The reality is that the Legislature can
at least be honest – although
despite his tax “problems.” tuition wouldn’t be so absolutely out of graduate in four years. According to the not have its cake and eat it too. Obviously,
she couldn’t about almost
Why both of these chumps control to begin with. College Navigator website, sponsored by they feel like they need control of tuition,
landing a job with Fox News a
aren’t being hammered by The 2003 deregulation of tuition lead the U.S. Department of Education, less but refuse to admit that they made a mis-
while back – and admit she’s
the IRS is beyond me. If you, to yearly rapid and monumental hikes in than 50% of University of Texas at Austin take and wont assert that control in any
a champagne socialist. But, if
I or anyone of us ordinary tuition state wide. When Texas lawmak- students graduate in four years. This long standing legal way.
she did that, Keith Olbermann
folk “forgets” to pay any kind ers deregulated tuition, they didn’t stipu- means that in their fifth year students’ Perry’s proposal, which now has
would have to fire her, since
of tax, you can be sure you’ll late that if the economy gets worse and tuition will jump up to accommodate all majority support in the Senate, wont fix
he seems to be making all the
receive that friendly bludgeon the board of regents goes crazy with the four years of increases all at once. the tuition problems that students are
editorial decisions at MSNBC
at your front door and a comfy tuition increases, then the Legislature can Supporters of this idea keep saying facing, and more over lacks a sense of
these days, and she may end
prison cell to spend some time step in and start regulating again. that it will be a great motivator for stu- responsibility for those problems, which
up on the next series of “Rock
in. It’s a “one law for them” The way the freeze would work is that dents to finish college ‘on time’, which he helped create. I propose Perry fund a
of Love.”
the students would start taking classes condescendingly implies that students are line of “I’m sorry I ruined the education
as freshman, and then when they are currently in need of motivation to gradu- system” license plates before he starts
sophomores the cost of attending the ate in four years. messing with tuition again.
university might go up, but the cost they College students often take longer

College is not a game

But really, the truth of the not the issue is a lack of owning
matter is that teachers do know up to your procrastination with

edress of
what it’s like. Obviously, in your homework or hypocriti-
order to be a teacher, they had cal teachers, there should not
OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE to go to school. They had to do be this unspoken war between
RGC, 1212 Rio Grande St., Room 101.1 Austin TX 78701
homework, manage their time, teachers and students where
take classes they didn’t want to teachers are tyrants holding
Editor-in-Chief.........................................................................................................Sarah Neve take, and put up with teachers our destiny in their hands, and
Assistant Editor............................................................................................... David Rodriguez
Photo/Web Editor...........................................................................................Alma Hernandez they might not have liked. They students are bratty kids talking
Layout Editor..............................................................................................................Jana Lelek survived and so will we. Were it on their cell phones and walk-
Layout Intern............................................................................................................Chris Scott
Jamie Carpenter personality I am not particu- only so simple that the fault of ing into class late.
Campus Editor
Campus Editor................................................................................................. Jamie Carpenter
Copy Editor............................................................................................... Julie Gorkowski-Day larly fond of, I have nothing bad learning lied solely in the In order for a learning envi-
Accent Adviser............................................................................................. Matthew Connolly
Accent Coordinator................................................................................................Lori Blewett good to say whatsoever. hands of the students. I don’t ronment to be successful, nei-
Student Life Director......................................................................................... Cheryl Richard As a college student, one of Everything that a teacher know how many times I have ther teacher nor student should
Writers Sarah Vasquez, Shawn Hinojosa, Adam Oliphant, Karissa Rodriguez, Shane Yount, the things I love best is the abil- does or says is without a doubt read in a professor’s syllabus be late to class, talk on the
Kaitlin Neve, Rob Palladino, Lindsay Preston,Devon Tincknell, Jon Sack, Scott Richardson, ity to be able to blame teachers said to annoy me. I did not get that it is important we show cell phone, or chat with other
Anne Boyd
Photographers Teodora Erbes, Trevor W. Goodchild, Kevin Forester, Enoch Rios, Hanlly Sam for things that aren’t their fault. an F because I didn’t study, or up for class on time, and have people, because it is disrupting
Artists Karen Kuhn, Anny Ibarra Whenever I have a genuine because I procrastinated and good attendance/participa- for all parties. The classroom
ACC President Dr. Steve Kinslow
Board of Trustees Ms. Nan McRaven– Chair; Ms. Veronica Rivera—Vice Chair; Dr. James interest in a class and I like my waited till the last minute. tion, only to have them waste environment should be about
McGuffee—Secretary, Dr. Barbara P. Mink, Allen Kaplan, Mr. Jeffrey Richard, John-Michael
Cortez, Tim Mahoney, Raul Alvarez
teacher, I will sing praises about Instead, the grade is clearly the our time by spending the first learning. Instead, it seems like
the teacher and the class. I love result of my teacher being unrea- thirty minutes trying to pre- there is a silent divide between
All rights reserved. All content is the property of Accent and may not be reproduced, published or going to class, enjoy doing the sonable and/or picking on me. I pare for lectures, sipping their teachers and students which is
retransmitted in any form without written permission from the Office of Student Life. Accent is the
student newspaper of Austin Community College and is printed by the Texas Student Publications. homework, and I give the class really believe that too many col- coffee, or chatting with people pointless and unnecessary.
Accent is published biweekly. ACC students may submit articles for publication in Accent to RGC’s
Office of Student Life Room 101.1; e-mail articles to or fax submissions to
my best effort. lege students do not want to hold that aren’t even in our class. A college education is not a
223‑3086. ACC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, Then of course, there’s my themselves accountable for their Teachers should be prepared petty game with losers or win-
sexual orientation, age, political affiliation or disability. Accent offers ACC’s faculty, staff, students and
surrounding community a complete source of information about student life. Accent welcomes your Hyde side. When it’s a core success or failure in school. It is to teach class just as students ners. Both teachers and students
input, as well as information about errors. If you notice any information that warrants a correction
please e-mail Individual views, columns, letters to the editor and other opinion
class I am not interested in, too easy to blame the teachers, should be prepared to learn in would benefit from a sense of
pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of Accent. but have to take in order to because they don’t know what class. mutual respect in the learning
graduate, or a teacher whose we are going through. Regardless of whether or relationship they share.
February 16, 2009 • Accent page 3

w w w.the

Accent web poll Readers respond

Posted By: Dakotah Posted By: Ed Perkins

Responding to: Obama=Socialism Responding to:

Printed in: Issue 1 spring 2009 Printed in: Issue 1 spring
I won’t address the slippery that does not have some sort 2009
What is the biggest slope and anecdotal fallacies,
save pointing out that this
article is rife with them. The
of UHC system. Also, there
are many kinds of UHC--not This country is in trouble.

challenge Obama faces as

all of the systems exclude a We now have an extreme
importance and success of private sector. After all the liberal president with a
UHC is actually completely false arguments against UHC previous senate voting record
the new president? unambiguous, as every single
other developed nation spends
are debunked, you are left
with nothing but American
that is a joke. We have a
democratically controlled
less on better health care due exceptionalism--a clear fallacy. house and senate that is liberal
to economies of scale, and The rest of your meanderings and socialism is going to be a
due to the simple fact that you seem to be derivative talking fact. If the current republicans
ALREADY PAY for others’ points, I can only say turn the do not grow some man parts
uninsured care. (OECD stats- TV off, perhaps your apparent in a hurry, our constitution
-USA=15% of GDP, closest vitriol would lessen. Read will be a nice historical artifact
developed nation=8.9%) We more and write less. that will mean nothing! Are
are the only developed nation you scared? You should be!

Posted By: Anonymous ACC student

Responding to: Obama proposes funding for students
Printed in: Issue 1 spring 2009 These comments
I, for one, would be MORE non-privileged students could have been edited
than happy, ecstatic even to have more of a chance to
get financial help in exchange succeed, by having the support
for grammatical
for 100 hours of community to get their education faster. errors. Everything
service per year. I have spent It seems like a no-brainer
more hours of my life than to us, but one that has to be is as posted by our
I care to think about, trying explained to those in our online readers.
Vote and view results to get financial aid, filling
out papers, searching for
society who aren’t aware, and
obviously ‘don’t get it’ (or, All Accent stories
on scholarships that don’t apply
to me, writing essays, doing
don’t care!).
At this point, ANYTHING are posted online
appeals, etc... Only to finally the govt. can do to help more and available for
get the bare minimum for students get an education
a few years. (And I am very would be, truly, a dream come commentary. Visit
grateful for that!). But now I’m true. However I don’t have
cut off due to having dropped Obama on a pedestal. I want our web site, tell
the max number of classes. to wait to see some results us what you think,
I don’t know if most people first before getting too excited
realize, when students say about him. He has a hard and look for your
“I’ve been in school forever,” it road ahead and he’s going to
usually means that it’s taking need all the help he can get.
best comments in
14 years instead of 4, to get a But it IS exciting to think future issues of The
degree. Because YOU HAVE we may actually, FINALLY,
TO WORK, and you are have a govt. again, that hasn’t Accent.





already living on your own, completely abandoned us,

Ot h


paying rent/mortgage, and like the past nightmarish 8



bills. And you can only go to years, and actually might do



school as your finances will something to help working-



allow it, not because you’re class people for a change!!


a lazy, unfocused slacker! I just hope it really

Oftentimes school is sacrificed happens, and we don’t get our
for the sake of work. But with hopes up for nothing.
This Accent poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to more financial aid, perhaps
participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, nor the
public as a whole.

Keep grades Say it like you mean it

accent defies logic. a-day and see how liberating back into your mouth and
Apparently Bale was it feels! There could be no becoming British again. I can

born in Wales and spent more wonderful of a moment even envision a website: www.
his childhood in England, than putting the plum right efakeyankaccentforthequeen.
Portugal, and the United co,uk. Yeah, that’s the idea.
Explains it
al l
States. Oh, ok he’s traveled Oh Christian,
a bit and it’s reasonable to you’ve really started
something now.
assume that someone
would kind of pick
up parts of accents
Karissa Rodriguez grades is not a solution. I along the way. Ok,
Columnist like the grading system, and Rob Palladino fine, I can almost
I am motivated by receiving Columnist understand that.
College without grades grades for my work. But Bale’s
sounds alluring, but what I attended one class last When actor Christian accent does bring
impact would ending the semester where my teacher Bale’s astonishing outburst up a huge bugbear
grading system incur? Too did not believe in grades, and was unleashed on an unsus- for me. Now, some
many negative consequences it was the most frustrating pecting public, the reputation of you may know
I believe. class I have ever taken. of Hollywood celebrities was that I’m originally
That question was con- In this class all that was hardly unsullied. From unfor- from London –
sidered at a workshop during required was that I complete tunates like Marilyn Monroe, that’s in England
the annual meeting of the assignments. After two and survivors like Dennis Hopper, for the more
Association of American a half months of doing just right through to mental midg- geographically
Colleges and Universities that, and not receiving any ets like Matt Damon; it’s been challenged – and
late last month, reported by feedback about my work, a production line of dysfunc- have been living
Inside Higher Ed. I became discouraged and tion, idiocy and criminal self- here in Texas for
Many professors and col- withdrew from the course. indulgence. almost six years.
lege administrators believed I withdrew because I The fact that these people I have not
this would be a good move would rather receive a W for are given a pass by a public lost one bit of my
and proposed to enact an a course than an F. I didn’t who could care less what they London accent and I
evaluation system to replace know how well I was doing in do in private is fair enough, I never will. I haven’t
the current grading system. class, because I didn’t receive suppose. Thousands of people struggled to keep
I on the other hand com- a grade for my work. The also make tons of money from it in place either, it’s
pletely disagree. teacher also didn’t explain promoting this ridiculous just remained there
The evaluation system, in how we would be graded gravy train of stupidity and naturally, because that’s
one scenario, could replace at the end of the semester you can’t blame them from where I come from. I have met
grades with narrative evalu- despite questions from myself making a quick cynical buck numerous Brits out here since
ations, rubrics, and clear and other classmates. or two, and putting their kids I arrived and I haven’t met
learning goals. I knew I wasn’t alone in through college from the one yet that has an accent that
I can’t imagine ACC my frustration because my proceeds. hasn’t been mixed up with the
abolishing grades and using classmates and I commu- But, back to Bale. When he American accent they have
student evaluations in its nicated with each other on tore Director of Photography affected.
place. how to express our disap- Shane Hurlbut a new one, When I ask them why
In order to accommodate pointment with our teacher’s during the filming of they put on this accent,
an evaluation system, admin- decision to not give us grades “Terminator Salvation,” it was they often reply that it
istrators would need to lower for our assignments. treated as a typical Hollywood happened naturally and
class sizes and create more I think if ACC and other “moment.” Someone put the this is from people who
classes. ACC has over 35,000 colleges switched to an tirade to music, and it was a have been here for less
students trying to get into evaluation system, it would rather amusing remix it has than 20 minutes! Maybe
limited classroom space, an discourage students rather to be said, but it wasn’t even they have the insecure
evaluation system would only than motivate them, from my any of that stuff that really need to assimilate and not
make the enrollment process experience. bothered me. stand out, or possibly they
more difficult. If the AACU really wants You know what bugged are ashamed of where they
The more difficult idea to to improve how students the crap out of me about Bale’s come from.
process is that an evaluation learn, I suggest integrat- stressed hairdresser moment? It’s time to start a “let’s
system is better than the cur- ing evaluations along with The way he speaks. Yeah, that’s reclaim our accent” petition.
rent grading system. grades. Together, they what has been annoying me Maybe I’m insane, which is not
I will admit that there are can serve as motivations most of all about this. Call it impossible, but if there are any
flaws in the grading system, for students to improve trivial if you want, and you other Brits reading this, drop
Anny Ibarra • Staff artist
but completely eliminating academically. probably will, but the way his the fake accent for an hour-
Campus News
page 6 Accent • February 16, 2009

w w w.the

Art @ ACC Springtini

Teodora Erbes • Staff Photographer

Above: Amitis Meshkani, Continuing Education student at ACC in Interior Design, looks
at the “Art @ ACC” exhibit on February 10.
Scott Richardson
Staff Writer

The first Springtini

event of the spring semester,
sponsored by Student Life, was
Left: Art Profes- held at the SAC campus on Feb.
sor Brent
Baggett explains
10. The event was designed to
his creation to educate students on the affects
Tiffany McMeen, of alcohol. Beer goggles, which
first semester ranged from .06 to .20 B.A.C.
ACC art student, (Blood Alcohol Content), were
at the “Art @ ACC” provided and showed the varying
exhibit. reactions students had while attempt-
ing to walk a straight line. In Texas,
you’re legally intoxicated at .08 B.A.C.
Sponsors of the event included Travis
County District Attorney Rosemary
Lehmberg, Bank of America, Kapsner
Chiropractic, and Justin Gadd from the
Teodora Erbes • Staff Photographer
ACC Carbon Assessment Committee.
Photo illustration • Ama Hernadez Enoch Rios • Staff Photographer

Teodora Erbes • Staff Photographer

Above: On display as part of the Art @ ACC show are works by ACC faculty members. The
show runs through March 4 at the Highland Business Center at 5930 Middle Fiskville Road.

Board members meet with students

Jonathan Sack
Staff Writer

Campus board forums

allow students the opportu-
nity to voice their opinions
or concerns about the col-
lege directly to members of
the ACC’s Board of Trustees.
On Wednesday, Feb. 4,
ACC’s Student Government
Association, with help from
Student Life, hosted the
Northridge Board Forum.
Student Government
Senators Juston Braden, Louise
Ho, and Jonathan Sack acted Photo courtesy of Dot Dearinger
as moderators for the event.
Dr. James W. McGuffee, Left to right) SGA Senators Juston Braden and Jonathan Sack pose
Board of Trustees Secretary, questions to Board of Trustee members Dr. James McGuffee and Tim
Mahoney in the Northridge Student Lounge.
as well as Board of Trustees
need to call the police,” said ACC have a shuttle service
member Tim Mahoney fielded
McGuffee “If the spot says like UT?” “Most people don’t
questions from the students
compact, and trucks are park- realize that UT pays for their
in attendance. In addition
ing there, the solution is edu- shuttle service, and it’s quite
to those questions, Student
cation,” Mahoney concluded. expensive,” said Mahoney.
Government senators read
Regarding parking, “We would have to assess a fee
questions from a paper forum
Mahoney said, “We need to to students,” McGuffee stated.
which was available on Feb. 3
think about transportation Mahoney suggested working
and 4 to allow students to ask
structurally… in a few years with SGA and Capitol Metro
questions without attending
we may not have money to to hold a community forum
the event.
put gas in our cars. Today we at Northridge to bring mass
“Can anything be done
think about getting in our car, transit concerns to Capitol
about people with big trucks
and spend our time driving Metro. “Capitol Metro thought
parking in compact parking
where we are going. If you ride long and hard about all their
spaces?” asked student Michael
the bus, you can spend that recent service changes, but
Dinh. “If the spot is marked
time reading or studying,” they didn’t bother to confer
for compact parking… I sug-
Mahoney concluded. with everyone,” said Mahoney.
gest calling the number for
An anonymous student
the campus police,” replied
submitted a question “Can
Mahoney. “I don’t think you
February 16, 2009 • Accent page 5

Students learn about

Sarah Neve
Students lined up at all campuses to get
lollipop condoms, pick up information about
sexual health, and get information on pregnancy.
Sexual responsibility day, Feb. 10, was a Student
Life college wide event that aimed to provide
students with facts about all aspects of sexual
Different campuses had different tables, but all
campuses provided information on different (not so)
types of contraceptives, and had a mock bed
made up for students to sign. Popcorn was Sexy Facts*
free and every bag came with a sexual Sexually transmitted diseases
responsibility fact attached to it. are passed person-to-person through sexual
The Austin Pregnancy Resource contact. There are three different ways to
Center, CoA Health and Human engage in sex. These include vaginal intercourse, anal sex, and oral sex.
Services, Hope Connection, Planned According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 19 mil-
Parenthood, Worth the Wait, and the lion new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, almost half of them
Pflugerville and Austin Pregnancy among young people aged 15 to 24.
Resource center all attended at
least one campus and distributed More than 20 different viruses and bacteria can pass from one partner to
another during sex.
Eastview Campus and Riverside At least one in four Americans will contract an STI at some point in their lives.
Campus had originally planned to
offer HIV testing, but the mobile Herpes is contagious days preceding an outbreak or the development of sores.
vans used for that service could Even though most couples protect themselves with condoms, condoms may
not make it, and using an empty not necessarily provide protection against herpes. Why? This is because herpes
outbreaks often occur on areas not covered by a condom.
room would have presented
confidentiality issues. Frank There are an estimated 700000 new cases of gonorrhea each year, half of
Taylor, RVC campus manager, them are reported to the Center of Disease control.
said “I’m fully aware of the
importance of testing, if we A pap test will not diagnose Chlamydia
could work out something The majority of sexually transmitted diseases have no symptoms or mild symp-
to have a mobile test- toms. Moreover, some symptoms may be mistaken for other less serious condi-
ing center on campus tions. For example, gonorrhea is often mistaken for a bladder infection.
regularly I would be
all for it…due to the One in five people over 12 years of age have the herpes virus
one way in, one
Male condoms, the most common form of
way out nature birth control, are 99% effective in
of the room we preventing STD’s if
couldn’t do it.” used correctly.

...What’s the best advice

you’ve ever heard about sex ?
“Don’t do it” James Gooden

“Make sure you’re in love

before you do it” LeeAnn Tacchi

“When you have sex with somebody,

your body makes a commitment with some-
one whether you do or not.” Steven Wrightn

“Enjoy!” Kate Stinson

“Be careful when a girl says she’s on

birth control. Wear a condom
anyway.” Sean Moreno

“Wait ‘till the time is right

or wait until you’re married.
Don’t let anybody peer
pressure you!” Zakeia Allen Students Gabby Soto
and Ashley Cox react
to seeing a female
“Save yourself for the one condom. Dot Dear-
who truly loves you. Don’t inger, the student life
assistant at Rio Grande
have multiple sex partners.” campus shows them
the condom and the
Shena Jackson proper usage of it.

o editor
ndez • Phot
Alma Herna

page design by Jana Lelek

* Facts compiled by the office of Student Life and distributed at campus events
page 6 Accent • February 16, 2009

w w w.the

To Be Brief
Enrollment hits record highs
ACC’s enrollment has hit a 14% increase since last spring. Dr. Kinslow, ACC’s President, said,
“Clearly, more students are seeing the value of a postsecondary education and getting the proper
training for high-demand careers.”
The increase in enrollment in community colleges can be attributed to the current state of
the economy. Dr. Kathleen Christensen, Vice President of Student Support and Success Systems
said, “Once students get engaged, and in college find out that they really enjoy learning, then they
will stay with us once the economy gets better. We have been able to optimize the access of our
The areas with the highest rises in enrollment are the Early College Start Program, Weekend
Enrollment, and Round Rock area students who are now able to take advantage of the in district

Bicycle to help developing nations

The 24 Hours to Empower Bike Ride, sponsored by Students for Environmental Outreach, Fox
Hanlly Sam•Staff Photographer
7, and Whole Foods, will be on Mar. 5 and 6. The ride will start at the Whole Foods Market west of
downtown located at 6th and Lamar. The students are raising money to help support the Grameen
A skydiver dropped in on the groundbreaking ceremony to deliver a proclamation and welcome ACC to Trust, an organization that provides micro lending to developing nations.
Round Rock.

Pinnacle hosts Hip Hop showcase

Hip Hop into Black History, sponsored by Student Life, will “show the progression of Hip Hop
through the years and the impact it’s had on American culture,” said Adam Pfluger, Student Life
Assistant. An open mic will also be made available. The event will be on the Pinnacle Student
Commons from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 17.

Cypress enables financial literacy

The Cypress Creek Campus will be hosting Financial Literacy 101. The workshop is a part of the
College Success Workshop and will be Feb. 19 from 2 to 3 p.m. in room 2102.2 . Students attending
the event will be provided with information on budgeting, saving, and refraining from attaining
bad credit. More information on the workshops can be found at the Advising and Counseling sec-
tion of the ACC website.

Hanlly Sam•Staff Photographer

Hellman undaunted
appreciation for society.”
Ground samples were collected at the end of the groundbreaking ceremony for the new ACC Round Rock
According to the ASL web-
site, the “certificate provided
Round Rock Ground-breaking (cont.) by ACC is an educational
certificate and not state or
national certification. The
IPP (Interpreter Preperation
ȨȨ continued from pg. 1 programs that will be offered exploring options for build- Program) is designed to
Rock Mayor Alan McGraw, at the new campus, including ing in other service areas, like provide the skills and knowl-
and college President/CEO Dr. transferable education, work- San Marcos, Leander, and edge necessary to become
Stephen B. Kinslow. force education, access pro- Dripping Springs, the focus certified at the state level.
The campus will be ACC’s grams, continuing and adult of ACC is getting the Round State Certification is available
largest, accommodating over education, honors programs, Rock Campus open, Lea said through the Department of
11,500 students and filling and early college start. The “We just hope the weather Assistive and Rehabilitative
275,000 square feet. Round Rock Campus will also stays gorgeous between now Services (DARS), Board of
At the forum, they will have a state-of-the-art hospital and fall 2010 so we can open Evaluation for Interpreters.
discuss with locals some of the simulation lab. on time.” National Certification is
While the college is available through the Registry
of Interpreters of the Deaf

Benefitting from the Hope Credit (RID).” In part, Hellman

chose to attend ACC because
the “interpreting certificate is
if a taxpayer does not itemize. is claimed as a dependent pretty intensive,” and “the deaf
Anne Boyd Only those fees a qualifying cannot utilize the credits or community is very big.”
Staff Writer institution requires are eli- deductions on his own return, After attending ACC, and
gible. This is the amount listed even if the student is actually gaining her certificate, she
Eligible taxpayers can use on Form 1098-T, the tuition paying the bill. However, the would like to gain an intern-
fees paid to ACC in 2008 as a statement ACC distributed in person who claims the student ship while continuing her
tax deduction, or if they find Jan. Living expenses, comput- as a dependent is entitled to education at Gallaudet.
they owe money to the govern- ers, school supplies, and books these tax benefits. If a third When asked if she’s con-
ment, those amounts can be are not deductible. party pays the tuition, it is cerned about making the tran-
used to calculate a Hope or If a taxpayer owes the still the person who claims the sition from a mainly hearing
Lifetime Learning credit. government money, he may be student as a dependent who student population to a deaf
Credits reduce the tax bill, able to reduce that tax bill by gets the tax benefit. one, Hellman shrugged her
Trevor Goodchild•Staff Photographer
the amount of taxes a filer applying either the Hope or Consult the IRS or a quali- shoulders, “If I play it off right,
owes the government after all Lifetime Learning Educational fied tax preparer to determine American Sign Language student Sara Hellman practices Valentine it shouldn’t be too bad at all. I
deductions have been taken. A Credit. whether you qualify for the terms in the ASL lab on the Rio Grande Campus. think initially it will be awk-
deduction reduces the taxable The Hope Credit is credit or deduction and which ward. I’ve heard some stories
income, the portion of your available for only two years option is best in a particular Jamie Carpenter “She was a hearing teacher that some play pretty loud bass
pay, interest and other income and may provide as much situation. Campus Editor but she was really enthuastic music to wake up too, and I
on which taxes are calculated. as $1800 in tax credit each For faster refunds and to about the language. I think don’t like to wake up like that,
Specifically listing the year. According to certified avoid penalties, Goodspeed Sara Hellman is preparing she just presented it to me in a but truthfully, I think the deaf
amounts and types of deduc- Public Accountant and former suggests that taxpayers to throw herself into unfamil- way that really got me moving students there would be really
tions on the tax form is ACC accounting instructor double-check their returns for iar territory. At seventeen, this and inspired me too,” Hellman open to hearing students.”
called itemizing. Filers who Deonette Goodspeed, income completeness and accuracy. ACC student is not your aver- said. ACC is among the few col-
do not itemize are entitled level, and filing status are used “If you forget to sign your age candidate for admittance Unlike many hearing leges that not only offers ASL
to a standard deduction, the to determine the exact amount return or write your social into the prestigious Gallaudet people interested in ASL, but offers classes taught by
exact amount changes each of the credit. To qualify, a stu- incorrectly, the IRS will send it University, because of one Hellman does not have deaf deaf teachers and has numer-
year to account for infla- dent must be enrolled at least back,” Goodspeed said. factor: she’s not deaf. parents, siblings, or family ous options, varying from
tion, and is based on filing half time in a program that For uncomplicated returns, Gallaudet University members. Early on, her main fulfilling a foreign language
status. For example, on the leads to an academic creden- Goodspeed said that tax accepts only up to 5% of their source of interaction was with requirement, learning about
2008 Form1040 the standard tial such as a degree. Students programs like TurboTax may incoming class as hearing the deaf students in her high the deaf culture, and gaining a
deduction for a single person with felony drug convictions be a good option for filing. students. school, but it was not signifi- degree.
is $5,450, but for a married are not eligible. Taxpayers with more compli- But, Hellman is not your cant interaction at that point. Many universities do
couple filing jointly that Unlike the Hope credit, cated returns might want a average hearing person. She’s “A lot of the times I just not consider ASL a foreign
deduction increases to $10,900. the Lifetime Learning Credit professional tax preparer. not really bothered at all about had classes with them. I language.Hellman thinks this
A taxpayer benefits from can be used for any number In Austin, free tax help is the lack of hearing interaction. worked a lot with interpreters,” shows that people “have a
itemizing deductions if the of years that the student is available for those who qualify “I don’t really think it will Hellman said. The interpreters false conception, that since it’s
total amount itemized is more involved in post-secondary through the public library and be hard at all for me not to served as links of communi- American Sign Language, it’s
than the standard deduction. education, or is taking courses community tax centers. For talk. I really dislike talking. cation between the hearing instantly a lot easier to trans-
Most students may not think related to career advance- more help with taxes and tax I’m more of a silent person students and the deaf students. late than Spanish or another
it’s worth the extra effort but ment. The maximum benefit questions, please consult the really,” Hellman said. Currently, Hellman language.”
deductions can add up when for the lifetime learning credit following websites: Hellman first started get- is working towards her ACC is not one of those
things like charitable contribu- is $2,000 per year and ting involved in American Interpreting Preparation schools. After all, despite the
tions, property tax, and sales there is no provision Sign Language about 3 three Degree in the American Sign fact that Hellman jokes that
tax are included. about drug convic- and half years ago. Her Language Program at ACC. her “spoken vernacular is
According to the IRS tions, but income levels first ASL (American Sign The most rewarding aspect of degrading slowly” her love of
web site, the tuition and fees still impact the amount Language) teacher at McNeil learning sign, Hellman thinks, learning ASL is not.
deduction can be as high as is learning “a second language
of the credit. High School,Audrey Nelson,
$4,000, and can be taken even A student who sparked her interest in ASL makes you gain a greater
February 16, 2009 • Accent page 7

w w w.the

Neglected glue gun causes third floor fire at Co-op

Trevor Goodchild•Staff Photographer

A notebook lays among the rubble from the fire.

Carol Ann Willhite, the put down the deposit on this

HOC Trustee for the Spring house independently, so we’ll
Semester, moved into HOC have a little refugee shel-
in June of 2008. She mourns ter until HOC is fixed up.”
Trevor Goodchild•Staff Photographer
the temporary loss of com- Kaptain served as the HOC
The House of Commons Co-op located at 2610 Rio Grande St. suffered a fire on its third floor Saturday Jan. 31. All 27 of its members are displaced munity, but is optimistic education coordinator and
until the house is ready to be re-opened. about remaining in contact plans to continue working
and rebuilding. “Of course to fulfill his position. “I’m

Many staudents displaced, no injuries Arrakis, people from Royal,

people from Seneca were
we’re going to stay together,”
Willhite said, “it’s a prior-
ity for our house to relocate
definitely going to be doing
something different with this
officership than has happened
coming with blankets and
Devon Tincknell p.m. and spread quickly. By ICC’s General Administrator lawn chairs, offering us everyone and think about in the past. [I’m] going to
Staff Writer the time the alarm alerted the Brian Donovan arrived places to stay,” said Amelia what we want to be like when be geared towards keeping
residents to the blaze it was moments after the firefight- Raley, a manager at Toy Joy. we re-open.” On Tuesday, people in contact with each
A third floor fire dam- already beyond their control. ers and was busy working She was thankful to have a Feb. 3, three days after the other.” Other officers also
aged the House of Commons The Austin Fire Department with other co-ops within the system of co-ops in place fire, the displaced co-op mem- plan to continue in their
Co-op, a member of the was on the scene by 2:56 p.m. network and the Red Cross to to provide assistance, but bers gathered at French House leadership roles and Raley,
Inter-Cooperative Council and spent the next hour con- provide shelter and support worries that the damage to and discussed their options. HOC’s membership coordina-
(ICC), Saturday, Jan. 31. The trolling and extinguishing the for the HOC’s 27 displaced the HOC extends far beyond Raley said, “We asked the tor, said, “We’re already busy
fire, believed to have been flames. The Co-op was safely residents. the destruction of property. question, ‘Who is interested looking for a place to host pot
caused by a hot glue gun, evacuated of all residents and “As soon as the fire had “We lost much more than a in moving back in to HOC lucks so we can stay together,
started sometime around 2:30 pets and no one was injured. been put out, people from junky old house, we lost our in the fall?’ and everybody and continue recruiting new
home and our community.” raised their hand. It was a members for when we open in
The University of Texas has really beautiful thing.” the fall.”

Soul Fest spruces RGC assisted students who resided Kyle Kaptain, a Social Though his room was the
in the House of Commons, Work Senior at UT, is part of a epicenter of the blaze, Kaptain
providing gift cards for group of eight HOC residents is staying positive. “I lost all
Target, notifying professors, who banded together to lease my belongings, but it’s not
and finding ways to replace a former fraternity to house that big a deal. I had a lot of
text books that were damaged them in the interim. ICC ini- crap,” Kaptain said. “I had
or destroyed. ACC has yet to tially proposed the property, a roommate who told me, ‘If
contribute aid to the several but backed out after concerns you own a rug, you own too
ACC students who lived in the about the building being up much.’ Well, now I’m rug
House of Commons. to code. Kaptain says, “We free.”

Paranoias quelled
Immigration education hones on youth
immigrants endure.
Students were glued to
presenters like Kevin Appleby,
the director of Migration
and Refugee Services for the
U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops in Washington, D.C.
Appleby spoke about the stig-
mas of Catholicism in politics,
and how it relates to immigra-
tion. Other speakers included
Austin’s Immigration Attorney
Paul Parsons, Economist
Hanlly Sam•Staff Photographer John Hockenyos, and House
Students Liam Doherty and Sha Reed take a look at Dudu Osun African soaps at Rio Grande’s Soul Fest Representative Rick Noriega.
on Feb. 3. African American history was also showcased in the student lounge at the festival. “There is an inconsistent
application of immigration
law,” Dr. Richard Armenta,
Associate Vice President,
Office of Student Success, at
ACC, said that the Supreme
Court says that young immi-
grant children have to be edu-
cated, but high education can
be hard to attain, and “these
families face a great deal of
On an informal survey
following the conclusion of
Shawn Hinojosa•Staff Photographer
last year’s conference, stu-
Paul Hart, professor of history at Texas State University talks about the dents were asked questions
economic effects of immigration at the Eastview campus on Feb. 6. about what ethical dilemmas
challenge their community.
Shawn Hinojosa addressing a full auditorium of A common answer presented
Staff Writer students and faculty regarding was an understanding that
the effects immigration has immigrant students were seen
Following a registration on certain facets of American as “obvious targets,” and there
fee, hundreds of students life, or lack thereof. Following was apprehension to discover
packed into the multipur- the lecture, participants were how many undocumented
pose hall to participate in the scattered across a multitude students are currently enrolled
second annual Immigration, of classrooms for individual in our institutions. A week
Education, and Our Future workshops. later, on Feb. 13, Immigration
Conference at the Eastview Paul Hart, professor of his- Attorney Mehron Azarmehr
Campus. Austin Community tory at Texas State University, conducted a free seminar,
College in partnership with St. kicked off the event with a answering student ques-
Edward’s University invited PowerPoint presentation which tions regarding how to attain
speakers and students to the demonstrated the economic a Work Visa, permanent
conference. effects of immigration with residency, and the status of
On Feb. 6 the nine-hour facts and figures, and several the DREAM Act. More events
event began with speakers graphic images emphasiz- regarding immigration are
from all over the country ing the social paranoia that sure to follow.
page 8 Accent • February 16, 2009

w w w.the

m u sic re v ie w s

Tonight continues party

Sarah Vasquez
Staff Writer

Franz Ferdinand
is back with a new
album, “Tonight:
Franz Ferdinand”
(released late in
Jan.), although
listening to it
doesn’t seem like
there was any time
or style change
in between their
previous recording,
“You Could Have
It So Much Better”
The songs from
“Tonight: Franz
Ferdinand” could
be played right
after the preced-
ing album’s tunes, Photo courtesy of Friendly Fire Records
and it would sound
like one continuous
“ Playful Sex’s” dream pop entices
This would be
a problem if they Shane Yount rocking along without even with dual vocals and layered
were a horrible
Photo courtesy of Sony Records Staff Writer realizing it. guitars, and lead vocalist/
un-listenable band, but luckily but subtle changes, and still “Katherine Kiss Me.” The album feels like a keyboardist Yuki Chikudate
they are not. produced the same charac- “Dream Again” gives the Asobi Seksu, the band’s dream, and once you wake up sounds particularly impressive
In fact, one mistake bands teristic pop goodness that audience a chance to relax name translates to playful from it you’re still smiling. on this track.
tend to make with the follow captured their listeners with their pumping hearts after sex, made a huge impact on “Me & Mary,” the first “In the Sky” is a melodic
up to a successful album is their second single, “Take Me dancing the night away, while New York City’s indie scene single off of the new album dream with a gorgeous melody
fixing what isn’t broken by Out” (Jan. of 2004). “Katherine Kiss Me” is a sur- with their second LP “Citrus,” (released Nov.. 18 of 2008) is and delicate vocals.
changing the music genre they “Tonight: Franz prising change that contradicts released in 2006. one of the most distinctive “Hush’s” outro constantly
originated from, and dragging Ferdinand” is one non-stop the entire energy of the record Asobi Seksu’s latest effort, indie pop songs to hit the builds up speed to a satisfying
out songs with over the top dance party with song after by inserting an acoustic folksy “Hush,” will be released Feb. airwaves as of late. The single finish, evoking the listeners to
bridges, choruses, etc. song of infectious beats and love lament. 17 and is rich with dreamy delivers a rocking chorus bob their heads
Fortunately, Franz feel-good sing along lyrics, melodies and soaring vocals. including a combination of The album offers twelve
Ferdinand slightly upgraded with the exception of the last What makes “Hush” such English and Japanese vocals. pleasurable tracks that should
their new tunes with minor, two songs “Dream Again,” and a success is the impressive and “Me & Mary” is one of stand out in your collection,
inviting dream pop melodies the best songs in the bands’ and I am finding “Hush” on
catalogue. my “Most Played” list quite
Kweller’s new horse is disingenous
that crawl through the speak-
ers and capture you. “Hush’s” The track “I Can’t See” often.
listeners may find themselves sounds like a relaxing 90’s
pop rock ballad, complete
Shawn Hinojosa
Staff Writer

In Ben Kweller’s 2006

self-titled effort, traces of
alt-country were present, but
now with the release of 2009’s
“Changing Horses,” his trans-
formation to a beer-guzzling,
barbeque-cooking, rockabilly
persona has now taken form.
Ben Kweller burst onto the
Dallas local music scene as a
teenager in 1994 with the trio
and grunge-rock band cult-
favorite Radish.
He then introduced his
solo career with a string of
EPs, and singer/songwriter
Kweller was prophesized to be
the next Kurt Cobain. Graphic courtesy of Ato Records
Now married and a recent
father, Kweller is seemingly his efforts are a little best track on the record is due
wiser, and more mature. disingenuous. to his great storytelling on “On
A pedal-steel has replaced Fans that have followed the Her Own.”
the once catchy angst of his redhead’s career since his solo Kweller reminds his old
classical piano he played on debut won’t be too excited by fans of his penchant for
anthems like “Sha, Sha.” “Changing Horses,” but fans of piano-pop with “Sawdust
Trying to appease the classic alt-country will find it Man,” but he falls short as he
Americana crowd in Texas refreshing. is still attached to the thematic
seems like a project Kweller The track “Fight” is a toe- elements of countrified indie
has been working at for a tapping hootenanny in the rock.
while, but unfortunately vein of Johnny Cash, and the

Scattergood premiers pristinely

her delivery. Scattergood showed perfect
Every now and control over her voice on
then she sings a “Nitrogen Pink.”
line that sounds “Bunny Club” is a track
a little too self- that stands out. After all, an
pitying, which electro-clash rocker detail-
may turn off ing the life of a bunny has to
some listen- be great. The beat starts off
ers, but Poly subtle, but really grows into
Scattergood’s something that will keep you
talent is raw, dancing in your seat.
and she shines “Unforgiving Arms” is a
more often than refreshing take on a typical
emits a dull pop song with catchy lyrics
sheen. and a solid beat. The melody
The music is is upbeat and it works its way
spot on. “Other into your mind until you hum
Photo courtesy of Mute Records Too Endless” is along.
Shane Yount filled with delicate electronic Polly Scattergood just may
Staff Writer loops and off the wall instru- be an artist to keep on the
mentation. The album is a lookout for. She offers plenty
English songwriter Polly breath of fresh air in a genre of catchy electro-pop for all
Scattergood will be releasing that is peppered with cookie audiences.
her debut album, “Other Too cutter bands. Scattergood’s quirky
Endless,” on Mar. 9, and her Her first single from her vocals work for the most part,
single by the same name will debut album, “Nitrogen Pink,” but unfortunately there are a
be released Feb. 23 on Mute was released in Sept. of 2007, couple of lines that are slightly
Records. and told the tale of how fragile groan-worthy.
With her sometimes overly life is. The sad song is sung
emotional voice, Scattergood over loud beeps and roar-
gets an A for effort, but a C on ing bubblegum electro-pop.
Life& Arts
February 16, 2009 • Accent page 9

e n tertai n m e n t re v ie w s

book review

2666 parts four and five a finales de, pero infinito

Lindsay Preston pervasive, almost deafening, seekers, but a chronological
Staff Writer misogynistic dialogue (there account of the hunted, Benno
are two pages devoted entirely Von Archimboldi and his exis-
Near the end of his life, to cops swapping women-in- tence, works, and pain.
Roberto Bolano became their-place jokes) as a canvas It is hard to imagine hold-
obsessed with the savage mur- on which the blood of women ing the attention of an audi-
ders of hundreds of women is painted with presumed ence for such a time span and
that have been occurring in entitlement and impunity. through such a zealous project,
Ciudad Juarez throughout the His characters, with but this is what the reader has
past two decades. Santa Teresa at its core, tread been climbing towards, not an
Through extensive through a precarious existence apex, or closure, just more, a
research, he compiled an of ennui, naive promise, anxi- slight glimpse.
impressive amount of forensic ety, rage, and the threatening Fiction is the chance to
information regarding the potential of insignificance or be an innocent bystander in
history and nature of these obliteration. something else that is dis-
brutal crimes, which he has in “The Part About The tant, and possibly nostalgic,
turn used to craft a true-to-life Crimes” presents the point of a vicarious university of
fictional account of the culture impact; an impact which the self- realization.
and victims of Juarez (a town novels preceding and follow- Bolano takes the reader
he never actually visited) by ing tremble beneath, feeling and Archimboldi from before
way of Santa Teresa. its ripple impressed within the his birth to his father’s stay
His approach, in this broader masterpiece. in a destitute hospital ward,
regard, is highly original (one The fourth novel provides before Archimboldi is who he
that he also employed to create an ominous center of gravity, has created, to the virtual pres-
a bibliography of fictional although, one resembling a ent. Undeniably linking his life
Nazi war-criminals in “Nazi black hole, rather than a sun, by blood, to blood, and called
Literature in the Americas”). to the lives in its orbit. to a fated encounter caused
With “The Part About The from numerous accusations of
Crimes”, one can presume that bloodshed.
Bolano intends to give testi- 5. “The Part About Bolano takes the reader
mony to the countless victims Archimboldi” through the stunningly Aryan
of Juarez through the medium David Rodriguez boy’s obsession with seaweed
of literature, an art he believed Assistant Editor (the sea as a symbol of purity),
possible of offering fundamen- his stint as a thief’s appren-
tal truth. Reminiscent of the feeling tice, his blossoming from a
In novel four, we are of a friend that hasn’t visited boy into a man as a tortured
thoroughly introduced to the in a long time, but is about to and wounded soldier in the
central character of “2666”: the depart from your life indefi- desolate and ravaged eastern
fictional border city of Santa nitely, the anxiety of a great Europe where he finds his
Teresa, Mexico, which is based cinematic masterpiece that inspiration for everything
on the actual town of Ciudad has captured your attention literary, crucifixion, cathartic
Juarez. for it seems like a lifetime, but homicide, a life altering love,
it has only been a blink of an and prophesied, but unsought
eye, or an enrapturing novel of success.
4. The Part About The Crimes epic proportions that forces its Bolano has twisted an epic
reader to reread the last pages fairy tale that opposes every-
very slowly, over and over thing finite.
Novel four begins in Jan. of Karen Kuhn•Staff Artist
again. “2666” is who everyone
1993, with the discovery of a
Roberto Bolano’s “2666” is is, a repetition of a theme and
thirteen year old girl who has
many remain forever anony- span five years and the length as the mystery unfolds, but this novel, unconventional and the ever eluding completion
been raped, beaten, strangled
mous, fated to be dumped in of the novel, anchoring never fully reveals its secrets. unexpected. of something we forgot we
to death, and then abandoned
public mass graves. Bolano’s layered depiction of As some cases (mostly The fifth part is a 262 page started, where we think we are
in a dusty lot within the border
The majority of victims a community struggling to domestic murders) are solved, chapter, containing an infinite heading, and how in our old
city of Santa Teresa, just south
are workers at local factories survive under the menacing and others (those bearing the arc that leaves the reader age we seem to be at the point
of Arizona.
(maquiladoras), while others shadows of corrupt state offi- gruesome signature marks sedated, but in an utter state of inevitable departure once
The following 280 pages
are those who have continued cials, drug lords, and a police of various serial-killers) are perplexity on the ways of the again.
(the lengthiest of the novels)
to emigrate north in hopes of force predominantly complicit not, we are introduced to a physical and ethereal world; Fates collide with fates,
are dominated by similar
finding work, or with dreams and indifferent to the per- sporadic host of characters: mortality, death, writing, and pass each other during
accounts of women and girls
of living in the U.S. petual acts of exploitation and reporters, police inspectors, an toiling, notoriety, love, failure, the observation of a painting,
(some as young as eleven years
Many are teenage girls violence. American sheriff, a psychic, an murder, war. or play their respective, but
old) found raped, tortured,
from local schools; some are Bolano breathes both life insane German entrepreneur- “The Part About universally polarizing roles in
murdered, and mutilated
waitresses, hitchhikers, or and death into the sparse turned-scapegoat, as well as Archimboldi” takes “2666’s” murder.
throughout the city and sur-
dancers. desert landscape and cluttered the fleeting witnesses and audience far back to the first Bolano ultimately and
rounding state of Sonora,
However, most are referred urban industry of factories, inhabitants of Santa Teresa. sketches of those obsessed unforgivingly offers that we
Mexico; some are identified
to as whores. taquerias, and strip-joints that Through these charac- intellectuals, but with a view are painstakingly attached to
by family or neighbors, while
These horrific accounts Santa Teresa revolves around, ters, Bolano draws out the not from their vantage, the one another and in essence

movie review

PRAISE HA! resuscitates laughter

Jamie Carpenter The film was shot in 2003 just plain fun. one that was light and fun?”
Campus Editor and premiered Jan. 29 at the In a multi-media age where Although fun, “PRAISE
2009 Austin Jewish Film almost every documentary is HA!” also deals with heavy
At just 33 minutes, Festival at the Regal Arbor a sour dystopian prediction of topics like break-ups, cancer,
“PRAISE HA!” is an effective, Cinema. the direction we are heading, death, and 9-11.
informative and entertain- The short film delivers a it was refreshing to hear Corn The film’s topics are pre-
ing documentary directed strong and timeless message say, “There are so many dark, sented in a humorous manner
by Wendy Corn and Andrew that laughter heals, it relieves heavy, serious documentaries with a touch of comical
Guidone. stress, and most importantly is out there. What if there was wisdom. Corn and Guidone
offer whimsical advice in the
form of quotes from persons
such as famed Woodstock
comedian Wavy Gravy who
said in the short that “laughter
is the valve on the pressure
cooker of life. Either you laugh
and suffer, or you got your
Hanlly Sam•Staff Photographer
beans or brains on the ceiling
[and] dare to struggle, dare to Director Wendy Corn at the 2009 Austin Jewish Film Festival, Jan. 29.
grin.” hospital. of information that would
Clearly, this sentiment is At life’s scariest, nothing be relayed on the subject of
expressed best when Cheryl G. is more welcomed or needed laughter.
Smith, after her husband died than a good laugh. Who knew that laughter
of cancer, shaved her head. Following the film, Corn clubs even existed, that people
Later she began to laugh as held a question and answer do laughter meditation, that
his corpse was being carried session with the audience. Patch Adams, made famous
away by friends and she told When asked by a member by the Robin Williams movie,
the audience, “Sometimes of the audience how she got was still a practicing clown
when life is really, really hard the idea for such an incredibly doctor and public speaker who
you have to laugh really, really absurd film, Corn replied that strongly believed in the heal-
hard.” the documentary’s original ing factor of laughter?
Despite being just over a topic was the Phurst Church If you are looking merely
half of an hour, the film con- of Phun. However, throughout to laugh, I would recommend
tains a range of commentary the course of making the film, watching something else. If,
and opinions on the topic of she changed gears because she however, you are looking for
laughter. realized that “sometimes what a release from all the stress
One of the most endearing you go out for and the story and woe of a failing economy,
aspects of the film is a story that unfolds are two different then take comfort in the
told by Beth Banger, a clown things.” words of Dr. Hunter “Patch”
and comedian, who retold the The short film at first Adams, “Sometimes the ten-
hilariously vulgar way she got glance appeared mildly sion becomes so horrific, that
a terminally ill teenager to entertaining, but what was the only way to release it is to
laugh by flashing him in the unexpected was the depth laugh.”

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