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Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere


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W E D N E SD AY , 2 5 AUGUST 2 0 1 0


Activating Spin Points - The "Lesser Chakra's"

One of the many misunderstandings of the chakra system is that there are Major Chakra's and Lesser Chakra's. That the Major Chakra's are more important in the entire spectrum of your being that the lesser Chakra's. That only meditating on the seven well known chakra's is all that is required, and to a certain degree this is correct, however, and there is always a however, In this time of accelerating energies and increasing clearing and unrest at an energetic level many people are reporting being overwhelmed b y emotional baggage and not really knowing what to do about it. By working the Major Chakra's this overwhelming sensation will only be intensified in the long term until the underlying issues are dealt with. I ask you though, how do you deal with the underlying issues when you may not be able to see them clearly. Issues do not arise nice and neatly, one at a time on a silver platter, presented to you with the text book solution in a manual by your bed. Issues can and frequently do arise all at once. You need a solution which will help balance the flow of energies in specific areas, relating to the retention of specific issues. The Naysayers who know everything about it all will no doubt tell me, that the seven major chakra's are all you require to know about (i know this because I have already had this). That is not the case, if i suggest to you that their are underlying principles to various areas of the body which may well correspond to the chakra's, but are more specific and relate to an area of the body, most people may immediately think of the hands. Example of the Minor Chakra's at Work The hands contain principles which are reasonably well known. Think now about the last time you went to the shop. How did you make the exchange for goods? I bet you gave the money with your dominant hand (for the sake of argument you are right handed and gave with your right hand). I bet you received your change in the non dominant hand (the left). Apply this to solid energetic principles which we have discussed time and again in this blog. (an emotional issue, becomes an energetic issue, becomes a physical issue) Thin now do you have problems parting


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Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

with old and sentimental belongings, or more prominently in this day and age of recession, do you worry about money and dread paying for something because it is eating into your much needed reserves? This is an emotional issue of giving (in one degree or another) this creates an energetic thought form and impedes the circulation of bioenergy in a very important area the hands, now depending on how this issue manifests emotional, if you grasp hold of things tightly not wanting to let them go, this is physically and energetically the non dominant hand, the receiving hand (in this example the left) If you just grudge handing anything over this is the dominant hand (the right hand). The emotional issue creates a blockage in the specific area i.e. the hands, which will then have a physical impact which may be poor circulation or pain in the hands and wrists. Naturally to work on the withholding or grudging emotions, we would work on the root chakra if using the seven major chakra's, but this will not clear the hands (as the hands are connected energetically to the heart chakra,) thus you may solve an issue at the root but then create it again by the "energetic lag" elsewhere. Boy i hope that made sense!! someone let me know, because I can waffle :-) With all that in mind, every single are of the body has reflections and associations which will not necessarily clear immediately on clearing the associated major chakra, therefore we require a little more in depth knowledge in order to assist in dealing with these issues. I will not go through each physical area and its associations just yet, ill save that for another day, I will however show you an exercise which will aid in the simultaneous clearing and balancing of complex issues through working with the minor chakra's. Minor Chakra Exercise. Relax and enter a light meditative state. Using the thumb and index finger of both hands feel white light extend from each. If the energy does not feel as strong on one side as it does the other, just lightly touch index finger to index finger thumb to thumb and visualise white light penetrating from one to the other and back again. (this should immediately start to feel relaxing. Now using your thumbs and index fingers start at the top point on the following diagram, visualising white light moving from your finger tips and energising the point marked.

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Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

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Take your time and slowly work your way through each point until you have completed the exercise.

You will hopefully find that your ability to ground will increase, your circulation will improve and you should feel relaxed and more able to focus. Some of the more "miraculous" results of this exercise can be aches and pains or ailments disapearing for ever, so this exercise is well worth the effort.



Do this exercise every day for best effect. Bless you all

Glossery of words in hinduism spirituality Guiding Light Self Growth Find Love and Light

THURSD AY , 1 5 JUL Y 2 0 1 0

Accelerate Ascension Meditations

The following two techniques will help you get the most out of your meditation session. Firstly the Pillar of light invocation will help you draw in high quality source energy into your meditation space and into your self allowing you to optimise the clearing effect with the assistance of the appropriate merits and strengths of various beings of light. This technique helps in accelerating your light quotient building advancing your spiritual path. The second technique allows you to slowly and consciously filter through the various aspects and layers of self, allowing you to get to know your self and increase and strengthen the connection at all levels. The more this exercise is done the quicker the I AM reality will be anchored here in your physical self. 3/30


Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

Invocation of Your Own Pillar of Light Use the following invocation to create the Pillar of Light within the meditation Space. Archangel Metatron please open my crown chakra, the very heart of my Soul, Higher Self, Oversoul, Universal Consciousness, I AM Presence, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit. Archangel Raziel please open my pineal and pituitary chakras the third-eye centre. Archangel Khamiel please open my throat chakra, and my heart chakra. Please help me to express my Truth at all times, and to express un-conditional Love at all times. Archangel Michael please open my solar-plexus chakra. Please help me to surrender my negative ego, and to express at all times from my Wholeness. Help me to remember that I am Source manifested in form, and help me to see the same in all of Creation. Archangel Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel please open my sexual chakra. Please help me to express pure Divine creative energies at all times. Archangel Sandalphon please open my base chakra, and my feet chakra. Please open the very heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature. Archangel Metatron please open, open, open, ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Light. Please lower the Pillar of Light from the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit, down through my I AM Presence, down through my Universal Consciousness, down through my Oversoul, down through my Higher Self, down through my Soul, down through my Lower Self, and please connect it to my crown chakra. I allow the Pillar of Light to descend down through my body, and as it descends it opens, clears, balances and aligns all my chakras in one straight line through the centre of my body. I allow the Pillar of Light to exit through my base chakra and my feet into the heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature. Archangel Sandalphon please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the UnDifferentiated Creator Source in Nature. Archangel Metatron please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit. Archangel Metatron please expand this Pillar of Light to whatever size is appropriate for today. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and exhale fully. On the inhale breath visualize a counter-clockwise spiral of Pure White Light moving from the heart of the UnDifferentiated Creator Source in Nature to the heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in 4/30


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Spirit through this Pillar of Light. On the exhale breath visualize a clockwise spiral of Pure White Light from Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit down to Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature. This helps to establish the main energy flow for the meditation period. Opening up to different aspects of self There are two keys to this meditation. Firstly, set your intent to connect to all aspects of Self. Know that through your intent you can and will connect to all aspects of Self. The intent serves to focus your energies. Secondly,feelthe connection with each level of Self as you connect upward. In the beginning, if you are unable to feel anything, just use your imagination to make the connection. As you work with it everyday, you will begin to feel the difference between the various levels of Self. It is very important not to rush through this meditation, and to feel the connection with each level of Self. Find a comfortable chair to sit it, and sit upright. Take a few deep breaths and exhale completely each time. Then breathe in Light through your heart chakra. Allow the Light to expand radially from your heart chakra like a sphere in all directions. Continue to breathe in Light. Then allow the Light to expand to encompass your throat and solar-plexus chakras. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your third-eye chakra and sexual chakra. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your crown chakra and your base chakra. Take a moment to totally embrace your physical body. Feel the connection with your physical body. Visualize your whole body, including all the organs of your body, in White Light of Source. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your etheric body which interpenetrates your physical body, and extends outside your physical body like a second skin. Take a moment to totally embrace your etheric body. Feel the connection with your etheric body. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand out to your emotional body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, and extends outside your etheric body approximately 150 mm or 6 inch. Take a moment to totally embrace your emotional body. Feel the connection with your emotional body. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand out to your mental body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, and extends outside your emotional body. Take a moment to totally embrace your mental body. Feel the connection with your mental body. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand out to your spiritual body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and extends outside your mental body. Take a moment to totally embrace your spiritual body. Feel the connection with your spiritual body. Continue to breathe in Light. Feel all the fields around your body merge into a single Unified field.



Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Lower Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Lower Self, and give it your un-conditional love and understanding. Feel the connection. Continue to breathe in Light. Then lovingly command your emotional body, your mental body and Lower Self to surrender to your Soul, and to express fully under the direct supervision of your Soul with the new expanded awareness of Self. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Soul. Take a moment to totally embrace your Soul, and feel the un-conditional love from your Soul. Feel the connection. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Higher Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Higher Self, and feel the un-conditional love from your Higher Self. Feel the connection. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Oversoul level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace the Oversoul, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Oversoul level to facilitate full reconnection with IT, and to assist you to release all blockages and to rejuvenate all your bodies. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Universal Consciousness level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your Universal Consciousness, and feel the unconditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Universal Consciousness level to help you to come into Unity Consciousness. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the I AM Presence level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your I AM Presence, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Know that this is your true identity as Differentiated Source. Note how expanded you feel, and sense your Power. Take time to commune with the I AM Presence, and bring up any of your personal concerns or desires. Continue to breathe in Light, Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to Un-Differentiated Source. Take a moment to totally embrace Un- Differentiated Source in Spirit and Nature, and feel the unconditional love from IT. Feel the connection, and the Oneness with everything that exists 6/30


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throughout all of Creation. Stay for as long as you desire in this heightened vibration. Ask Spirit to allow you to express from your Wholeness in all that you do throughout the day. Come fully back into your everyday normal waking consciousness when you are ready


M O N D AY , 1 0 M AY 2 0 1 0

Mudra for Opening the Chakra's

As part of the ongoing mudra series, i have already spoken about the lower triangle or the lower three chakra. Since then i have had a lot of questions about the upper chakras and how best to open and balance them during meditation (or indeed spontaneously at any given time). Mudra's are an extremely effective way of achieving this. Mudra's are hand gestures or positions which connect small chakra points on the hands thus channeling energy directly through the appropriate psychic channel in the arms and through the body. As my previous posts on mudra's should have indicated these positions have a holistic affect causing improvement in efficiency of mind, body and soul, therefore you may see some overlap in mudra options for health and spiritual development. As i have already discussed in great detail the chakra system, and various meditation techniques i will push on and cover the various mudra required to open and balance the chakra system. Root Chakra - Pran Mudra The mudra that i discussed previously for the root chakra has a dual effect in that it activates extremities of the energetic system. Not only does it help clear the leg and foot channels it also helps activate some of the upper more spiritual regions as well. In this post i will discuss another extremely effective root chakra mudra which is called the pran mudra. This has a much stronger grounding effect than the previous mudra we discussed as it channels all of the energetic force through the root channels and really activates the chakra's on the souls of the feet, allowing life force energy to enter your bioenergetic system and allowing the release of that which is no longer healthy for us, out.

Sacral Chakra - Dhyani Mudra This is the most common mudra used in meditation because of the significance of its representation of a chalice or bowl. The bowl is representative of the lower energetic storage 7/30


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centre and thus the entire sexual energy transmutation system. A key side effect of this mudra is that it has a strong impact on the efficiency of the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is normally the first to collapse should the chakra system be out of balance. Normal behavioural effects of an out of balance sacral chakra can be inability to meet deadlines or fulfill responsibilities which will cause stress and anxiety. Most predominantly the impact on the bowel and reproductive systems can be felt to improve by working hard with this mudra. Solar Plexus Chakra - Hakini Mudra The Hakini Mudra itself is a mudra designed to assist in developing memory and brain retention however like many other mudra there are multiple purposes. Place this mudra over the solar plexus (like a church steeple, where the solar plexus is the church i.e. the finger tips pointing away from the body) and you will create a vortex which balances and mobilises the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus is an extremely important chakra. It is one of the main pumping stations of energy around your four bodies. Physically there is an above average amount of nerve endings in this vicinity. By balancing the solar plexus you have a dynamic impact above and below this chakra. If any of you have issues with empathy or clairsentience i.e. you are overwhelmed by other peoples emotions whilst in a public place (sacral chakra) balancing this chakra will help dampen the impact of energies around you. If you have emotional issues either overly emotional or quite cold (heart chakra) balancing the solar plexus will help improve emotional balance. In itself an out of balance solar plexus chakra can be responsible for anxiety and nervous conditions, and issues of self identity. By balancing the solar plexus chakra you will be far better placed to step into your own personal power and become a responsible individual in charge of your own destiny. Heart Chakra - Gyan Mudra The simplest mudra to apply to the heart chakra is the simple gyan mudra. It is not the only mudra which will open the heart chakra but is by far the easiest to apply and has many positive side effects. The Gyan mudra itself has a double effect in that it assists in grounding at the lower end of the energetic system, as well as opening the energetic faculties associated with mental and psychic faculties at the upper end of the energetic system. By applying the gyan mudra over the heart chakra you not only receive these benefits you also have an immediate effect on the heart chakra (which in my view makes this quite a holistic mudra). Apply this mudra with both hands placing the right hand (thumb and index finger close to the body) over the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the centre associated with love and compassion. Love and compassion can manifest in many different ways over and above that which we commonly conceive. The faculty of love and compassion i would like to highlight here is the faculty of generous sharing (or more importantly energetic sharing). By balancing and opening the heart chakra we will slowly enable and facilitate clearing of our arm and hand 8/30


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channels involved in healing. Not only does working this chakra have the conscious effect of changing your view of you, society and your place in society, you will also be generously (and without realising it) sharing your high level good quality energy with those whom you come into contact both consciously (if you choose) and subconsciously because you are now a compassionate loving being. Throat Chakra - Gyan Mudra I love the gyan mudra as it is multi purpose. Using this mudra alone is of great benefit but the particular glands it operates has significant impact on the throat chakra. The pituitary and the endocrine glands are glands which are hampered by our historical denial of our own truth and personal power. Balancing this chakra will help undo any karmic damage done by holding back our truth or even over talking and being ignorant to the needs of others. To use this mudra simply adopt a meditative position and adopt the mudra whilst resting your hands on your knees. You may develop a sore throat but this will pass after persistent practice. Third Eye Chakra - Shambavi Mudra In my opinion the finest mudra which enables the opening of the third eye chakra is the shambavi mudra. This is different from the other mudra's on this page as it does not require any specified hand positions but rather uses the eyes to focus the intent of the energy. This mudra requires that you slowly turn the eyes upwards and inwards attempting to observe an imaginary point in the third eye. Some may find it easier to do so with their eyes closed. This mudra will also in time allow kundalini energy to rise from the base chakra through the sushumna channel to the third eye and in time beyond. kundalini rising has caused concern unnecessarily with the proliferation of so called kundalini syndrome. kundalini syndrome is a very real thing but once it is understood is relatively easy to deal with. As the energy rises through the psychic channels it clears blockages or thought forms as i have previously explained this can raise issues which previously have lain dormant in the subconscious. The faster these issues are raised the more an individual can feel overwhelmed and out of control. Should you tackle each issue with the appropriate determination and effort then this will soon settle down and so called kundalini syndrome will not be an issue. All that aside i have not known anyone to have suffered kundalini syndrome from applying this mudra. This mudra will increase your intuitive abilities, whilst releasing all subconscious control mechanisms which no longer support your highest good. By balancing and developing this chakra your psychic and spiritual gifts will slowly unfold and develop allowing your third eye to truly become the window of the soul. Your awareness and consciousness levels will increase as you slowly return to your personal power. The most important effect in my opinion is this mudras ability to connect you with your inner teacher or inner divine. Once this ability has been unleashed you will truly be a master of your own power and not need anything beyond yourself for development or assistance.



Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

Crown Chakra - Akasha Mudra or Khechari Mudra (for advanced mediator's) The akasha mudra is by far the easiest method of balancing the crown chakra, allowing access to bliss and the true nature of your spirituality. To apply the akasha mudra simply touch thumb and middle finger tips whilst rolling eyes upwards in the shambavi mudra. Akasha literally means spirit or space hence using this mudra during meditation will balance the space or spirit within and the space or spirit without. By doing so the bodies ability to absorb spirit or space energy increases thus the crown chakra balances and functions more effectively. The second mudra i mentioned (and I'm only mentioning it here because i was asked about it) is the kechari mudra which is the practice of rolling the tongue back and placing it in the nasal cavity. It is recommended that this mudra is only practised under supervision as it can be quite dangerous if done incorrectly. If done correctly this mudra can project and advanced mediators into akasha far quicker than any other method. This list of mudras is not exhaustive as there are many many mudras. what i have selected is a list of the simplest most effective mudras for the described purposes. some people may subscribe to other mudras and they would not necessarily be wrong. All that is required to understand is that persistent use of mudras will enhance your practice and clear your psychic channels bringing forth a whole new world of spiritual and psychic consciousness. Home .

THURSD AY , 2 9 APRI L 2 0 1 0

5 Tools to Balance your Chakras

One of the many ways you can help regain equilibrium on a day to day basis is chakra balancing. The aim of balancing your chakras is to achieve a relatively even flow of bio energy around your system in order to allow you to face the days events in a relatively even and non involved manner. Getting involved in the stresses of life can cause anxiety and upset preventing you from performing at your best and interacting with people in an upbeat manner. Chakra balancing is a method of temporarily overcoming blockages and obstacles, I say temporarily because much deeper introspection and work is required in order to make a permanent change. What balancing regularly will do is prevent you from gathering new blockages or emotional obstacles and maybe even shift some of the less stubborn recent blockages. This is not a replacement for long term growth but is certainly a good assistant. 1. Pendulum Dowsing 10/30


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Most people would associate pendulum dowsing with divination or dare I say it fortune telling, but a pendulum is actually a very useful tool in many aspects. I would recommend using a clear quartz crystal pendulum as it has full spectrum abilities as well as resonating well with your own bioenergetic system. You can use any sort of pendulum but clear quartz works with greater effect. There are two methods of using a pendulum, the first requires a reasonable amount of technical knowledge of the chakras and meridians. Holding the pendulum at a workable distance along the chain I would suggest 4 - 6 inches in order to employ optimum sensitivity. Gently rotate the crystal over each chakra feeling for areas of friction and gently correcting it. This is as far as I am going to delve into this method as I dont necessarily agree with it. Each chakra vibrates at different frequencies which requires you the dowser to have an intimate knowledge of these frequencies to get it right. Using this method can also be counterproductive as you may over energise a chakra resulting in you being out of balance again but this time being over active. My favoured pendulum technique is to connect with the higher self and use this intuitive knowledge to assist in balancing and clearing chakras. Once again hold the pendulum at a comfortable distance I recommend 4 to 6 inches, and do not let any remaining chain hang down. Connect with your higher self by simply intending to do so, and you can confirm connection with a few simple questions (making sure you have first calibrated yes and no). Once you have confirmed connection you can start scanning. In order to scan a specified chakra hold the pendulum over the chakra you wish to scan and ask your higher self to show you the direction and balance of that chakra. The pendulum will start rotating and you will get a feel for how any specific chakra is performing, you will also get a general idea of the dimensions of each chakra and whether any are underperforming or over performing. You can now ask your higher self to balance the chakra you are working on (I recommend working from the root up. The pendulum should start rotating. Do not worry if the pendulum changes direction from time to time. It will rotate clockwise when energising and anti clockwise when removing a blockage or removing excess energy, just trust in your higher self to get it right. 2. Crystal Balancing Balancing the chakras using crystals is a great technique as you dont need to do anything other than carry the respective crystals on your person. A couple of disadvantages of this technique are that firstly you must possess a collection of crystals and secondly you may find it uncomfortable or impractical to carry them about with you. If you do own some and dont mind having them on your person then this may well be the technique for you. There are a number of ways you can use crystals but since this post is about maintaining balance of the chakra system I will only cover one method. Selecting appropriate crystals can be done by identifying colour or knowing the properties of each crystal (as some crystals are good for certain chakras even though their colour attributes may not match up).



Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

I have found a selection of crystals which work well and are matched in both colour and attribute. Root chakra - Ruby - Red - Fires enthusiasm, courage, drives away sadness and melancholy. Useful for adrenals and circulation and for protection Sacral Chakra - Carnelian - Rusty colour (will work well on the lower 3 chakras) - Encourages a spirit of community, lifts emotions, dispels apathy. Can be helpful for rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, infertility and depression Solar Plexus Chakra - Amber - Orange ish (works well with all chakras and helps to shift stubborn blockages) - Encourages a sunny nature, self confidence. Can help problems with the stomach and spleen, liver and gallbladder Heart Chakra - Rose Quartz - pink - Gentle but firm helpfulness for openness, sensitivity and empathy. Encourages proper self-love and ability to love others unconditionally. Aids calming of stress. Throat Chakra - Sapphire - blue - Throat and brow chakras - aids communication with higher self. Helps to expel fears, bringing peace. Enhances ability to listen and understand as well as communication. Third Eye Chakra - Sodalite - Blue - Brow and throat chakras. Helps us find our 'own truth'. Calming. Helps dispel rigid thought patterns, phobias. Crown Chakra - Amethyst - violet - Aids spiritual wakefulness, quietens the mind. Links to reverence for all life and high ideals. You can add any stone you wish depending on what you want to achieve. I would suggest carrying your selection of stones in a small silk drawstring bag and gently cleansing them daily. To cleanse them simply run them under cold water. Some people suggest using salty water but I do not, as some stones do not react well to salt. 3. Colour Therapy A simple technique which in many ways is similar to the crystal technique I mentioned above is the use of colours and colour therapy. There are many ways you can use colours both in the conscious and subconscious mind. I prefer consciously as each colour may have negative attributes (such as red which can be associated with anger or blue which can be associated with low mood or depression). You can use different coloured lights or clothing colours even something as permanent as the decoration of a room (though this will have a subconscious attribute as well). I have seen people use flash cards of varying colours and some people swear by wearing clothing of the specified colours. I prefer the conscious control of colour during meditation. To use colour in meditation is relatively simple if you have a good grasp of the art of visualisation. Just relax and drift into a meditative state. Place your intent on each chakra in turn and slowly visualise the respective colour swirling in that area. See the colour initially as a grubby dark colour slowly as the chakra starts to spin and swirl faster and faster see the colour slowly brighten and become like a shiny bright ball or cone of light. Keep your intention there until you start to feel a release. This may come in a gasp or may just gently feel right. Doing this daily can 12/30


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help with stabilisation clearing and spiritual growth. 4. Planetary Rays I have gone into a bit more depth on the planetary rays in the post The Planetary Rays which you can read if you are interested. Suffice it to say the rays are multidimensional with attributes which will affect you physically mentally and spiritually. I highly recommend familiarising yourself with the planetary rays and invoking them daily, they will raise your vibration as well as assist in the healing and clearing of both your energetic blue print and your consciousness. 5. Higher Self This is one of the most powerful and overlooked techniques for achieving balance of your chakra system. It is very similar to the pendulum technique mentioned above except that it helps you develop a solid understanding of the I AM nature of your multidimensional self. You are the god of your universe, if you wish to balance your chakras just intend that it be so. There are universal laws governing the permanence of this technique I.e. you require to do some physical balancing of your consciousness and karma in order to make things permanent but in the short term, gently slip into meditation and ask your higher self to balance and clear your chakra system. If you are at all sensitive to energy you will feel the results. I hope also that you will learn a very important lesson about yourself whilst carrying out this procedure. Home

W E D N E SD AY , 6 JAN UARY 2 0 1 0

The Chakra Development Series - The Complete System

I know things appear to be jumping around in subject matter at this point in the blogs development; however there is a reason why I have chosen the manner in which I have published these posts which will become apparent very soon.

The intention of this post is to bring the entire chakra series together and give you the reader an overview of the system as a whole and how we are affected by it, and how we affect it during development. These next few posts should provide direction, and provide answers as to why we need to develop properly if we are to unify our system and liberate ourselves completely. Overview As we already know chakras are centres or vortexes of "High Conductivity" and "Low Resistance". These qualities enable energy to easily flow in and out through them. Chakras help us to be sensitive to and easily work with energy in the outside world as well as energy from within us. Our Creator within, permits us to develop and progress through our 13/30


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system permitting us to enliven our chakras and subtle anatomy to allow more Life Energy to flow through us. This greater flow of Life Energy is also guided by our Creator and is always working for the highest good. By enhancing and enlivening our chakra system and subtle anatomy we allow better health, greater abundance and wellbeing, and a sense of joy as well as permitting an elevation in consciousness. There are twelve main chakras within the body (The Lower Seven Chakra) (in the series we have discussed conscious attributes of the front chakras, though each chakra has an opposite number in the rear, on the spinal column) and six above the head (Jacobs Ladder). The Seven Chakras in the back body are part of the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) along the spine and The Five Chakras in the front body are part of the Conceptual Vessel (Hara Line) which extends up the centre of the front of the body. The Governing Vessel and Conceptual Vessel are connected together at the root and crown chakras. The root and crown chakras of each share the same space but have different functions. As the Governing and Conceptual vessels come together at the crown chakra they merge into one chord that goes out the top of the head. This chord is sometimes called the Kundalini Nerve or Astral Tube because it is hollow and allows energy to flow through it. Between the Crown Chakra at the top of the head and the first chakra above the head also holds the seat of the "Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge". The Antahkarana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above (although the final two of those are not completely accessible in human form at this time). The Seventh Chakra above is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra (the seventh chakra above). It is our origin. As above so below. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the back of the three bodies are collected into the main chord. The Five Rays of the front of the three bodies are also collected here. A total of twelve rays or strands of light that collect and go out the top of the head through the Rainbow Bridge. You might call them the Twelve Meridians of Light. These are also associated with the twelve strands of DNA which until the entire subtle energetic system is enlivened, remain inactive. The chord then extends upward connecting the six chakras above the head. From there the chord connects with the Creator, the Seventh Chakra above the Head. Each Chakra above the head has a relationship with the higher anatomical aspects of the Higher Self and Monad. Specific Tasks Through Development Most of you will have heard the term meridian (which includes the main chakra columns). Each of us have a finite quantity of meridians these meridians carry two obstacles that must be overcome. The first obstacle is that each meridian carries numerous psychic imprints or thought forms. Some of these thought forms may have negative connotations and as such require to be cleared. These thought forms represent blockages to the natural flow of the meridian system affecting the chakras and our emotional, mental and physical well being. Pranayama and meditation are just two methods of clearing these meridians; other recommended methods include energy healing systems. The second obstacle on the meridian system is created by an incomplete connection. There is 14/30


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much posturing on philosophical terms about our permanent connection to god. Many will have heard many such terms as I am god or we are all one and figuratively speaking this is correct however it must be understood that until our system of meridians is reconnected back onto the universal grid this is merely ego regurgitating other philosophies. When the disconnection exists you are connected subtly yet separated from the high levels of universal energy available to a realised being of god consciousness. This reconnection can only be made as a result of persistent development techniques and meditation (though the reconnection will be taken care of automatically when you have reached the correct stage of development). The reconnection takes place between the meridian endings in the head and the eighth chakra. Another task to consider during development is that of energy generation and storage. Many believe that activating a chakra is all that is required in order to access the consciousness and capabilities of that chakra, which is not the case. Consider the aura to be like a balloon and the chakra to be the birthday message printed upon it. By the afore mentioned thought process you must only possess the balloon in order to fully enjoy the message (but we know in the deflated state you may be aware of a message but not yet fully understand it). Any one who has ever used a balloon will know this is not the case, and you must inflate the balloon in order to fully appreciate the image. The aura and chakra system is much the same. To activate a chakra is to own the balloon, but to generate and store energy is to inflate the balloon and observe fully the wonders of the message. Exercises Which Fulfil This Criteria Lower Triangle Development (This exercise generates and stores energy, whilst slowly clearing the meridians) Mindlessness Meditation (This exercise slowly clears the meridians, whilst activating the reconection process, and slowly generates more energy) The Breath of the Elohim (this exercise generates and stores energy, whilst expanding consciousness and passing energy along the lower seven chakras) There are two more exercises which will complete this process to follow shortly. Any questions? why not ask them on our forum? The link is at the top

F RI D AY , 2 7 N O V E M BE R 2 0 0 9

Jacobs Ladder - The Spiritual High Chakra's

Jacobs Ladder is the esoteric name for the chakras which emanate from the area above the crown. There are many theories as to their exact location and here I will describe one. Suffice it to say that it does not really matter where they are physically, as these chakras are multidimensional in nature, and our goal as seekers is to completely incorporate and unify them into our being. Therefore the ultimate destination of these chakras is the area surrounding the first seven chakra's already 15/30


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described in previous posts. Many of the themes covered by the spiritual chakra's may appear similar to that of the first seven, however it must be remembered that these chakras reflect universal spirituality and not just the self pers se. This information is still considered to be secret, however I see no reason other than vanity that this should be the case. One warning still holds true, do not attempt to develop from any area other than the root as this could seriously impair your health. So this post is for information in order to deliver higher level knowledge to arm seekers for that phase of development. The Eighth Chakra - The Soul Star The eighth chakra Also known as the soul star is the twin of and exact opposite of the earth star chakra (which is below the feet grounding us into matter). It sits above the crown chakra acting as a conduit stepping down universal energy to a frequency which our physical vehicle is capable of handling. The eighth chakra is the seat of divine love, spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. Our entire beings karmic residue is held in the eighth chakra carrying thought forms created over the life of our entire being caused by other lives actions and community consciousness. When the eighth chakra starts its awakening process and expands exponentially you perceive reality in an entirely new context as you develop a completely new spiritual awareness. The eighth chakra is the gateway to your spiritual self, allowing you to reinforce any gifts which you may have already observed, and delivering new gifts that have yet to awaken. It is at this stage that conscious astral projection and true spiritual wisdom manifests. The eighth chakra is the last of the "human" chakras which hold us prisoner in this manifest world. Clearing patterns held in this chakra will truly free your being and allow the development and understanding of your true spiritual identity. Healing this chakra may bring up many issues which you have previously thought to be cleared at a lower level, and will also bring up issues which you may not remember as they lie dormant in this deep recess. The Ninth Chakra The ninth chakra is located above the eighth chakra and is the store of all Christ abilities, it also stores your developed karmic blue print, i.e. it holds all of the skills and abilities we have learnt over the spectrum of lifetimes experienced by our soul. Generally these blueprints fall collectively into three main groups, there are the healers, the teachers and the creators. You may discover that your experience spans more than one of these areas, that is normal generally you will fall into one of the three categories with the exception of the teachers amongst us as that role requires experience which spans all blueprints. When I say role I mean the complete purpose of you the I AM after ascension. It is on the awakening of the ninth chakra that you become truly multidimensional, as your impact spans worlds and universes. Any act you conduct in one will have larger impact on the others than ever before. Because of this, it is important to have thoroughly cleared out all of the cobwebs of karma prior to this stage, as your thoughts become reality so much quicker.



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On healing this chakra you will slowly find you have access to knowledge that you did not previously remember you had, as part of the clearing process it is ideal to practice every new skill remembered in order to truly heal whatever issue has been blocking it thus far. The Tenth Chakra The tenth chakra is the location when you as an individual begin to balance and become whole in the manifest world. Your masculine and feminine aspects will merge and you will become neutral in energetic aspects. As in the ninth chakra where your entire skill memories began to emerge, the tenth chakra is where the skills will solidify and you as an individual will appear to be in a state of flow. You will now be in a perpetual state of high level universal energy and will have a great impact on everything you are involved in. Blockages in the tenth chakra may cause an individual to appear to be out of spiritual harmony in certain areas. These blockages must be dealt with in order to allow any further advances and prevent disharmony from entering your life. When your energetic system merges the tenth chakra will rest in the vicinity of the heart chakra. The Eleventh Chakra The eleventh chakra holds all of the extremely advanced skills that will emerge in its twin the twelfth chakra. The type of skills I am referring to are, instant healing, instant manifestation, bilocation, teleportation etc. It is worth knowing at this stage that if you are persistent enough and lucky enough to develop the art of teleportation you will not have long left in the physical manifest world as this requires such a high light quotient that you will ascend soon afterwards. When the bible starts to report teleportation by Jesus he only had days left before ascension. The process of the last percentages of light quotient building within your being is the incorporation of your Monad (your highest level individual yet combined consciousness). The eleventh chakra is the full opening of the akasha blossoming into consciousness. you may have heard of people accessing the akashic records, though they only access tit bits and riddles, by the time your eleventh chakra awakens you are the akashic records, it is in your memory. This chakra can confuse the unaware, as you will now become fully aware of your multidimensionality. where previously you had an impact across dimensions, you will now see and experience across dimensions simultaneously, which is a complicated issue to understand. The Twelfth Chakra The twelfth chakra is the doorway to the cosmos; it is the gate to this prison. When the twelfth chakra opens fully and bathes your entire being in light your physical vehicle will begin to burn up and you will ascend into a being of light. You will still exist on this plain and every other plain; you will have no limits and no boundaries. I appreciate this can be a scary concept but I reassure you that no one leaves before their time and so for some it may occur quickly as in days or weeks, for others it may take a lifetime this is not something to be feared for as long as you are of purpose you will remain for the service of the earth. I think I will stop there as I am sure some of what I have tried to simplify may still prove to be complicated. The process of your journey will not be a quick one, if you had nothing else in the manifest world to be getting on with, and devoted every hour of every day it would still most likely take over a decade to ascend. For those of us in the west, the odds are against us, because of the lifestyles 17/30


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we lead and the societies we live in, but i know from experience the journey of the spiritual chakras is one of beauty, but be under no illusion it is also one of turmoil and hardship as the conflict between matter and spirit increases but it is worth it. Any questions? why not ask them on our forum? The link is at the top ..

THURSD AY , 2 6 N O V E M BE R 2 0 0 9

The Complete Chakra System - Jacobs Ladder

I wanted to save this post for later, but having received a number of emails asking questions about various subjects relating to higher chakra abilities I feel there is no harm in producing it now. I have made reference to the seven level chakra systems over the previous posts. This is a useful system in terms of understanding and organising personal growth, however the true chakra system or multidimensional levels do not stop there. There are in fact 352 levels of ascension and though it is possible to attain God or Universal consciousness in this lifetime, it is not possible to fully attain all 352 levels or hold the light required to attain fully these levels. Our Physical body can only hold approximately 98% of our full light quotient. Matter quickly burns to light as it approaches the final 2 percent, hence you may have heard of ascended societies being referred to as societies of light. On the day of ascension Jesus himself was drawn up to the heavens in a pillar of light as a result of his light quotient reaching 99%. Therefore in material terms what is the highest level our physical vehicles can fully attain? The simple answer is 12 (though the full answer is far more complicated, so it is better to keep it simple in order to fully support development) The Lower Chakras - The Lower Triangle The most basic level of consciousness is based at the root chakra, also known as the Maladhara. The Root is the seat of the physical dimension, and is located at the perineum. The aim of a balanced root chakra is to keep you grounded in your physical vehicle whilst maintaining a healthy regard for self preservation, survival and trust of our immediate "pack". Symptoms of a poorly developed root chakra include, fear, lack of discipline and order, restlessness and being a bit "spaced out". Symptoms of a stagnant Root Chakra include materialism and greed, constipation and lethargy. The second level of consciousness is based at the Sacral Chakra, also known as the Svadisthana. The Sacral Chakra is the seat of emotion, desire and self gratification and is 18/30


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located in line with the belly button just over the Pubis. This chakra is very sexual in nature and when balanced will promote a healthy approach to sex and life in general. A poorly developed sacral chakra will manifest itself in sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness and fear of pleasure, not to mention the impact on our ability to recreate healthy work life behaviour. When stagnated the sacral chakra will manifest poor boundaries, high levels of emotion, and obsessiveness particularly addictions and attachments. The sacral chakra is the seat of empathy and may allow a sensitive individual to sense anothers physical/mental state. The Third level of consciousness is seated in the solar plexus chakra. The Solar plexus is where we define our sense of self and self identity it is the seat of our ego. The solar plexus chakra is the centre of power it is a master chakra whose vitality will define our identity at any given time. When balanced this chakra will manifest vitality and purpose, strength of will and self esteem. A poorly developed solar plexus chakra will manifest itself in weak will and anxiety, fearful and unable to take action. A stagnant solar plexus chakra will create an aggressive and angry individual, who blames others and fails to take responsibility and is highly scattered in their actions. The solar plexus chakra is the seat of clair sentience which will allow you to feel a sense of spiritual presence. The Heart Bridge The Heart Chakra also known as the Heart Bridge or the spiritual bridge because it bridges the gap between material and spiritual, between self and community and between the lower and the higher manifest principles of material life. The heart chakra is very much a defining level splitting the many of earths occupants who live in the lower triangle and indulge in selfish love from the few who have opened the doorway to compassionate and universal love. I find it very sad when I observe life going on around me and see the many characteristics of the lower triangle and the flaunting of self importance, how little these people have developed since the days of the cave, they have not yet taken the high yet still very low (4 of 352 steps) step to the heart chakra. It is then I realise just how little true compassion exists in the world. The fourth level of consciousness is seated in the heart chakra. The heart chakra also known as the Anahata is the centre social consciousness; this is the first time we have truly considered community, not for the good of ourselves but for the good of all. A balanced heart chakra will result in balance of life, compassion and good relationships. A poorly developed heart chakra will manifest shyness and isolation, lack of empathy bitterness and being critical. A stagnant heart chakra will result in co-dependency possessiveness and jealousy. The Upper Chakras The High Triangle The fifth level of consciousness occurs in the throat chakra. The Throat Chakra also known as the Vishuda is the centre of creative energy. When balanced the throat chakra indicates clear communication and creativity, this is also the centre which allows us to resonate with the spiritual concepts of this reality. A poorly developed throat chakra indicates fear of speaking, or speaking out, and poor rhythm. A stagnated throat chakra indicates an individual who talks excessively and has an inability to listen, and may frequently stutter. The throat chakra is the seat of spiritual channelling allowing you to psychically vocalise spiritual communication. 19/30


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The sixth level of consciousness occurs in the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra also known as the Ajna is the seat of Archetypal consciousness. When balanced correctly the third eye chakra will manifest psychic perception and clear seeing, accurate interpretation and imagination. A poorly developed third eye chakra will indicate poor memory and vision, inability to see or recognise patterns, denial. A stagnated third eye chakra will indicate headaches, hallucinations and delusions, and difficulty of concentration. The third eye chakra is where we retain all programmes whether helpful or otherwise, by clearing the third eye we permit ourselves to begin with a clean slate. The third eye chakra is associated with psychic interpretation, at this level clair voyance and clair audience will manifest. The seventh level of consciousness is seated in the crown chakra. The crown chakra also known as the Sahasrara, is the seat of universal consciousness. When balanced the crown chakra will indicate Spiritual knowledge and elevated consciousness. Individuals with an underdeveloped crown chakra will be spiritually sceptic, with limited beliefs and tend towards materialism. A stagnated or overdeveloped crown chakra may indicate spiritual addiction and confusion/dissociation The crown chakra is the gateway to our spiritual self and the entry to Jacobss ladder. In this area our spiritual perception will increase permitting full access to our higher spiritual selves. Where stagnated also read over developed (as overdevelopment occurs through stagnation at various locations causing an excessive build up of energy) Next post Jacobs Ladder, the Spiritual Chakras Any questions? why not ask them on our forum? The link is at the top ..

TUE SD AY , 1 7 N O V E M BE R 2 0 0 9

Chakra Development Series and the Unified Chakra

The aim of this post is to highlight how the chakra system develops and enlightens, and to assure the reader that the techniques provided are by far the safest and quickest methods of development. I have spoken about chakras previously as I feel they are an excellent tool for gauging development. By developing one chakra at a time you the seeker only have to deal with one set and nature of issues at a time. By utilising systems such as Kundalini Yoga, you may overload your psyche as many plains of issues arise, leaving the seeker feeling mentally drained and ill for want of a better description. Developmental Path As we all know the developmental path runs from root to crown and beyond (I will speak about the beyond in my next post). But developed properly safely and in a controlled manner you will 20/30


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feel certain staging posts (or physical sensations) These are good indications of what your own personal energy is up to at any given time. Therefore to understand these sensations will allow us to understand the nature of any issues which may arise. As I mentioned previously there are three key knots which prevent the premature elevation of energy. This is a natural system in place to protect you from the type of damage that can occur by attempting to manipulate the higher chakras before you are physically ready. These knots can prove useful in development as they allow us to gather energy in a specific manner which supports safe development. There are three key energy storage centres in our energetic body. They are each in the vicinity of the three key knots described above. They have a natural facility for charging one and other and therefore should be allowed to do their job. Used properly these storage centres will hold enough energy to uplift their particular region and burn through any knots and blockages which prevent development. Used improperly (as in some techniques) and they can make you ill. During development you should only ever intend to charge the lower storage centre (around the sacral chakra). It will provide direct attention to blockages from this life resulting in an improvement in stress levels and anxieties. As this centre is focused on the lower regions you may feel angry or irritated by people, it is natural and shows that the centre is filling up. You will also feel a warm sensation in the bowel region, and toilet issues should be much easier. When this centre is full, the energy which has been stored here will leak to a small energy centre which pumps energy around the bodies, this will automatically start filling the heart storage centre so you should continue the technique as before. There is no need to include any new activities although I will show you some which will make the journey easier over the next few posts. As the heart storage centre fills you will feel relief from the anger you felt during charging of the lower centre, as the first three chakras have now been healed and enlarged (this does not mean you are immune to lower chakra issues, but you are now more capable of dealing with them).During this period you may feel warmth and tingling around the heart chakra. The heart chakra fills in two phases, phase one, immediately after the sacral chakra, and phase two as all residual energy is focussed here in order to unify the chakras. When phase one of the heart chakra and energy storage centre is complete the energy will leak up the spine and slowly begin to enlighten the upper chakras, you will feel pressure along the route as each chakra is enlivened. The energy then makes a detour to a place known as the 21/30


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high heart, which is just above the heart centre and will take time reversing the ageing process and enlivening the thyroid gland which has been slowly losing power since childhood. You will feel the warmth on the chest above the heart chakra and on the spine between the shoulder blades. The Journey around the higher centres concludes back at the heart storage centre and heart chakra, where all of the remaining energy from now on will be stored. The heart chakra will continue to expand until it engulfs all other chakras and starts you on the journey of experiencing Christ consciousness. The expansion of this chakra will seal you completely and for the first time in your life provides you with the protection and transmutation you need and deserve. This is the point in the book of Acts when the blessed were baptised in the Holy Spirit. Spiritual and psychic abilities will start to appear and your perspective will change, you will also start to grow your own spiritual being within your energy body (this is your entirety being reunited and separation being dissolved). Techniques for development Im not going to labour these issues; all of the above occurs naturally and can be hastened by one technique and one technique alone. Please do not be mislead into believing there are high level secret techniques for advancement all techniques to get you to this stage in development are hidden in plain sight. The two which I have recommended are 1: Lower Triangle Development (the only technique required to develop to the stage of the unified chakra, use with the sacral mudra) 2: Mindlessness meditation (the earlier you start this the more capable you are of empowering yourself at the later stages of development) All you require to add to the pot, is a dash of self discipline. Any questions? why not ask them on our forum? The link is at the top

W E D N E SD AY , 2 8 O C TO BE R 2 0 0 9

The Chakra Development Series - The Lower Triangle

The Lower Triangle is the common name for the lower three chakra i.e. the root, the sacral and the solar plexus Chakra. The development of these chakra are not only essential in order to build a solid spiritual foundation, but also to assist in achieving material success in life. A weakened lower triangle will result in anxieties, constipation and inability to take action which will result in failure. When discussing material success i do not mean do this and become rich (although some unscrupulous publishers may 22/30


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try and sell it that way), I mean to keep a roof over your head, to keep food on the table and to pay the bills on time. Naturally you will be well equipped to achieve any ambition you wish be that becoming a millionaire or a dolphin manicurist. The vast majority of the population of this planet do not progress beyond the lower triangle and remain firmly grounded in the self. This is why there is so much trouble and strife everywhere as the lower triangle is the seat of concentrated ego. Nevertheless this is a staging post that you must master if you are to truly progress to the heart and beyond. Grounding the Root Chakra A healthy free circulating root chakra is one of the most important phases towards self mastery. The root is the exit point for all negativity and causal ill health. If the root is blocked you will slowly start to develop complexes in the other chakras which will dominate your life as you have no way of releasing them. The root is also the entry point of healthy life force energy without which your body will slowly die. Positive action is not the main purpose of the root chakra, however it will store negative experience from previous failed actions which will in turn result in a collapse of the lower triangle, maintaining anxieties in the solar plexus. People, who fail to clear the root, will fail to take action again. Clearing the Root is a very simple process but is a process which is often ignored. Most people have heard of grounding meditations, but for the sake of ensuring this guide is complete, I will include it here. Firstly adopt a comfortable meditation position, preferably with your feet flat on the floor. The appropriate Mudra (mudra is a meditative hand position) for this meditation is the Root Mudra. During this meditation we will be concentrating on four points in turn. The first being the perineum, which is the section of skin between the anus and the sex organs (the mudra should activate this nicely creating a burning tingling sensation). The second and third areas to be concentrated on are the soles of each foot (thses are the actual grounding chakras and are essentially linked to the root system). Finally the fourth area is about 6 - 8 inches beneath the feet called the earth star chakra. Sitting with your eyes firmly closed concentrate on those four areas. Imagine a ball of pure white light entering each chakra, Swirling and loosening off the grease and grime that has built up over the years. Hold this thought as you slowly clear out each chakra until it is blinding white. (you can take as long on this as you like). When you are ready imagine roots growing down from the soles of your feet, through your earth star chakra and into the core of the earth. Imagine the connecting into a brilliant light crystal. As you breath in draw in this brilliant white light, through your roots, to the earth star chakra into the soles of your feet, and on up to the crown of your head. Imagine now the light gathering all of the murky grimy energy from your body and passing it back through the same route and down into the earth. And repeat this process until you feel a tingle in the soles of your feet to signify activation of the foot chakra.



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The above meditation could well be your solitary spiritual occupation for months until the root chakra is healed. The amazing thing about this meditation is that the more you persevere with it the less work you will have to do elsewhere as your system will slowly start to build up and release on its own. There is merit in never progressing beyond the grounding meditation purely because of its balancing properties. Clearing the Sacral Chakra Once you have mastered the grounding meditation, clearing the Sacral Chakra is so much easier. A healthy sacral chakra will in the first instance improve your bowel movements and increase your sex drive, but at a more subtle level a healthy sacral chakra is a good indication that the lower energy storage centre is filling up (this is important for both material activities and development activities) (I will explain the storage centres Later). More importantly in terms of life mastery a strong sacral chakra will allow you to keep appointments and deadlines and reproduce positive activity which will improve your chances of success. Using the root (grounding) meditation above all you should do is add a couple of more components. Adding a white light component will help shift some of the dirty energy. Adding the appropriate Mudra will activate this chakra allowing free energy flow to and from the root and beyond. Finally changing your breathing technique will ensure high quality energy is being drawn and stored in the lower storage centre. So firstly set up your grounding meditation as before except this time apply the Sacral Chakra Mudra. Once you have activated the white light spheres in your root, feet and earth star chakras, then apply a white sphere to the sacral chakra. See the old dirty energy being slowly cleaned and removed from the chakra. When you are ready grow your roots to the earths core and breath. The only difference now is that rather than breathing any old way you should now concentrate on breathing into the Mudra i.e. breathing into the base of the belly and not into the chest. as you breath out completely expel the air drawing your belly in as far as it will go (practically compressing your abdominal organs) and repeat again. At the end of this meditation re-ground and expel all dirty energy back into the earth. This meditation is crucial for development, and one that you will return to time and again for many years to come. (I will explain why in a later post) Clearing the Solar Plexus Chakra



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A healthy solar plexus chakra will allow you to offload everything that has been holding you back. It will give you a true sense of yourself and what you want to achieve. At a physical level you will have less anxiety and hopefully (unless you do these exercises last thing at night) sleep well, in some cases for the first time in years. You should start to feel alive again and more able to tackle lifes issues. Your environment around you has a huge impact upon your self, self esteem and moral. A strong solar plexus will allow everyone elses environmental negativity to bounce off you in a way that it never has before The great thing about having followed the previous directions until they are habitual is that you have done the vast majority of the work. The grounding exercise cleared the root chakra whose job it is to pump blockages and negativity out of the system. The sacral chakra exercises helped clear and build the sacral chakra but as an added bonus cleared and stimulated the solar plexus chakra (and circulates life force automatically). The only addition to the above two exercises is to add the Solar Plexus Mudra, and do some clearing work with the white light orb. As before get into a comfortable meditative position. Imagine a bright white ball of light resting on your solar plexus clearing out any old dirty grimy energy. See your solar plexus chakra burning a bright strong yellow. Once again grow your roots down into the earths core attaching to a wonderful clear crystal, and apply the solar plexus mudra. As you breathe in draw pure healing energy into your system filling your being up and as you exhale (remember to lift your chest prior to exhale) see all of the diseased dirty energy flow out and into the earths core. Repeat as often as you feel comfortable. Meditation for life Although you could consider these to be material and lower realm chakras, they are of prime importance when it comes to spiritual development. The exercise above really should become a daily practice for the earnest seeker. By doing this practice you are not missing out on spiritual goodies you are in fact reinforcing them (this will all become much clearer when I post about Safe Energy Development and Storage. This is a meditation for life, and the benefits of doing this every day for the rest of your life can not be underestimated. I have told you about it, but the only way to know for sure is to try it, I bet you feel an awful lot better in two weeks time. What are you waiting for!! Any questions? why not ask them on our forum? The link is at the top Home .

M O N D AY , 2 6 O C TO BE R 2 0 0 9

The Chakra Developmental Series 25/30


Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

If you have had or are experiencing an awakening it is important that you learn to develop as an individual. In order to do this safely and correctly it is important that you have a model to work from. It is an all too common mistake to experience something of a spiritual manner which raises your awareness and immediately concentrate on the exciting world of the third eye. It will not be possible to fully develop the third eye capability for reasons I will explain later. Also in developing the third eye prior to solid development there is a likelihood that your nervous system is not developed enough to cope with what you may unlock and as such your fears and anxieties may manifest themselves turning your life upside down. Models There is any number of models to choose from. There are however 3 main models used in spirituality world wide. Those are the I Ching, The Tree of Life and the 7 Level Chakra system. These three systems are directly related and use the exact same principles of development, the key difference being complexity, and ease of understanding. My preference is for the 7 Level Chakra system as we all know our body, we all have a certain degree of understanding of the physical concept which makes superimposing the mental and spiritual concepts much easier. 7 Level Chakra System The 7 level system is a basic model for incorporating a spiritual life into this physical existence. It is by no means exhaustive because as you will learn there are 352 levels of experience or existence or separation between our base nature and source/God, and at least 2 Higher components of our being which are yet to be unlocked. What the 7 Level system does is allows us to work through all of lives issues, developing with strength and consistency permitting us to heal as we go along allowing us to ascend in this life (an option which has never before been available...but that is for another post). The 7 Level system is a simple evolutionary construct with 7 Chakra and 3 Knots as terms of reference. The 7 Chakra represent 7 Physical plains in the body associated to various organs, and 7 levels of mentality and 7 Levels of spiritual awareness and enlightenments. The barriers to growth are the three knots and these are the reason why full development is impossible if you attempt to jump straight to the third eye. Levels, Chakra's and their Concepts Level 1 = Root Chakra - Sexual Organs - Lower animalistic, fear negativity self preservation True attraction, causal health/ill health Level 2 = Sacral Chakra - Intestines - Reproduction (habits), retention (lack of habits) Emotions, sexual gratification, feelings Level 3 = Solar Plexus Chakra - Pancreas, liver small intestines - Personal power, will, Identity, Anxiety Power house, Clearing house, autonomy, ability Level 4 = Heart Chakra - Heart, Thymus Gland - Identification with a greater community, selfless love Bridge from individual to 26/30


Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

community (lower) spiritual. Level 5 = Throat Chakra - Throat, Thyroid Gland - Communication and knowledge centre, Knowledge, Healing, Protection and communication Level 6 = Third Eye Chakra - Pituitary gland - old programmes, learned habits. Wisdom, Intuition , clearer picture of reality Level 7 = Crown Chakra - Pineal Gland - Imagination and expression Bridge to the upper spiritual world, consciousness and awareness
Though not exhaustive this List should provide a feel for the Chakra System. Physical, Mental, Spiritual Facets may change depending 7/10/12 etc Chakra system

Each Chakra has a colour as denoted above, and these colours denote primacy in the aura. The Chakras spin clockwise and when clear will present a bright unblemished colouring. When healing work is required they may be cloudy and sluggish and will have a dampening affect on those around them. Stage in development also has an effect on colouring as when you are in the early stages of development of a particular chakra it will have less energy and therefore lighter in colour than the recognised predisposition. Order of Development When considering development for spiritual purposes you may well have an idea what level you are currently at and may be inclined to start developing from this supposed level. This however is not a good idea as most people will carry complexes and blockages from early life which require to be cleared in order to support solid and consistent development. You should always consider developing from the foundations upwards (i.e. the Root) as this will fully prepare for advancement to the next level, and equip you with the abilities to tackle any life issues associated with that level in a healthy manner.

Energetic Knots As mentioned previously there are three knots. These knots restrict the flow of energy and protect you from damaging your system through improper or inappropriate awakening. They also hinder development and will only open through consistent practice and energy generation (as it is the rising energy which slowly burns through the knots at a pace which is applicable to you as an individual) The knots are called Brahma which is at the base of the spine and prevents premature Kundalini Rising, Vishnu which is at the rear of the Heart Centre and prevents stepping into the spiritual arena, and Vishnu which is at the base of the skull which prevents access to the spiritual gifts and High Chakras. A word on the Aura I will highlight a misconception which surrounds the Aura as many sources are misleading. Many people believe that Aura reading and translation to be magick (all white rabbits and top hats) they will apportion colours which in all honesty I have never seen before on anyone (and I have sat in the middle of bustling city centres watching people) They will also give translation to the 27/30


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effect this colour means this and so on. Do not be taken in by this rubbish (I have no idea who dreamed it up). The Colours of the Aura reflect exactly the colours of the chakras. With that in mind there is no brown or lemon grass mauve with purple spots. The only variations from individual to individual will be as a result of the condition of the underlying chakras. So if the heart is sluggish it will be dull green if it is clear it will be bright green. Another misconception is that only some people can see them. This is wrong, everyone can see them, with practice. However you will only ever be able to see the highest point of your development therefore do not be surprised if at first everyone has a green aura because it is very likely that you are currently at the heart chakra. When translating an aura there is no special secret squirrel method of recognition. You are either a positive or a developing reflection of the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the appropriate Chakra. So if you observe a dull yellow this does not mean that the individual murdered his last wife, it means they are spiritually developing the third chakra which will indicate they are struggling with self identity, this may manifest in many ways including selfish character traits, and anxiety, but it all reflects the facets on the list mentioned above. Any other translation are make believe. Next post in this series will be development methods Lower Triangle

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Healing the Chakra System

Whether you are interested in Psychic development, manifestation of material wealth, or even your own health, you will not progress very far if you have imbalances and blocks in the energetic system. There is an awful lot of material written on this subject varying from energetic healing systems to colours and crystals. However each source I have read misses completely the necessary corrective action required by each individual necessary to heal and progress. There are relatively standard answers for chakra healing; you can find them pretty much anywhere. Some rather unscrupulous individuals may even charge for the very basic information that I will provide in the list below. I say unscrupulous because none of the systems on their own work. Each healing system requires interaction from the healee. Activation Methods Each chakra has a colour, a crystal, a sound and a ray. By using any one or all four you allow the chakra to vibrate thus releasing any blocks. This has a temporary healing effect, i.e. any local blockages may be cleared and the associated organs improve in efficiency. However (and 28/30


Chakra ~ The Healing Sphere

this is key) any release is only temporary and will reoccur unless the root cause is exposed and dealt with. In many cases the root cause has lain dormant so long that the whole chakra system is on the verge of collapse. This is an issue that is so often ignored in literature and in so called "Master" practice. Permenant Change If you require healing, you must take appropriate action according to what I believe to be the core values of spirituality. Every doctrine without fail highlights the core values of love, compassion and forgiveness as necessary for health and progression. Yet when the vast majority of practitioners of any healing art conduct their business they tend to forget or ignore them completely. I have found through experience that an individual can not heal, can not manifest and can not progress spiritually without abiding by these core values. Any practitioner who zaps you with Reiki or such like and says "arise you are healed" is living in cloud cuckoo land. Healing is a personal journey and there is not one individual alive who does not require healing. Even the most enlightened of guru's must continue to heal or collapses can occur. As an example of how this works, you as an individual is struggling to take action (3rd chakra) have lost your job or interest in your job (2nd) and now fears for the future (1st Chakra). Conventional wisdom dictates that you must heal from above the highest affected point i.e. in this case from the heart chakra. However issues have compounded and the root chakra is affected (also I would suggest that all development should occur from the bottom up). So rather than attempt to heal the anxiety caused by failure to take action (in the solar plexus) head to the root chakra and remove the fears that cause the anxiety (also and energetically important you allow the outflow of the energetic system to open up and make healing of higher levels much easier). I would suggest working at a root level in all cases of personal healing and spiritual journey. As Jesus said, the wise man built his house upon a foundation of rock. Only once healing is satisfactory at that level should you attempt to progress. As you can see this is a long old journey but it works, and provides for a balanced material life and solid foundation for advancement into the spiritual. Chakra Activation and Clearing Using this list you can find a healing technique appropriate to your level: 1st chakra - Colour Red - Chrystal Ruby - Sound/Mantra Lam - 1st Ray 2nd chakra - Colour Orange - Crystal Carnelian - Sound/Mantra Vam - 2nd Ray 3rd Chakra - Colour Yellow - Crystal Carnelian - Sound/Mantra Ram - 3rd Ray 4th Chakra - Colour Green - Crystal Emerald/ Rose Quartz -Sound/Mantra Yam - 4th Ray 5th Chakra - Colour Blue - Crystal Blue Lace Agate - Sound/Mantra Ham - 5th Ray 6th Chakra - Colour Indigo - Crystal Blue Lace Agate - Sound/Mantra Om - 6th Ray 7th Chakra - Colour Violet - Crystal Diamond - Sound/Mantra Ng - 7th Ray Using our example we start by selecting a method for making the root chakra vibrate. We choose the 1st Ray (I will cover the planetary rays in depth in a later post) as this allows us to 29/30


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contemplate what arises from our subconscious during meditation. During the meditation we see someone bullying us at work, it makes us angry and we procrastinate on the issue. This is now where the real healing occurs. If we are to truly and permanently heal this blockage and solve the problem, we must forgive this person with all your heart. Forgiveness is an incredibly powerful healing tool, without which we can not progress. When I say forgiveness I dont mean sit and say "oh well thats it, i forgive you" and carry on subconsciously hating the individual. Really and truly, earnestly forgive. You could say something like "I forgive you for everything " and keep repeating it until you feel a release. Visualise yourself making up with the individual, hugging the individual, see them accepting your forgiveness. Only once you feel that gasp of release are you healed of that particular blockage. This process should be repeated for all levels and chakras, and should become a continuing practice throughout your life. Because only through forgiveness can you be truly set free. Healing Circle Another way of activating a chakra and assisting in the clearing process is to join our healing circle here at the Healing Sphere (I will get a post up with how to go about joining) This is a wonderful energy which comes from the 352nd level of Mahatma. It is not available everywhere as there are still too few people on the planet capable of channelling this vibration of energy. (I promise I will work on the healing circle next)

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