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UG–483 BFKD 2/21


JUNE, 2015.
Second Year




Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

PART A — (3  5 = 15 marks)


GvÀÛgÀzÀ «Äw 150 ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ.
1. eÉÃqÀgÀ zÁ¹ªÀiAiÀÄå.
4. zÀÄμÀåAvÀ-±ÀPÀÄAvÀ¯ÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¨Áj ¨sÉÃnAiÀiÁzÀ
5. ±ÀPÀÄAvÀ¯É ¥ÀwAiÀÄ ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ ºÉÆgÀl ¸À¤ßªÉñÀ.
PART B — (3  15 = 45 marks)


GvÀÛgÀzÀ «Äw 500 ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ.

6. UËvÀ«ÄAiÀÄ ¥ÁvÀæªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀjZÀ¬Ä¹j.


¹éÃPÀj¹zÀ ¸ÀägÀuÉ £À£ÀUÉ §gÀĪÀÅ¢®è' - ¸ÀAzÀ¨sÀð ¸À»vÀ



9. CdÄð£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ QgÁvÀ ªÉÃμÀzÀ ²ªÀ£À £ÀqÀÄªÉ £ÀqÉzÀ

¸ÀA¨sÁμÀuÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß «ªÀj¹j.

10. ¥ÀÄtåPÉÆÃnAiÀÄ ¸ÀvÀå¤μÉ× ºÁUÀÆ ºÀÄ° C¨sÀÄðvÀzÀ

ªÀÄ£ÀB¥ÀjªÀvÀð£É UÉÆë£À ºÁr£À°è ºÉÃUÉ ªÀåPÀÛªÁVzÉ?

11. ¯ÉÆûvÁ±Àé£À ªÀÄgÀt.

2 UG–483
PART C — (1  15 = 15 marks)

12. PÀ£ÀßqÀPÉÌ C£ÀĪÁ¢¹j.

India is a country of villages. More than 75% of
the people live in villages. Their prime avocation is
agriculture. But in many places people depend on
rains for cultivation. Indian agriculture is said to
be a gambling in rains. In India prominence is
given to agriculture. Modern implements and
chemical fertilizer is used largely in agriculture in
India. Many irrigation projects have been
commissioned. With the result agricultural
produce is increasing year by year.


3 UG–483
UG–484 BFHD–2/21


JUNE, 2015.
Second Year
Paper II – HINDI

Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

SECTION A – (21 marks)

I. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| H$m CÎma g§jon _| {b{IE& (7  3 = 21)

1. AZwdmX Ho$ {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ AW© Š`m-Š`m h¢?

2. AZwdmX H$s Š`m Cn`mo{JVm h¡?

3. AZwdmX Ho$ {H$VZo àH$ma hmoVo h¢?

4. H$mì`mZwdmX _| hmoZodmbr g_ñ`mE± Š`m-Š`m h¡?

5. nÌH$m[aVm H$s n[a^mfm Š`m h¡?

6. N>: H$H$mam| H$m C„oI H$s{OE&

7. g§dmXXmVm Ho$ Amdí`H$ JwU Š`m- Š`m h¢?

SECTION B — (24 marks)

II. {H$Ýht Xmo nÚm§em| H$s gàg§J ì`m»`m H$s{OE&> (2  6 = 12)

8. nmZr Ho$am ~wX²~wXm Amg _mZg H$s OmVm>

XoIV hr {N>n Om`oJm Á`m| Vmam na^mVm

9. D$Ymo _Z Zmhr§ Xg-~rg&

EH$ hþVmo gmo J`mo ñ`m_ g§J H$mo AmamYo B©g?
^B© A{V {g{Wb g~¡ _mYd {~Zw `Wm Xohÿ {~Zw grg&
ñdmgm AQ>{H$ aho Amgm b{J Ordqh H$mo{Q> ~[ag&&
Vw_ Vmo gIm ñ`m_ gwÝXa Ho$ , gH$b `moJ Ho$ B©g&
"gya' h_mao Z§X-Z§XZ {~Zw Am¡a Zht OJXrg&&

10. ~S>o Z hÿO¡ JwZZw {~Zw {~aX ~‹S>mB© nmB©&

H$hZ YVyao gm¡ H$ZHw$ JhZm¡ J‹T>`m¡ Z OmB©&&
{H$Ýht Xmo nÚm§em| H$s gàg§J ì`m»`m H$s{OE& (2  6 = 12)

11. AmO IyZ H$m Zht A{_` H$m dU©Z H$aZo `hm± nYmamo,
AmAmo Bg PÊS>o Ho$ ZrMo Aho dram `h OJZ C~mamo&

2 UG–484
12. ß`mam ImVm ê${Ma-ZdZr H$mo ~‹S>o Mmd go Wm,
ImVo-ImVo nwbH$ n‹S>Vm ZmMVm Hy$XVm Wm&
`o ~mV| h¢ gag ZdZr XoIVo `mX AmVt
hmo OmVm h¡ _YwaVa Am¡a pñZ½Y ^r Xþ½YH$mar&
13. XoH$a gm¡a^ XmZ ndZ go H$hVo O~ _waPm`o \y$b
"{OgHo$ nW _| {~N>o dhr Š`m| ^aVm BZ Am±Im| _| Yyb?'
"A~ BZ_| Š`m gma' _Ywa O~ JmVr ^m¡am| H$s Jw§Oma,
__©a H$m amoXZ H$hVm h¡ “{H$VZm {Zðw>a h¡ g§gma !”

SECTION C — (30 marks)

g^r àíZmo§ Ho$ CÎma {b{IE&
14. (a) AnZo eãXm| _| _ram~mB© H$s ^{º$-^mdZm na EH$ boI
{b{IE& (10)
(b) ~ƒZ Or H$s H${dVm "_Ywembm' H$s {deofVmE± ~VmBE&
15. (a) {ZJw©U ^{º$Ymam H$s {deofVmAm| H$m C„oI H$s{OE& (10)
(b) {H$Ýhr§ Xmo na gm{hpË`H$ {Q>ßnUr {b{IE&
(i) _hmdra àgmX {ÛdoXr
(ii) _¡{WbreaU Jwá
(iii) `enmb
3 UG–484
16. (a) nÌH$m[aAm {_eZ h¡ `m ì`dgm`- g_PmBE& (10)


(b) {hÝXr _| AZwdmX H$s{OE&

A poor woman once came to Buddha to ask

him whether he could give her medicine to
restore her dead child to rise. The holy man
touched by the great sorrow or the woman,
told her son. He told her to bring a hand full
or mustard seeds from a house where death
has never entered. The sorrowing mother
went door to door seeking the mustard seed,
but at every door she met with the sad
replies. One said, ‘I have lost my husband’.
Another said, ‘our youngest child died last
year’. She returned with a heavy heart to the
teacher and told the result of her guest. Then
Buddha told her tenderly that she must not
think much of her grief, since sorrow and
death common to all.


4 UG–484
UG-487 BFTG–211


Second Year



Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
SECTION A — (15 marks)
1. D {Mìü…¨ ÐésìýÌZ Ðèþ$*yìþ…sìýMìü çÜ…{Væüçßý çÜÐèþ*-«§é-¯éË$
{ÐéÄæý$…yìþ. (3 × 5 = 15)

(a) Ðèþ$à ¿êÆæÿ-™èþ…ÌZ I§æþ$ ™èþÆ>Ë ÐéÇ° çÜ…{Væü-çßý…V>

(b) ™ðþË$Væü$ÌZ Ðèþ$à-¿ê-Ææÿ-™é°² Æ>f-Æ>-f- ¯èþÆóÿ…{§æþ$-yæþ$
¯èþ¯èþ²-Äæý$^óþ Ææÿ_…ç³-gôýÄæý$-yé-°Mìü M>Ææÿ×ê-Ìôý-Ñ?
(c) ´ë¯èþ$-Væü…sìý-ÐéÆæÿ$ ç³#Æ>-×ý ç³uæÿ-¯é-Ðèþ-ÔèýÅ-Mæü-™èþ¯èþ$ GÌê
(d) ÐèþÆæÿ Ñ{Mæü-Äæý$…ÌZ & M>ã…¨
(e) †MæüP¯èþ & Æ>Äæý$Ë Mæü$¯èþ² ¿ôý§é-Ìôý-Ñ?
SECTION B — (60 marks)
2. D {Mìü…¨ ÐésìýÌZ Ðèþ$*yìþ…sìýMìü ÐéÅçÜ-Ææÿ*ç³ çÜÐèþ*-«§é-¯éË$
CÐèþÓ…yìþ. (3 × 15 = 45)

(a) B…{«§æþ Ýëíßý™èþÅ {ç³{Mìü-Äæý$-˯èþ$ Væü$Ç…_ {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ

(b) Ðèþ$à-¿ê-Ææÿ™èþ Äæý$$§æþ®…ÌZ ´ëÌŸY¯èþ² I§æþ$ ™èþÆ>Ë ÐéÆðÿ-ÐèþÆæÿ$
(c) ™ðþË$Væü$ ¿êÆæÿ-™èþ…ÌZ ¯èþ¯èþ²Äæý$ ^óþíܯèþ Ðèþ*Ææÿ$μ-Ë$.
(d) ÐèþÆæÿ Ñ{MæüÄæý$ ¯érMæü…ÌZ° {ç³Ðèþ$$Q ´ë{™èþͲ ÑÐèþ-Ç…^èþ…yìþ.
(e) ÐèþÆæÿ Ñ{MæüÄæý$ Ýë…íœ$Mæü Æ>f-MîüÄæý$ Ðèþ$™èþ ç³Ç-íܦ-™èþ$-ÌôýÑ?
3. D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ JMæüP-§é-°Mìü ÐéÅçÜ-Ææÿ*ç³ çÜÐèþ*-«§é¯èþ… CÐèþÓ…yìþ.
(1 × 15 = 15)
(a) ¿êÆæÿ™èþ §óþÔèý…ÌZ ±sìý-´ë-Ææÿ$-§æþË ÐèþçÜ-™èþ$-Ë$
(b) Mæü…ç³NÅ-r-Ææÿ$Ï
(c) ÑÔèýÓ-Ô>…†.

2 UG-487
UG-488 BFML–211


JUNE 2015.
Second Year
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

I. JRfË]sOU oPÐO S\Lh|°¥¨V 100 vL¨OW-t]¤

Wv]pLRf D¾qRouOfOW.

1. SfLŸ¾]¤ v\ÿV IÐ Wv]fàV KqO By~LhjU


2. nLqf Nñ}W¥ f¢ nLvwOÈ] IÐ Wv]fp]Rs

DyÜL¢XLRj kq]\pRÕaO¾OW.

3. B¤oq¾]jaO¾Oç W]eã]Ss¨V jaÐO vqOÐ

\¼Ls pOvf]Rp Wv] v¡¹]¨OÐRf°Rj?

4. y~òf fj]¨O v]i]\ÿ]Ÿ]RsæÐV SYLv]ÎÕ]ç

krpOvLjOç WLqeRoÍV?

5. Is]¢ fR£ n¡¾Lv]SjLaOç WaoW¥ j]rSvã]p

II. JRfË]sOU jLsO S\Lh|°¥¨V 300 vL¨OWt]¤
Wv]pLRf D¾qRouOfOW.

6. RRwwv¾]R£ j]ëtËfpOU RRj¡Ús|vOU

Rvt]RÕaO¾OÐ KqO Wv]fpLeV ‘WLã]¤ krÐ
Wv]f’ v|©oL¨OW.

7. oLfUY]pORa y~nLvU j]qPkeU R\áOW.

8. \N΢ fSÐLRaLÕU v}aO v]aL¢ oLiv]Rp

SNkq]Õ]¨OÐRf°Rj IÐO v]vq]¨OW.

9. SyL¥jyV WáSpLaV SyÔzU ja]¨OÐf]R£

WLqevOU yLz\q|vOU v]vq]¨OW.

10. qL^w]s×] IÐ jLaW¾]jV KqO By~LhjU


11. CmVy¢ fRÐpLeV jLaW¾]¤ WLeOÐ

SyL¥jyV IÐ WgLkLNfU & yLiOf


2 UG-488
UG–489 BFKD-211


JUNE 2015
Second Year
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 × 5 = 15 marks)
P ɼ ÀV£ Àª ÀÅU À¼ À°è Ai ÀiÁª ÀÅz Áz Àg ÀÆ Lz ÀP ÉÌ ¸ ÀAQë¥ ÀÛª ÁV Gv ÀÛj¹j.
Gv ÀÛg Àz À «Äw 150 ¥ Àz ÀU À¼ ÀÄ.
1. CwÛª ÀĨ ÉâAi ÀÄ P ËlÄA©P À fê À£ À.
2. ª ÀZ À£ ÀU À¼ À ¨ sÁµ É.
3. P ÀÄA§g À U ÀÄAq ÀAi ÀÄå ª ÀÄq ÀP ÉU À¼ À£ ÀÄß ª ÀiÁq ÀÄwÛz ÀÝ jÃw.
4. Z ÀArAi ÀÄÄ ± Áæz ÀÞz À ¢£ À K£ ÀÄ ª ÀiÁrz À¼ ÀÄ?
5. ± Ág Àz ÉAi ÀÄ ¸ ËAz ÀAi ÀÄðª À£ ÀÄß P À« º ÉÃU É ª ÀtÂð¹z ÁÝg É?
6. v ÀÄAU À¨ sÀz ÉæAi ÀÄ v ÀÄAm Ál.
7. ¤g ÀÆ¥ ÀP Àg À v Á¬Ä º À®ª ÀÅ º ÉtÄÚU À¼ À£ ÀÄß wg À̧ ÀÌj¸ À®Ä
P Ág Àt.
PART B — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)
P ɼ ÀV£ Àª ÀÅU À¼ À°è Ai ÀiÁª ÀÅz Áz Àg ÀÆ £ Á®ÌP ÉÌ ¸ ÀAz À¨ sÀð¸ À»v À Gv ÀÛj¹j.
Gv ÀÛg Àz À «Äw 150 ¥ Àz ÀU À¼ ÀÄ.
8. "¨ É̄ ɬÄAz ÀP ÀÄ̪ ÉÄ P ÀÈw, U Á«® ¨ sÀĪ À£ Àz À ¨ sÁU Àå¢Az À
9. "ª ÀÄ£ Àz À ª ÀÄÄAz Àt D± ÉAi ÉÄÃ ª ÀiÁAi ÉÄ P Áu Á"
10. "¸ À°èï ɬÄA C°èAi ÀÄÄA E°èAi ÀÄÄA ª ÀÄÆq ÀÄwÛz ÉðA"
11. "©¸ ÀÄq À¢g ÀÄ ©¸ ÀÄq À¢g ÀÄ ¨ ÉÃq À ¨ ÉÃq ÀP ÀlP Àm Á º À̧ Àļ É
£ ÉÆAz Àº À£ ÀÄ"
12. "± ÁAw g À̧ Àª Éà ª ÉÄÊz ÉÆÃjv Àu ÁÚ"
13. "Eª À¼ ÀÄ v ÀÄAU À¨ sÀz Éæ, £ À¢Ai ÀÄ®è ª Àg Àĵ Àz À ª ÀÄU À¼ ÀÄ"
PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)
P ɼ ÀV£ Àª ÀÅU À¼ À°è Ai ÀiÁª ÀÅz Áz Àg ÀÆ £ Á®ÌP ÉÌ «ª Àg Àª ÁV Gv ÀÛj¹j.
Gv ÀÛg Àz À «Äw 500 ¥ Àz ÀU À¼ ÀÄ.
14. Z ÀAz Àæª ÀÄwAi ÀÄ «¯ Á¥ Àª À£ ÀÄß P À« º ÉÃU É awæ¹z ÁÝ£ É?
15. "º ÀU ÉU À¼ À£ ÀÄ »Arz À£ ÀÄ ª ÀÄ£ Àz ÉƼ ÀU É" P Áª Àå ¨ sÁU Àz À
¸ Áég À̧ Àåª À£ ÀÄß ª ÀtÂð¹j.
16. Gz ÁÞ®P À£ ÀÄ Z ÀArU É ± Á¥ À ¤Ãq À®Ä P Ág Àtª Éã ÀÄ?

2 UG–489
17. "z Éê Àg ÀÄ g ÀÄdÄ ª ÀiÁrz Àg ÀÄ" JAz ÀÄ P À« º Éýz À
¸ À¤ßª Éñ Àª À£ ÀÄß «ª Àj¹j.
18. "ª ÀÄ£ É v ÀÄA©¸ ÀĪ ÀÅz ÀÄ" P Àª À£ Àz À ¨ sÁª ÀÅP Àv ÉAi ÀÄ£ ÀÄß ª ÀtÂð¹j.

19. "Cª ÀÄä-DZ Ág À-£ Á£ ÀÄ" P Àª À£ Àz À°è ¸ ÁA¥ Àæz Á¬ÄP Àv ÉAi ÀÄ
«q ÀA§£ É º ÉÃU É ª ÀåP ÀÛª ÁVz É?


3 UG–489
UG–490 BFHD–211


JUNE 2015.
Second Year

(AY 2008-09 Batch onwards)

Paper II – HINDI

Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

SECTION A — (20 marks)
g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma g§jon _| {b{IE& (10  2 = 20)

1. AZwdmX H$s n[a^mfm Š`m h¡?

2. AZwdmX H$mo Š`m| {dkmZ _mZVo h¢?

3. eãXmZwdmX {H$go H$hVo h¢?

4. _whmdam| Ho$ AZwdmX _| CËnÞ hmoZodmbr H${R>ZmB`m± Š`m-Š`m h¢?

5. _yb{Zï> AZwdmX {H$go H$hVo h¢?

6. nÌH$m[aVm H$m CÔoí` Š`m h¡?

7. g§dmXXmVm H$s {Oå_oXm[a`m± Š`m-Š`m h¢?

8. g_mMma Ho$ à_wI VËd Š`m-Š`m h¢?
9. “{hÝXþñVmZ” H$m n[aM` Xr{OE&

10. “nr.Q>r.AmB©” H$m n[aM` Xr{OE&

SECTION B — (25 marks)

{H$Ýht nm±M nÚm§emo§ H$s gàg§J ì`m»`m H$s{OE& (5  5 = 25)

11. gmBª BVZm Xr{OE Om_| Hw$Qw>å~ g_m`&

_¢ ^r ^yIm Z ahÿ± gmYw Z ^yIm OmE&&

12. Omo a{h_ CÎm_ àH¥${V, H$m H$[a gH$V Hw$g§J&

MÝXZ {df ì`má Zht, bnQ>o ahV ^wO§J&&

13. Za H$s Aé Zb Zra H$s J{V EH¡$ H$[a Omo`&

OoVmo ZrMmo hd¡ Mb¡ Vo Vmo D$±Mmo hmo`&&

14. ahVo gw_Ywa dMZ Ho$, H$Qw> H$hZo H$s ~mV&

`m|hr n¸$m N>moS> \$b, H$ƒm J«hU g_mZ&
15. Zd H$mo_b AmbmoH$ {~IaVm
{h_ g§g¥{V na ^a AZwamJ,
{gZ gamoO na H«$s‹S>m H$aVm
O¡go _Yw_` {nJ namJ&
2 UG–490
16. O~ Z Voar hr Xem na
XþI hþAm g§gma H$mo
H$m¡Z Z amo`oJm gw_Z,
h_ go _ZwO {Zñgma H$mo&
17. ha OJh ß`ma Om gH$Vm h¡
{H$VZm ^r ^«ï> O_mZm hmo
ha g_` ß`ma ^m gH$Vm h¡
Omo {Jao hþE H$mo CR>m gHo$
Bggo ß`ma Hw$N> OVZ Zht&
18. `h {H$gmZ H$_H$a H$s ^y_r h¡&
nmdZ ~{bXmZm| H$s ^y{_ h¡&
^d h¡ Aa_mZm| H$s ^y{_ h¡&
_mZd B{Vhmg H$mo g§dmaVr&

SECTION C — (30 marks)

g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE& (3  10 = 30)

19. (a) {~hmar Ho$ Xmohm| H$s {deofVmAm| na AnZm {dMma àH$Q>
H$s{OE& (10)

(b) “{ZåZ-_Ü`dJ©” H${dVm H$m gmam§e {b{IE&

3 UG–490
20. (a) ^{º$H$mb H$s à_wI àd¥{Îm`m| na àH$me S>m{bE& (10)


(b) {H$Ýht Xmo na gm_mÝ` {QßnUr {b{IE&

(i) ^maVoÝXþ h[aíMÝÐ

(ii) `enmb

(iii) {XZH$a

21. (a) amï´> Ho$ {dH$mg _| nÌH$m[aVm H$m `moJXmZ Š`m h¡ - g_PmBE&

(b) {hÝXr _| AZwdmX H$s{OE&

If we look towards the east early in the
morning, just as it is becoming bright, we
shall see the sun appear as a great ball of
fire. He seems to rise higher and higher in
the sky, until at noon or midday he is right
above our heads. After that he seems to sink
slowly lower and lower on the other side
until evening. Then he goes out of sight in
the west and it is night instead of day.


4 UG–490
UG - 491 BFUR-211


Second Year
Foundation Urdu

Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

SECTION A _ (15 marks)

(5 < 1 = 5) : <[NZ »[ZŽ 9 .I

ÃĬ Æw ç .1

֑ i (a)

֑ \ (b)

L j8N
÷ë ièE (c)
ó óñƒ G y ¶ à g c*ì ðƒ ]æ L L .2

á ¾t

̈ (a)

® (b)

™ á (c)

ó gó z Z ¼ „ ] !*
ì { z ÷ìg%?Të L L .3

?ì·^»w çŲ÷
á ¾t
à"q (a)

̈ (b)

÷ (c)

2 UG - 491
ó ó„ ¿Z çL ! u Z n }¾ Ô ` @*
X Š LL .4

û` @* (a)
òŠ W
)** (b)

š (c)

»g ó: YZÆó óL
x ** Þ ‡L L .5

P*6, (a)
gP×™ (b)

~ËIg+Zg (c)

3 UG - 491
ā î0ÈZf ô=Å g ÃZ zŠ ðÃÆ sf .II

(2 < 5 = 10) : < ²÷

á gzZ

/yŠ Æ Vß Zz äg Z ¦
÷ Dg ¦ /1 .6

÷ D™ x ÷ Û } F,
á z ðV- ~ t Z

ì Å ›~ *Š ä VÍß l yR .7

ÆyZ" _
.¸: tŠ ™āì HyÃ

ì ÞZ Ð VY ā wŠ Â NŠ .8

ì ÞZ Ð V¹ ‚ VZðŠ t
4 UG - 491
wŠ ÿL X3Z ÷ D ¯ \W : â i CZ .9

H ¯ : â i à X ā 7 {z ë
SECTION B _ (20 marks)

: <k’ ā Ü » Äq

(1 < 10 = 10)

û` @*.10

òŠ W
)** .11

( ~g—ÆZ}
.)š .12

5 UG - 491
á î0ÈZfÅVÛ!*
: < ô=²÷ g zŠ ðà .IV

(2 < 5 = 10)

Z § ā VzQ ~ +
VdŠ õ .13

VdŠ c*  Š z {Ã yn c*
gŠ z “
} āVÅÑ ÷ Æ ]gŠ ~ F,Y C
 ~ ÿ<XE÷
Ž IY z ݬ ƒ .14

Ã~ yZ ZÎ Æ kZ t
Û 7 @*
» ãZŠ ** KZ D ì à ݬ
¸ KZ ¼ Å ÿ<XE7 Ã IY
6 UG - 491
ƒ Â yY ¼ ~ Ï0
+i Å x **kZ .15

ƒ  yK̈Z ¸ /
Û n : 0¤
™ : ð$N Ì ~$
+Ôƒ : ðƒ : n

ƒ Â y› Ôƒ : Zƒ : °ß

ì Í wŠ ? Ï0
+i ~ F,¨ .16

ì • n Æ + uZ '

!*~ m kZ ¹ ä ¨

ì M £ Ì +q
-Z t
7 UG - 491
SECTION C _ (20 marks)

: ÷[£[ ZŽÆVß ZÎzŠ ðà .V

(2 < 10 = 20)

KZ 0Ð Y »g Z gz Z Y Z’Z Å y !*
i zŠg Z .17

X < s ÏZ »] â ¥

» úz ›z ¹ F,
ÅzŠg Z È !*
i~ y *zy 0Š .18

X s ×w Zj Z

-» ] â }
.! Š Z z zŠg Z ÅgzŠ „ ÷
á wŠ ¬ .19

X k{ ^
8 UG - 491
» V- g ï Y 5 W 0Ð ‹Š È {
îŠ .20

X < s ÏZ

¶g y*ãZz q á z ] § Å̈
-Z6,~²÷ "¸ .21

SECTION D _ (20 marks)

: < ¶g [ ZŽ »w ZÎq
-Z ðà .VI
(1 < 10 = 10)

X sāÜ » ó óL
Þ ‡L :L YZ »P*6,.22
X sāÜ »: YZ ó óÑÈ L L .23

āÜ » óMó õL L äYZ Æ %+
$¬ ËZ e .24

9 UG - 491
~zŠg Z »]g „~ m,ôZ Åsf
: <ÀF, .VII

25. Educating young and old is also good service.

Running night schools in the villages will be
helpful. We have to educate the villagers about
the importance of giving education to their


10 UG - 491
UG–492 BFEG–211


Second Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

1. Annotate any TWO of the following (2  4 = 8)

(a) I have a dream that one day every valley
shall be exalted, every hill and mountain
shall be made low, the rough places will be
made plains.
(b) pills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
(c) Let freedom ring from the snow capped
Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from
the curvaceous slopes of California!

2. Write any TWO of the following in about 200

words each. (2  10 = 20)
(a) Elucidate the central idea of the poem
Mending Wall.
(b) Comment on the unexpected event and its
irony in “The Verger”.
(c) Write a job application letter to the Manager,
SPIC, No,3, GST Road, Guindy, Chennai - 25
for the post of Administrative Executive.
Enclose one page bio data.
(d) Write a report on your college sports day
(e) Elucidate the importance of spoken English
skills for successful career.
3. Read the following passage and answer the
questions below. (4  3 = 12)
Playing games in the open air makes one healthy
and strong. Apart from making us healthy and fit
games have many other advantages. Consider the
Olympics, the premier sports event of the world. It
brings all nations together and develops
comradeship and friendship among nations. There
is a healthy competition. Matches are played, lost
or won, in a happy atmosphere. There athletes
and players are the real ambassadors of the
participating nations.
Questions :
(a) What are the advantages of playing games in
the open air?
(b) Which is the premier sports event of the
(c) Who are the real ambassadors of nations?
(d) What kind of competition is there in the

2 UG–492
4. Answer the following as directed.

(a) Give the Verb forms of the following words :

(3  2 = 6)

(i) Production

(ii) Reliance

(iii) Constructive

(b) Give the Noun forms of the following words

(3  2 = 6)

(i) Maintain

(ii) Dentistry

(iii) pollute

(c) Choose the synonyms for the following words

from the alternatives given (2  2 = 4)

(i) Clever - (decline, prudent, wise, desire)

(ii) Consistency - (control, satisfied, fight,


(d) Choose the antonyms for the following words

from the alternatives given (2  2 = 4)

(i) Attach (Defend, Dispute, Detach)

(ii) Lead (Repel, Agree, follow)

3 UG–492
5. Write a precis of the following passage.
(1  15 = 15)
India has one of the largest road networks in the
world. The country's total road length increased
from 1.69 million kms in 1985 to 2.04 million kms
in 1990-91. As on 31 March, 1993 Border Road
Organisation (BRO) has constructed about 24,000
km of roads out of which it is maintaining about
19,000 km in various areas of its operation. The
National Highways network of 34,058 Km at the
end of 1993-94 constitutes less than 2% of the
total road network, but carries nearly 40% of the
total road traffic. It is estimated that road traffic,
which accounts for 80% of passenger traffic and
60% of goods traffic, will account for 87% and 65%
respectively by 2000. To meet a traffic expansion
of such magnitude, the National Highway network
must be greatly improved. About 20% of the NH
need widening from single to double lanes and
about 70% of two lane roads have to be
strengthened, and selected corridors on NH need
conversion into expressway. The parliament
approved the national highways (Amendment)
Bill, 1995, which provide for private investment
including foreign, in building of national highways
and their maintenance. The private investment
has become necessary to lay 10,000 to 12,000
national highways, otherwise called super
national highway, for which the government did
not have adequate funds.
4 UG–492
UG–493 BFFR–2/21


JUNE, 2015.
Second Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

SECTION A — (2  15 = 30 marks)
Traduisez les passages suivants en anglais :
1. “Elles ont beaucoup souffert dans le métro, puis
dans l’autobus : C’était t’heure de pointe. Je les ai
défendues tant que j’ai pu, mais...” Maman lui
répond que les fleurs sont magnifiques. qúil ne
fallait pas, vraiment, se donner cette peine... et
elle les fourre dans un vase avec une double dose
d’aspirine pour essayer de les rattraper un peu.
M. Jobard nous apporte des fleurs même en été,
quand le jardin est plein. de fleurs du perron
jusqu’à la Marne. Je lui ai murmuré un soir
d’apporter plutôt des chocolats, mais il a fait
semblant de ne pas entendre. Il est vrai que sa
sœur est fleuriste. M. Jobard doit offrir partout les
fleurs qu’elle n’arrive pas a vendre. Cela vaut
mieux que de les jeter.
2. Là-dessus la chatte se dit :

Ce coq est extrêment malin, il faut que je l’abuse.

Par n’importe quel moyen et je le mangeral.
Et elle prononça cette troisième stance:

C’est vierge que je serai tienne,

Epouse à la voix douce, au parler plein d’amour

Prends-moi pour femme par noblesse de Cœur

Ou fais publier que je suis ton esclave si tu le


SECTION B — (2  7½ = 15 marks)

(La compréhension)

3. (a) Le gendre est un scélérat qui gâte tout chez

une fille, il souille tout. Plus demariages!
c’est ce qui nous enlève nos filles, et nous
neles avons plus quand nous mourons. faites
une loi sur la mort. des pères c’est
épourvantable; ceci! vengeance ! ce sont mes
gendres qui les empêchent. de venir.

2 UG–493
Tuez-les ! A mort le restaud, à mort
l’Alsacien ils sont mes assassins! la mort ou
mes filles ! Ah ! c’est fini, je meurs sans elles!
elles ! Nasie, fifine, allons, venez donc ! votre
papa sort...
Répondez aux questions suivantes :
(i) Quel est le titre de cette lecon-là?
(ii) Pourquoi leveillard en-en colère de son
(iii) Quels sont vos sentiments après le
(iv) Queues sont les passions
prédominantes dans le texte?
(v) En quoi la dernière phrase est-elle
(b) Demain, dés l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la
Je partiral. vois-tu, je sais que tu m’attends
J’irai par la forêt, j’irai par las montagne
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus
Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées

3 UG–493
Sans rien voir au-dehors, sans entendre

Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains.


Triste, et le jour pour moi sera commela nuit.

Répondez aux questions suivantes :

(i) Le poète, à qu s’adresse-t-il?

(ii) Quel est le titre de ce poème?

(iii) Résumez ce poèmes en deux lignes?

(iv) Quel en le sentiment qui domine le


(v) Qu’est ce-qui est l’auteur de ce poème?

SECTION C — (10 marks)

4. Écrivez un essai sur un des sujets suivants :

(a) M. Jobard vient dîner.


(b) Kukkutajataka.

4 UG–493
SECTION D — (10 marks)

5. Écrivez un essai sur un des sujets suivants:

(a) Le film que vous avez un récemment.


(b) Le portrait de qu elqu’lln que vous aimez.

SECTION E — (2  5 = 10 marks)

Faites Te grammaire :

6. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au plus-que-

parfait :

(a) Il ————— (arriner) de londres.

(b) Nous ————— (sortir) du salon.

(c) Ils ————— (vénèr) de la France.

(d) Elles ————— (descendre) par l’escalier.

(e) Tu ————— (partir) hier soir.

5 UG–493
7. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au
conditionnel :

(a) On ————— (prendre) du cofé.

(b) Vous ————— (revenir) de la France.

(c) Elles ————— (attendre) leurs affaires.
(d) Tu ————— (enseigner) le français.
(e) Nous ————— (dire) l’histone.


6 UG–493
UG-496 BFTM–11


JUNE 2015.
First Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

£Sv A — (10  1 = 10 ©v¨ö£sPÒ)

GøÁ÷¯Ý® £zx ÂÚõUPÐUS J¸ öuõh›À Âøh u¸P.

1. PõøμUPõ»®ø©¯õº GÊv¯ ¡À Gx?

2. ö£õ´øP¯õÌÁõ›ß Fº Gx?

3. ^Óõ¨¦μõnzvß B]›¯º ¯õº?

4. ÷u®£õÁoø¯ C¯ØÔ¯Áº ¯õº?

5. £õsi¯Ûß ¯õøÚ Gøu Kø»¯õPU öPõshx?

6. uh® ¦›ø\ ©xøμzxøÓ¨ ö£s ¯õº?

7. "Áõi¯ £°øμ Psh÷£õöuÀ»õ® Áõi÷Úß' – GßÖ
£õi¯Áº ¯õº?

8. •i¯μ\Ûß C¯Øö£¯º ¯õx?

9. Psnuõ\ß SÔ¨¦z u¸P.

10. "PÂU÷Põ' – GÚ AøÇUP¨£k£Áº ¯õº?

11. uªÊ® Áhö©õȲ® P»¢u |øhUS ö£¯º ¯õx?

12. £õμvuõ\ß ö©õzu® GzuøÚ |õhP[PÒ GÊv


13. Gøu¨ £õºzuÁÝUS BÖ ©õ\zxUSa \õ÷Á Áμõx?

14. uμ[P®£õi°À uªÌ Aa_UTh® {Ö¯Áº ¯õº?

15. Eøμ¯õ]›¯ºPÒ C¸Áº ö£¯øμU TÖP.

£Sv B — (5  2 = 10 ©v¨ö£sPÒ)

GøÁ÷¯Ý® I¢x ÂÚõUPÐUS J¸ £zv°À Âøh u¸P.

16. ¦xUPÂøuPÒ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP.

17. £mkU ÷Põmøh¯õº £õhÀPÎß ]Ó¨¦PÒ

]»ÁØøÓz u¸P.

18. «μõÂß ]¢uøÚø¯²® PÂøu BØÓø»²® GÊxP.

2 UG-496
19. PÇÛ³μÛß ö\ß›³ PÂøu £õkö£õ¸Ò ¯õx?

20. A•u£õμv°ß IUT ]Ó¨ø£ ÂÍUSP.

21. P¸zx ©hÀ Gߣøu ÂÍUSP.

22. |, Ú, J¼ ©¯UP® £ØÔ GÊxP.

£Sv C — (5  5 = 25 ©v¨ö£sPÒ)


Âøh u¸P.

23. Pv\õÂß ¦»®£À £h»zvøÚ E©Ö¨¦»Áº

G[VÚ® ]zu›zxÒÍõº?

24. SÇ¢øu C÷¯_Âß A¸Ò÷|õUS ÷u®£õÁo°À

öÁΨ£kÁx SÔzx TÖP.

25. |¢vU P»®£PzvÀ F\À GßÓ EÖ¨¦ GÆÁõÖ


26. ©õoUPÁõ\P›ß v¸Áõ\P® SÔzx GÊxP.

27. ]ØÔ»UQ¯ ÁøP¯õÚ "P»®£P®' – SÔzx GÊxP.

28. öuõø»UPõm]°À ö\´v¨¤›ÂÀ £o¦›¯ {ø»¯

C¯US|¸US Âsn¨£® GÊxP.

29. ö\õÀ •u¼À Á¸® GÊzx ©μ¦PÒ GøÁö¯øÁ?

3 UG-496
£Sv D — (3  10 = 30 ©v¨ö£sPÒ)


Âøh u¸P.

30. £ßÛ¸ v¸•øÓPÎÀ ]Áö£¸©õß

÷£õØÓ¨£mkÒÍ £õ[QøÚa \õßÖPÐhß {ÖÄP.

31. |õ»õ°μ vƯ¨ ¤μ£¢u[PÎß ÁȯõP

öÁΨ£k® £Uva ]Ó¨¤øÚ ÂÍUSP.

32. £õμvuõ\Ûß "Aø©v' – |õhPzøuz vÓÚõ´Ä

÷|õUQÀ ÁøP¨£kzvU PõmkP.

33. uªÌ C»UQ¯ Áμ»õØÔÀ Eøμ¯õ]›¯ºPÎß

]Ó¨¤øÚ ÂÍUQU Pmkøμ ÁøμP.

34. GÊzx – ö\õÀ ¤øÇPЮ v¸zu•® SÔzx ÂÍUQ



4 UG-496
UG-498 BFTM–21


JUNE 2015
Second Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

£Sv – A
I. GøÁ÷¯Ý® £zx ÂÚõUPÐUS J¸ öuõh›À Âøh
u¸P. (10 × 1 = 10)

1. Aߦøh ö|g\® Gx÷£õ»U P»¢ux?

2. ‘^ºöPÊ öÁs•zu®’ ¯õ¸US¨ £¯ß£k®?

3. ö|k|ÀÁõøh°À Aµ] GzuøP¯ J¯®÷£õÀ


4. Áõ´ø© GÚ¨£kÁx ¯õöuÚ ÁÒÐÁº TÖQßÓõº?

5. ‘öu[P® £Ç®’ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

6. ‘H»õv’ ¡¼ß B]›¯º ¯õº?

7. ]»¨£vPõµ® GzuøÚ Põsh[PøÍU öPõshx?

8. B¦zvµÛß uõ´ ¯õº?

9. •a\[P® £ØÔ¯ ö\´vPøÍ •uß•u¼À u¸® ¡À


10. v¸•¸PõØÖ¨£øh°ß ÷ÁÖ ö£¯ºPÒ ¯õøÁ?

11. £vöÚsRÌUPnUS ¡ÀPÎÀ AP¡ÀPÒ GzuøÚ?

12. ‘PiøP’ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò ¯õx?

13. }»÷P] Põ¨¤¯zvß ÷ÁÖö£¯º GßÚ?

14. Gvº{ø» Cønö©õÈUS J¸ \õßÖ u¸P.

15. Aµ]¯¼À •u½k Gx?

£Sv – B

II. GøÁ÷¯Ý® I¢x ÂÚõUPÐUS J¸ £zv°À Âøh

u¸P. (5 × 2 = 10)

16. Áõ°À ÷|ºuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

17. Aµ] uß Pmi¼ß ÷©ØPmiÀ Psh K¯® Gx?

18. ‘C¯ØøP¨ ¦nºa]’ Gߣx GßÚ?

2 UG-498
19. ‘C¸÷|õUS CÁÐsPs EÒÍx’ – C¸÷|õUS

20. øÁPøÓ GÊ¢ux® ¯õº¯õøµz öuõÇ ÷Ásk® GßÖ

B\õµU÷PõøÁ TÖQÓx?

21. ö\õØö£õÈÂß ÁøPPÒ ¯õøÁ?

22. |PºÄ JzvøP Gߣx GßÚ?

£Sv – C
Âøh u¸P. (5 × 5 = 25)

23. £õø» £õi¯ ö£¸[Pk[÷Põ TÖ® E»Q¯À

Esø©PÒ ¯õøÁ?

24. ^ÁP ]¢uõ©o°À ÁskPÎß wº¨ø£ ÂÍUSP.

25. •a\[P® SÔzx GÊxP.

26. SÖ¢öuõøPz uø»Â CÀ»Ó® |hzx® ]Ó¨¤øÚU


27. uªÇP Áµ»õØÔß ‘C¸sh Põ»®’ SÔzx GÊxP.

28. Áøͯõ£v Põ¨¤¯zvß Pøua_¸UPzøu GÊxP.

29. IUTU PÂøu°ß Aø©¨¤»UPn® ¯õx?

3 UG-498
£Sv – D

IV. GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS ‰ßÖ £UP

AÍÂÀ Âøh u¸P. (3 × 10 = 30)

30. \[PPõ»¨ ö£s£õØ ¦»ÁºPÒ SÔzxU Pmkøµ


31. ö|k|ÀÁõøh°À TvºPõ» Á¸nøÚ SÔzx


32. £vöÚsRÌU PnUS ¡ÀPÐÒ }v ¡ÀPÒ SÔzx

J¸ Pmkøµ ÁøµP.

33. PsnQ uß PÚøÁ ÷uÁ¢v°h® TÔ¯øu GÊxP.

34. £zx¨£õmk ¡ÀPÎÀ BØÖ¨£øh C»UQ¯[PÒ

SÔzx GÊxP.


4 UG-498


JUNE, 2015.
First Year
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
SECTION A — (3  5 = 15 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.

1. What is communication? Give example.

2. Write a detailed note on business communication.

3. What is a report? Give some examples.

4. What is Agenda and Minutes of the meeting?

5. List the works of company secretary.

SECTION B — (4  15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.

6. Explain the types of communication in detail with


7. Write about the role of technology in

communication enhancement.
8. How communication is shared within the office?
Give example.

9. Write a letter to a leading garments company

seeking a competitive quotation to order company
uniform for 1000 employees. Mention the
supplying conditions and terms.

10. Write a job application with resume for the post of

Asst. Manager (Admin) in leading company
manufacturing FMCG products.

11. Elucidate the mandatory features required for a

letter communication in an insurance company.

12. Prepare a detailed quotation for the electronic

goods price quotation requested by a leading chain
of hotels in Chennai. Mention your price policy
and supplying conditions.


2 UG–502
UG–504 BFEG–21/22


Second Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

1. Annotate any TWO of the following (2  4 = 8)

(a) If ever any beauty I did see, Which I desired,

and got, 'twas but a dream of thee.

(b) My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,

And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;

(c) If our two loves be one, or, thou and I Love so

alike, that none do slacken, none can die.

2. Write any TWO of the following in about 200

words each. (2  10 = 20)

(a) Explain the poetic imagery of John Donne.

(b) Justify the title of the play “Sacrifice”.

(c) Write a detailed note on Compound words /
nouns with examples.

(d) Write a dialogue between two schoolmates

sharing college life experience.

(e) Write an essay on the evolution of Internet

and explain its advantages.

3. Read the following passage and answer the

questions below. (4  3 = 12)

Character has been defined as "the distinctive

mark of an individual". What that mark is going to
be depends partly upon nature, but largely on
environment and training. Children are imitative
creatures, but they are also endowed with reason;
and characters is formed first, by inculcating ideas
as of right and wrong in the minds of the young
and secondly by the exercise on the part of the
children of the reasoning power on questions
of right and wrong. All men more or less are the
architects or builders of their own characters, and
if the structure is to be a fine one, the hour must
be commenced as early as possible. Character
depends upon limitation, tastes, talent and habits.
Imitation, in the case of the young child, is
instinctive and not connected with reason, but as
he grows older he chooses what to imitate. Then is
the time for education to step in and point out
2 UG–504
what is worthy of to select the best models for
imitation. Ideals of self control, courage,
benevolence, truthfulness, honesty and purity
should constantly be held up for the admiration of
biographies of great men, that they may he
inspired by their example.


(a) What are the reasons for character


(b) What does character depend upon?

(c) Do you think education help in character


(d) What ideas play while moulding character?

4. Answer the following as directed.

(a) Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms

given in bracket. (5  1 = 5)

(i) Around the World in Eighty Days

–––––––––– (were/was) written by
Jules Verne.

(ii) One of the best known streets in

England –––––––––– (is/are) the
Downing street.

3 UG–504
(iii) Health care –––––––––– (play / plays)
an important role in our life.

(iv) I shall see you when you

(will come/come) home.

(v) The old woman ––––––––––

(was mending/mended) the stockings
when the lights went out.

(b) Give the noun forms of the following words.

(3  2 = 6)
(i) Maintain
(ii) Rely
(iii) pollute

(c) Give the adjectival forms of the following

words. (3  2 = 6)
(i) Dentist
(ii) produce
(iii) construction

(d) Write antonyms for the following words.

(3  1 = 3)
(i) ugly
(ii) honest
(iii) courage

4 UG–504
5. Write a precis of the following passage.
(1  15 = 15)

A cheerful person is always more disposed to be

happy than to be miserable. He looks at the bright
side of things, and thus often derives pleasure
from circumstances which would depress the
spirits of an ordinary man. This being the case, to
say that cheerfulness promotes happiness, is as
much a truism as to say that justice leads to the
doing of just acts, and the truthfulness prevents
men from telling lies. We may go further, and say
that cheerfulness promotes happiness more than
anything else in the world. The cheerful beggar is
far happier that the melancholy millionaire. As
source of happiness, neither wealth nor fame, nor
beauty, nor power, nay, not even health itself, can
for a moment be compared with a cheerful
disposition. Another great advantage of
cheerfulness is that it enables a man to do better
work and prevent him from being easily
exhausted. This truth is well expressed by the
homely words of the Shakespearian song, that
tells us how "A merry heart goes all the day, the
sad tires in a mile." The labourer who whistles
over his work, goes home less tired and can work
harder than another who, as he labours, broods
over real or imaginary troubles. This is also true of
intellectual work, which is seriously impaired by
5 UG–504
depression of spirits. Therefore, as the cheerful
man is happy himself, and by his cheerfulness
adds to the happiness of all who come into contact
with him, and in addition is enabled to work all
the better because of his cheerfulness, it is a plain
duty for everybody to do his best to cultivate a
cheerful spirit.


6 UG–504
UG–507 CCE


JUNE 2015.
Second Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

PART A — (3  5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

Answer for 5 marks questions should not

exceed 2 pages.

1. Enumerate the importance of environmental

_ØÖa `ÇÀ PÀ塧 •UQ¯zxÁzøu

2. Write short notes on Forest Resources.


3. Write the components of Eco System.

_ØÖa`ÇÀ öuõS¨¤ß Pmhø©¨¦PøÍ GÊxP.
4. Explain the hot spots of biodiversity
E°º £ÀÁøPø©°ß •UQ¯ Ch[PøÍ ÂÍUSP.

5. Write short notes on Global Warming.

E»P öÁ¨£©¯©õuÀ £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ GÊxP.

PART B — (4  15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.

Answer for 15 marks questions should not

exceed 5 pages.
Each question carries 15 marks.

6. Describe the mode of transmission of HIV and

preventive measures of AIDS.
öía.I. £μÄ® •øÓPÒ ©ØÖ® G´møé
Pmk¨£kzx® •øÓPøÍ ÂÁ›.

7. Define Air Pollution. List out its various sources

and remedial measures.
PõØÖ ©õ_£kuÀ Áøμ¯Ö. PõØÖ ©õ_£ku¾UPõÚ
£À÷ÁÖ Buõμ[PÒ ©ØÖ® Pmk¨£kzx® •øÓPøÍ

8. Explain various methods of conservation of

E°º £ÀÁøPø© £õxPõUS® £À÷ÁÖ •øÓPøÍ

2 UG–507
9. Illustrate the structure and characteristic features
of the pond Eco System.
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10. Explain in detail about food resources.


11. Explain the Rain Water Harvesting and

watershed management.
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12. Explain the following :

(a) Environmental Protection act
(b) Human rights
(c) Solid waste management
(d) Ozone layer depletion.
(A) _ØÖa`ÇÀ £õxPõ¨¦a \mh®
(B) ©Ûu E›ø©PÒ
(C) vhU PÈÄ ÷©»õsø©
(D) K÷\õß AkUS AÈÄ.

3 UG–507

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