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Being proficient in English and being able to study in English requires a minimum vocabulary of around:

6000 words

by Bonala Kondal

Word Power
Vocabulary knowledge is the single most important area of language competence and is of concern to all four language skills. It is not easy to listen or speak confidently or read and write effectively if we do not have reasonable vocabulary competence.

Some general ways for Vocabulary Development

Learn words in context Develop vocabulary cards Read extensively Distinguish between formal and informal words

Technical Vocabulary
The use of formal words, scientific vocabulary, specialized terminology, and formal phrases and expressions is common in technical communication. Eg. Magma is original source of most of the minerals. The constituent minerals, mostly rockforming silicates and oxides, are deposited at various stages as the magma cools down during its passage.

Word Formation
In English, new words can be formed by using suffixes and prefixes. Suffixes: - A suffix is attached at the end of a root word to form a new word (care+LESS=careless) Prefixes: - A prefix is attached at the beginning of a root word to form a new word (UN+usual=unusual)

A synonym is a word that means the same as another (eg. Shut and close) A good stock of synonyms is essential to be able to use so appropriate and effective language. Synonyms for example: Abandon- leave, forsake Adequate- enough, sufficient Crazy- insane, mad Endorse- approve, back

in order to express a contrast or highlight difference between two objects, things, situations, or persons, antonyms may be used.

List of antonyms Accept- reject Pleasant-unpleasant Scanty-profuse Reverence-scorn Endanger-defend Arrogant-humble Partial-impartial Brutal-humane

Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition, any of which are part of the syntax of the sentence, and so is a complete semantic unit. A phrasal verb often has a meaning which is different from the original verb.

Phrasal Verbs
eg.1. ASK FOR - to deserve a negative consequence 2. BREAK DOWN to lose control of one's emotions to stop functioning 3. BRING ABOUT - to make happen 4. RUN OVER
to hit with a vehicle

An idiom is an expression or phrase often informal and having a meaning of its own which is not apparent from the meaning of its individual words. Eg. Round the bend mad Because idioms can mean something different from what the words mean.

Some common idioms

To draw the line to set his limits Over the moon happy Kick the bucket die silver spoon in ones mouth - born in a wealthy family. A bed of roses a situation of ease and comfort. Beat about the bush saying things in a round about manner.

One Word Substitution

- one word may be used in place or several words or phrases. 1. That which cannot be expressed in words inexpressible 2. That which cannot be seen-invisible 3. A person who knows many languages-linguist 4. One who is unable to pay ones debts-insolvent 5. One who is able to make an eloquent speech-orator 6. That which cannot be reached - inaccessible

Words often confused

1. 2. 3. 4.

There are several words that may be confusing because they are similar in meaning or pronunciation but have different meanings. Accept-agree: except- to exclude Accede-agree : exceed-surpass Adapt-adjust : adopt-take an idea. Advice-opinion : advise-to counsel

It is a comparison of certain similarities between things which are otherwise unlike. It is a comparison between two different things so you can point out something about how they are similar. It is used to add clarity and detail to your writing.

Eg. COW: CALF A) Ewe: kid B) Mare: foal C) Hen: rooster D) Ram: lamb E) Sow: pig

What is Jargon?
It has two different meanings. 1. The word refers to the technical vocabulary of a profession, trade or activity like law, tourism, cricket etc. - it is considered to be necessary and useful. 2. It is obscure and often pretentious use of language marked by a roundabout way of expression and use of long words. - it is a bad use of language.

Jargon as specialized vocabulary

It is universal. It is an essential part of the network of occupations and activities which make up society. Every job or profession has its own jargon. Eg. Lawyers learn who the plaintiff, the defendant, the accused, the petitioner, the prosecutor or the appellant and what a crime, a civil wrong is etc.

Jargon as specialized vocabulary (contd.)

It works like a professional code as it is perfectly intelligible to anyone who has learnt it and who knows it how to interpret it. Within the group or the profession it makes communication specific, precise and accurate and it promotes economy in communication.

JARGON as obscure and pretentious use of language

It is used to impress their audiences with their importance or complexity of their subject matter, communication suffers, and the words and expressions used act as barriers to understanding.

What does word power mean?

Learning or knowing a new word involves knowing its different shades of meaning, use in context, grammatical characteristics, pronunciation and so on and so forth.

Words related to Different Content

Sunny Rainy Chilly Scorching Foggy Cloudy Snowy Windy Drizzly Dull

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