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Scene 1: Int/Office/Day time; 09:00 AM Characters: Mr. Mahmood, Assistant, Ali, Invidulator Mr.

Mahmood is sitting and writing on a paper; his hands are shown (from the view point of the protagonists eyes). The door behind him opens, the assistant enters The voice behind him speaks Assistant: Here, Mr. Mahmood, the file you asked for. Mr. Mahmood: Thank you. Assistant leaves. (Sound of the door closing) Mr. Mahmood starts to flip through the document. While he is flipping through the pages, scene transforms and adult hands are replaced by a childs hands flipping the pages. These are Alis hands. The location changes, Ali is in an examination room. The scribbling of pens on a pages can be heard and the ticking of the clock as well. A final tick of the clock. Invidulator: Your time is up students, put your pens down. Ali flips to the very first page of the booklet and under the heading of Matric Board Examination writes his name.... Ali Hamza Mahmood He closes the booklet. Puts down the pen and the scene cross dissolves slowly. Scene 2 Ext/Road/Day time 09:15 AM Characters: The child aged 10-11 years and a few other random children. The kid aged around 10-11 years is running parallel to a wall. The sound of footsteps running and the breathing of a kid can be heard. He then peeks from that wall- his eyes are shown (a macro shot of his eyes only). He keeps looking at other children coming out of a school.

Fade out. Title appears In Pursuit Of Success Scene 3 Ext/House/Day time/07:00 AM Characters: Ali, Alis mother, Mr.Mahmood Ali is washing his rickshaw when his mother calls him inside the house. Mother:Aliii He stops and goes inside. When he comes out again, hes bathed, neat and tidy. Ali: Good bye mother Mother: Good bye. Ali goes toward the door to step outside, the scene Dissolve and the Location changes and a Mr. Mahmood can be seen coming out of his house and driving away in his car. Scene 4 Ext/Rickshaw stop/Around mid-day 02:45 PM Characters: Ali, a woman A montage of different rickshaw drivers on different roads at different times of the day. Ali is sitting at a rickshaw stop, reading a book, when a woman approaches him Woman: Are you free? Ali: Yes. Woman: Take me to market please. Woman gets in the rickshaw and looks at in fascinationWoman: (Looking at the book placed beside Ali) What were you reading? Ali: I was studying my text book madam, Im a matric Student

Woman: (astonished) Really? Thats very surprising, and odd, in a good way I mean, of-course. But wait, why arent you in school then? Ali: (with a sad smile on his face)I cant afford to go to school maam because I have to earn to make a living and support my old mother. Woman: oh!so you study and work?! How tough. I hope you are lucky enough to survive this tough world.. Ali, with a small smile on his face, looks at the woman from the rear view mirror. She sees his wise twinkling eyes. Fade out Scene 5 Int/Office/Mid-day 03:10 PM Fade in Mr. Mahmood is sitting in his office. Door opens, his colleague enters and places another document on Mr.Mahmoods desk. Colleague: Come on man, youve been working since morning. Take a break, lets go out. Mr. Mahmood: No, man. Thanks, but Id rather stay back and complete these documents. Colleague observes him for a few minutes and then speaks again. Colleague: Seriously, I think youve got like the best luck in the world. Do you know how many times I applied for this job? Three. Three times! Ha. And you? Look at you, you applied and got it the first time. How do you do it? Amazing luck you have, I must say. Mr. Mahmood: (Looks up wisely and smiles)You know, I still remember the days when I used to stay up till late at nights and study under the faint light of lanterns or street lamp when electricity would be cut off. So, don t say I have the best luck in the world, bur rather ask how I made my luck? Mr. Mahmood smiles and looks back at his documents and his colleague looks at him with a quizzical look.

A macro shot of the documents that Mr. Mahmood is reading. He closes the file and on the first page he signs his name... Ali Hamza Mahmood He closes the file and puts down his pen. Fade out Scene 6 Ext/Road/in between 6.00-7.00PM. Characters: Ali, Alis mother. The woman Ali is in his car, driving. He looks in the rear view mirror and thinks and recalls the conversation he had with that woman. Ali goes into a flashback. The conversation he had with a women once, who questioned him about his studies. Dissolve Ali: Maam I would make my own luck one day and I will stand on my own feet. I will work hard day and night and will hopefully become strong enough that I will be able to overcome any obstacle. That one day is not so far away. I will run after excellence until success chase me all the way till the end. After all, life is nothing but a struggle itself. Flashback end and scene cuts at Alis eyes again(a macro shot). Scene 7 Ext/road/7:00 pm The car stops in front of Alis new house. He looks at his house; Gets out of the car- A macro shot of his feet walking towards the house. Scene cuts to a small kids dirty slippered running feet. Scene cuts to Alis feet stopping at the gate of the house.

Scene cuts of the small kids feet stoping against the wall. From the prespective of AliHe push opens the door and see his mother sitting in the garden. Scene cuts to the small kid peeking from behind the wall. A macro shot of his eyes that are filled with sadness and longing. Scene cuts to the adult Alis eyes. A macro shot that shows happiness and satisfaction in his eyes.

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