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tica - Ensino Fundamental Matema Exerc cios - Lista 5

Problemas envolvendo percentagem e fra c oes1. Resolva os problemas abaixo. 1) Maria tinha 150 balinhas. Ela deu 10% das balinhas para a irm a. Com quantas balinhas Maria cou?

Resp: 2) J ulio tinha 90 gurinhas. 20% das gurinhas eram repetidas. Quantas gurinhas ele tinha repetidas?


O postassociado a este documento se encontra no blog, na categoria de Matem atica do Ensino Fundamental.

3) Paulo tinha 12 carrinhos. 3/4 dos carrinhos estavam em bom estado, o restante estava estragado. Quantos carrinhos estavam estragados?

Resp: 4) Havia 200 ores no jardim. Foram colhidas 25% das ores. 1/5 das ores ainda plantadas no solo eram rosas. Quantas rosas ainda estavam plantadas?


Respostas: 1) Maria cou com 135 bolinhas. 2) 18 gurinhas eram repetidas. 3) Estavam estragados 3 carrinhos. 4) 30 rosas. (Este item do gabarito foi corrigido em 07/09/10.)

c 2009 Christine C ordula Dantas Copyright notice: Christine C ordula Dantas is the author of Matem atica - Ensino Fundamental - Lista 5and reserves all rights to this work, in all forms, including but not limited to all printed and electronic forms. You have permission to copy this material for your personal use only. You may not distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system. All eorts were given to give the proper source, credits and licence information for this document. In case of errors or omissions, please contact the author. Corrections, Suggestions and Acknowledgements: Earlier drafts of this work were made available over the web. All eorts were made in order to release this material as free of errors as possible. Corrections and suggestions are very welcomed and will be here acknowledged in future versions.

Authors Aliation and Contact Information: Materials Division (AMR-C) Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) Department of Science and Aerospace Technology (DCTA) P ca. Mal. Eduardo Gomes, 50 Vila das Ac acias S ao Jos e dos Campos - SP CEP 12.228-904 Brazil E-mails:;

A Typesetting: This material was typeset using L TEX 2 .

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