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MLS 054: Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Laboratory Activity Sheet #01

Name: Eslit, Vinea, L.

ID number: 05-2122-005715
Section: BSMLS2 B5
Date: February 21, 2023

Attach your answered LAS in the Classwork.

Rename and convert your file to pdf: Family name–First name–LA 01 …..
Example: Santos–Anna Marie–LA 01-Task 1-4.docx
Due today at 11:59pm.

Rubric per Task #

The problem was solved The answer to problem The answer to the problem There is no answer
correctly, with clear and was correct, but lacks was correct, but there is no nor solution
complete solution. some details clear and complete solution. presented.

Lesson Titles for Session 1: (Total Score = 20points)

1) SAS 01: Origin and Development of Biostatistics
2) SAS 02: Branches of Statistics/Biostatistics
3) SAS 03: Types of Data and Scale Measurements

This Laboratory Activity #01 (LA 01) must be answered using this file. Handwritten not advised.

Task #1 (5points)
Reading with Q&A
1) Read classroom rules (Teachers provide your classroom rules in your Classwork.
2) List 5 important rules that you must follow.
a) Follow all the instructions indicated in the google classroom and written in google

b) Student activity sheets (SAS) will be collected. Keep the SAS, for they will serve as the
modules of this course. 

c) Always read daily reminders.

d) Make sure to finish all the activities. When done, mark every daily activities as done. If
possible, attach a screenshot of any successful submission of google forms (preferably
the quiz). That screenshot will be proof of submission in the case of a system glitch.

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MLS 054: Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Laboratory Activity Sheet #01

e) Make sure to answer all the quizzes. In case of missing quizzes, inform the instructor
right away.

3) Read SAS #0 MLS 054: How to compute CAS MLS 054 Grade?
This is the link to where you are forced to make a copy of the file.
Use your phinmaed email to access this file.

Answer the following questions briefly:

Questions Answers
a) What is SAS #0 MLS 054 all It is about the grading computation for MLS 054 subject.
about? It contains the guidelines for the correct computation,
grade equivalents and graded activities.
b) What is the passing final grade 75%
for MLS 054?

c) What percent of the final 40%

grade is the Comprehensive
Exam or RAD Block Exam?
d) In what instance that a student A student who fails the P1, P2 and RBE examination and
can get a grade of INC? having a final grade below 75% will be given INC.

e) What are the 3 valid excuses Emergencies, illness, accidents

for a student to be allowed to
take a special quiz?
f) For each LA’s how many points Five points will be deducted for each LA’s that are
will be deducted if submitted 3 submitted 3 days after the deadline.
days after the deadline?

Task #2. (5points)

Classify each as nominal, ordinary, interval, or ratio level measurement.
a) pages in the city of Cleveland telephone book. ⇒ ratio
b. Rankings of tennis players. ⇒ ordinary
c. Weights of air conditioners. ⇒ ratio
d. Temperatures inside 10 refrigerators. ⇒ interval
e. Salaries of the top 5 CEOs in the United States. ⇒ ratio

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MLS 054: Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Laboratory Activity Sheet #01

f. Rating of eight local plays (poor, fair, good, excellent). ⇒ ordinary

g. Times required for mechanics to do a tune-up. ⇒ ratio
h. Age of students in a classroom. ⇒ interval
i. Marital status of patients in a physician’s office. ⇒ nominal
j. Horsepower of tractor engines. ⇒ ratio

Task #3 (5 points)
Cite (5) specific applications of Statistics in the Medical Technology field
a) Research Interpretations and Conclusion

b) Meta-Analysis of Literature Reviews

c) Designing Surveys

d) Clinical Trial Design

e) Epidemiological Studies

Task #4 (5points)
Online Statistics Calculator and Excel
A. Copy and Paste 5 different online statistics calculator that you can access in the web.
Explore the online calculators by trying some data that you have.

a) Hypothesis testing

b) T-test calculator
c) Pearson Correlation
d) Chi-square calculator
e) ANOVA calculator

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MLS 054: Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Laboratory Activity Sheet #01

B. Copy and Paste a screenshot of your Excel or WPS statistics formula 

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