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Research Proposal on Green Chemistry

Posted at: November 1, 2011 under: Sample Research Proposals by admin @ 7:11 am Introduction Green chemistry is also called sustainable chemistry. It is involves designing chemical processes and products in order to reduce or eliminate altogether the use of hazardous substances. It involves a chemical products life cycle, design, manufacture and use. Its technologies provide such benefits as safer products, reduction in use of resources and energy, reduction of waste, reduction of price and competitiveness, and safe environments. This study will explore the production of biomass briquettes (Sanghi, 195). Description: A briquette is a compressed block of coal dust, saw dust, woodchip or charcoal that is used for fueling and kindling a fire. They are small in size, varied in color and may vary in size depending on the press. Background/literature review on green chemistry With the rising fuel costs, technologists are increasingly looking at ways of reducing heating costs especially in developing countries in order to provide a safe reliable and affordable fuel which is environment friendly. Briquettes are blocks of compressed charcoal dust, coal dust, woodchips, sawdust or biomass, used as fuel in boilers and stoves. Briquettes which are made from materials which are not carbonized can be a bit smoky. In order to make them smokeless pyrolysed or carbonized materials can be used. Through carbonization, organic substances are converted into carbon without the presence of oxygen. Biomass briquettes can be made from biomass, a process which will not involve carbonizing the biomass. This can be done by partially decomposing the raw materials for a week or two. The material can then be dried and crushed into small pieces which are then mixed with mater to make a soupy slurry substance. The mixture is then put into a briquetting machine also known as a briquette press for pressing into the desired sizes. (more)

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