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Awaken to Survive - A Appeal The Gateway to Kingdom of God

There is urgency to this appeal. The world is going through a stressful period. We see instabilities in all front. Natural forces are turning increasingly unstable and destructive. Human mind at individual and collective level are turning unstable and is taking self destructive paths. The socio-economic situation of the nations and the whole world is unstable. We think we are highly advanced in our scientific knowledge and powerful to determine our destiny. Our ignorance stands before us as we stand naked before the forces of nature that is increasingly turning violent. We are responsible for the state of the world. As members of various religions, we are using the troubled state of earth and humanity to advance once own religion adding numbers than trying to bring qualitative change in peoples mind. One must accept that religious institution of the world are the silent force behind major conflict, war and terrorism. As Scientist we who set out promising to liberate people from the clutches of religious institutions, have come only to a point of empowering negative minded people to exploit the material earth and human beings recklessly for self advancement. The half knowledge's that we have given the world have turned into AXE in the hands of pathological criminal mind of Humanity.

What we need is an evolution of knowledge such that life and nature is made simple and understandable to all and everyone becomes self disciplined and lives in harmony with nature. We need knowledge such that everyone gets liberated from the bondage to religion and sees the Spiritual Truth and oneness in God to bring peace and true prosperity on earth. Given a choice of two paths, science and religion to evolve to know Truth and God, I have taken a scientific one, for a simple reason that it is beyond religions. It is incredible to note the evolution of science from Newtonian world view to present day chaos and order, holographic and parallel and multiple, electric world views. What we need to do is to put them together and comprehend them sensibly and explain it in simplicity, so that even a common man can understand it and gets awakened. The biggest impediment that science deals with comes when it tries to explain the origin of universe and its existence. It fails to comprehend the cause for the time direction to singularity or death and how this singularity is conquered to perpetuate in time cycles. Prof. Neil Turok, Prof. Paul Steinhardt and Prof. Burt Ovrut spoke of Parallel Worlds and proposed singularity as an event where one world pierces and emerges on the opposite side. This caught my attention. I do not know their mathematical mind and the paths it traversed to perceive this idea, but it simply strengthened the knowledge that Nature and Her Master revealed to me in simplicity two decades back.

Singularity and Life science

From life sciences Singularity becomes comprehensible to common man and unites with spiritual science of the ancient. To understand interpretation of singularity of Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt and Burt Ovrut, all we need to do is to visualize universe including life and human beings and think and explore it as a living being. The key here exist in knowing that All life has a soul and inner space-time in which the gravity force is converted into anti-gravity. We are discovering here "New Space-Time Field" that Einstein searched and that has potential to create, transform and sustain the material world. This is the conscious and intelligent field that modern man is researching. Concept of Gravity we know is built on non-equilibrium and is driven by an instinct to seek equilibrium. Life in contrast strives to maintain certain symmetry by constant intake of energy and matter and its exhalation. In addition it has a mechanism to survive time. This means the living world is a parallel world to material world. The existence life denies gravitational collapse. It can transform gravity into anti-gravity. This opposition of living world is known to science but physicist have given it little importance. The second law of thermodynamics applied to material world and living world shows this opposition Picture we now visualize is of trillions of small bangs or pulses that supports the material universe from collapse.

The question now - Is universe without a time direction? But all observations suggest it has time direction. Question now is -from where time direction comes and how time direction is conquered. To understand this let us try to visualize the energy and matter cycle in which we the enquirer exist. The earth in which we live has parallel and multiple world design. It works on minimum of two cycles that are opposing. When east awakens to sunlight/heat and enters a unwinding cycle [energy or disordering phase], simultaneously west goes into a winding cycle [matter or ordering phase]. These cycles give way to one another in time in smooth manner, forming day and night cycles. Now let us imagine the above energy cycle with living system. Plant life absorbs light/heat and when night falls it assimilates the energy and matter to form biological mass that grows against gravity and time in material world. Plant life alone means the system can get imbalanced in favor of anti-gravity force. Thus we have herbivore controlling plant life, carnivore controlling herbivore - The system is self sustaining Gaia. Let us now include human life and visualize the cycle. We immediately note a time direction. Humans live a mind and self centered life, that becomes increasingly slave to material world and its forces. Time direction thus seem to be related to human mind. The Energy cycle involving life now gives the concept of Singularity, Big bang or Origin of universe a new dimension. It can be traced to inner Space of a Single "Primal Soul", cell or Living Being that is beyond "self". Inner space of this soul contains the information/energy/spirit of the whole system. It can transform

all the force of gravity into anti-gravity and thus initializes the system back to its initial state. The Time and Singularity or death is conquered in life when the spirit of male world gets conceived in feminine world to conquer time and conceive new out of the old. Note- biologist under the overwhelming influence of mechanical world view think what conceives is the genes. Genes are simply like weights used by a vendor who tries to balance the balance. The Spirit in the inner space is the vendor. We now see the universe as interplay of two parallel worlds and two spirits masculine and feminine. Spirit is force, energy, light, heat, information and knowledge. This means world has two types of force and knowledge, Superior Knowledge and Inferior Knowledge. The ancient spiritual scriptures specially the Vedas of the east clearly speak of these two types of knowledge - The Spiritual Knowledge and material knowledge Now the concept of parallel world and singularity understood as a process in which one world pierces and emerges on the opposite by Prof. Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt and Burt Ovrut becomes sensible. What is more important is that it leads us to Calvary Sacrifice of Christ as the Big bang point of origin. Calvary now becomes the point of universal creation. It is the little New Pulse enclosed in the old body that is dying. It is the "Great attractor" that emerges when the system tends to great disorder around which order emerges. It is well supported by Vedas of east [Yajurveda Vs 3031] which states that universe is created by the "self sacrifice" of the Creator. It needs to be understood as consciousness and

intelligence unfolding to conquer time and initialize it. Universal time cycle now becomes a cycle of consciousness and intelligence unfolding and enfolding to liberate humanity from the clutches of darkness. The new perception of nature and its functioning can help humanity over come two principle dangers threatening human existence on earth and help him evolve to Kingdom of God or Golden Age 1. The knowledge of "parallel and multiple world design" by which earth sustains certain energy to matter ratio and thus heat of external and internal environment of earth can lead us to developing global energy management of earth's environment and thus alleviate the natural disasters. 2. It can help human mind emerge out of the bondage to religion to know the Truth and explore the spiritual secret. It can help humanity become truly spiritual bringing peace and order to the world. We must note that much of the modern war and terrorism is driven by human ignorance of God. It is silently powered by non illuminated minds of people occupying the religious institutions, who work to build their kingdom by manipulating the mind of humanity. They work for material advancement and power by quantitative advancement than working to qualitatively change human beings. The knowledge of parallel space and its interaction can lead us to new technologies for clean energy generation and its efficient use without releasing much heat into the environment. It can change the way we think about health and medicine, food and

agriculture. It can revamp our social system and governing system plugging its loopholes. It can create space-time for human growth, releasing the stress on human mind that is taking criminal and violent path ways thus decreasing the war and terrorism. The potentiality of new understanding can be understood from life. A human heart pumps blood along 100000 KM of blood vessels 20/times per minute, carrying many trillions of cells, in addition it carries huge amount information processing and various other functions of life on few pieces of bread and water. What is important to note is that the net amount of heat it releases into the environment is negligible. The technologies that can emerge from this thinking can be very simple, but I resist speaking it. Because technologies in the absence of world awakening to Truth can lead to "self" advancement than the sustenance of the whole In conclusion Nature and Life are simple we have made it complex by our self centered intent to conquer nature than understand her. Nature and Her Master reveals the simplicity when we approach them from a point freedom from Plato's chair. I speak to you from such an exercise that has now lasted for three decades. As biologist I have limitations to put them in mathematical form. It is up to intellectuals in temples of knowledge to explore it. I strongly feel Sacred or Divine Geometry that deals with ratios is one contender. Because the different path my mind took to reach the goal, there could be some difficulty to you in comprehending the Truth revealed to me. However, given an opportunity of open interaction of heart and mind

without self for the well being o the whole of which are only part, I can convince the Truth revealed to me in simplicity including all the conceptual developments in science and unraveling its paradoxes. Being small farmer in a third world country, struggling for a cause relentlessly, my health and situations have deteriorated. These vital information and knowledge exist as a precious gem in the hand of beggar. Will someone help bring it to the fore front of modern intellectual world to bring a timely change and transformation in the world such that humanity not only survives but can evolve to Golden age Find three links below which further elaborates - This may not be best presentation but carry the core of my thinking 1] 2] 3] Site - Thanking you yours truly John Paily [ and] Date-14/06/2013

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