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Beareenies are little cute aliens from the Llamsysh CF species. DESCRIPTION The Beareeny is a small creature measuring to be 12.8cm in height. They can be beige, white or light green. Beareenies have two long, slender rectangular legs with monkeylike feet at the bottom. They have two human - like hands but with only three fingers on each side. Both hands stick out at a 230 degree angle. A Beareenys body is shaped like an egg with a 0.1cm neck attaching the squarish head with curved edges to its body. A female Beareeny has blue eyes and males have brown eyes. On top of their head they have two round bear ears, one oval nose under the eyes and a one centimetre big and happy smiley face. HABITAT A small and shy creature, the Beareeny was discovered on earth in the African jungle by a girl named Chelsea in the early 1800s. The Beareenies said farewell to their old home on Mars before floating down to their new world. Beareenies build special beds out of tree sap, tree wood and tree vines and make burrows to put their bed and other furniture inside like a little home. DIET Any Beareeny is a healthy alien. They eat a variety of fruit, including mangos (favourites of them all!), apples, pears and cantaloupe. They also eat Drib (a flying bird alien) and a Catenary (cross between and cat and a canary). These aliens dont search every day for food in the wild, they search every month. Beareenies have a square opening box in the middle of their left palm where they store emergency food. LOCOMOTION Beareenies are very fast and have been recorded flying and running at 600km an hour. They can also climb a 120m tree in 30 seconds! That means they are the fastest alien in the universe. The Beareeny is a fast creature and is like a little bear.
By Chelsea, 5/6JC

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