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The Andean

An endangered species.
 The Andean bear (Tremarctos
ornatus) is the only bear in South
America and is endemic to the
tropical Andes.

 Andean bears live along the Andes

mountain range, from Venezuela
to southern Bolivia, and are both
terrestrial and arboreal.
 They are omnivorous, although meat only
represents a small part of their diet.
 Also known as ukuku (Quechua word) or
spectacled bear, the Andean bear is an
important part of both the Andean and
Amazonian cosmovision. They are
considered mediators between the world
of the living and that of the dead, and the
Matsiguenga Indians consider him the
creator of life, the Maeni.
 This bear is constantly threatened due to
changes in land use, which has
fragmented its original habitat, as well
as hunting by humans who conflict with
it, or use parts of its body for traditional
medicine and rituals.
 Additionally, its elusive nature
prevents it from being studied in
depth, so its protection and
handling imply great challenges.
In addition to all this, the
institutions responsible for the
conservation of the Andean bear
throughout its distribution are
poorly funded and supported.
 9Facts about the Andean bear:

1.-It can measure up to 2 m tall

and weigh up to 130 kg, with
males being larger than females.
2.-It is also known as
"spectacled bear" because
of the clear markings that
some individuals have
around the eyes.
3.- What do pandas have in common with
Andean bears? The two of them have a big
head compared to the rest of their body!
4.- In addition to plant matter, they eat
insects and rarely, eggs and animal flesh.
5.- Many cultures
believe that their claws
have medicinal
properties, which is a
threat to their
6.- Although they may not seem like it,
they are very good swimmers and
7.- They build platforms on top of trees
where they take naps and bring their food
to digest.
8.- They are solitary, but seem to leave
messages on trees for other individuals,
pointing out with their smells where they
have gone..
9.- The young are
called cubs.
Normally, a female
has 2 to 4 offspring
per pregnancy..

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