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Header files and Related functions

INPUT Kf ,f,cf,kp, p, t, r, , z,p, HTF,Th_ini,Tf_ini,Tp_ini,Texit

Do if Tp[z][r][]<=Texit

If p=0

If p>0

For z=1 to z=n INITIALIZE Th[Z] = Th_ini Tf_ini Tp_ini For r= ri to r= ro For = 0 to = Th[z]= Th_next[z ] Tf[z][r]=Tf_next[z][r] Tp[z][r][]= Tp_next[z][r][]

Tf[z][r] = Tp[z][r][] =

For z= 1 to z=n

If z=1 Th[z]=Th_ini

If z>1 and z<n-1 Calculate Th[z] from Eq.(1)

If z=n Calculate Th[z] from Eq.(2)

For r= ri to r=ro

If r=ri Calc Tf[z][r] from Eq. (3) For =0 to = If =0 Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(4) If >0 and < Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(5) If = Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(6)

If r>ri and r<ro Calc Tf[z][r] from Eq. (7) For =0 to = If =0 Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(8) If >0 and < Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(9) If = Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(10)

If r=ro Calc Tf[z][r] from Eq. (11) For =0 to = If =0 Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(12) If >0 and < Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(13) If = Calc Tp[z][r][] from Eq.(14)



Keywords Kf f cf kp p t r z p Th_ini, Tf_ini, Tp_ini Texit Th[z] Tf[z][r] Tp[z][r][] n ri ro

Meaning Thermal conductivity of the fin Density of the fin Specific heat of the fin Thermal conductivity of the PCM Density of the PCM Time step value Interval change in r-direction Interval change in -direction Interval change in z-direction No. of time steps Initial value of HTF fluid Temperature Initial value of Fin Temperature Initial value of PCM Temperature Exit value of PCM Temperature or loop exiting value HTF temperature at any time step p Fin temperature at any time step p PCM temperature at any time step p Largest value of z or length of the cylinder Maximum value of Inner radius of the cylinder Outer radius of the cylinder

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