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Tom Yeager <> Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:43:43 AM "" <>, "" <>, "King, Charles - kingcw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Taylor Reveley <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, Eric Zillmer <>, Jeff Bourne <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Peter Roby <>, Driscoll Terry <> Subject: Expansion.

A number of you have inquired as to the status of our expansion efforts. I have spoken to a number of you individually, but will use this opportunity for a more general update. Chancellor Miller and I have been in communication on almost a daily basis since last week regarding introductory contacts with prospective institutions. In the past week, direct conversations have occurred with Davidson, Elon, Fairfield and Stony Brook. Albany is next in the line and will be contacted. Initially, these conversations are merely to gauge whether there is interest in exploring possible CAA membership, and I would characterize their responses as positive beyond normal courtesies. NO offers/commitments of membership have been made as the CAA Presidents have not authorized the extension of any membership offer. Most of the individuals involved will be in Atlanta for the Final Four this weekend, and several follow up conversations have been scheduled to occur over the weekend. At the same time, the conference staff is compiling detailed institutional profile information on these and other institutions mentioned as possible candidates during our call last week. I anticipate this information will be ready for distribution in the next several days to coincide with conversations from this weekend. With this information in hand, it is our hope to schedule a conference call for the Presidents for Wednesday, April 10 to discuss and authorize the next steps in the process. I have also spent a considerable amount of time answering rumors surrounding whether several current CAA members are also exploring other conference options (these questions are also being raised by the prospective institutions). I have been in direct and open communication with the institution(s) and based on their assurances, I am confident that there is no substance to the rumors which are being created and repeated by speculation outside the institution. If you have questions, I encourage you to contact the institution(s) directly and I am sure they will satisfactorily answer your questions. I trust that you believe that we are professionally and aggressively pursuing our conference membership initiatives. Changes in conference affiliation should be a major decision for an institution, that shouldnt be made without a proper understanding of all the elements involved. There are many moving parts and opinions (both internally and externally) that need to be coordinated. In the last 10 days, our membership strategy has taken a completely different direction. I believe that we are on target, and while changes for the 201314 academic year are preferable, every day that passes makes that goal more problematic. Tom

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