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August 29, 2011 Volume VII

Who Governs? War and peace, criminal justice, taxation, public safety, civil rights, trade, education, food, and whatever else you face in your daily life.The rules and structure for all of these areas is something that affects all of our lives. Shortly put, government matters. Just think how different life would be if you are born in China. But how does something as simple as Who governs change your life, discover your government and think What if ?

Direct Democracy: Power to the People! Democracy is government of, by

of Athens, Democracy shifted power in Athens from the rich, to the many. Some say it attacks the wealthy, others claim it hurts minorities. What is for sure is that it allows everyone the opportunity to decide what should happen in their society and does not allow one group individual power over the populace. A Government for the Poor?

and for the people. But is this how you feel? Do you feel like you are part of the government? Do 1 you feel powerful? You should, at least if you are with us in a Direct Democracy, a government where EVERYONE participates, they vote, they propose change, and the majority wins. Direct Democracy is truly giving power to the people, but who are the people, is everyone, or is only a select group? If everyone does not have a say, then are you a true Democracy? The dominant government of the world, Democracy varies wherever used and in some cases defies the original goals of the government itself. Born in the Greek city-state


Representative emocracy: f Direct Democracy is ule by the people, then hat is Representative emocracy? It is often said that the people are too busy, lazy, and uninterested in government; because of this, they give up their ability to govern and select individuals to do so for them. Representative Democracy is for societies that have become so large that it is nearly impossible for everyone to be


If one person cannot be trusted

involved directly with the government. Simply put, it is too chaotic and inefficient. Instead people go to the polls and vote for people who they feel best REPRESENT their interests and by doing so, grant them the power of governance. But how do you keep them honest? Reelections are meant as a way to check the power of these people and keep the interest of the masses as the priority. Some may argue that this government can easily be damaged by greed, onesided interests, and an inability to act quickly. The question then becomes, how do you stop this and if not, then what are you alternatives?


DIr wD Monarchy

An alternative to a Democracy could be a Monarchy, or a government that is ruled by a king or queen who gains power through heredity. In most cases this individual has absolute power, meaning their word is law, they say it and you do it, or at least you better. Some may say that a King reigns, but does not govern. But what does this mean? Are Kings or Queens bad people? Do they deserve to be in charge? How do they get their position, by God? Sure they act fast, but do they govern effectively and make the best decisions, advance society or treat the people fair? So does a Monarchy answer more questions than it creates?

and a Democracy is too large and slow to act, then what about a government where an elite few govern for their own interests, not the publics? Simply put, they take the resources from you and they give back to their people. These people in power can be a family or a small group that controls most of the wealth. The people work for them, live on their land, have little voice in what happens and if they do not like it, then they may be repressed or eliminated. An Oligarchy has the ability to act fast, but the question is, as a member of the public, do you care about the Oligarchy and its survival? If so, then why? 2

Well, so individuals can be evil, groups can be greedy, and the people can be slow and lazy, so what else is left? How about rule by God? This is the literal meaning of the term Theocracy and it grants the governing power to God or some representative on earth like a priest. If someone is in charge, then they are Gods choice to be in charge and carry out Gods orders to the people. If the divine right of kings applies, then that means some Monarchies may be Theocracies and some Democracies even combine with this government. But what if your beliefs do not match? Who is left out? Does it accept different views? Why are some so violent?

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