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If you are talking about right now or now, use PRESENT CONTINUOUS [am/is/are + verb + ing]. Statements You are reading this sentence right now. He is trying to say the word (right now).

Questions Are you reading this sentence? Is he trying to say the word?

If you are telling how often or talking about habitual ( , , habitual/acostumbrado, ) action ( ), use SIMPLE PRESENT [verb [verb, verb + s, verb + es]. . Some simple present time words are
always, usually, often, sometimes sometimes, seldom ( , rara vez, pocas veces, ), never, never every day, every night, every week, once a day, twice a month...

Statements We speak English in class every day. I use the computer lab sometimes. She never comes to class late.

Do you speak English in class every day? Do you ever ( , alguna vez, -) use the lab? Does she ever come to class late?

You can also use always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every... with past time. Last semester, we spoke English in class every day. I never came to class late last semester. Did you ever use the computer lab last semester? Yes, we used it twice a week.


If you are talking about now If you are talking about how 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

1 2 3 or right now, use present continuous [am/is/are + verb + ing]. often or habitual action, use simple present [verb, , verb + s, verb

+ es].

I often (get) ________________ _____ to class a few minutes late. The teacher doesnt like it. She never (get) __________________ to work late. She is always on time. She always (talk) ________________ _________ on her cell phone in class, and it drives me crazy!

, , me saca de quicio con su... su..., - )

I cant talk right now. I (make) __________________ dinner. Can I call you back in a half hour? hour Oh, look! The bus (come) _________________. I have to go. It was nice talking to you! (I have to go. = I must go.) I (read) __________________ a wonderful book right now. Its called Harry Potter and the Half Half-Blood Prince. She never (ride) __________________ Muni. She takes BART. a. Wheres Mary? b. Shes not here. She (work) _________________. The teacher seldom (give) __________________ us tests in this class. You cant use the restroom. The janitor (clean) _______________ it. He (mop) ( fregar, ) __________________ the floor every evening. Students often (leave) __________________ food and paper on the desks and floor, floor and the janitor doesnt like it. I (go) __________________ to work work. See you later! On Fridays, this building (close) __________________ at 5:00 p.m. In San Francisco, most stores (open) __________________ at 10:00 in the morning.
2-2050107 Roland Trego 10/25/2013 7:17 PM

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