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SUPER EDUCATION GROUP 03-80705400 / 017-3325900

PROGRAM PERFECT SCORE SPM SEKOLAH MENENGAH LITERATURE COMPONENT - NOTES ON POEMS BAHASA INGGERIS 1119/2 IN THE MIDST OF HARDSHIP STANZA 1 1. Who does they refer to? (line 1 Ans!er" The #$rents of the %o& ' The (o)#le ' The h)s%$nd $nd !ife *. ,. When'$t !h$t ti+e do the& ret)rn ho+e? (line 1 Ans!er" At d$!n Wh$t is the h$rdshi# ' s)fferin- the (o)#le h$s to f$(e? (lines *. /. 0 Ans!er" Their (lothes $re so$1& $nd torn. Their li+%s $re s(r$t(hed. Their le-s $re f)ll of !o)nds. Wh& do the& $##ro$(h the sto2e? (line , Ans!er" To 1ee# the+sel2es !$r+. To #re#$re food $s the& $re h)n-r&. Wh$t does the line 3there was not a sign of despair tell &o) $%o)t the #eo#le? (line 4 Ans!er" In s#ite of their h$rdshi#. the& do not (o+#l$in. Whi(h line tells )s th$t the& $re )sed to h$rdshi#? Ans!er" 3There !$s not $ si-n of des#$ir6 When f$(ed !ith h$rd ti+es. do &o) f$(e it the s$+e !$& the f$+il& does? Wh$t is &o)r o!n $ttit)de to!$rds h$rd ti+es? Ans!er" 7es. I !ill not -i2e )#. 7es. I !ill #erse2ere.


0. 5. 4.

STANZA 2 8. 9o! lon- !$s the (o)#le o)t in the r$in? (line 8 Ans!er" The !hole d$& $nd ni-ht :. 1;. 11. Wh$t does the !ord 3horrendous6 +e$n ' s)--est ' i+#l&? Ans!er" $!f)l ' terri%le ' horrif&inWh$t $re the& doin- in the flood !$ter? (line 1, Ans!er" Loo1in- for their son<s $l%ino %)ff$lo Wh$t is different ' s#e(i$l $%o)t the %)ff$lo? Ans!er" It is $n $l%ino %)ff$lo.

1*. 1,. 1/.

Wh$t do &o) thin1 h$s h$##ened to the %)ff$lo? Ans!er" It is de$d ' It h$s dro!ned ' It is +issin-. Wh$t (o)ld there %e in the flood !$ter? (lines 11 = 1* Ans!er" >lo$ted ($r($sses ' de$d $ni+$ls Tin& (hi#s of tree %$r1s ?i2e t!o re$sons !h& their (lothes $re so$1& $nd torn. (lines *. : = 1* Ans!er" The& h$2e to %r$2e the horrendo)s flood. There $re #ie(es of tree %$r1s in the !$ter. If &o) !ere the #$rent of the %o&. !o)ld &o) -o o)t in the floods to loo1 for &o)r son<s $l%ino %)ff$lo? ?i2e $ re$son to s)##ort &o)r $ns!er. Ans!er" 7es. %e($)se I lo2e +& son. 7es. %e($)se the %)ff$lo is s#e(i$l. No. %e($)se it is too d$n-ero)s. If &o) !ere the %o& in the #oe+. !o)ld &o) $s1 &o)r #$rents to -o o)t in the floods to loo1 for &o)r $l%ino %)ff$lo? ?i2e $ re$son for &o)r $ns!er. Ans!er" 7es. %e($)se the $l%ino %)ff$lo is s#e(i$l. No. %e($)se it is d$n-ero)s for the+ to -o o)t in the floods.



STANZA 3 14. Wh$t do &o) thin1 is the #eo#le<s $ttit)de to!$rds life? Ans!er" The& ne2er (o+#l$in in s#ite of h$rdshi#. The& $re -r$tef)l for !h$te2er the& h$2e. 18. 1:. *;. *1. Whi(h #hr$se tells &o) th$t the& $re )sed to h$rdshi# $nd do not (onsider it $ #ro%le+? Ans!er" 3Witho)t si-h or (o+#l$int6 Wh$t is the (o)#le doin- in the 1it(hen? Ans!er" The& $re +$1in- @o1es !hile rollin- (i-$rette le$2es. Wh$t 1ind of life does the (o)#le le$d? Ans!er" 9$rd life ' diffi()lt life Wh& do the& not (o+#l$in $%o)t their sit)$tion? Ans!er" >e($)se the& $re )sed to h$rdshi#.

HE HAD SUCH QUIET EYES STANZA 1 1. 9o! $re the e&es of the +$n des(ri%ed? Wh$t does it +e$n? Ans!er" Aes(ri%ed $s 3B)iet e&es6. It +e$ns these e&es $re de(ei2in- $nd d$n-ero)s. *. ,. /. 9o! does the #erson$ -et so $ttr$(ted to the +$n? Ans!er" She is $ttr$(ted to his B)iet e&es th$t see+ ($#ti2$tin-. Wh$t does the line two pools of lies (line , refer to? Ans!er" The de(ei2in- e&es of the +$n Wh$t does those quiet eyes were breathing desolate sighs +e$n? (lines 0 = 5

Ans!er" 0. 5.

Those de(ei2in- e&es !ere see1in- s&+#$th&.

Wh$t does imploring her to be nice +e$n? (line 4 Ans!er" It +e$ns she is o%li-ed to %e ni(e to hi+ $nd do $n&thin- to 1ee# hi+ h$##&. Wh$t does the !ord paradise in line 8 s)--est? Ans!er" >liss

STANZA 2 4. If only shed been wise i+#lies the -irl is )n!ise. Wh& is she )n!ise? Ans!er" She is )n!ise %e($)se she did not listen to the $d2i(e -i2en. 8. :. 1;. Wh$t is the $d2i(e -i2en? Ans!er" Ne2er to (o+#ro+ise !ith #le$s)re-see1in- -)&s. Ao &o) thin1 the -irl sho)ld h$2e listened to the $d2i(e -i2en? ?i2e $ re$son for &o)r $ns!er. Ans!er" 7es. Then she !o)ld not %e %ro1en-he$rted if she h$d listened to the $d2i(e. Wh$t does the eC#ression the hows and whys +e$n? Ans!er" It +e$ns the re$sons for the #ro%le+s $nd ho! the& h$##en.

STANZA 3 11. Wh$t $d2i(e does the #oet -i2e (on(ernin- f$llin- in lo2e? (line 10 Ans!er" One +)st +$1e s)re th$t %ein- ni(e to $ +$n does not +e$n -i2in- in to hi+ #h&si($ll&. 1*. 1,. Ao &o) thin1 it is -ood $d2i(e? Wh&? Ans!er" 7es. One +$n& f$ll in lo2e on(e or t!i(e %efore one finds tr)e lo2e. Wh$t does the line youll never be losing at dice s)--est? Ans!er" One !ill fin$ll& %e s)((essf)l in lo2e $ltho)-h one +$& eC#erien(e he$rt%re$1 on(e or t!i(e %efore th$t. EC#l$in !h$t the eC#erien(e of f$llin- in lo2e is %ein- (o+#$red to. Ans!er" It is %ein- (o+#$red to $ -$+e of di(e. One +$& !in or lose in the -$+e.


NATURE STANZA 1 1. To !ho+ is the #oet referrin- !hen he )ses 3We6? Ans!er" The #eo#le of D$+$i($ ' The D$+$i($ns *. ,. /. The (o)ntr& #ortr$&ed in the #oe+ en@o&s t!o se$sons. Wh$t $re the&? Ans!er" The hot $nd r$in& se$sons N$+e one #l$nt$tion (ro# +entioned in the #oe+. Ans!er" S)-$r ($ne Wh$t so)nds $re he$rd on r$in& d$&s? Ans!er" R$in %e$tin- li1e %)llets on the roof S!ish of !$ter in the -)llies Wh$t does the #hr$se 3hi-h D$+$i($ !inds6 si-nif&? Ans!er" Stron- D$+$i($ !inds ' Stron- #o!er of the !inds in D$+$i($ E)ote $ line to sho! th$t the !ind is destr)(ti2e. Ans!er" 3And trees str)--lin- in hi-h D$+$i($n !inds6

0. 5.

4. 8. :. 1;.

E)ote $ line to sho! th$t the !ind is -entle. Ans!er" 3When the t$ll -r$ss s!$&s $nd shi2ers to the sli-htest %re$th of $ir6 Whi(h !ord s)--ests th$t h$r2estin- is o2er? Ans!er" 3re$#ed6 Whi(h #hr$se s)--ests th$t h$r2estin- is o2er? Ans!er" 3lie %$re $nd f$llo!6 Wh$t ($n %e he$rd $nd s+elt !hen one !$l1s ne$r the %)shes? Ans!er" The so)nd of %ees The s(ent of hone& EC#l$in !h$t e2iden(e sho!s th$t n$t)re is ri(h $nd %o)ntif)l. Ans!er" The +$n-o $nd lo-!ood %losso+ The %)shes $re f)ll of the so)nd of %ees The %)tter()#s (o2er the e$rth Wh$t is +e$nt %& the !ord paved $s )sed in the #oe+? (line 1/ Ans!er" Co2ered Wh$t do the yellow stars refer to? Ans!er" 7ello! %)tter()# flo!ers ' 7ello! %)tter()#s EC#l$in ho! the #erson$ feels $%o)t the !e$ther (onditions in D$+$i($? Ans!er" The #erson$ feels h$##& $%o)t the !e$ther (onditions in D$+$i($ $s he des(ri%es its %e$)t&. Wo)ld &o) li1e to 2isit $ (o)ntr& !ith fo)r se$sons or $ (o)ntr& !ith t!o se$sons? Wh&? Ans!er" I !o)ld li1e to 2isit $ (o)ntr& !ith fo)r se$sons %e($)se I ($n see different s(enes $t differen(e se$sons. I !o)ld li1e to 2isit $ (o)ntr& !ith t!o se$sons %e($)se the !et se$son $nd dr& se$son e$(h h$s its o!n %e$)t&.


1*. 1,. 1/.


ARE YOU STILL PLAYING YOUR FLUTE? STANZA 1 1. At !ho+ is the B)estion 3Are &o) still #l$&in- &o)r fl)te?6 dire(ted? Ans!er" The #oet<s %elo2ed ' The +$n #l$&in- the fl)te ' The fl)tist *. ,. /. 0. Wh$t do &o) 1no! $%o)t the #oet<s %elo2ed? Ans!er" 9e #l$&s the fl)te in the 2ill$-e. Wh$t is the #ro%le+ in the rel$tionshi# %et!een the #erson$ $nd the fl)tist? (line * Ans!er" There is h$rdl& ti+e for their lo2e. 9o! does the +elod& $ffe(t the #erson$? Ans!er" She feels -)ilt& lon-in- for his +elod& ' son-. Wh$t is +e$nt %& the #hr$se to the depth of my heart? (line 1; Ans!er" To the (entre of her %ein- ' To the %otto+ of her he$rt

STANZA 2 5. Wh$t h$s h$##ened to the 2ill$-e? (lines 1* = 1, Ans!er" The 2ill$-e h$s %e(o+e B)iet $nd deserted. The ri(e fields $re not fertile $n&+ore. 4. 8. Wh& is the fl)tist<s 2ill$-e deserted $nd its ri(e field si(1? Ans!er" Peo#le h$2e +o2ed to the (it& so. 2er& fe! #eo#le !or1 in the ri(e fields. Wh$t $re the #le$s)r$%le #$sti+es in the 2ill$-e? Ans!er" W$t(hin- the r$in ?$Fin- $t the e2enin- r$&s Colle(tin- de! dro#s En@o&in- the fr$-r$n(e of flo!ers Wh& do &o) thin1 the fl)tist is not le$2in- his 2ill$-e? Ans!er" 9e lo2es the #e$(ef)l (o)ntr&side. 9e does not li1e the h)stle $nd %)stle of the (it&. Where do &o) thin1 the #erson$ #ro%$%l& is? Ans!er" In the (it& Wo)ld &o) li1e to %e in the s$+e #l$(e $s the #erson$? Wh&? Ans!er" No. I !o)ld r$ther %e in the 2ill$-e $nd en@o& the %e$)t& of n$t)re. 7es. %e($)se I lo2e the +odern lifest&le in the (it&.


1;. 11.

STANZA 3 1*. Wh& do &o) thin1 the #erson$ re#e$ts the B)estion. Are you still playing your flute? Ans!er" To e+#h$siFe her feelin- of dis$##oint+ent or fr)str$tion !ith the fl)tist. 1,. Ao &o) thin1 she sho)ld %e re#e$tin- the B)estion? Wh&? Ans!er" 7es. she sho)ld %e($)se the other #erson does not see+ to %e $ffe(ted %& $ll her #ro%le+s. No. %e($)se it is r)de to do so. Wh$t $re the #ro%le+s the #erson$<s %rothers f$(e? Ans!er" The& $re )ne+#lo&ed $nd des#er$te. Wh$t #ro%le+s do &o) thin1 the #erson$<s (o)ntr& is f$(in-? Ans!er" 9er #eo#le $re dis)nited #oliti($ll&. There is %loodshed. ' 9er friend !$s 1illed +er(ilessl&. There is )nrest. There is )ne+#lo&+ent. ' Peo#le $re @o%less. ' Peo#le h$2e no !or1.

1/. 10.


9o! !o)ld &o) re$(t if &o) !ere in the #osition of the #erson$? Ans!er" I !o)ld 1ee# +&self %)s& to for-et the #$st. I !o)ld -i2e e2er&thin- )# $nd follo! +& he$rt. I !o)ld thin1 r$tion$ll& $nd not %e e+otion$l. WRITIN? TIPS



F&'()**+,( *& -.. 's s +e$ns G%elon-in- to<. e.-. We tr$2elled in +& )n(le<s ($r. */) 0-1) -0 In le2el the SPM is s$+e !ith O le2el in the UH. !"# The %$ll is s$+e li1e the offi(i$l Ioot%$ll Asso(i$tion %$ll. !"# 7o)r %i(&(le is s$+e th$n +& little %rother<s. !"# )*23 Most Foos 1ee# the s$+e 1inds of $ni+$ls" lions. ele#h$nts. +on1e&s. et(. !"# Too +$n& &o)n-sters -et in2ol2ed in dr)-s. et(. !"# These d$&s. !o+en !or1 $s te$(hers. do(tors. #oli(e offi(ers. et(. !"# */)') -') -,. */)5 -') ($ there are +e$ns G!e ($n findJ< In +& s(hool there are (>$h$s$ M$l$&si$" $da ei-ht h)ndred #)#ils. $here are so+e t$ll d)ri$n trees %ehind 7)s)f<s ho)se. (% they are Gthe #eo#le (or thin-s !e !ere t$l1in- $%o)t $reJ< Ao &o) 1no! R$fid$h $nd Sel2i? $hey are the %ri-htest -irls in Ior+ Ii2e. So+e ne! st$+#s h$2e %een iss)ed. $hey are on s$le in $ll the #ost offi(es.

S78)'9-*+:)0 ;+*/&7* */) S)#erl$ti2e $d@e(ti2es (!ith G-est< or G+ost< $l!$&s follo! Gthe<" the dirtiest (hild. the most economical ($r. the worst +ist$1e. %ad writing" >est ide$ !$s Si+on<s. Th$t %)ildin- is t$llest in Sin-$#ore. &ood writing" The %est ide$ !$s Si+on<s. Th$t %)ildin- is the t$llest in Sin-$#ore.


I1-(+,-'5 :)'= >&'10? +0 (& -,. ;-0 (&@ +0 ;),* -,. ;-0 ;),* I $+ -oin-. ' 9e is -oin-. !'# I -o. ' 9e -oes. !'# I !$s -oin-. ' 9e !$s -oin-. !'# I !ent. ' 9e !ent. !'# 7o) ($nnot +iC these to +$1e G$+ -o<. Gis -o<. G!$s -o< or e2en Gis !ent<.

A8&0*'&8/) +, ,)(-*+:) :)'=0 9+B) dont, shant &' oughtnt3 P)t the $#ostro#he =)*;)), the n $nd the fin$l t. - sho)ldn<t - h$sn<t - !on<t U,;-,*). -=&7* Ao not )se the !ord G$%o)t< $fter these 2er%s" dis()ss. (onsider. des(ri%e. st)d&. e.-. Mr. Pen- $nd I !ere dis()ssin- $%o)t the s$l$r&. !"# Mr. Pen- $nd I !ere dis()ssin- the s$l$r&. !'# 9 eC#l$in

*&& -,. :)'5 St)dents often !rite too !here the& sho)ld !rite very. $oo does not +e$n G2er&.2er&<. It +e$ns enough to cause a problem(

e.-. e.-. 1D

I $+ too h$##&. !"# I $+ 2er& h$##&. !'# (There is no #ro%le+ $%o)t %ein- h$##&. The s)+ is very e$s&. %)t it is too diffi()lt for Ir$n(is. (Ir$n(is h$s #ro%le+s !ith his s)+

too ,&* 70). ->*)' */) ;&'.0 a &' the e.-. M)st$f$ is $ too f$t %o&. !"# M)st$f$ is too f$t. !'# so +0 70). *&()*/)' ;+*/ that e.-. I felt so tired th$t I l$& do!n $nd fell $slee# $t on(e. !'# The stor& !$s so s$d th$t it +$de +& -r$nd+other (r&. !'# - 2/)-8 8'+2) $ lo! #ri(e $ hi-h #ri(e $ (he$# dress (he$# ho)ses (he$# #hone ($lls $n eC#ensi2e ($r eC#ensi2e (ine+$ ti(1ets $n eC#ensi2e tri# to Indonesi$ e.-. We $re offerin- these #i$nos $t $ (he$# #ri(e. !"# We $re offerin- these #i$nos $t $ lo! #ri(e. !'# -9*/&7(/E3=7* 2-,,&* =) 70). *&()*/)' e.-. Altho)-h I !$s 2er& %)s&. %)t I +$n$-ed to finish +& ho+e!or1. !"# Altho)-h I !$s 2er& %)s&. I +$n$-ed to finish +& ho+e!or1. !'# I !$s 2er& %)s&. %)t I +$n$-ed to finish +& ho+e!or1. !'# used to ,&* 70). ;+*/ is &' was e.-. As $ &o)n- +$n. ?o#i !$s )sed to 2isit Indi$. !"# As $ &o)n- +$n. ?o#i )sed to 2isit Indi$. !'# !)eaning* &opi regularly did that# e.-. Kietn$+ !$s )sed to %e $ (olon& of Ir$n(e. !"# Kietn$+ )sed to %e $ (olon& of Ir$n(e. !'# !)eaning* it was so for a long time#






been -,. gone -one %een 9e h$s -one to the sho#s. (9e !ent to the sho#s. $nd he is still there. 9e h$s %een to the sho#s. (9e !ent to the sho#s. $nd he h$s (o+e %$(1.


U0) - :-'+)*5 &> 0+189) -,. 2&189)F 0),*),2)0 e.-. The !o+$n !$s sellin- flo!ers. She stood $t the (orner of the street. The old h$--$rd !o+$n !ho !$s sellin- flo!ers stood $t the (orner of the street. E3 -,. I e.-. I. Sheil$ $nd M$@id !ent for $ #i(ni(. !"# Sheil$. M$@id $nd I !ent for $ #i(ni(. !'# G-* */)')H e.-. We $rri2ed e$rl& $nd s$! +$n& h$!1ers $t there. !"#



We $rri2ed e$rl& $nd s$! +$n& h$!1ers there. !'# 19 N71=)'0 &,) *& *), No. 1-1; S#ell (one. t!o. three. fo)r. fi2e. siC. se2en. ei-ht. nine. ten No. 11 $nd $%o2e Write fi-)res I,:),*)./M+070). ;&'.0 I h$d $ lot of ho+e!or1s to do. !"# M& +other !$s %orned in M)$r. !"# She is $ -ood (oo1er. ho+e!or1 !'# !$s %orn !'# (oo1 !'#


S2&') GAH T+80 GAH 02'+8* >&' D+')2*). "'+*+,( #1119/1% L$n-)$-e - $(()r$te !ith onl& o(($sion$l first dr$ft sli#s Senten(e str)(t)res - 2$ried Ko($%)l$r& - !ide $nd #re(ise P)n(t)$tion - $(()r$te S#ellin- - $(()r$te P$r$-r$#hs - h$2e )nit& $nd $re !ell-lin1ed St&le - rele2$nt Tone L $##ro#ri$te GAH 02'+8* >&' C&,*+,7&70 "'+*+,( #1119/1% L$n-)$-e - entirel& $(()r$te. !ith o(($sion$l first dr$ft sli#s Senten(e str)(t)res - 2$ried Ko($%)l$r& - !ide $nd #re(ise P)n(t)$tion - $(()r$te $nd hel#f)l S#ellin- - entirel& $(()r$te P$r$-r$#hs - !ell-#l$nned. )nified $nd lin1ed To#i( - (onsistentl& rele2$nt Interest - $ro)sed $nd s)st$ined thro)-ho)t !ritinGAH 02'+8* >&' S711-'5 A s)st$ined $tte+#t to re#hr$se the teCt EC#ression is se()re Aiffi()lt #hr$ses fro+ the teCt +$& %e s)%stit)ted L$n-)$-e L $(()r$te Errors L o(($sion$l Senten(e str)(t)re L 2$ried M$r1ed $%ilit& to )se ori-in$l (o+#leC s&nt$C P)n(t)$tion L $(()r$te S#ellin- L (orre(t thro)-ho)t GAH 02'+8* >&' L+*)'-*7') C&18&,),* #N&:)9% #1119/2% Consistentl& rele2$nt $nd (on2in(in TeCt)$l e2iden(e L det$iled $nd !ell-de2elo#ed L$n-)$-e L $(()r$te Ker& !ell-or-$nised SPM 2DD<

7o)r friend. !ho li2es in $nother to!n. !$nts to 1no! !hether he'she (o)ld r)n for the #ost of 9e$d Prefe(t. Write $ letter to &o)r friend -i2in- re$sons !h& he'she !o)ld +$1e $ -ood 9e$d Prefe(t. Use the notes -i2en %elo! to !rite &o)r letter. P)'0&,-9 Q7-9+*+)0? friendl& res#onsi%le hel#f)l A2-.)1+2 P)'>&'1-,2)? intelli-ent st)dent h$rd-!or1in #ro%le+ sol2er C&I27''+279-' I,:&9:)1),*? >l)e 9o)se C$#t$in se(ret$r& of En-lish L$n-)$-e So(iet& s(hool de%$ter O*/)' 8&+,*0? li2es ne$r s(hool L $%le to s$(rifi(e ti+e -ood st)d& h$%its L $($de+i( #erfor+$n(e !ill not %e $ffe(ted #o#)l$r !ith st)dents $nd te$(hers

When !ritin- &o)r letter. &o) sho)ld re+e+%er to in(l)de the follo!in-" $ddress s$l)t$tion'-reetin (lose -99 the notes -i2en SPM 2DDA 7o) h$2e %een $s1ed %& &o)r te$(her to -i2e $ *-9B on $ referen(e %oo1 th$t is )sef)l to se(ond$r& st)dents. 7o) h$2e de(ided to t$l1 $%o)t $ s(ien(e %oo1. Use the follo!in- notes $%o)t the %oo1 to !rite &o)r *-9B. D)*-+90 &> */) =&&B Title" S(ien(e M$de Si+#le A)thor" Sh$rif$h Sh$F$n$ P)%lisher" >)n-$ P)%li($tions When !ritin- the *-9B. &o) sho)ld re+e+%er" to )se $n $##ro#ri$te -reetin- $nd (losinto st$te the #)r#ose of the t$l1. the t$l1 is for st)dents to )se -99 the notes -i2en to -i2e *;& other re$sons of &o)r o!n R)-0&,0 ;/5 */) =&&B +0 70)>79 $ttr$(ti2e #resent$tion (le$r eC#l$n$tions hel#f)l di$-r$+s 2$riet& of eCer(ises s$+#le $ns!ers #r$(ti(e B)estion #$#ers )sef)l ti#s

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