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INTRODUCTION. Dunia sedang menghadapi alaf baru . Sehingga kini dunia telah menyaksikan banyak perubahan .

Perubahan-perubahan itu telah memberi kesan terhadap pertumbuhan economic , sains and teknologi , cara hidup sosio ekonomi , system kepercayaan , nilai and moral masyarakat yang terlibat dengan perubahan ini . Corak kehidupan hasil from proses modenisasi telah memberi peluang kepada nilai-nilai individualistic , materialistic and semangat bersaing untuk bertapak in Malaysia society zaman ini . Modernization currently also seems togo hand-in-hand ith urbanization and employment that typically entails long hours and e!pectations of company loyalty . "here is thus a corresponding de-emphasis of family and leisure and a breakdo n of traditional communities . #rbanites also are e!posed to increasing environmental pollution and disconnectedness from nature and in many cases sacrifice even more of their precious time commuting to and from ork . Many individual and nations are e!periencing modernization at difference level . Modernization has become and unavoidable phenomena .$Countries that embrace modernization ill rise ine!orably from barbarism to ever greater levels of development and civilization . "he more modern state ould be ealthier and more po erful, and their citizens freer and having a higher standard of living .$ % "alcott Parsons & . Smelser %'())*+),& defines modernization as a couples set of changes that take place in almost every part of society as a society attempts to industrialize . -our general characteristics of modernization * '& "here is a shift from the simple to the comple! . .& /griculture progresses from being oriented to ard subsistence farming that occurs on small plots to commercial farming of large scale . +& "here is a trend to ard industrialization . 0uman and animal po er are deemphasized and are replaced by machinery driven production . 1& Society changes from one centered on the rural to one centered on cities .


Malaysia is e!periencing both tremendous urbanization processes and challenges. 2ands are developed and converted into ne housing estates and industrial lots, urbanizing many rural populations and pushing them into foreign urban environments. Some are caught unprepared. 0i tech industrial parks are built ithin village populations, bringing both 3ob and business opportunities as ell as unforeseen social ills. Despite the fact that Malaysia is developing fast, social planning has been neglected. "he concern of the societal needs in urban planning is often delivered in the forms of physical infrastructure such as hospitals, parks, religious buildings and so on. Most of the time, housing and urban design are intended for adults, regardless of the gro ing number and needs of the younger population. 4nly rarely are the social directions and needs as ell as outside trends and threats incorporated into urban master plans. "he threats of 5" revolution and the modernization drive are real. "oday, Malaysia is facing various alarming youth-related social problems, such as drug addiction, the 6lack Metal Movement, and others. "his paper ill discuss the present and future scenario of the children of Malaysia and problems associated ith industrialization from the urban planning perspective. 5t specifically focuses on diverse social ills emerging among Malaysian youth. "hese are the results of stressful physical living environments7a conse8uence of over focus on physical planning and materialistic gro th. Modernization has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society and this ill be discussed in the subse8uent paragraphs . MODERNIZATION ON ECONOMIC . "he Malay Peninsula and indeed Southeast /sia has been a center for trade for centuries. 9arious items such as porcelain and spice ere actively traded even before Malacca and Singapore rose to prominence. 5n the ',th century, large deposits of tin ere found in several Malay states. 2ater, as the 6ritish started to take over as administrators of Malaya, rubber and palm oil trees ere introduced for commercial purposes. 4ver

time, Malaya became the orld:s ma3or largest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil. "hese three commodities along ith other ra materials firmly set Malaysia:s economic tempo ell into the mid-.;th century. 5n '(,;s, Malaysia imitated the footsteps of the original four /sian "igers and committed itself to a transition from being reliant on mining and agriculture to an economy that depends more on manufacturing. <ith =apan:s assistance, heavy industries flourished and in a matter of years, Malaysian e!ports became the country primary gro th engine. Malaysia consistently achieved more than ,> ?DP gro th along ith lo inflation in the '();s and the '((;s. During the same period, the government tried to eradicate poverty ith a controversial race-conscious program called @e Aconomic Policy %@AP&. 0o ever , Bapid industrialization in Malaysia in the past t o decades had also increased the rate of urbanization. <ith this come along various urban issues. "he urban population s elled from +,> in '()' to C,> in .;;;. "he number of children in Malaysia is estimated to be around 1) percent of the total population. "his number is significant considering they ill make up the orking class group in the year .;.;7the target year of MalaysiaDs .;.; 9ision, here the country is set to be a fully developed nation. 5n .;.; also, more than t o-thirds of the Malaysian population ill reside in the urban area and authorities ill face greater challenges in handling at least '; million children and their families. Table 1: Population of Malaysia ( !!!" #ea$ "otal Population Malay Chinese 5ndian 4thers -oreigner 1%&! ';.C C.( +.E ;.( ;.;) 2000 .+.. '+.C C., '.E ;.) '.E Growth Rate (%) (1970-2000) .., .., '.C '.) ,.+ -

Source* Modified from Malaysian Statistical Department, '()+, .;;'.

"he rates of urbanization strongly correlate to increases in per capita income and improved access to essential services and amenities. #rban d ellers have higher incomes and live healthier, easier lives than their rural counterparts. #rbanization also generally results in more educational opportunities, improvements in the status of omen and children, increased life e!pectancy, and lo er infant mortality. /t the same time, the urbanization process brings a range of risks, threats, and challenges. "he biggest one, at least for the time being7 according to the Malaysian Charter %'((E&7 is to prepare the urban authorities for increasing demands of the ne era, an important aspect of hich is the development and the protection of children. 2ukman et. al %.;;.& treated the FhippyD culture that has influenced Malaysian youth since the '();s as another ave of ne colonialism. "he economic do nturn in the mid '();s sa a rise in various social problems. / list of social ills common to /mericans, Auropeans, and many other /sians, like the rise in the rates of divorce, crime, out-of edlock pregnancy, drug abuse and 059 infection, are appearing in Malaysia. Selecting Malaysia as a case study, this paper discusses the various forces that influence Malaysian youth in the ake of industrialization, urbanization, modernization, globalization and advances in information technology. 5t ill specifically focus on diverse social ills that have emerged among young Malaysians. "hese are attributed to living in a stressful physical environment, a conse8uence of the emphasis on physical planning and materialistic gro th. Rapi' In'ust$iali(ation an' Its I)pa*ts 5n .;;;, t o-thirds of the orld:s urban population of ..(. billion ill reside in the developing orld. "he total orld population increased by C;> bet een '(,C-.;;; hile total urban population increased by (;> during the same period. 6et een .;;;.;.C, the total urban population ill increase by ..'C billion7 e8uivalent to eight mega cities a year for .C years %Gimm, '(((&. Gimm added that, hile the fact that urbanization is responsible for improving the standard of living for many in the

developing orld, there are also unintended environmental perils and social ills attached to the process. #rbanization and development in Malaysia, according to /bdul Bahim %'((,&, has brought about pressures and changes to the traditional family unit. 4ften, as countries rapidly industrialize, the comple!ities and demands made on the individuals and on families increase. Problems that come ith rapid urbanization include the lo 8uality of public housing, congestion, pollution, traffic, ne diseases, and the ignorance of the poor and disabled. Psychological disturbance from drastic change leaves huge impacts on the physical, social and emotional development of urban children, both rich and poor %Malaysian Charter, '((E&. "he inability to cope ith these demands has heightened social problems through the erosion of the family institution. ?iven its importance in the conte!t of social development, the institution of the family must be strengthened to enable society to ithstand the pressures brought about by rapid modernization %/bdul Bahim, '((,&. Problems associated ith urbanization in Malaysia include the increasing gap in family relations, isolations, and cultural conflicts %Hahaya, '((C&. "he Seventh Malaysian Plan %BM,& plainly associates the rise in social ills among Malaysian youth to industrialization, rapid urbanization, and the rural-urban migration. "his migration has caused a significant drop in the number of youths going to the mos8ues and prayer houses in the rural areas. @or has their presence in urban areas contributed to an increase in mos8ue attendance %Cheu, '((,&. 5t also induced problems like F6oh3anD and F6ohsiaD %se!ual promiscuity& %2ukman et al, .;;.&. Bising costs of living in the cities, on the other hand, force both parents to seek incomes. Children are sent to kindergarten during their absence or foreign maids are hired to FeducateD the children.


"he intercity telecommunication service provided on Peninsular Malaysia mainly by using micro ave radio relay. 5nternational telecommunications are provided through submarine cables and satellite. 5n December .;;1, Anergy, <ater and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Dr 2im Geng Haik reported that only ;.)C per cent or .'),;;1 people in Malaysia used broadband services. 0o ever these values are based on subscriber number, hilst household percentage can reflect the situation more accurately. "his represented an increase from ;.1C> in three 8uarters. 0e also stated that the government targeted usage of C> by .;;E and doubling to ';> by .;;). 2im Geng Haik had urged local telecommunication companies and service provider to open up the last mile and lo er prices to benefit the users. 4ne of the largest and most significant telecommunication company of choice in Malaysia is "elekom Malaysia 6erhad %"M&, providing products and services from fi!ed line, mobile to 5nternet Service Provider. Many facilities from media and communication that e en3oy it , ho ever Modernization in media and communication has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society . Media electronic or media cetak ,merupakan sumber information and kno ledge . 5a cukup berkesan dalam penyebaran berbagai informasi . "erdapat maklumat yang bersifat positive or negative . Memang banyak perkara-perkara positive yang dipaparkan oleh pihak media yang mampu memberikan penga3aran berguna kepada masyarakat .Dalam pada itu , secara langsung atau tidak terdapat 3uga perkara-perkara negative yang disiarkan oleh media massa . <estern culture , modern culture and budaya me ah influence society life style . "echnology of 5nformation and Communication %5C"& also partake contribute to flatten negative symptom selain peranannya is very important for kema3uan sesebuah nation and country . -or A!ample from internet , people can easy access to promo films or informationDs yang boleh men3urus ke arah negative thinking . "eenagers also using CD burner to copy soft are or films from the original CD . 5tDs also for hat happened no , pirate CD sold at IPasar malam$. "hey using this manner to copy that films and sale it to people there .

"he 5nternet connects thousands of computer net orks orld ide . 5t provides users ith several basic types of connection services * '& Alectronic mail %e-mail& for person to person communication . .& / type of electronic , public bulletin board enabling a person to connect ith a group interested in the same topic . +& 5nformation search capabilities for accessing libraries and databases of information through the orld . /pplied the 5nternet , people can get hat mention above . 0o ever ith it also people invited bad effect on Malaysian society for e!ample of electronic mail %e-mail& , the case of Siti @orhaliza , she as libeled ith the other people through the electronic mail . Students also use handset to get the ans er in the e!amination through SMS . "hus through 5nternet and "9 , some people us it to deceive the information or ne s hat people should kno it truly happened for e!ample , refer to -airness J /ccuracy in Beporting for updates on Middle Aast ne s distortions , the area of greatest propaganda and lies . @ote also that /merican "9 usually does not sho the mangled bodies if caused by #.S. actions , hich most of the rest of the orldDs "9 does sho . "hatDs ma3or reason reasons anyone seeing foreign "9 broadcasts gets another vie . #.S. net orks are afraid to lose audience if they sho pictures critical of suffering caused by #.S. policies . <ith the 5nternet too some teenagers upload le d picture . <hen teenagers seen this le d picture or films they ill try them self to feel it ith doing hat they sa it. S.M Saifuddeen %.;;.& further adds that hile humankind applauds the advent of the information age, information itself has been misconstrued and t isted. <hen mankind elcomes cultural assimilation, e find ourselves coming face to face ith disturbing moral issues such as homose!uality, free se!, premarital se!, e!tramarital affairs, incest, statutory rapes, etc. "he Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad %'((E& points out that violence and se! already dominate the screens. /ttempts to reduce this un holesome fare have met ith little success. "he appeal of thrill and sensuality are too great and too

effective for the profit-oriented companies to esche these themes. <ith globalization, the effect of the .1-hour channel "9 ould be to standardize orld culture as promoted by the broadcasting giants of the orld.

CU+TURE A@"AB"/5@MA@"5K/"54@ adalah sebuah karya budaya baru yang telah bertapak di negara Malaysia. Malah budaya ini hasil dari dominasi budaya /merika ke atas budaya bangsa-bangsa lain yang dikenal pasti sebagai cultural imperialism dalam membentuk pasca budaya %post culture&. 4leh itu, budaya entertainmentization merupakan antara budaya dunia yang paling berpengaruh dengan melibatkan penyertaan seluruh lapisan masyarakat pada keseluruhannya. Gehebatan budaya ini 3uga berpunca daripada penerimaan dan sokongan padu oleh pasaran domestik tempatan yang beraliran dengan pasaran domestik /merika seperti syarikat francais dan agensi media hiburan serta pengiklanan sebagai dominasi media terhadap minda rema3a Melayu kota. Gehidupan di kota-kota besar seperti di 6andar raya Guala 2umpur kini turut dibantu oleh ledakan sumber information yang disalurkan menerusi media massa and empayar 5nternet seperti yang diterima oleh kebanyakan massa hari ini. Pembudayaan kota atau bandaran menuruti landasan 6arat lebih pantas dan agresif berlaku dalam conte!t globalisasi semasa. "erdapat tiga perkara yang membantu proses perubahan menerusi kelangsungan seluruh abad ke-.; iaitu, menurut Kurin S., dalam tulisannya Postmodern #rban 2andscapes dengan bersumberkan,Ithe increasing globalization of investment and production, the continuing abstraction of cultural value from material ork, and the shift in derivation of social meaning from production to consumption$ %'((.* ...&. "ambahan pula, pembesaran ka asan kota dan penambahan landskap bandar semestinya menempatkan suatu pengaruh entertainmentization yang men3adikan medan operasi rema3a Melayu kota bertambah luas, bebas apatah lagi dengan pembukaan

gedung membeli-belah, taman hiburan dan pusat hiburan malam. Antertainmentization telah men3adi Isen3ata$ bagi moral negara sebagai Isen3ata ketenteraan baru yang mengelilingi dunia$ tanpa memusnahkan nya a mangsanya, tetapi melenyapkan 3i a budaya peribumi atau pengamalnya secara perlahan-lahan tanpa disedari. Pelbagai unsur luar seperti filem, rentak dan alunan muzik, media, reka corak pakaian, bahasa, ideologi, makanan dan minuman serta ime3 mengakibatkan kehidupan budaya nasional tempatan semakin parah dan diperbodoh-bodohkan. Dalam keadaan ini =ac8ues /ttali telah mengungkapkan baha a filem-filem /merika sebagai dominan pasaran hiburan antarabangsa dan diistilahkannya sebagai budaya hyper yang boleh menyelamatkan ketamadunan dunia. Dengan kata lain, -rancis -ukuyama mengingatkan akan : ahyu: dunia dalam tulisannya "he And of 0istory menyebut baha a :the triumph of the <est:. Geadaan ini telah menggambarkan ada terselindungnya motif-motif yang digerakkan melalui perantaraan melalui entertainmentization tersebut. 4leh itu, masuknya entertainmentization tersebut disambut dengan penuh kegembiraan, dan anak rema3a Melayu di Malaysia khususnya yang mengikutinya menganggap entertainmentization ini sebagai :agama: baru. 4leh sebab itu masyarakat kini khususnya rema3a Melayu kota mencari dan menge3ar hiburan bagi menghilangkan perasaan gelisah, tekanan hidup yang dialaminya dan menemukan kebebasan serta keseronokan yang diidamkan. <olf M.=. %.;;;&, melakarkan perasaan ini sebagai suatu keinginan rema3a dalam mencari erti keseronokan dan eskapisme. Antertainmentization yang diketengahkan ini menun3ukkan media /merika cuba mengeksport budayanya ke dunia lain dalam rangka yang global bagi mendapatkan sokongan pengaruhnya. Gini mereka ber3ayaL /nak-anak muda di negara ini menerima aliran entertainmentization tersebut secara a3ar. =ika dilihat pada kehidupan rema3a Melayu bandaran,lebih sukar memahami faktor dan perubahan semasa yang di ba a oleh entertainmentization diikuti idea globalisasi kini terhadap kesan pada budaya kehidupan mereka. Ga3ian terhadap budaya baru ini %entertainmentization& di3alankan mendapati pada masa sekarang telah berlaku ke

arah sebuah dunia khususnya tamadun dunia yang semakin pasti men3adi :dunia yang berkongsi satu budaya hiburan dan kian bergerak ke arah dunia satu bahasa dan satu budaya:, akibat dampak ini yang di pengaruhi oleh tiga perkara yang makro, iaitu pendidikan, ekonomi dan ledakan teknologi maklumat. Sungguhpun begitu, implikasi sedemikian 3uga telah mengatur, membentuk dan merubah segala nilai, gaya hidup, kekeluargaan, identiti dan budaya setempat, kedaulatan konsumen, media dan komunikasi serta seterusnya konsep hegemoni. @amun dalam mencari perubahan gaya hidup, rema3a Melayu kota berubah men3adi manusia pengguna yang dieksploitasi oleh keadaan pasaran. 6ukan itu saha3a, entertainmentization sedang mentransformasikan rupa bentuk fizikal bandar dari satu corak asal kepada corak baru %atau istilahnya mentransformasikan konsepsi moral ruang bandar&, maka transformasi rupa bentuk itu akan menyebabkan ke3i aan sosial rema3a Melayu kota turut berubah, lantas komunikasi dalam ruang kota 3uga turut berubah. Geadaan ini dibuktikan oleh ka3i selidik yang dilakukan oleh akhbar 6erita 0arian Malaysia pada , dan ) =anuari, .;;+ lalu yang menyebut, Itekanan hidup perbandaran dan kesan pelbagai rancangan televisyen dan filem 6arat banyak memba a kesan negatif pada nilai orang Melayu dari segi gaya berpakaian dan amalan hidup ala 6arat$. Senario di kota besar seperti di Guala 2umpur ini amalan peluk dan cium sudah men3adi sesuatu yang biasa bagi generasi rema3a tanpa menghiraukan keadaan khalayak disekitarnya. 6erdasarkan artikel yang dimuatkan dalam sebuah ebsite tempatan menyebut amalan yang dilakukan tersebut tidak mendapat tentangan dari ibu bapa mereka, malah ia tidak dianggap meruntuhkan moral. 5ni menandakan suatu tingkat kebimbangan alaupun ia masih diparas yang minimum, namun keadaan akan menentukan segalanya, 3ika sesuatu tindakan pragmatik tidak diambil. Perbuatan lain yang dianggap tidak menggambarkan keruntuhan moral ialah memakai ba3u yang menampakkan pusat %).' peratus&M bertindik di hidung dan anggota lain seperti pusat %'(.1 peratus&. Merokok, terutama di kalangan anita %'1.C peratus&M me arnakan rambut %1E.) peratus&M keluar sehingga le at malam atau a al pagi %'E.' peratus&M serta membaca bahan dan mendengar muzik 6arat %,..E peratus& %Salina /bdullah, :Peluk,


Cium Perkara 6iasa:. 6erita 0arian. http* Capaian pada '' =anuari .;;+&. Di sekitar bandar raya besar Guala 2umpur ini, rema3anya masih longlai dengan pegangan agama dan moralnya, maka aliran budaya entertainmentization tersebut men3adikan rema3a tempatan sebagai pengguna yang dapat mempertahankan gaya hidup dan identiti ala pen3a3ahan.Dengan implikasi yang diba a oleh entertainmentization sedemikian akan mengubah corak hidup rema3a Melayu kota ke arah pendirian yang :kucar-kacir: disebabkan kurangnya pegangan nilai tersebut. Misalnya u3ud kumpulan sub budaya seperti budaya hipi, punk, budaya bertindik dan anti-agama, serta mementingkan selera makanan segera. 4leh itu, entertainmentization sedemikian men3adi sangat sukar untuk dipisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat rema3a kota ketika ini. Persoalannya, perlakuan yang diikuti ini berasaskan pada kepercayaan masing-masing, selagi tidak menyalahi undang-undang negara, alaupun ia bertentangan dengan agama %mengetepikan hukum agama& ia tetap dilakukan. Masing-masing mengikut perasaan dan ge3olak darah panas Dengan implikasi yang diba a oleh entertainmentization sedemikian akan mengubah corak hidup rema3a Melayu kota perlahan-lahan yang mabuk dengan keseronokan dan kebebasan disebabkan kurangnya pegangan nilai seperti yang di3elaskan. "ernyata apa yang ada Odi belakang dan di hadapanO, entertainmentization ini bukan hanya estetika semata-mata, 3usteru dari segi keilmuannya yang 3itu untuk membangunkan fakulti pemikiran yang direkonstruksi %dibina semula&. Selama ini ia masih dimanfaatkan sebagai peker3aan yang sia-sia dan masih berkubang dalam hegemoni budaya. ,UDA#A +EPA- . 5n Malaysia e speak of budaya lepak, hich refers to the phenomenon of teenagers hanging out at shopping comple!es, malls, supermarkets and transportation terminals. "he loitering culture has become a national concern, in particular of the Ministry of


Houth and Sports hich has said it ants to launch a campaign to arrest its gro th. 5 have further identified three underlying causes of the these conditions*

"he cost of living is escalating, re8uiring that both parents ork to maintain the family. Many have even taken up second 3obs to meet car installments, housing mortgages, holiday loans, credit card debts and other costs of modern living.

"he mark of success has been narro ed to one thing* money. Money is no the ultimate po er over people and resources, the sole means of up ard mobility. / materialistic consumer culture of affluence and aste traps everyone in a system here the rich gro richer and strengthen their control.

"hese causes all follo from a gro th-led development approach. <e ant more not because e need more. <e simply have to have more. 6ut as Mahatma ?andhi taught* O"here is enough for every man:s needM but not enough for every man:s greed.O. "he gro th-led economic model is the root cause not only of the problem of the loitering culture, but many other social problems like family breakdo n, drug addiction, alcoholism, crimes, corruption, breach of trust, gro ing poverty, social violence, environmental degradation, and illegal immigration. "he loitering culture is simply one of the many symptoms of a gro th-led economic model that has reached its outer limits in a finite orld. "he bubble has started to burst. Quantitative gro th is no longer possible in a finite orld ithout adverse social and environmental conse8uences. <e must aspire to qualitative gro th .Coming back to the specific problem of the loitering culture, e must develop strategies in five areas*

<e must strengthen the institutions of family and community. "raditions of community self-help might be reactivated to provide opportunities for teenagers to get together in family and community settings.

"he Ministry of Houth and Sports must e!tend its concern to include recreation. "eenagers must be involved in planning and developing programs and facilities for their o n recreation and education.


Aach local government must undertake community programs and programs that involve youth in making voluntary contributions to the community to ard building a caring and sharing society. -or such efforts they might be a arded points to ard scholarships, entry into the university, or priority in 3ob applications.

<e must then ork to transform the consumer culture to a conserver and a responsible consumer culture, in particular among teenagers. "he consumer movement is doing some good ork in this area. 5ts initiatives must be supported by the community and the government.

Bedefine our national ob3ectives to focus on 8ualitative gro th. "his means concentrating on sustainable livelihoods that promote 3ob satisfaction and creativity. 5t means planning and developing a better living environment ith ade8uate housing, efficient public transport, health care, and public amenities like parks and recreational facilities. People must be relieved of the pressure and greed to make money. 5nstead e must learn once again to appreciate the family and community life that are essential ingredients for a better 8uality of life.

.OCIA+ . Modernization has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society. /ccording to Moha /sri %'((,&, debacle of social value among society in Malaysia is not something ne . "hat is said starting infectious in Malaysian society life at beginning of year '(E; . 0o ever ,phase of increased symptom of this debacle social value become broader ending of year '(); , '((; until today cause of modernizations . "his situation very an!iously because many of them incriminated ith this symptom are group of teenagers is an important assets for Malaysia future .Modernization has eroded various aspects of Malaysian society for e!ample in terms of social behavior e find teenagers disrespecting their elders in society . "eenagers become involved in secrets societies satanic cult , free se! , deviant teachings , drugs abuse, entertainmentization and hedonistic life style .


Malaysia is a conservative country ith east ards culture .0o ever, infectious of hedonistic culture bring from <estern already contaminated immemorial culture and loosing social control system in this country for e!ample , in "he @e Straits "imes article , shop lot operators complained about the immoral behavior of school students in a shopping center in the northern to n of Gangar . /ccording to the article , I "eenage couples are having no 8ualms of Idoing their thing$ in secluded spots particular along the emergency e!its hile garbed in their school uniform . I5 sa t o couples in school uniform entering one of the emergency e!its and re-appeared after about one hour , the girls ere no longer earing their mini telekung hen they came out and their hair as decidedly disheveled$. /ll this happened caused from modernization in hedonistic life style . Modenisasi memba a hambatan budaya kepada life style and society thinking . Structure of society social life banyak change . Muda-mudi bergaul bebas , tidak menghiraukan batas-batas a3aran agama , tatasusila dan nilai-nilai murni ketimuran .6egitu 3uga dari segi pakaian dan aksesori perhiasan , terdapat kaum lelaki yang berpakaian atau berhias seperti perempuan , sebaliknya perempuan berpakaian seperti lelaki . lain lagi halnya dengan pakaian FrockersD yang dianggap fesyen pakaian modern . "ake the case of ho modernization has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society in deviant teaching originating from the <est like I6lack metal$ . Masalah black metal merupakan masalah masyarakat yang telah membelakangkan adab dan budayanya sendiri sehingga u3ud satu kekosongan . Gegiatan black metal adalah sesuatu kegiatan yang mempunyai unsure pemu3aan dan penyembahan syaitan malah ada pengikut mereka yang sudah meminum darah kambing sebagai tanda setia kepada kumpulan mereka .Di antara unsur lain ialah mendengar muzik yang memu3a syaitan . 5n Malaysia one of their ritual is to burn the 0oly PurDan , indulge in free se! , free mi!ing and drug abuse . CONC+U.ION.


5n my opinion , modernization has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society .Proses permodenan ini telah memberikan kesan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi , Sains dan teknologi , cara hidup , sosio ekonomi , system kepercayaan , nilai dan moral masyarakat Malaysia . Corak kehidupan hasil daripada proses modenisasi telah memberi peluang kepada nilai-nilai individualistic , materialistic dan semangat bersaing untuk bertapak di dalam masyarakat Malaysia zaman ini . . 5t is because of human velue and moral princip semakin nipis dan menimbulkan banyak masalah kepada masyarakat akibat proses modenisasi . -enomena social yang berlaku di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia terutamanya golongan rema3a hari ini merupakan suatu perkara yang amat membimbangkan semua pihak ketika in Diantara kes yang membabitkan keruntuhan akhlak dan moral masyarakat Malaysia terutamanya golongan rema3a akibat daripada modenisasi ialah seperti peras ugut , salah guna dadah , mencabul kehormatan , pelacuran , mencuri , ber3udi , menceroboh dan memba a sen3ata . Pendedahan masyarakat kepada teknologi komunikasi terkini telah mendatangkan kesan buruk di kalangan masyarakat . 4leh itu , setiap ahli masyarakat perlu mempunyai peranan masing-masing . Setiap individu perlu melaksanakan peranan dan tanggung3a ab masing-masing dengan sempurna kerana setiap satu ada perkaitannya . Dahulu masyarakat petani bergotong royong menger3akan sa ah dan ladang mereka tetapi pada hari ini tidak lagi disebabkan penggunaan peralatan pertanian yang moden . Semangat ker3asama dan bersatu padu semakin luntur . Penggunaan ba3a yang bercampur bahan kimia di dalam tanaman 3uga telah menyebabkan masyarakat Malaysia hari ini banyak menghidapi penyakit dan keracunan . 5ni amat berbeza dari zaman sebelumnya , kerana mereka mempunyai ketahanan badan yang kuat dan mereka 3uga lebih sihat . Dari segi ekonomi , banyak pengangguran yang berlaku di kalangan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya pela3ar lepasan universiti tempatan dan luar @egara . 5ni


disebabkan proses modenisasi dalam sector perkilangan . "enaga manusia tidak banyak diperlukan lagi berbanding zaman sebelum modenisasi . 5ni kerana banyak peker3aan yang dilakukan oleh manusia digantikan dengan mesin . Modenisasi ini telah menyebabkan ramai peker3a dibuang dan peluang peker3aan semakin sempit . Modernization has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society . 4leh itu semua pihak perlu memainkan peranan kearah menangani masalah tersebut . Peranan media dan telekumunikasi terutamanya amat penting bagi memberikan kesedaran kepada masyarakat dan menapis serta menyekat unsur Q unsur tidak bermoral dari 6arat daripada memasuki Malaysia . Pengambilan peker3a asing perlu dikurangkan oleh kera3aan bagi membolehkan peluang peker3aan tersebut diisi oleh rakyat Malaysia . Sungguhpun modenisasi itu penting , ho ever it has a systematic detrimental effect on Malaysian society .

RE/ERENCE '& http*NNen. ikipedia.orgN ikiNBoyalRMalaysianR/irR-orce .& http*NN .kiat.netNmalaysiaNG2N


+& http*NN 1& http*NN

.msu.eduNunitNphlNdevconferenceN2ittlepanelpresentation.pdf .delmar.eduNsocsciNrlongNintroNchange.htm

C& http*NNtuanmat.tripod.comNanalisa.html 0" ,A1AN -IMIA DA+AM MA-ANAN %=amal khair hashim& %@oraini DatoD Mohd. 4thman& De an 6ahasa dan Pustaka '((, &" PEN2URU.AN +ADAN2 Teo$i 'an A)alan %/hmad Mahdzan /yob& De an 6ahasa dan Pustaka N Gementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Guala 2umpur '((; . )& Keseronokan Remaja Kota Kuala Lumpur
Oleh Asharil Suhardi B. Abdulah


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