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Hope Community Bible Church


November 17, 2013 Welcome to our Church

Worship Service
Doxology !"r#i$e %o& 'rom (hom )ll *le$$ing$ +low, -pening "r#yer )nnouncement$ -''ertory.-''ering /ymn /ymn 0emory 1er$e 26 442

Hebrews 13:15 (KJV) *y him there'ore let u$ o''er the $#cri'ice o' pr#i$e to %o& continu#lly2 th#t i$2 the 'ruit o' our lip$ gi3ing th#n4$ to hi$ n#me.
5peci#l 0u$ic /ymn 5cripture 6e#&ing 2 7orinthi#n$ 4 8-80 0e$$#ge /ymn D-(9 *:; 9-; -:; 564 423


Please turn off all Cell Phones Evening Service 6:00 pm2 )ll #re welcome& #n& in3ite& to #tten&2 Monday 7:00 pm2 0en<$ "r#yer Wednesday 7:00 pm2 0i&-wee4 *ible 5tu&y #n& "r#yer.=n >ibr#ry CHRIST !S "R#J$CT: ;hi$ ye#r we will be collecting money to be $ent to #$$i$t three mi$$ion#ry '#milie$ ;he 5pe#r$2 the ?#cob$ #n& the :n&erhill$. %i't$ $houl& be m#r4e& !Christmas Project,. K%&%H% R$SI'$NTS (I)T *IST: "o$te& in the b#c4 entry. *!'I$S+ )$**#,SHI"-CR!)T NI(HT: 6:00 p%m. ?oin u$ 'or &inner2 # &e3otion#l2 #n& cr#'t$. "le#$e bring # 'oo& &i$h to $h#re. *e3er#ge$ #n& &e$$ert will be pro3i&e&. =n$te#& o' # 7hri$tm#$ %i't @xch#nge thi$ ye#r2 we woul& li4e to help repleni$h our 0i$$ion 7he$t ('or our mi$$ion#rie$). (oul& you 4in&ly con$i&er bringing # &on#tion 'or the 0i$$ion 7he$tA +or $ugge$te& item$ nee&e&2 ple#$e $ee the li$t po$te& on the bulletin bo#r& in the b#c4 'oyer. "!ST#R !N' '$&&I !,!3: +ri&#y2 9o3ember 22n& through 5#tur&#y2 9o3ember 30th. "!ST#R+S )$**#,SHI" !N' *4NCH$#N: 0on&#y2 December 2n& #t 80 00 #m. '$C#R!T$ CH4RCH: 5un&#y2 December Bth &uring 5un&#y 5chool. 2

Greeter/Ushers: Sam Evening Offering: Fuel Fund

Church Cleaners: Sheila & Ruth Nurser /!inder Church: "e##i

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