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Zachary J.

55 Watts Street,
New York City, NY, 10013
!"#101$%g&ai'.co& Professional Email Needed
*o Who& +t ,ay Concern- ./ather yo0 1in# a 2erson3s na&e4
,y na&e is Zachary J. Dragone. 5or the 2ast se6en years, + ha6e worke# 1or a co&&ercia' rea' estate
co&2any in 7ast 8ong&ea#ow, ,assach0setts .Co&2any Na&e94. Not on'y #i# + ser6e as an e:ec0ti6e
assistant, + was a 2ro"ect &anager an# co&2any re2resentati6e with s02er$ inter2ersona' ski''s. ,y
#e#ication, #eter&ination an# 2ast work e:2erience &ake &e the 2er1ect can#i#ate 1or the 2osition o1
e:ec0ti6e assistant. ;''ow &e to s0&&ari!e $rie1'y what <0a'ities + ha6e-
A drive for perfection: + a& 2assionate a$o0t &y work an# co&2'ete it with .=se a #i11erent wor# than
o$sessi6e, e:. Care10'(,etic0'o0s4 attention to #etai'. + s2en# as &0ch ti&e as is necessary to go a$o6e an#
$eyon# what is re<0ire#, an# work as &any ho0rs as it takes to #o a "o$ as we'' as it can $e #one. ,y
#e#ication ens0res that &istakes #o not occ0r, o11ice a11airs r0n s&ooth'y, an# 2ro"ects an# 2resentations
i&2ress c'ients an# 'ea#ershi2 a'ike.
Managerial excellence: D0ring the co0rse o1 &y work, + ha# to 0n#ertake n0&ero0s, e:tre&e'y co&2'e:
tasks si&0'taneo0s'y an# #e'i6ere# e:ce2tiona''y high 'e6e's o1 2er1or&ance on a'' o1 the&. + worke#
c'ose'y with o0r #e6e'o2&ent 2artners, inc'0#ing a nationa' ga&ing 1ir&, the >ennsy'6ania /ea' 7state
+n6est&ent *r0st, an# >/ an# 'o$$ying 1ir&s to create a co&2rehensi6e #e6e'o2&ent 2'an an# 2o'itica'
strategy that wo0'# he'2 0s win a 'icense to $0i'# a resort casino. ?nce o0r 2'an was 1ina'i!e#, it was &y
#0ty to o6ersee its i&2'e&entation an# ens0re that any 2ro$'e&s or 0n1oreseen e6ents were recogni!e# an#
reso'6e# instant'y. + was a'so 1re<0ent'y taske# with 'earning new ski''s. 5or e:a&2'e, when &y co&2any
so0ght to se'' e<0ity shares o1 a 2ro"ect it was 0n#ertaking, + ha# to <0ick'y 'earn 1inancia' &o#e'ing so +
co0'# $etter work with o0r 2artners, ;ng'er Ca2ita', a he#ge 10n# $ase# o0t o1 @reenwich, C*. + thri6e
0n#er 2ress0re an# &aintain strict co&2os0re ens0ring that a'' #ecisions, $ig or s&a'', regar#'ess o1 ti&e
constraints, are a##resse# with a ca'& &in#.
Interpersonal expertise: D0ring &y ten0re, + a'so ser6e# as a re2resentati6e 1or &y co&2any. +n a##ition
to &eeting with 2otentia' 2artners an# &arketing o0r 2'ans, + ha6e atten#e# o6er 50 2o'itica' 10nctions with
'oca' an# state o11icia's, inc'0#ing se6era' 2ri6ate #inners with the go6ernor o1 ,assach0setts $oth at the
state ho0se an# his s0&&er ho&e in Western ,assach0setts. ,y ro'e was not on'y to ser6e as the 1ace o1
the co&2any, $0t was to in1or& an# garner 'aw&akers s022ort 1or o0r e11orts. *his re<0ire# e:ce2tiona'
re'ationshi2 &anage&ent an# inter2ersona' ski''s, as we'' as an inti&ate know'e#ge o1 a'' as2ects o1 o0r
2ro"ect an# the 'egis'ati6e 2rocess.
+ wo0'# $e thri''e# to ha6e the o22ort0nity to #isc0ss this 2osition with yo0r 1ir&. + can $e reache# in
con1i#ence at the a$o6e te'e2hone n0&$er or eA&ai' a##ress. + eager'y 'ook 1orwar# to hearing 1ro& yo0.
Zachary J. Dragone
Z ;CB;/Y D/;@?N7
55 Watts Street, New York City, NY, 10013 413.244.404 !"#101$%g&ai'.co&
> /?5 7 S S + ?N;8 7 C> 7 /+ 7 NC7
N?/*B7;S* /7;8+*Y, 7;S* 8?N@,7;D?W, ,;SS;CB=S7**S
Executive Assistant, Project Manager, January 2007 June 2014
Make the Title of your ompany and Position !igger" make the follo#ing
su$headers smaller
Provided high level executive assistance to president of consulting group involved in
developing a resort casino, commercial development and the legislative process:
;cte# as gatekee2er 1or a'' inco&ing 2hone ca''s an# &essages.
+nter1ace# with e:ec0ti6e 'ea#ershi2 o1 se6era' 20$'ic'y tra#e# co&2anies.
,anage# e:tre&e'y $0sy tra6e' an# &eeting sche#0'es. Coor#inate# tra6e' an# &eetings $oth
'oca''y an# across the co0ntryD 1a&i'iar with internationa' tra6e', 6isa an# other re<0ire&ents.
Ban#'e# a'' e'ectronic &ai', res2on#ing when necessary an# on'y $ringing i&2ortant #oc0&ents to
'ea#ershi23s attention. Ee2t a'' re'e6ant 2arties 02 to #ate with $reaking in1or&ation 24 ho0rs a #ay.
Con#0cte# research, ana'y!e# #ata, asse&$'e# 2resentations an# ke2t 2artners 02 to #ate on iss0es
s0ch as 'oca' 2o'itics, 'egis'ati6e action, etc.
*r0ste# with con1i#entia' contracts an# 'ega' #oc0&ents.
>'ay with &argins an# think a$o0t a##ing an e:tra s2ace $etween each section. *ry to kee2 it to one 2age,
Liaison and project manager for business strategy in Massachusetts:
De6e'o2e# a 2'an to &arket a resort casino to the town o1 >a'&er, ,assach0setts.
Coor#inate# an# he'# &eetings with 6ario0s state o11icia's to &arket co&2any 2'an to #e6e'o2 a
resort casino an# he'2 &o6e 'egis'ation 1orwar# thro0gh the ,assach0setts Bo0se an# Senate.
,anage# o6era'' strategy an# synergy $etween go6ern&ent re'ations, #e6e'o2&ent an# 2o'itica'
ca&2aign gro02s. 7ns0re# that e6eryone worke# together on their a22ro2riate tasks. .kee2 2ast
tense consistent4
Coor#inate# 6oter o0treach e11orts to he'2 0s to #e6e'o2 a 2ro#0ct resi#ents wo0'# s022ort. ,et
1re<0ent'y with o0r ga&ing 2artner3s e:ec0ti6e 'ea#ershi2 to #isc0ss tren#s, 20$'ic o2inions an# any
necessary changes to the ca&2aign.
Pursued end users for both gaming and non-gaming development:
>0rs0e# en# 0sers 1or 150F acres o1 2ri&e 2ro2erty near a ,assach0setts t0rn2ike e:it. *his
0'ti&ate'y 'e# to a 'ease with a 'arge, nationa' casino $ran# to $0i'# a resort casino.
Worke# with the >ennsy'6ania /ea' 7state +n6est&ent *r0st .>/7+*4 e:ec0ti6e 'ea#ershi2 an#
he'2e# 1or& a #e6e'o2&ent 2artnershi2 1or a &i:e#A0se #e6e'o2&ent.
Worke# c'ose'y with ;ng'er Ca2ita', a @reenwich he#ge 10n#, an# he'2e# #e6e'o2 a 2'an to &arket
e<0ity shares o1 o0r casino 2ro"ect to <0a'i1ie# in6estors. .,?G7 *B+S 5+/S* +5 Y?= W;N* *?
;>>8Y 5?/ 5+N;NC74
7 D = C ;*+ ? N
W7S*7/N N7W 7N@8;ND =N+G7/S+*Y, S>/+N@5+78D, ,;SS;CB=S7**S
Bachelors Degree - eneral Business !"#$%&'(

; D D + * + ? N ; 8 S E + 8 8 S
C5; 81 can#i#ate .Dece&$er 20144 5inancia' &o#e'ing e:2erience ,S ?11ice s0ite
Bar6ey Dia&on#
>? Ho: I03J
5reeho'#, N.J. 0))2
J0'y 2), 2014
*o who& it &ay concern-
+ ha6e ha# the 2'eas0re o1 knowing Zach Dragone 1or the 2ast ) years. Zach was
a11i'iate# with his 5;,+8Y3S rea' estate #e6e'o2&ent co&2any 'ocate# in Western
,assach0setts. ;s 7:ec0ti6e Gice >resi#ent o1 >/7+*, an NYS7 tra#e# rea' estate
/7+*, + ha# the o22ort0nity to work with Zach on a 2ro2ose# &a"or #e6e'o2&ent in
Western ,assach0setts.
+ 1o0n# Zach to $e a <0ick st0#y with a won#er10' work ethic. ;s a yo0ng &an, sti'' in
schoo', he #e&onstrate# a wi''ingness to 'earn the rea' estate $0siness an# worke#
c'ose'y with >/7+* e:ec0ti6e 'ea#ershi2 in &o6ing the 2ro"ect 1orwar#. Zach
2er1or&e# at the highest 2ossi$'e 'e6e' e6en when working on n0&ero0s #i11erent
2ro"ects with 0s an# was a'ways wi''ing to #o whate6er it took to ens0re that the "o$ was
#one 2ro2er'y.

+ wo0'# gi6e Zach &y highest reco&&en#ation knowing that he wo0'# $e an asset to
any organi!ation that hire# hi&.
Gery tr0'y yo0rs,
Bar6ey Dia&on#

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